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Most recents (24)

There's no news of #Modi's visit to the #US when you turn on #CNN on TV in India.

So I looked up #NBC online.

I had to scroll past 11 screens to find any news of Modi's visit.

#XiJinping, on the other hand, was on the first screen.

These are the first six screens.

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Things more important than #Modi to the #USA:

1. Missing #titanicsubmarine
2. #Biden calls #Xi a dictator
3. Two people killed in #Georgia
4. Charges against #HunterBiden
5. Sweltering heat in #Texas
6. Judge strikes down #Arkansas ban on transition care for minors

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7. House vote on impeaching #Biden
8. Supreme Court #Alito
9. Limit #Chinese purchase of #US farmland
10. #Sanders to investigate #Amazon safety record
11. NH senator assaults employee
12. #Iowa building collapse
13. #Idaho man shoots 4
14. US ranks 43rd on #gender parity

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Securing Eternal Life For #Putin

While talking to his closest friend Yuri Kovalchuk and two others in his inner circle, the president discussed "artificial intelligence" and the "digitisation of personality". As silly as it may sound, it is precisely these problems that...
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modern science and a group of scientists led by Mikhail Kovalchuk are working on, according to Yury Kovalchuk. #Putin is blatantly being duped. Kovalchuk promises him immortality by digitising his personality, followed by immersion in cyberspace, before the possibility of...
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being transferred back into a living person's body (a clone). This, of course, is complete nonsense, but #Putin believes in this nonsense, and gives orders to allocate billions of roubles to these "developments". Yuri Kovalchuk told the president in a conversation...
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mit diesem Trick mogelten sich #Ungarn in #Gematria auf Nummer 906 #Magyarország
heisst Ungarn
2) da kommt gleich in Zeile 2 eine Drohung
"you are going to die soon"
Hr. Dörnyei ist im Haus. Man hört ihn durch alle Wände, auch ohne Auto. Mit #looking #glass versuchen sie #Gedanken #Träume zu sehen. Funktioniert übrigens auch bei Ihnen. Wie kann Bad Wie...eigentlich Image
3) bei der #Erpressung einer #Einwohnerin mitspielen. Glauben Sie ernsthaft, das #RoteKreuz #Johanniter geben Ihnen etwas ab? Sie naiv? Geschäftemacher! Vorbestellt Mitglieder #Habsburg #Bourbon #Frankreich #Spanien #Windsor #Putin #Trump Image
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Angry #Putin

Yesterday, #Russian President Vladimir Putin held an online meeting with representatives of the security and military leadership. The president was in a bad mood and did not hide it much. After reports from the military leadership on the situation...
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on the front, #Putin asked how the promises were being fulfilled. One of the representatives of the military bloc leadership asked the president to specify which promises he was referring to, causing a barrage of criticism and insults aimed at himself and...
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the military leadership in general and in particular. The president listed practically all the promises the military made to him over the last year and a half. Virtually everything #Putin recalled turned out to be empty promises, not to mention the deadlines and...
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Wie #Putin der Delegation afrikanischer Regierungen mitten ins Gesicht lügt.

Ein Thread 🧵:

Dieser Ausschnitt aus Putins Vortrag wird gerade fleissig bei Putinfans geteilt.

Putin behauptet darin,
1) es habe einen vom ukrainischen Leiter der Delegation bei den Friedensverhandlungen in Istanbul unterschriebenen Vertragsentwurf gegeben, den er in den Händen halte. ❌
2) Es sei der vorbereitendende Text der ukrainischen Seite gewesen.❌
3) Er trage den Titel: "Vertrag über dauerhafte Neutralität und Sicherheitsgarantien der Ukraine".✅
4) An den Präsidenten Südafrikas gewandt, behauptet er, über die "Garantien" gäbe es 18 Artikel.❌
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#Putin's Double on St Petersburg Economic Forum

A man resembling #Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in several official events last Friday and Saturday. On Friday, June 16, although Russian President Vladimir Putin honored St. Petersburg with...
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his personal presence and even felt quite tolerable, he entrusted the honorary mission to participate in official events to a double. The understudy of the president had a meeting and short talks with the president of the #UAE, Mohammed Al Nahyan,...
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wandered a bit between the structures and pavilions of the SPIEF and finally exchanged courtesies. The meeting was held regularly. The double did not allow obvious punctures and reservations. Also, the understudy took part in the plenary session of...
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Day 480 of the war. #Russia defending stubbornly with reinforced lines in the areas of #Ukraine they stole.

