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Jun 4th 2023
@JenDominguezMD kicks off first session of #SOAPAM2023 virtual #OBAnes highlights Day 2 with the best case reports. Learning objectives. #SoMe embargo on content (@AnaSjaus ahem). Divided into 4 topics. ImageImageImageImage
Distinguished judges! Image
Cardiac: 2 cases of PHTN in #OBAnes - interesting cases, here are the allowed #SoMe slides. ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
May 18th 2023
Dr Neel Desai provides an Update on Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery at #OAA23ASM #OBAnes Image
Starting with the mainstays: choice of local anaesthetic and intrathecal morphine. Prilocaine 2% has compared favourably with bupivacaine 0.5%. However, there are caveats: if prilocaine is to be considered for routine #OBAnes it is recommended a CSE be used. ITM does NOT prevent…… ImageImageImage
The very topical: inadequate neuraxial anaesthesia for cesarean section. See lectures from @hnixon147 and @PervezSultanMD from recent @SOAPHQ annual meeting elsewhere on my timeline - this is a widespread concern. @Jamesocarroll has initiated a large multicentre trial through the…… ImageImageImage
Read 11 tweets
May 13th 2023
Die Kraft der inneren #Einstellung ist unfassbar:

In meinem höchsten kalendarischen Alter 🤦 habe ich heute eine neuen persönlichen Leistungsrekord aufgestellt, habe mich insgesamt nie besser gefühlt 🚀

▶️ Wie kam es dazu?

Ein kurzer #thread über die Kraft des #mindsets ⬇️ Image
Die letzten Jahren waren für mich als einem der Oberärzte einer Intensivstation, vor allem unter den Bedingungen der #Coronapandemie, und Familienvater sehr intensiv.

Die richtige Balance zwischen #Beruf und #Familie zu finden war nicht immer einfach. #worklifebalance
Wenn der Akku dann immer häufiger leer ist, ist es Zeit etwas zu ändern. Die Bedingungen zu ändern ist aber meist kurzfristig nicht möglich, für langfristig bessere Bedingungen setzen wir uns konstruktiv ein.

Also habe ich an meiner inneren #Einstellung gearbeitet, dem #mindset.
Read 21 tweets
May 1st 2023
The following thread about surgeons and social media has been written by #GPT4 to answer the following prompt:

"Can you write a text on why social media is important for surgeons, how they can use it and, what actions should be taken?
#SoMe is important for surgeons because it allows them to:
1. Share their expertise and knowledge with other professionals and the public
2. Build their reputation and credibility as leaders in their field
3. Engage with their patients and potential patients in a more personal and interactive way
4. Learn from the feedback and experiences of other surgeons and patients
5. Stay updated on the latest developments and innovations in surgery
Read 8 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
@TumorBoardTues @drsarahsam @PTarantinoMD @stolaney1 @MPishvaian @BreastCaupdates @BCRFcure @BCAction @LivingBeyondBC @RenoHemonc 2/5 #TumorBoardTuesday

✅CDK4/6i +endocrine tx= 1L HR+ mBC
✅Ribo =⬆️OS; select based on shared decision
✅After prog on CDK4/6i, eval muts (ESR1, PIK3CA)➡️SERD vs PIK3CAi
✅Benefit in adj- monarchE

📚Here’s @drsarahsam @PTarantinoMD’s thread…
@TumorBoardTues @drsarahsam @PTarantinoMD @stolaney1 @MPishvaian @BreastCaupdates @BCRFcure @BCAction @LivingBeyondBC @RenoHemonc 3/5 #TumorBoardTuesday

🎥 TBT in a video: HR+ #mBC tx has changed significantly, esp in 2L setting.

