Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #NationalSECURITY

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• YOU go online/use cellphone gathering/providing information
• The #CIA gathers Intel on your online/cellphone activities
Silver lining:
• You get to make up a NARLY codename for yourself (your passwords)
• Plausible denialabilty for any crimes the #CIA is charged with
Psst... the CIA's 5th Amendment is #nationalsecurity
Read 4 tweets
US Military Cyber Professional Association calls for the establishment of a 7th branch, US Cyber Force, to tackle increasing digital threats. Experts argue the lack of one puts national security at "unnecessary risk". #USMilitary
US Cyber Force proposal follows 2019's Space Force creation, but the Biden administration has not shown a strong push for a 7th #military branch. The focus is on studying its implementation before any legislative approval. #NationalSecurity
Digital #threats from foreign adversaries like China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran continue to evolve, prompting growing support for a separate cyber-specific military service to address readiness shortfalls and talent pipeline concerns.…
Read 3 tweets
A 2021 report published by @HudsonInstitute highlights #Pakistan's efforts to destabilize #India through Khalistan separatist activism within the United States.
Their strategy is to exploit the Sikh diaspora, using propaganda, financial support, and even direct…… Image
[2/8] The report highlights how Pakistan's #ISI uses the Khalistan movement as a strategic asset against India. 🇵🇰 It's not just about supporting the cause; it's also about creating unrest in the region and weakening India's global standing. 🇮🇳 #proxywar
[3/8] Interestingly, the article points out how the US🇺🇸 has become a safe haven for Khalistani activism. 🗽 Due to the country's strong support for #freespeech and #humanrights, such movements can flourish without much scrutiny. 🌱
Read 8 tweets
to witness such #Cruelintentions by the first #BlackWoman to be ignored by the @lawsocgazette while the @highcourt acts as if how @MPSHaringey @haringeycouncil's lack of showing any form of acknowledgement whatsoever in over 4 years as Toni aka Ruth Lovell @ginalovell545
has been rightly pointing out, if @BarnetCouncil/ @BarnetHomes had not heard a single word from their tenants surrounding #rentalk arrears, would @UKSupremeCourt @CIHhousing allow the tenant to take as long as they feel fit to respond, over four years of nothing, not a single
Read 12 tweets
1) I stopped posting on Truth Social when I discovered that it's a Communist Chinese running the Censorship on Truth.

Name: Kevin Guo
company: HIVE
based in San Francisco, 5 minutes from Twitter HQ, on Market St.

sadly, Devin Nunes has no clue.

is it Chinese enough for you?

National Security.

I wonder if Trump knows...
that his Social Media platform Truth Social is run by a Communist Chinese...

(full info at #1)

Retweet if you want

cc: @KariLake , @KanekoaTheGreat , @DC_Draino , @ChuckCallesto , @liz_churchill8 , @ToscaAusten
3) I tried to warn the Truth Social execs back in June 2022.

They didn't listen.
Read 17 tweets
VorssanExpress -hevoisuutimia: @oikeusasiamies
'Poliisiylijohtaja valehteli #alHol -suunnitelmista | 14.12.2019 
- Presidentti #Haavisto on pitkin syksyä valehdellut ja tahallaan johtanut ihmisiä harhaan #alHawl'sta.…
@oikeusasiamies #Soros järjestää #hillotolppa'a #PoliticalTrash pyrkyreille.
- Syyttömien koulutyttöjen veri virtaa #vihreät #demarit #kokoomus #UsefulIdiots syystä.
#Soros-#CIA plan to #destablish #Europe.
- #ISIS Has Directed and Inspired Attacks Around the World.
@oikeusasiamies #Utaremaisteri'sta #Soros-#Alivaliosihteeri @PaiviNerg
Read 19 tweets
📢 We are urging peers to amend the National Security Bill whose Lords 2nd reading is today. It creates wide offences for people who use ‘restricted’ info to prejudice key govt policies if they have been funded by any non-UK government.

