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As the Marxist agitator #AdamSmith once said, "People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices."

1/ A caricature of a businessm...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Smith understood that capitalists hate capitalism. They don't want to compete with one another, because that would interfere with their ability to raise the prices their customers pay and reduce the wages they pay their workers.

Read 36 tweets
1/ Did you know that the Iranian regime has been waging a sophisticated campaign in the U.S. Congress against the #Iran uprising & those seeking change in Iran?

The campaign uses MAHSA, who was murdered in Sep 2022 by the regime, to cover its true agenda.

2/ The regime in #Iran aims to derail the revolution & target those seeking regime change, particularly the MEK, the main Iranian opposition.

Using various individuals & dubious groups as cover, Tehran seeks to demonize the MEK & NCRI’s President-Elect @Maryam_Rajavi.
3/ By portraying the ongoing revolution in #Iran as an attempt to return to Shah’s dictatorship, the regime hopes to deflate the uprising inside Iran and discourage international support.

Read 29 tweets
Das @handelsblatt berichtet heute über die neue Studie @DelorsInstitute zu 🇺🇸's Industriepolitik namens #IRA #Bidenomics

Die hat's nämlich in sich🔥

Ein 🧵warum und wie 🇪🇺 darauf antworten muss und was das mit dem #Industriestrompreis zu tun hat (1/16)…
Die Studie quantifiziert (m.E. erstmalig), welche Auswirkungen #IRA Subventionen bzw. tax credits auf die Produktionskosten für klimafreundliche Technologien in 🇺🇸 versus 🇪🇺 und 🇨🇳 haben werden.

Spoiler: einen dramatischen! /2…
Beispiel 1: Batterien für EVs

Gute Nachricht: Sie werden global billiger. Aber aus Perspektive von "Autoland 🇩🇪" sind das beunruhigende Zahlen.
Soll das Herzstück des neuen Antriebsstrangs bald importiert werden? Wie viel Wertschöpfung bleibt dann am Standort? /3 Image
Read 16 tweets
@BABartusiak Ehhh, tyle tu wątków, a w większości diabeł tkwi w szczegółach, że aż nie wiem czy to nadają się na TT. Co mi się "wydaje"? Eurorealista euroentuzjasta? 1/27
@BABartusiak To Pan raczy tu prezentować idealistyczne oczekiwania wobec UE, która śmie nam nie przychylać codziennie nieba i wobec Niemiec, które już w ogóle nie powinny śmieć realizować swoich interesów przez UE 2/27
@BABartusiak To nawet w jednolitym państwie jak nasze, trudno szukać, by Lubelskie zabiegało, co by Wielkopolska miała dość na drogi, a Pomorskie by w Małopolsce było dość szpitali 3/27 Image
Read 28 tweets
Es geht hoch her auf #EconTwitter und #Energietwitter ueber CO2 Preise, Ordnungsrecht und Subventionen. Dabei gibt es solche, die mit Blick auf die USA und den #IRA Subventionen als Allheilmittel der Klimatransformation feiern. Politische steche oekonomische Effizienz. Ein🧵.
Was man sich zunaechst einmal klar machen muss: die Klimatransformation kostet, sie kostet reale Ressourcen, deren Fehlen jemand zu tragen haben wird. Alles, was Politik am Ende kann, ist zu bestimmen, wer den Schaden haben wird.
Natuerlich macht es Sinn, diese Ressourcen aufzuwenden, wenn und weil es uns, wie bei jeder Investition, in Zukunft ein besseres Leben verspricht. Also hier Zustimmung zu @schieritz :