But I think the real push, with most forces, is yet to come. Here's another daily thread. There's been one every day, but I do need support pls!
Yesterday's thread can be found on the link below, click and scroll if you missed anything.

Loads of nice photos and videos in Saturday's thread and how there seems to have been a #Russia-#Africa plot to deny missile strikes, but Russia's MoD messed up!

Who doesn't like a bit of alliteration? And here are some sweet Sunday sounds to start your day.

Less than 20km north of #Henichesk in #Kherson region there was a big explosion, then many, many more in the village of #Rykove as #Russia's weapon/ammo store there went up in smoke!
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🇷🇺‼️Putin: "Peace was signed between Ukraine and Russia in the spring of 2022."‼️

#Putin publicly showed the previously unpublished document in front of South African President Ramaphosa.

(Nato reportedly sent disgraced US puppet Boris Johnson to force Kiev to back down.)
‼️Let me remind you:

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Russia and Ukraine held a round of face-to-face peace talks, which ultimately failed, in Turkey in March 2022.

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, in the second picture, is one of the people who attended the Ukraine-Russia peace talks. ImageImage
The media have already started to announce the probable success of the peace talks... but...‼️ Boris Johnson suddenly appeared in Kiev with military gifts for Zelensky, after which the Ukrainian delegation did not appear again at the negotiations‼️
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statements by #Putin
- All the problems in #Ukraine began after the bloody coup d'etat in 2014, supported by Western sponsors;

- The West actually withdrew from the peace process in Ukraine, after which the #Russian Federation was forced to recognize the DPR and LPR;🔽
- The #Russian Federation supported the people in the #Donbass after the coup d'état in #Ukraine and for a long time sought to resolve the situation peacefully;
- It was #Kyiv that unleashed the war in Ukraine in 2014, Russia had the right under the UN Charter to help Donbass;
- The food crisis in the world is caused not by a special operation, but by the actions of the West;

- #Russia does not believe that the supply of #Ukrainian grain to world markets solves the problem of hunger;🔽
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#Putin showed a draft peace treaty with #Ukraine, approved by representatives of #Kyiv: #Russia has never refused to negotiate. A whole series of talks between Russia and Ukraine took place in #Turkey to develop confidence-building measures and prepare the text of the treaty 🔽
This draft treaty was initialed by the head of the negotiating group from #Kyiv. Here it is. It is called the "Treaty on Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees of #Ukraine." 18 articles. Moreover, there is also an application for it. 🔽
It concerns the armed forces and other things. Everything is spelled out down to units of military equipment and up to the personnel of the armed forces. Here is the document. And it was initialed by the #Kyiv delegation. 🔽|
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Heute vor 70 Jahren am #17Juni1953 erreichte der #Volksaufstand in der DDR seinen Höhepunkt. Die Diktatur der SED stand vor dem Kollaps und konnte sich nur durch die Intervention der Sowjetunion an der Macht halten. Was waren die Hintergründe des Aufstands? Ein Thread/1 Image
Die Sowjetunion und die SED machten „ausländische Agenten“ und „#Faschisten“ für den Volksaufstand verantwortlich. Ein Vokabular das #Putin nicht zufällig für den #Euromajdan 2013/2014 in der #Ukraine anwendete. #Russland hat Paranoia u. Verschwörungsdenken der Sowjets geerbt/2 Image
Die tatsächlichen Hintergründe liegen in der forcierten Stalinisierung der DDR ab dem Juli 1952. Unter dem Slogan des „Aufbaus des Sozialismus“ begann eine Repressionswelle gegen Andersdenkende und eine Anhebung der Arbeitsnormen. Landwirte u. Mittelstand wurden enteignet/3 Image
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#Putin vs #Patrushev

A few days ago, there were some rather momentous events on which we took our time shedding light, allowing the consequences to materialise. A few days ago, #Russian President Vladimir Putin had a major disagreement with...
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the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolay #Patrushev. Thus, during another online meeting with the leadership of the security bloc, #Putin shared his plans to involve Chechen fighters of Ramzan #Kadyrov to fight saboteurs in the #Belgorod oblast.
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This decision was sharply opposed by Nikolai #Patrushev. He said that the situation could be brought under control without involving the "Kadyrovites" and that the increasing influence of #Kadyrov's representatives in the #Belgorod region would bring imbalance into...
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“Quando parlo di avversari, mi riferisco ai leader europei” Joel #Harding.