Check out this SHORT video w algorithm to approach tx after progression on CDK4/6i:

A bigger and bigger role for 🎯 medicine to select next best therapy!
@TumorBoardTues @drsarahsam @PTarantinoMD @stolaney1 @MPishvaian @BreastCaupdates @BCRFcure @BCAction @LivingBeyondBC @RenoHemonc 4/5 #TumorBoardTuesday

📷 TBT in an image: Selecting CDK4/6i involves shared decision making! Things to keep in mind:

🔹OS benefit seen with ribociclib, but not palbo.
🔹Different toxicity profiles
🔹Medication interactions (QTc prolongation w ribo+ tamoxifen!) Image
Read 10 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
Yes! @gretchemaben now discussing the POSITIVES of social media. We must be intentional with how we use it. #SCCM2023 Image
Start with cons of #SoMe first:

#SCCM2023 #SCCMSome Image
And now the Pros:

#SCCM2023 #SCCMSoMe Image
Read 6 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
I have tweeted actively at more than 30 conferences during the past 5 years.

Here are 5 tips on how to power-tweet through your next conference:
First, why should you tweet at conferences?

📢 Share new knowledge with those unable to attend

Although I do not fully agree, many conferences have moved back to in-person-only formats.

Tweeting allows others to learn, share, and engage in some fashion even when remote.
✍️ Take your own notes

You would be surprised how much more attention you pay to talks when you “have to” accurately capture the key points.

This way, you respect the speaker AND learn more!
Read 19 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
📢🥁By popular demand presenting the TOP Oncology publications of 2022.

PS: List not exhaustive - so feel free to tag & add important papers to the list @OncoAlert @NEJM @TheLancetOncol @Annals_Oncology @NatureMedicine @Nature @CD_AACR
First 2022 saw publication of Hallmarks of Cancer: New Dimensions @CD_AACR @AACR @ElizSMcKenna…
DESTINY-Changing Results for Advanced Breast Cancer Trastuzumab Deruxtecan in Previously Treated HER2-Low Advanced Breast Cancer @NEJM @weoncologists @ErikaHamilton9 @teamoncology…
Read 28 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
1/11 #GITwitter is on 🔥 w #MedEd

It all started on one #MondayNight @DCharabaty

@MondayNightIBD was created & led the way for other platforms incl @ScopingSundays

👇#Tweetorial:Setting up Structured #MedEd Platforms on Social Media in @AGA_Gastro

📜 Image
2/11 Firstly ❓- Are #SoMe based #MedEd platforms & activities useful?

This survey by @DCharabaty & team 📝 at @DDWMeeting shows:

✅ Respondents suggesting change in practice based on discussions in 👆
✅ Enhances collaborations
✅ Promotes decision making
✅ Opport networking Image
3/11 Ready to get started ?

🟣Align Handle & Audience to your Educational Interest
🟣Create educational handle separate from your personal account
🟣Self-explanatory name & logo
🟣Determine 🎯 audience to curate content that will optimize engagement

Step-by-step guide 👇 Image
Read 11 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
Learned so much in this evening's @AACI_Cancer@ webinar on physician use of social media! Dr. @fumikochino highlighted sev successful research collaborations that began via #SoMe & said that Twitter has helped a lot with the "hustle" all #MedTwitter junior faculty face.
Dr. @SyedAAhmad5, who began tweeting during the #pandemic, highlighted opportunities to expand reach of #MedEd via #SoMe. For example, he taught this to #MedStudentTwitter, then realized there was no reason the learning needed to be confined to his operating room. cc @AACI_Cancer
Drs. @Jasosamd, @fumikochino, & @SyedAAhmad5 provided examples of using #SoMe to inform #MedTwitter, #SurgTwitter, & the pt #advocacy community about one's own research, as well as to promote the work of colleagues, esp mentees.
#mentorship #HeForShe #SheForShe
cc @AACI_Cancer
Read 10 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
@girardDev presents on managing the obese parturient at #OAA3dc2022. He sets the bar high for the future of presentations at #SOAPAM2023, #OAA23, #ASM23SYD: a QR code that links to all his references as well as a pdf of his slide deck - perfect for #OBAnes #SoMe & #FOAMed.
The value of PERI-oxygenation in obesity is not to be ignored. All patients will go blue, perioxygenated ones take 52 seconds longer (how long it feels depends on the sats?). We all remember the troop pillow, but do we remember the stool? Ergonomics of intubation #OAA3dc2022
@mbrrace meeting 10 November. Hope to see some live tweets of key messages @SusannaStanford. “We are ALL part of the solution” #OBAnes and obesity is definitely part of the puzzle, preventing it part of the solution. #OAA3dc2022
Read 11 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
Prof Marie Pierre Bonnet = @MariePierreBon2 (yay! for #SoMe) and she presents on anemia in #ObAnes at #OAA3dc2022 (photo better than podium ones). Definition of anemia in pregnancy: 110 or greater (11.0g/dL). Worldwide disparities. ImageImageImageImage
Iron deficiency dominates anemia in pregnancy. Iron deficiency is innocuous, right? Perhaps not in pregnancy. Maternal iron deficiency affects more than just Hb. It is associated with adverse outcomes. #OAA3dc2022 ImageImageImageImage
@MariePierreBon2 highlights anemia’s impact on maternal mortality (@BJOGTweets @mbrrace): aOR 3.6! Not just mortality, but morbidity burden as well (@Anaes_Journal). The psychological impact of maternal anemia is acknowledged - postpartum depression & cognition #OAA3dc2022 ImageImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
Join us tomorrow for the launch of a new #accredited #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia covering the relationship between #LDL_C & major #CV events, CV risk categories, recommended LDL-C treatment goals, & oral therapeutic options for lipid-lowering
1) Welcome to a new #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia. Our returning @cardiomet_CE expert author is dedicated #SoMe education advocate Kevin Fernando, FRCGP FRCP Edin, FAcadMEd MSc Diabetes @drkevinfernando
2a) This is the next instalment of @cardiomet_CE's 10-part #tweetorial foundational series on #lipid management! It is accredited for #CME/CE and intended for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists.
#FOAMed @MedTweetorials #cardiotwitter
Read 45 tweets
Jul 25th 2022
How would you tackle this heavily calcified LAD with calcified #nodule that was appropriately identified by intravascular imaging? #OCT…