Read 34 tweets
The EU response to the US #IRA is rather pathetic. Its main element of matching #subsidies suggests a lack of a substantive industrial strategy. The national approach will not create a level playing field in Europe, even under the envisaged restrictions.…
The threat by #VW to build battery plants in the US and stop its plans for Europe very much looks like an attempt at blackmailing the German government for financial subsidies. This is a very concrete example of why the US IRA and the European response are so detrimental. …
The subsidy race does not improve innovation or competition, but rather implies a net transfer of taxpayer money to big companies. The EU should rather focus on improving conditions for private investment (infrastructure, R&D, deepen the single market).…
Read 4 tweets
First leaks of the EU Net Zero Industry Act are out. Here is what to expect for the official draft proposal on March 14th:
#GreenDealIndustrialPlan #NZIA #IRA
European manufacturing capacity shall be scaled up for the following technologies👇(1/13)
Scope (2/13):
1. #Solar Photovoltaic & solar thermal
2. Onshore and offshore #wind
3. #Battery technologies
4. #HeatPumps + #geothermal energy
5. Renewable #hydrogen
6. #Biomethane
7. #Nuclear technologies (fission)
8. #CCUS
9. #Grid technologies
Manufacturing capacity objectives within the EU by 2030 (3/13):
- Binding overall target: at least 40% of the Union’s annual deployment needs
- indicative targets for specific tech: wind turbines (85%), solar PV (40%), heat pumps (65%), batteries (85%), electrolysers (50%)
Read 13 tweets
Our new #EconomicResilience Index is out!

EU countries hit hardest by economic crises are still least prepared for the next crises – among them rich countries like Italy.

Why that’s bad, why they are also least prepared for the #greentransition and what to do - a thread🧵1/10 Image
Scandinavian economies are the best-placed to absorb, recover from, and adapt to shocks, with Sweden first in the ranking. Romania, Greece and Bulgaria are the countries at the bottom of the Index. 2/10
Some of EU’s largest economies are not doing well: France ranks 11 out of 25, Spain 18 und Italy 19. The breakdown shows: Divergence is particularly large in the dimensions of Education & Skills and Governance. 3/10 Image
Read 11 tweets
Im Vorfeld der Ratstagung hatte sich bereits abgezeichnet, dass Deutschland und Frankreich mit einem gemeinsamen Strategievorschlag zur EU-Antwort auf Präsident Bidens #IRA auf wenig Gegenliebe bei zahlreichen anderen Mitgliedsstaaten stoßen würden. 🧵1/8
Natürlich kann Europa nur eine gemeinsame Antwort auf das amerikanische Vorgehen finden, wenn diese Widersprüche innerhalb der EU überwunden werden. Paris und Berlin stellen sich dabei leider nicht besonders geschickt an. 2/8
Warum konnten die Minister Habeck und Le Maire nicht ein oder zwei KollegInnen aus EU-Partnerländern auf ihre Washington-Reise mitnehmen? Warum wird vom deutsch-französischen Duo vor allem die weitere Liberalisierung von Beihilferegeln betont,
Read 8 tweets
.@vonderleyen unveils the EU Commission's proposal for a "Green Deal Industrial Plan" to respond to the Inflation Reduction Act :… short thread
1. It's all about climate: the new deal complements EU Green Deal and RePowerEU (EU's plan to reduce dependence on Russian fossil fuels). But clearly, it's also about supporting EU green tech industry in face of US' inflation reduction act & Chinese support for green tech firms.
2. Simplify rules & secure supply chains: EU wants to 'simplify' state aid procedures. New net-zero act & critical raw materials act to ensure EU industry have components & materials they need.
Read 11 tweets
🔋🔋2023 the TWh year🔋🔋

Our what to watch in 2023 briefing and roundtable is now available! Highlights in the thread below

Request the full briefing here:

#battery #energystorage #EV #Batteryrecycling #EVCharging #EVmotors
Our headline figure for 2023 will see EV
sales rise to over 14 million units, up
from 10.2 million in 2022. #EV #EVsales
Battery Deployment across all markets is set to exceed 1TWh for the first time. The EV market making up over 2/3 of this. We expect to see LFP growth continue in 2023, with the first deployments of high manganese chemistries expected #EVBattery
Read 7 tweets
Kommissionspräsidentin @vonderleyen hat im EU-Parlament die europäische Antwort auf den 🇺🇸 Inflation Reduction Act (#IRA) vorgestellt: den Industrieplan im Rahmen des #EUGreenDeal.