[thk @FrancoFracassi1 - link all'articolo a fine 🧵] Image
Joel #Harding, berretto verde, ha contribuito contribuito a pianificare le invasioni di #Haiti, #Iraq e #Afghanistan, aveva fatto parte dello Stato Maggiore per le operazioni speciali J2 dell’Esercito.

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Era il collegamento del J2 per le Information Operations (le operazioni psicologiche e di disinformazione militare) con #Cia, #Dia, #Nsa, #Disa altre agenzie di #Washington.

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#RussianArmy Promises to "Liberate" #Donbas by October

Yesterday #Putin held two meetings with representatives of the security and military bloc leadership. During a meeting with the military, the president heard reports on the situation on the front and suggested...
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discussing the prospects for both a Ukrainian counter-offensive and actions of the #RussianArmy. #Putin was reassured that the Ukrainian counter-offensive had so far resulted in nothing but losses on the part of the enemy.
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Speaking of their own prospects, the leaders of the military bloc promised the president to "liberate" #Donbas by October 7 this year, just in time for #Putin's birthday, giving him such an expensive gift. These promises cheered the president up a little, although he...
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How to Deal with #Prigozhin?

During a meeting with representatives of the security bloc, #Putin listened to the reports and learned that Prigozhin refused to carry out his order and announced it publicly.
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Security Council Secretary Nikolay #Patrushev said after the report to the president that such behaviour by #Prigozhin was causing confusion in the minds of some #Russian elites. The example of the defiant and popularly supported Prigozhin openly going against...
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the president's decisions is causing many actors in the system to question the strength of the system's core. #Patrushev told the president that #Putin's methods of influencing #Prigozhin were ineffective and it was worth moving on to tougher decisions.
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Thread provocatorio: perché il lutto nazionale a #Berlusconi è dovuto.
È stato il tipico prodotto italiano, figlio di un sistema che ha capito meglio degli altri e ha perfezionato ulteriormente.
Ha rappresentato meglio degli altri la maggioranza del paese e l'ha unito dividendolo, sogno che va avanti dal 1861 in un paese che rimane provinciale, campanilista e pieno di prosopopea.
I suoi oppositori che si indignano per le bandiere a mezz'asta ma presenziano comunque al funerale, vedi #Lerner, non si rendono conto di essere come lui o non vogliono accettare il #Berlusconi che è in loro, e la guerra in Ucraina forse è l'evento che l'ha dimostrato ampiamente.
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Belarus president says that Putin gave him document initialed by Ukrainian & Russian delegations at 2022 peace talks & it included Crimea lease. Putin said peace deal was initialed. Ukraine & US officials & Israeli ex-PM said there was peace deal outline.…
Ukrainian officials close to Zelenskyy reported that "Russian side was almost ready for the Zelensky-Putin meeting" for peace deal to end #ukrainewar. But it was abandoned after British PM visited #Ukraine & told #Zelenskyy not to negotiate with #Putin.…
Ex US National Security Council official wrote citing "multiple former senior U.S. officials" that Russia & Ukraine agreed in April on peace deal framework of #Russia withdrawing to pre-war positions & #Ukraine promising not to seek #NATO membership.
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#Putin's double Held the Meeting with "War Correspondents"

Although #Russian President Vladimir Putin did have a desire to attend a meeting with "war correspondents" in person, he was dissuaded by people close to him and by his attending physicians.
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A few days before the event, the president and his assistant drew up a detailed outline of practically all the questions that the "war correspondents" were going to ask. The president's double studied the presidential prescriptions set out in the outline with...
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genuine enthusiasm, as people privy to it say. In the evening before the event, the double took an "exam" recorded on camera by the Federal Protection Officer official, who asked questions on the topics outlined in the lecture book randomly.
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#Putin Ordered to Prepare a Provocation on #Russian Nuclear Power Plant