#FOI #NationalSecurity #officialsecrets Clause 1 of the National Security Bill (Obtaining or disclos
Civil society orgs with grants from friendly govts for work on environment, human rights, press freedom, asylum, aid etc may commit an offence by using such info to block govt policies. Journalists working for non-UK state broadcasters may also be at risk.
Info is ‘restricted’ if people know or should know govt does not wish to release it to protect UK interests. These are determined by govt and could include energy policies damaging to the environment or measures to limit asylum.
Read 4 tweets
1. TY @GOPLeader @MariaBartiromo @SundayFutures for moving to end the military mandate in the #NDAA

BUT, will it make whole those who’ve already been penalized and make @SecDef #Accountable for illegally coercing EUA jabs on us?

2. Also, @GOPLeader will you speak to this Petition that 1,000’s of military service members and concerned American citizens have sent to you which lays out in the Whistleblower Report exactly how this mandate was illegally and fraudulently implemented from the very beginning?
3. Again, @GOPLeader what is your plan to make these military service members whole?
Read 9 tweets
Mercenary spyware was secretly flown to "blood soaked" Sudanese militia.

Uncovered thanks to an employee selfie.

Reminder: #EU inability to tackle #spyware crisis = global consequences.

Report by @cr0ft0n @telloglou @e_triantafillou
& @omerbenj…
Heirs to the murderous #Janjaweed have a global phone #hacking capability.

Reflect on the #NationalSecurity implications.

We've warned of this for a decade.

Yet policymakers still dither on mercenary #spyware.

It will only get worse.

Mercenary spyware companies persuaded regulators to leave them largely unregulated.

The #Sudan #militia sale is the logical conclusion.

These companies won't stop until they've burned our collective house down.
Read 7 tweets
Good morning twitter! I'm @mariarostrublee Associate Prof at @MonashUni @MonashPolsIR in International Relations, where I teach & do research on international security -- especially related to #nuclear I look forward to sharing my day with you for @nuclearsciweek #WiNTakeOver22
@mariarostrublee @MonashUni @MonashPolsIR @nuclearsciweek I'm working from home today in the gorgeous city of Melbourne, so I started off with a walk with my amazing dog Champ, who is now enjoying a bit of a nap. Dog sitting outdoorsDog sleeping on couch
@mariarostrublee @MonashUni @MonashPolsIR @nuclearsciweek I'm an expert in #nuclear politics, rather than #nuclearscience -- and I'm delighted to share how the field needs fantastic women in nuclear policy and analysis
Read 20 tweets
With so much analysis of the CHMR-AP circulating since its release (of varying quality), below is a curated thread to highlight the best resources for those interested in research related to armed conflict, #CIVCAS, and #NationalSecurity.

A #CHMRAP research 🧵(1/14): Image
The best resource is the real source. The full action plan (#chmrap) is linked here (2/14):……

Read carefully!
The initial memorandum that launched the CHMR-AP effort, dated January 27, 2022, is linked here (3/14):…
Read 14 tweets
#telecommunications #infrastructure ownership is something we're going to have to somehow find a nice balance in, particularly for #submarinecables, our primary means of trans-oceanic digital communications. 🧵1/
On the one hand, it's great for #DigitalDevelopment and #digital #connectivity that more telco infra is going in. But infrastructure is expensive... 2/
So some telcos want content providers (big tech like Facebook and Google) to share the cost, which makes sense if content makes up a big chunk of the internet traffic. 🗞️🔗👉Platform content makes up 55% of internet traffic in #France #Italy #Spain. 3/…
Read 6 tweets
Brexit was the single best strategy for the UK to pursue in order to safeguard everyday Briton’s long-term national security. Bi-lateral trade and investment deals are easier to negotiate, execute, and monitor. In multi-lateral deals, one is only as strong as their weakest 1/6
link. Just look at the failures of the so-called EU.Brexit has nothing to do with racism. It’s the foundation for a proper national security policy. It’s not anti-immigrant. Once the borders are secure, a diverse and inclusive immigration policy will be implemented. Today,2/6
Brexit naysayers are blaming the administration for lower tax revenues and a declining business climate…in an environment where ill-conceived energy policy, Putin’s massacre of Ukraine, inflation caused by aggressive monetary printing, and a general European (and global) 3/6
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📢 MPs debate the #NationalSecurity Bill today. @CampaignFoI & @a19right2info have serious concerns about the implications of the Bill for journalists and those working for civil society organisations who receive some funding from foreign governments.
#FOI #officialsecrets
The publication of leaked information which prejudices the UK’s interests would be an offence with a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. The identical act by someone without foreign government funding might not be an offence at all.
CSOs based in, or with a presence in the UK, which have received foreign governments for their int'l work include: @ActionAidUK, @Anti_Slavery, @article19org, @ClientEarth, @Global_Witness, @IndexCensorship, @mediadefence, @OCCRP, @privacyint, @ReprieveUK, @TransparencyUK.
Read 4 tweets
My small edit dedication to
🇮🇳 Indian Armed Forces ⚔️🛳️🛫
© Credits:…
KGF 1 & 2