Er baut auf vier Säulen auf 👇
🏃‍♀️ Schnelligkeit und Zugang:
Mit einem Regelungsumfeld, das es uns ermöglicht, rasch zu expandieren und günstige Bedingungen für die #CleanTech-Industrie zu schaffen.
💶 Investitionen und Finanzierung der Produktion:
Wir werden vorschlagen, unsere #Beihilfevorschriften vorübergehend anzupassen, um #Beihilfen schneller und leichter möglich zu machen.
Read 6 tweets
🤓 time for a update on $SMR @NuScale_Power’s pilot project!

#nuscale is hoping to complete the *first* small modular #nuclear reactor #SMR in the USA in 2030, for UAMPS — a utah based energy buying group that supports dozens of small-town energy companies. 🧵 Image
#nuscale's VOYGR is a pressurised water reactor, with 2 key features:
• simplification & passive safety features reduce size & complexity
• small modular units, allowing increased proportion to be made offsite and benefit from manufacturing economies of scale. (wright's law!) Image
i wrote detailed threads in aug 2020 and jul 2021 providing detail on the project’s (fairly complex) commercial structure. if you’d like to catch up / deep dive, follow the linked thread:

Read 30 tweets
Here's the #inflation story you're expected to believe (advance warning: this story is entirely false): America gave the poors too much money during the lockdown and now the #economy is awash in #FreeMoney, which made those poors so rich that now they're refusing to work. 1/ A vintage postcard illustration of the Federal Reserve build
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
That means the economy isn't making anything anymore. With all that extra money and all those missing workers, prices are skyrocketing.

To hear ghouls like @LHSummers tell it, there is only one answer to this. 3/
Read 73 tweets
La lucha por la industria de las renovables está reavivando las tensiones entre la 🇪🇺 y los 🇺🇲.

La recién aprobada Inflation Reduction Act representa una ventaja competitiva para 🇺🇲 y podría promover la deslocalización de la industria 🇪🇺.

Se abre un debate interesante 🧵👇🏼
1/11 Image
La Ley de Reducción de la Inflación, aprobada el pasado agosto, incluye subsidios por valor de $369 mil millones para la industria verde de 🇺🇲.

Un cohete para acelerar la transición ecológica, consolidar el sector en el país y garantizar su competitividad frente a 🇨🇳.

2/11 Image
El riesgo es que este enorme paquete de ayudas públicas desincentive la inversión en la UE y la relegue en el desarrollo de tecnologías verdes.

Ante esto, Francia ya ha propuesto una "Buy European Act" que dé preferencia a componentes europeos en industrias críticas.

3/11 Image
Read 12 tweets
The Senate weighed in on the grid & the @PUCTX's proposed market design changes last week. Today, the House State Affairs Cmte meets to ask questions of the PUC, #ERCOT, the Independent Market Monitor & industry. I'll tweet some highlights here. #txlege 1/…
@PUCTX Livestream is here and the first panel has just started.…

Another good summary of the events of last week from @rtoinsider and @tkleckner1 here…
Chair Lake starts by saying it was "misinformation" that extremes weren't included in the study. They in fact did not include Uri.

Here's the quote from the study: "The 1980-2019 sample does not include the extreme cold weather event caused by Winter Storm Uri in 2021... (cont.)
Read 89 tweets
🧵 Emmanuel Macron just laid bare his objective with his offensive on the #IRA in recent interviews. He wants a new 🇪🇺 European stimulus package.

Macron: “We can’t ask the United States of America to solve our problems.” 1/3
Something he’s been pushing since *checks notes* early March 2022. ⤵️

Didn’t work the first time? In pure Macron fashion, he’ll keep pushing. 2/

Why? Because it’s an opportunity for him to “synchronize” both his foreign (European sovereignty) and domestic agenda.

