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Master data cleaning in pandas like a pro with these simple functions.

Data cleaning is a critical step in any data analysis project

Learn to clean messy datasets with these easy steps.

A thread🧵👇 Image
In pandas, you can use functions like .dropna(), .fillna(), and .replace() to clean up your data.

For example, let's say you have a data frame with missing values like this: Image
1. The .dropna() function removes any rows with missing values.

For example, you can use df.dropna() to drop any rows with missing values from your data frame called "df": ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
As you may know I have been scraping & compiling tweets about Donald Trump weekly

#Vader Sentiment Analysis says that this latest batch of tweets, based on the same keyword list, classified the majority of the tweets as POSITIVE

pos 61608
neg 53446

This bucks the trend Image
The averages are interesting, a sort of inverted bell curve where most tweets have a few re-tweets, views etc. and then the opposite end of the spectrum where a minority have a TON of views, likes, etc. or none at all


Likes: 12
Retweets: 3
Replies: 1
Views: 2,828 Image
The replies seems weirdly low, I'll double check that. Views are easily the data point with the highest volatility.
Read 11 tweets
Want to improve your #Python geospatial skills? Check out my new video tutorial series covering spatial data analysis and visualization with #Pandas, #GeoPandas, #XArray, #Dask, #STAC #OpenRouteService API and more. Many more in the pipeline. I'll post these in the thread below👇
Tutorial 1: Spatial Queries using #GeoPandas: This tutorial shows you how to use select points from a layer within a certain distance from features in another layer using GeoPandas.
Tutorial 2: Subset a Shapefile using a Spreadsheet with #Pandas and #GeoPandas: This tutorial shows you how to use extract a subset from a shapefile using data contained in an Excel spreadsheet.
Read 4 tweets
Roadmap to becoming Data Analyst in three months absolutely free. No need to pay a penny for this.

I have mentioned a roadmap with free resources.

A thread🧵👇
1. First Month Foundations of Data Analysis

A. Corey Schafer - Python Tutorials for Beginners:
B. StatQuest with Josh Starmer - Statistics Fundamentals:
C. Ken Jee - Data Analysis with Python
2. Second Month - Advanced Data Analysis Techniques

A. Sentdex - Machine Learning with Python
B. StatQuest with Josh Starmer - Machine Learning Fundamentals
C. Brandon Foltz - Business Analytics
Read 6 tweets
Python project ideas for beginners with source code

A thread 🧵👇
1. Calculator App
Source Code Link:…
2. Expense Tracker
Source Code Link:…
Read 7 tweets
Python for data science beginners roadmap

A thread 🧵👇
1. Python Basics
Codecademy's Python Course (…)
Python for Everybody Course (
2. Data Analysis Libraries
NumPy User Guide (…)
Pandas User Guide (…)
Matplotlib Tutorials (…)
Read 7 tweets
❗️trigger warning ❗️
Paediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome secondary to Covid-19. (PANS)

Anna is very distressed in these videos.
I have met Anna and she is a quiet, observant girl.
She should be enjoying life right now.
Instead, due to Covid, she has lost years.
Only due to her Mum’s persistence has she got a diagnosis and treatment.
This happened before Covid to children BUT we don’t know how many children have been affected now.
Who is counting this Covid sequelae? CAMHS? Paediatrics?
It’s hard enough to find a dr to diagnose it.
It is caused by inflammation in the brain.
It’s autoimmune- think of a condition like rheumatoid arthritis but the brain is affected not the hands
It is often misdiagnosed as primary mental health disorder.
Read 13 tweets
December 2022 round up of #PANS #PANDAS - relevant or related peer-reviewed papers and media articles that may be of interest. Complied with @np9000. We hope you find it useful. (1/29)

@PandasPans @theEXPANDAssoc @BPNA_org @ASPIREpans @PANDASPPN @CAMHSNetwork @NeuroimmuneFDN ImageImage
Prevalence of pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS) in children and adolescents with eating disorders. Aman, M. et al. J Eat Disord 10, 194. 2022.…
Group Psychotherapy for Parents of Youth with Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. Ellerkamp, H. et al. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2022.…
Read 29 tweets
Many courses teach #DataScience libraries such as pandas, matplotlib and seaborn, but @TedPetrou’s self-paced online course “Master Data Analysis with #Python” teaches BEST PRACTICES in using the libraries to help you become an expert!
Start here now:… Image
532-page #Python #coding book by @TedPetrou >> "Pandas Cookbook: Recipes for Scientific Computing, #TimeSeries Analysis, and Data Visualization" at
#100DaysOfCode #DataScience #DataScientists #DataViz #MachineLearning #ComputationalScience Image
Explore these self-paced online courses that help you master the tools of #DataScience:
1) Master #MachineLearning with #Python:…
2) Build a Data Analysis Library from Scratch in Python:…
3) All-Access Pass:… Image
Read 4 tweets
Resolvi pegar os dados do gráfico do índice de liberdade econômica e fazer um analise correlacional, primeiramente nada conclusivo ai meti um média móvel...
Xablau a mágica se fez!

