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Jun 7th 2023
Wael Hallaq on the exemplary fairness of Muslim courts historically:

"Social equity, which was a major concern of the Muslim court, was defined in moral terms, and it demanded that the morality of the weak..(1/5)

(Book: An introduction to Islamic law) ImageImage
..and underprivileged be accorded no less attention than that attributed to the rich and mighty." (2/5) Image
Hallaq mentions how such an approach ensured the limiting of #injustice as much as possible, giving immense support to the weak and underprivileged peoples: (3/5) Image
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Feb 9th 2023
My experience of "responding with comments" to #PHSO regarding the derisory provisional offer of £1000 for #maladministration is that comments are ignored
"On 8 Dec 2022 we updated our website as we completed & closed stage 2 of our investigation"
#50sWomen #DirectDiscrimination
"Am I, as a #50sWomen affected by this travesty of #injustice, permitted to complain about the stage 1 & 2 findings or not?
I feel as though my concerns are being ignored"

"We are not accepting any new complaints about these issues at present"

#BackTo60 #Waspi
"Thank you for this reply, however, you still ignore my complaints about the findings of stage 1 and 2. 

I repeat, is it possible for me to complain about stage 1 and 2 findings which I firmly believe are flawed?"

I wait with bated breath

#50sWomen #DirectDiscrimination
Read 4 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023

Was this #dogwalker a #whitewoman by any chance?

Because for the life of me, I do not get how all can ignore what happened to #myson #AmbroseGGBall in 8 solid years unless it was @MPSHaringey posting up all the wrong information, wrong days and dates,
the wrong locations, wrong description of clothing , the wrong Fox pub, all different times of the night, leaving out the vital information leading up to during and after my son went @missingpeople, did not response for 56 hours after all the calls myself and others had made over
Read 61 tweets
Dec 24th 2022
MUCH AWAITED THREAD🚨:How Georgina Rodiguez is an undercover Argentine agent paid by Messi Image
2016:Georgina works at Gucci
2016:Messi wears Gucci
🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐 ImageImage
2017: Ronaldo meets Georgina at Gucci store Image
Read 42 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
🎙️Podcast | #LossAndDamage

Ahead of #COP27,
@NELSON84139702 shares what L&D means to youths
@BakhtaouiInes & @ZShawoo present insights on the gaps, #ClimateJustice principles, and how to operationalise a fair, feasible & effective #finance.

🎧Tune in:…
#LossAndDamage is the greatest #injustice we face as #youth.

We are put aside from decision-making processes. We are bearing climate change impacts though we have contributed little to it,” says @NELSON84139702 at @LossDamageYouth.

“We want #LossAndDamageFinanceNow at #COP27.”
Most of the existing #finance is to:
- address immediate response after a climate disaster, provided by humanitarian aid & development organisations
- prevent disasters, related to adaptation & linked to development funds, e.g. #ClimateFinance on early warning systems & insurance
Read 9 tweets
Oct 3rd 2022
1. L'article de Cécile Morin, membre du CLHEE (Collectif Lutte et Handicaps pour l'Égalité et l'Émancipation), du 11/3/2022 dans Médiapart, alerte sur les pénibles conditions de #travail des personnes en situation de lourd #handicap dans les #ESAT.… Image
2. Cécile Morin y parle de l'enquête (durant 6 ans) du journaliste Thibault Petit sur les #ESAT. Il a écrit un livre à ce sujet titré "Handicap à vendre". #handicap #travail… Image
3. Dans son livre "Handicap à vendre", couverture avec la citation "Resteriez-vous sept heures à trier des vis ? eux, oui ! " d'un directeur d'#ESAT , Thibault Petit y dénonce des mauvais traitements subis par les handicapé(e)s dans leur #travail.… Image
Read 12 tweets
Sep 8th 2022
Oui bonjour @Elysee @EmmanuelMacron @gouvernementFR @Elisabeth_Borne @Seb_Delescluse @Sante_Gouv @FrcsBraun @MartinotPauline @olivierveran (#quisait), juste pour vous signaler un nième article aux 🇺🇸 sur les conséquences socio-économiques du #covidlong.
Parce qu'ajouter votre #silence à tout le reste est difficile, d'autant que cela emporte des prises de risques en population générale.
En effet, le #vivreavec laisse à croire que tout est désormais derrière nous et cela est devenu un 🎉 #vivrecommeavant après trop d'efforts.
Erreur énorme et pr laquelle vs ne pourrez pas dire que vous ne saviez pas. Ne pas vouloir être #alarmiste parce que tt le monde n'est pas prêt à savoir tte la vérité sur les #séquelles est 1 chose. Mais ne pas dénombrer (oui ns attendons toujours que la loi @MichelZumkeller
Read 15 tweets
Jul 4th 2022
@NPR is doing its annual reading and tweeting of the #DeclarationOfIndependence. 246 years ago a group of men felt it so important that they risked everything to defy a King & start a path for a democratic republic. Today we’re seeing those values attacked by the stolen #SCOTUS
The #AntiDemocraticParty of the GOP passing laws & ideas to circumnavigate the will of #Americans. On this #IndependenceDay2022, it is time to not celebrate what happened 246 years ago, but to honor it by standing up for our #FellowAmericans ensuring that #Rights and #Freedoms
Are actually for all of us. #Autonomy is a #Right. Not being shot because you look dangerous or are frightened or just went to school #Right. Loving yourself & having your ability to have your own family is a #Right. #Healthcare is a #HumanRight (#AbortionIsHealthcare)
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Jun 27th 2022
1/🧵 Hacked on Twitter - what did I learn⁉️