Yesterday Putin received reports and held a meeting via video call with representatives of the leadership of the military and the security bloc. After the reports and interaction with...
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the military, the president went on to have a private meeting with representatives of the security bloc leadership, ordering to disconnect the military from the meeting. In such a format, the president raised the issue of the provocation of a man-made disaster at...
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one of the #Russian nuclear power plants. Things on the front are not going well, and neither the military nor the president is confident that the Ukrainian counter-offensive will fail and that all the "new territories" will be retained.
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#Putin's Double Performance

The double of #Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in several official events yesterday. The understudy presented medals of Hero of Labour and State Prizes of the Russian Federation. Participating in such events does not...
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cause the president's double any difficulties at all. He has been getting into his role easily and playing it perfectly lately. Even dedicated people from #Putin's inner circle are confused by the almost identical manner of moving and speaking, rather than by...
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the striking resemblance. And yet, in their outward resemblance, there are some discrepancies. It's the makeup that's faulty, the plastic surgery that's not. Thus yesterday, during a visit of the president's double to the Central Clinical Military Hospital...
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#Putin's Double Passed Final Exam

The man who resembles #Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in several official events on Friday 9 June. This was probably the most responsible and difficult day for him as a presidential double.
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#Putin was not in Sochi and could not replace the double in case of an emergency. The double coped with the task, and even Alexander Lukashenko, who knows Putin very well, for some time thought that he was really talking to the president of #Russia.
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It was a kind of exam for the double, and now he will be involved in important events a lot more. Direct line with the President of #Russia was postponed from the beginning of June to December this year because of the president's poor state of health, while...
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Gerasimov is Removed From the Command. Is Prigozhin Done?

#Putin held several meetings with military and security block leaders via video call over the weekend. On Saturday, during the meeting, after hearing the reports, the president announced that he was once again...
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removing Valery Gerasimov from the helm of the "special military operation"-related processes! Officially, there will be no instructions and orders in this regard, but in reality, Gerasimov is suspended as of Sunday 11 June. #Putin explained that he did not want to see...
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as commander of the united group of forces a man who did not believe in victory and had a decadent attitude. The president added that he was disappointed with the results of the #Russian troops' winter-spring offensive. Formally, Gerasimov remains...
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Gibt schon wieder Geschrei wegen weiteren beschädigten #Leopard2A6, Leopard Minen Räumer, Bergepanzer, #Bradley. — an der Stelle sei mal gesagt, ein Durchbruch einer Frontlinie ist kein „Kinderburtstag“, vor allem ohne Luftunterstützung. 🇷🇺Attack Helikopter agieren aus dem
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Background und nehmen sie aus sicherer Distanz mit Luft-Boden Raketen auf‘s Korn. Da kann auch ein 🇩🇪#Gepard nichts gegen machen. Warum sagen wohl zahlreiche Experten seit einem Jahr, daß die 🇺🇦 F-16 Kampfjets & Apache Helis braucht? Diese Bilder hätte man vermeiden können,
wenn #Biden, #Scholz & co. nicht solche Schisshasen vor #Putin wären. Um das klar zu sagen, die Lieferung von #Leopard2 an die Ukraine 🇺🇦 war ein Mittel zum Zweck, wenn jemand diese Bilder zu verantworten hat, dann sind es die, die bisher der 🇺🇦 Kampfjets verweigert haben.
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wer kennt das? es gibt tolle Momente. Ich habe nicht erlebt wie sich meine "Feinde" vor Gericht verplapperten. Aber soeben. Geduld, #Jedi! "Setze Dich an die Ufer des Flusses & warte bis die Leichen Deiner Feinde vorbei schwimmen." (Sprichwort)
(von wegen Sultaning - Hirn!) Image
2) #Kriminelle machen immer Fehler, auch Blutjunkies in BW, die Druck machen. #adrenochrome
Heute sagten Touristen im Scherz beim Eisstand. "#babies essen wir gerne. die essen wir immer zuerst." Wegen #Trumanshow Tru(wo)manshow lustig machen über mich usw.⬆️ 3) Image
3) Nur bei dem #Bashing der #Politiker #Trump #Biden #Putin #Scholz #Modi #XiJinping #Macron wem werden Menschen glauben, wenn es an die #Offenbarung geht? Leuten, die ihre Privaterpressung in BW machen? Oder #MSM oder #Selensky oder dem Fahrradhändler um die Ecke?
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