#IndianArmedForces #KGF #PIB
#IndianArmy #IndianNavy #IndianAirForce #KGFChpater2 #CEOofIndia
Also the same me (previously tweeted), if all countries in world strive for peace. But practically none ready to give up weapons, so it's Necessary to safeguard & Strengthen our India 🇮🇳
2:35 Mins i edited, but Twitter allowed me 2:20 mins for uploading. So actual edit is uploading as two parts. #SaluteTheMartyrs
Music Credits Ft : KGF 1 #RaviBasrur #KGFChapter1 #இந்தியராணுவம் #இந்தியவிமானப்படை #இந்தியகடற்படை
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We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @TimSCahill1, Admiral R Hari Kumar, @CDF_Aust, General Koji Yamazaki, @INDOPACOM, Air Marshal Luc De Rancourt, and @Lisa_Singh.

Stay tuned for updates!

Join us using this link:

#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue
.@TimSCahill1: There is a wide range of threats that we are facing today, such as the continuing struggle of #terrorism, emerging asymmetric capabilities, & #military & #economic competition. The domains in which our adversaries operate now are very broad.

.@TimSCahill1: While we have been occupied with #COVID19, our adversaries have grown stronger & expanded their capabilities. There is a need to develop an ability to counter our adversaries’ #hypersonics.

Read 22 tweets
The Hunter #Biden dam is about to burst: Devine
- Mar 29, 2022
0:47 - Joe: "There is no one single bit of evidence - not one little tiny bit."
CNN Admits Hunter’s #Laptop Is Authentic 532 Days After Initial Reporting | Mar 30
- “There are a lot of issues that the JD are looking into, including, of course.. on the right-wing – has featured a lot of stories about Hunter Biden,” CNN’s Evan Perez…
Read 6 tweets
As only 145 days left to celebrate 75th anniversary of Indian Independence and I am starting an an initiative of #Dekhoapnadesh with #philately on the ocassion of #AzadiKaAmritMahotsav
"Rashtrapati Bhawan,New Delhi- Official Residence of President of India #indianstamps Image
#DekhoApnaDesh (see the India) with #philately to celebrate #AzadiKaAmritMahotsav
Day 2 : Kayang - A folk dance from Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh,India #indianstamps #indianphilately Image
Day 3 :Darjeeling Himalayan Railway or"Toy train" runs between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling in West Bengal which is one of the iconic mountain railways of India and in 1999,it was declared as UNESCO world heritage site
#DekhoApnaDesh with #philately #AzadiKaAmritMahotsav Image
Read 75 tweets
🗣️According to #stopaapihate there have been over 10k attacks targeting Asian American women since March 2020. We'll be discussing this alarming trend today at 11am PST with an expert panel. Follow @EthnicMediaSvc or via FB Live: @NAPAWF @AAAJ_AAJC
Welcome to today's briefing, "Moving Beyond Hate: Asian American Women Respond to Uptick in Hate Attacks." You can follow the convo here
@EthnicMediaSvc or via FB live at
Our speakers today are: Sung Yeon Choimorrow, Executive Dir. of @NAPAWF; Marita Etcubañez, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives with @AAAJ_AAJC, Michelle Kang of the Atlanta Korean Committee against Asian Hate and Sasanna Yee.
Read 36 tweets
1/n #NationalSecurity #ArmedForcesAndGeopolitics Today every establishment of Armed Forces should be War Gaming 'Snake Island' and applying the situation created by Russia to our isolated posts. Are we doing it? Are Cadets in Training Academies being taught how to analyse it?
2/n #NationalSecurity #ArmedForcesAndGeopolitics Episode 1 - Armed Forces and Geopolitics - THE BIG VOID Col Sanjay Pande and Prof. Sonali Chitalkar