I & other physicians’ @verified @Twitter accts were hacked last week…
This “micro-dose” of being silenced reminds me to do all I can to amplify the voice of others.
And it made me want to share a few thoughts about this platform…
2/ How did it make me feel?

📍At the mercy of others
📍Out of control

Of course, it’s just social media

But how we handle ourselves here prepares us to fight #Testimonial #Injustice

No one wins if we stifle the voice & truth of another person.
3/ Detachment

I’ve been working on detachment from the lure of worldly things.

When the hackers stole control of my account, my 1st thought was that this was a perfect opportunity for me to practice detachment.

If I’m truly detached, my pulse should remain a calm 46 bpm 😎
Read 11 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
1/🧵 Long COVID Brain Science: 🧠

For ~100M suffering 🌎, let’s use data to combat myths & #Misinformation

COVID is biologically dangerous long after virus is gone

#LongCOVID affects our….

📍Olfactory & Limbic Systems
📍 Interferon Autoimmunity
📍PET scans

How? Image
2/ First, Epidemiological comparisons…


Survivors of viral infxns like #Flu don’t complain of 200 long-term symptoms & ~90% ongoing mood disorders.

#LongCOVID pts do.

Flu kills 0.5M/year vs COVID has killed 10X that (5M) in just 2 years.
3/ Consider this:

A study of 150k COVID survivors, hospitalized & not.

COVID survivors had 10-15X ‼️higher risk of considering #suicide at 1 year than 11M control patients.

This is horrifying, yet people still deny #LongCOVID’s importance.

WHY? ImageImageImage
Read 27 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
1."The balance it (the Court) has fixed upon now favours Govt power over claims of individuals" Aidan O'Neill QC
#50sWomen certainly feel victims of an imbalance of power in the way #SupremeCourt dismissed their case as "out of time"
2. #50sWomen suspect that judges in High Court #judicialreview may have been unduly influenced by Govt misrepresentation of the impact of a positive judgement in favour of our claim
➡️suggestion of "opening floodgates" of similar claims & "unaffordability"
Should be irrelevant!
Prof Conor Gearty QC:
The post 2020 #SupremeCourt has reverted to....."legal formalism"...."displaying an old-school lack of interest in the lived experience of those whose plight have brought them to judges' attention"
Too true for #50sWomen
Read 5 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
Palestinians mark today the 46th anniversary of the Land Day.
#Palestinians mark today the Land Day to commemorate the #protesters who lost their lives and remind the world of the continued #injustice of #historic and ongoing illegal expropriation of Palestinian land.
More details in this report.
Marking the Land Day, Palestinians in Sakhnin city in occupied Palestine laid wreaths of flowers on tombs of the 6 Palestinian youths who were killed by IOF while protesting the Israeli government’s expropriation of 1000s of donums of Palestinian lands in 1976.
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Mar 1st 2022
🧵👏: On day 1 Report Stage of the #NationalityandBordersBill yesterday, the House of Lords voted with compassion & defeated the Government in order to:
1⃣ Allow British nationality rights for descendants of Chagos Islanders denied #citizenship due to historic injustice (237:154)
2⃣Omit #Clause9 which would have given the Home Secretary sweeping powers to deprive people of British citizenship without giving them notice (209:173)
3⃣Ensure Part 2 of the Bill does not authorise policies & decisions that fail to comply with the #RefugeeConvention (218:140)
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Oct 31st 2021
1. 🧵from Women's Budget Group re Autumn Budget 2021


2. Public expenditure on State Pensions in the UK is among the lowest in the OECD; this reflects the fact that the main state pension for current pensioners is nearly £40 per week less than the government’s own poverty threshold (the means-tested minimum guarantee Pension Credit)
3. The new Single Tier Pension is just above the single rate of Pension Credit but due to transitional rules, it will be decades before women generally receive as much state pension as men.

Read 22 tweets
Sep 9th 2021
It is a cruel jest to say to people who have suffered inhumane treatment for centuries to unite with those who have caused a lot of pain


#Biden #Trump #GOPDeathCult #VoterSuppression #AbortionBan #racism #BlackLivesMatter #HumanRights #Truth #Facts #humanity

We give each other a chance when both sides deserve it

What have YOU done if now #racists give you a chance?