#Economia ImageImage
Gráfico da esquerda é do média móvel da nota .
Qual presidente está no poder tem um correlação forte com a liberdade econômica, agora qual presidente e em qual mandato tem correlação altíssima.
E explica também a diferença ou seja a direção pra onde se vai, se melhora ou piora.
A correlação ai zerada entre a nota geral e a diferença ano a ano tanto quanto a mudança percentual mostra que não tem autocorrelação na variável. Não é porque a nota é alta que vai ter tendencia a subir ou descer o que pra mim reforça ainda mais a correlação anterior.
Read 23 tweets
🚨 Did you know common infections can cause severe mental illness that’s mostly overlooked by MDs?

@krisnewby wrote abt stunning case of healthy teen dx’d w schizophrenia after bug bites transmitted #Bartonella.

He was committed to psych ward...
He failed all major psych drugs & only got worse.

His dad had hunch that docs were missing something important & began reviewing literature.

He presented MDs w his findings of infection-mediated illness #PANS.

MDs wrongly dismissed him, insisted it was psychiatric.
Dad was right.

His research led him to the work of brilliant Dr Ed Breitschwerdt from @NCStateVetMed , 🌍 leading expert on bartonella, who I interviewed last week (will post link).

He contacted Dr B whose lab found bartonella in his blood.
Read 9 tweets
Panda-Diplomatie: Der #Panda ist ein erfolgreiches Soft-Power-Tool Chinas. Seit 2017 lebt ein Panda-Paar im Berliner Zoo. Dokumente, die @FlorianFlade u. @PinkertReiko vorliegen, zeigen, wie sehr sich Deutschland um die Leihgabe aus #China bemühte. Sogar die Kanzlerin persönlich. Image
Unterlagen aus dem Bundeskanzleramt und der Berliner Senatsverwaltung, die #NDRWDRSZ vorliegen, dokumentieren, wie die Berliner Landesregierung das Kanzleramt unter Merkel überzeugen konnte, sich für die #Panda-Leihgabe einzusetzen. Wir veröffentlichen die Dokumente hier. #IFG
Die Dokumente verdeutlichen, wie aus einem Anliegen der Berliner Politik geradezu ein weltpolitisches Unterfangen wurde, um das politische Klima zwischen Deutschland und #China zu verbessern - die sogenannte #Panda-Diplomatie.
Read 20 tweets
Data analysts should be able to efficiently build datasets using the content on the web.

Here I will show you a use case for a small script I created that allows the user to build corpora of textual information from online blogs.

People working in #seo can definitely use this👇
It is a #Python script that efficiently organizes data in a #pandas dataframe for ease of use and readability.

It leverages Trafilatura, an open source library that is able to read and follow links from the website's sitemap and identify the main content of a page.
This is particularly important because each website has its own structure and it is often difficult to grab the main content as opposed, for instance, to the sidebar.

Trafilatura uses a series of heuristics to find the main text of the page, and it works pretty damn good.
Read 11 tweets
Here is the round-up of #PANS #PANDAS and related publications and media articles released in September 2022. Collated by myself and @np9000.
@PandasPans @ASPIREpans @theEXPANDAssoc @NeuroimmuneFDN
Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Group a Streptococci: Etiopathology and Diagnostic Challenges. Hutanu, A., et al. Cureus 14, no. 8 (Aug 2022): e27729.
Back to the Future: The Role of Infections in Psychopathology. Focus on OCD. Della Vecchia, A. & Marazziti, D. Clin Neuropsychiatry. 2022 Aug;19(4):248-263.…
Read 17 tweets
Across the world, today is #PANS #PANDAS awareness day. My son developed #PANS in December 2018. I will never forget the day and time it first presented itself. I did not know at that time how his and his family's lives would be irrevocably changed 🧵
Right now, my son is doing well. This is because of the help I found via the support network gathered around the UK #PANS #PANDAS charity, PANS PANDAS UK @PandasPans
#PANS #PANDAS are conditions with relatively "simple" treatment approaches. Appropriate & timely treatment is stopped by a lack of knowledge by the clinical population & by a small but influential population of clinicians who decline to treat them. Fig Swedo 2017
Read 22 tweets
Happy to announce my new course Mapping and Data Visualization with #Python. This has been in the making for over a year and excited to be able to share it with the world! The full course is free for self-study and shared under an open license. An overview thread below 👇 1/n
We start with the overview of the Python data visualization landscape and zero in on the core libraries for mapping. Day 1 covers vector data visualization with #Maptplotlib, #Pandas, #GeoPandas, and #Contextily (2/n)
Day 2 starts with a deep dive into XArray and raster data visualization. We use #Xarray, #rioxarray and #CartoPy to visualize elevation and gridded climate datasets and learn some advanced #Matplotlib tricks. (3/n)
Read 7 tweets
Interested in learning more about #DataScience, #MachineLearning or #AI? I’ve got a few places and resources for medics to start with. Anyone can do it with enough time and effort! Soon enough you’ll be making your own neural networks