Domestically, he wants to counterbalance unpopular social benefits cuts and pension reform with growth and investment in strategic areas. 3/3
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My latest in @nytopinion: @EmmanuelMacron & other EU leaders have used inflammatory rhetoric to criticize 3 aspects of US energy & climate policy over profiteering from Ukraine & #IRA. These criticisms are largely baseless & risk unity in battling both Russia & climate change 🧵
Some in Europe accuse US LNG companies of “profiteering.” This is a misconception. Markets set prices, and the companies benefiting most right now are non-US LNG resellers. Plus US LNG flexibility has been crucial to helping Europe pivot away from Russia.…
EU also criticizes #IRA for large clean energy incentives, warning of a subsidy race. It's understandable Europe is worried about deindustrialization. But the culprit is Europe’s lack of competitiveness wo cheap Russian gas, not America’s new climate law.…
Read 6 tweets
The second day of the 2022 White House Tribal Nations Summit is about to begin. Tune in!


#TribalNationsSummit #WHTNS
It looks like those streams are already down so for those tuning in from home or the office, try this one instead:

Or even try this one, which seems to be working:…
Read 51 tweets

Teerã em festa em virtude da vitória dos EUA na Copa.

E em Bandarabbas tb.

Mais Teerã:

Read 9 tweets
¿También sientes #desanimo por el escenario político? Aturde esa falta de #diálogo y búsqueda de soluciones. Esa poca habilidad #política afecta a la #saludmental de tod@s. Un escenario diario de noticias falsas, sin consensos y sin vínculo con la #espiritualidad 📲 🗣 🌿🧘🏽‍♀️ Image
El #populismo genera vulnerabilidad, y es un factor de #riesgo en el tratamiento de la salud mental. Las redes sociales y su efecto de #polarización generan manipulación #psicológica, noticias falsas y manipulación de los medios de comunicación 🕵 📲 🗣 ⚠️ Image
Un #camino para considerar es la #reconciliación a través del #diálogo. Tomemos #conciencia para generar acciones de mejoría de las #organizaciones, priorizando la #salud mental 🧘🏽‍♀️😌 ☮︎ 🤗 Image
Read 9 tweets
STATEMENT from #WhiteHouse PLEASE read!>>Congressional Republicans have laid out their mega MAGA trickle-down economic plan clearly. Their economic plan will raise costs and make inflation worse. Their five part plan includes:
1/24 #BlueIn22 #RepublicansAreHarmfulToAmericans Image
$3 trillion in tax cuts skewed to the wealthy – which would add to the deficit and make inflation worse  2/24 #RepublicansAreHarmfulToAmericans #VoteBlueIn2022 Image
“GOP wants to push to extend Trump tax cuts… Republican lawmakers gear up to push 2017 tax law after midterm elections, despite potential impact on inflation.” Washington Post 10/17/22 #RepublicansAreTheProblem #VoteBlueIn2022 Image
Read 24 tweets
For the first time in its history, the @IEA sees #fossilfuel demand peaking across all of its projections including the “business as usual” (STEPS) scenario. What does it mean for geoeconomics & geopolitics of the global #energytransition? A🧵1/13…
The dependency on #fossilfules is a risk to economic resilience & energy security inherent to the currently dominant economic models. High #coal, #oil and #gas prices have knock-on effects beyond energy systems reliability & fuel the global #polycrisis. 2/13
#EU, #UK, #Japan and others embedded a fatal vulnerability into their growth models as they bet on boosting #gas intensity of their economies post Global #Oilcrisis in the 1970s. Now they are forced to pay a high price for this oversight. 3/13
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Today, @BloombergNEF published its annual #CCS Market Outlook. The tl:dr is that, based on current announcements, CCS capacity is set to grow 6x by 2030. That’s 44% higher than what we expected last year. And it’s before you take #IRA into account. 🧵 with some key results: Image
(2/10) CCS is diversifying. Most of the capture will be happening in #industry and #power, rather that natural gas processing. And most of the CO2 will be going in the ground, not to oil wells for EOR.
(3/10) We’ve been saying transport and storage infrastructure could be a bottleneck. *For the moment* it doesn’t look like a problem. There’s more unallocated capacity than capture projects looking for a home for their CO2. This can change quickly, given all that Midwest #ethanol
Read 10 tweets

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