Why don't you give JUSTICE a chance?


#Biden #Trump #GOPTraitors #racism #VoterSuppression #HumanRights #BLM #Truth #Facts

#VoteBlue to make your dreams untrue
Vote red & you are dead

There is 3rd option - A new party that will represent the interests of the people

#Biden #Trump #FascistGOP #racism #VoterSuppression #AbortionBan #BLM #Truth #HumanRights
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Aug 16th 2021
21 lesson for the 21st century by Yuval Noah Harari
@harari_yuval Image
Liberal political system has been shaped during the industrial era. today it finds it difficult to deal with the ongoing revolutions in information technology.
Humans have two types of abilities- physical and cognitive.industrial machines had already outperformed humans in the job's where physical abilities were required. Now the AI, Data algorithms are outperforming humans in the job's where cognitive abilities are required
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May 22nd 2021
She loved power; he loved young women.

When Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni married in 2008, after a two-month courtship, many were already starting to guess the likely divorce date.

The rise and fall of France’s golden couple
💕Thirteen years later Bruni and Sarkozy are still married, and by all accounts, closer than ever.

This is despite the pair facing the ultimate relationship test – multiple legal challenges, brought about, Sarkozy claims, by ‘activist judges’. He has strongly denied all claims Image
None of the investigations have ever come to anything – until the former president’s luck ran out.

➡️ In March of 2021 he was convicted of trying to bribe a judge in 2014.

News of the scandal dominated headlines in France and around the world, hitting Sarkozy hard
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Apr 23rd 2021
Are you ready to be a martyr if called to it?
Our society is not perfectly just. There are many shortcomings and issues we face as we work toward a more just society. But, we do not know how to tolerate injustice and suffer injustice with grace and nobility.
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Jan 27th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/27/2021…
Biden wants to squeeze an extra shot of vaccine out of every Pfizer vial. It won’t be easy.…

#vaccine #distribution #contract
More garbage than water: Serbia promises clean-up of hydro reservoir…

#environment #contamination #CleanUp #sustainability
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Sep 16th 2020
“Don’t really get all the #BLM stuff?
400 years ago white people enslaved black people.
And sold them.
And treated them as less than human.
For 250 years.
While white men built the country and created its laws and its systems of government.
While 10, 15 generations of white families got to grow, flourish and make choices that could make their lives better.
150 years ago white people "freed" black people from slavery.
But then angry white people created laws that made it impossible for them to vote.
Or to own land.
Or to have the same rights as white people. And even erected monuments glorifying people who actively had fought to keep them enslaved.
All while another 5, 10 generations of white families got to grow and accumulate wealth and gain land and get an education.
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Sep 13th 2020
These are #NavidAfkari's last words😭:
Let everyone know in 21th century, with all talks about #HumanRights
and declarations in @UN an #innocent individual who did all he could to make his voice heard was executed. know that if I get executed. I will not be the first innocent Image
Victim of this system of #injustice. I did everything to try to make them understad that they are killing an innocent. unaware from day1 of my arrest that me and my family had entered a stage show with the judjes. a show in which we became their puppets and now, I have neither a Image
tribune nor any money...the only #power we have is the energy and voice of the freedom lover people.
@UNICEF @wrestling
@UNHumanRights @hrw #NavidAfkari
@BarackObama @realDonaldTrump Image
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Sep 13th 2020
1/For those who live out of the US, It’s crucial to know that democracy in the US is a big MESS. #HumanRights & #CivilRights are far worse than Islamic states.
@TheJusticeDep is the source of #INJUSTICE because judges& even lawyers whose job is to defend
@POTUS @marklevinshow
2/defendants are fully under control of those who know their secrets (CORRUPT agents @CIA @FBI..who abuse power in their political& personal gains), all work in a vicious cycle, CORRUPT agents frame up people, then judge, prosecutor& lawyer intentionally destroy their lives.
3/In fact, what is happening in US Judicial system is not only an outrageous assault on human dignity, but destruction of whole humanity by violation of people’s Civil& Constitutional Rights& imposing psychological stresses & finacial, physical damages.
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Sep 7th 2020
I don’t want to be on this app this weekend. I popped in to see if there is any key news I don’t want to miss. Instead, I see this absolute trash of an editorial from a news outlet that had recently shown sign of being worthy of the community it serves.@Oregonian #dobetter! 1/?
If I weren’t trying to stay away from keyboards today, perhaps I’d write the op ed about the glaring privilege and utter disconnection that @Oregonian editors exhibited in writing and publishing that piece. 2/
The comfort of the white and wealthy continues to be the focus even for “free” press editors in a so-called progressive city? The O’s hollow cries for peace ignore the reality of #livingwhileBlackinOregon.

Thank goodness for independent journalists covering this moment. 3/
Read 23 tweets

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