1/16. A thread 🧵.
2/16. Everyone has their preferences with programming languages. However if you’re starting from scratch, I highly recommend #Python. It is easy to learn, has a wide variety of applications and you will find it is much easier to perform even the most basic of statistics.
3/16. It also gives you access to multiple libraries that are used heavily by the machine learning community such as #Keras, #TensorFlow and #PyTorch.
Read 19 tweets
A #Thread 🧵 on all the python libraries which are used in trading.

Save it for later.

#python #trading #stockmarket #trader #pythonprogramming #pythonlibraries #numpy #pandas #coding #Blog
Read 6 tweets
Les INDEX sous #Pandas sont souvent incompris et mal utilisés

Ils sont pourtant d'une grande aide, surtout si on a besoin de performance avec des dataframes volumineux

L'idée principale est qu'ils vous apporteront de la performance s'ils sont UNIQUES

> Illustration
1/ Sélection de lignes d'un df sans faire appel à l'index

Sur un df de 10.000 éléments, la recherche d'une ligne sans faire appel à l'index prend 373 µs (sur mon laptop)
2/ Sélection de lignes d'un df avec appel à l'index

Sur un df de 10.000 éléments, la recherche d'une ligne en utilisant l'index prend 60 µs

Soit un facteur 6 entre les 2 méthodes
Read 9 tweets
This is the kind of paternalistic, unscientific nonsense that #MECFS #Lyme #Fibromyalgia #HSD #POTS #MCAS #Pandas #Pans #EDS #VaccineInjured #FQtoxicity patients have endured for decades. Now it’s the turn of #LongCovid
I’m going to make an offer to our colleague. Hopefully @DrKGregorovic can convey this message as I am blocked. Happy to have a Zoom coffee with both of you. We can examine
-the paper @awgaffney has tweeted & discuss the flaws
-the evidence for biomedical causation in #MECFS & LC
-the evidence for the ‘false sickness beliefs’
-the quality of the studies advocating exercise & talking therapies
-studies looking at the outcome of exercise in #MECFS & #LongCovid populations
-cardiovascular & other outcomes in #LongCovid

I think that is fair? Let me know
Read 6 tweets
Been experimenting with a brief monthly round-up of publications (peer-reviewed & media articles) that may be interest #PANS #PANDAS community. Small scale stuff, but there may be scope to turn this into a mail list so all the links would conveniently arrive in your inbox 1/n
March's round-up illustrated in the two jpegs above. Thank you @np9000 for being my wingman!
OCD in Pans/Pandas in Children: In Search of a Qualified Treatment; a Systematic Review & Metanalysis. Cocuzza, et al. Children 9, no. 2 (2022).…
There follows:
Neuroinflammation in a Rat Model of Tourette Syndrome. Zhongling, Ke, Chen Yanhui, Chen Guofeng, and Liu Yanyan. Original Research, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 16 (2022).…
Read 17 tweets
But what p-value means in #MachineLearning - A thread

It tells you how likely it is that your data could have occurred under the null hypothesis


#DataScience #DeepLearning #ComputerVision #100DaysOfMLCode #Python #DataScientist #Statistics #programming #Data #Math #Stat
What Is a Null Hypothesis?

A null hypothesis is a type of statistical hypothesis that proposes that no statistical significance exists in a set of given observations.

#DataScience #MachineLearning #100DaysOfMLCode #Python #stat #Statistics #Data #AI #Math #deeplearning
A P-value is the probability of obtaining an effect at least as extreme as the one in your sample data, assuming the truth of the null hypothesis

#DataScience #MachineLearning #100DaysOfMLCode #Python #DataScientist #Statistics #Data #DataAnalytics #AI #Math
Read 11 tweets

"roc_auc_score" is defined as the area under the ROC curve, which is the curve having False Positive Rate on the x-axis and True Positive Rate on the y-axis at all classification thresholds.

#DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #100DaysOfMLCode #Python
Read 16 tweets

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