THE BIG VOID is all about the gap in national security because of 'turfs'.
3/n #NationalSecurity #ArmedForcesAndGeopolitics
Turfs? Military that has no geopolitical training as a culture from roots (cadet training)? or a Foreign Service that has no military knowledge? or the Administrative Service that presides over both and nose drags the Executive?
Read 9 tweets
As tonight’s unfolding #Ukraine tragedy underscores only too starkly—

—the @POTUS @JoeBiden Administration MUST PRESERVE (extended)#DETERRENCE 100% in the forthcoming #Nuclear Posture Review/#NPR.

Must avoid not only “#NoFirstUse/#NFU”—BUT ALSO “#SolePurpose”—road to perdition!
Virtue signaling is no substitute for #deterrence signaling!

The #NPR must avoid not only widely-dismissed “#NoFirstUse” (#NFU) language, but also the dangerous concept of “#SolePurpose.”

Text/graphics from @DeptofDefense 2021 #China #Military Power Report show key reasons why. ImageImageImageImage
#SolePurpose” = unacceptably erosive/destabilizing, not a no-or-low-cost #VirtueSignaling sop to #ArmsControl idealism.

Would reduce credibility/#deterrent of @POTUS’s potential counters to massive #conventional offensives by #Russia/#China.

Tragic reminder tonight in #Ukraine ImageImageImage
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If you think #OttawaPolice & #RCMP went in alone, you’re living in a false utopia.

Mercenaries & Defence Contractors Are as #Canadian as Maple Syrup

Let me introduce you to Predator Security Defense™️

@JustinTrudeau knows these guys all to well Amongst others, Like #Academi / #blackwater .. He’s used them in his security detail in Canada and overseas.

These guys are the best of the best.

Security or paid mercenaries? 🤔

Let’s see what services the predators have to offer
Their employees 👉 Prior military combat veterans, US Special Programs (Special forces, navy seals) or Tactical Law Enforcement (Swat).

Our operators are highly trained counter terrorism expert across the entire spectrum, as good as any and better than most.

Says the company
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In an opinion-editorial by @htTweets, the study by DeepStrat & @_DialogueIndia - ‘Analysing the #NationalSecurity Implications of Weakening #Encryption’ was featured for its account on the #security vs. security debate involving the fundamental nature of #endtoendencryption. Image
The article sheds light on the #traceability challenges in #India, as identified in the report, which could potentially create vulnerabilities in modern #devices, #communication architecture and #cybersecurity, that can be exploited by bad actors.….
The importance of #endtoendencryption (#E2EE) is in ensuring #InformationalPrivacy, #safety & #security of the #citizens; and, the #nationalsecurity of the State. Here are the key recommendations of the report - Analysing National Security Implications of Weakening #Encryption. Image
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Last few months, had opportunity interview top experts climate change, 1st episode out today @FPRI John @Conger477 @CntrClimSec @CSRisks provides insights into how #climatechange will shape DoD thinking on #nationalsecurity Check it out and subscribe…
Climate change has clearly become a national security issue with dynamic changes creating major uncertainty for countries, companies and citizens. I believe climate change most important issue today, a topic I'm personally interested in but know little about.
This was a chance for me to learn from the best working on the #ClimateCrisis as I believe much of status quo thinking & resulting foreign policy talk in DC badly out of bounds of the coming reality.
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