In this #EHJCaseReports #tweetorial we take a deep dive into the Rx of #calcified coronary lesions.
Calcified lesions are top of the totem pole of complex PCI
Main armamentaria are balloon-based #IVL & ablation-based (rotational/orbital) techniques, while ancillary tools eg guide extension catheters are useful too.…

#EHJCaseReports #tweetorial
What do you see with this non-compliant balloon in this calcified RCA?
What would you do next? Poll in next tweet!…
Read 25 tweets
May 6th 2022
🚨Our new review paper 🚨 (with @roozenbot & @Sander_vdLinden) of #inoculationtheory applied to tackling #misinformation is out in the special issue “Threats to #Science” in the ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science!

🧵See 7 major points + link below:
🧵No, #fact-checking or #debunking is NOT enough to combat online misinformation - #fakenews can continue to influence reasoning and beliefs, even after it has been retracted/corrected. (1/7)
🧵Originating in the 60’s as a “vaccine for brainwash”, inoculation theory offers a logical basis for developing a psychological “#vaccine” against misinformation. (2/7)
Read 8 tweets
May 2nd 2022
Are you interested in #GIFellowship?

Hear from PDs & #GIFellows

✅ Application pearls
✅ LORs
✅ Tips forPersonal Statement
✅ Interviews

Who should attend?
🎯 Prospective applicants
🎯 Anyone who mentors residents


To warm up before this-a 🧵below: Image
1/16)To start, learn perspective of #GIFellows of what makes one a competitive applicant. Part I of this series covers:

✳️ Deciding on a career in #GI
✳️ Self assessment
✳️ Finding mentors
✳️ Scholarly work

All authors were fellows at time of this 📜

👉… Image
2/16) In part II of this series from above, it covers:

👉 Building your resume
👉 Building your brand
👉 Issues pertaining to minorities / #WomenInMedicine
👉 LORs
👉 Personal Statement
👉 Where to apply
👉 Interviews
👉 What happens if you dont match

📎… Image
Read 17 tweets
Dec 25th 2021
#antivaxx efforts now even use #deepfake

to target #refugee, Black, religious minority communities

like measles outbreak in Minnesota in 2019: Wakefield was flown in TO spread #misinformation & #disinformation

Now: online fake accounts/fake identities vs #VaccinesWork
What has #healthcare been doing meanwhile?

#Medbikini: Teach (male Asian) med students to make fake accounts to cyberstalk trainees’ personal Facebook for: bikini
or “being political” or “religious” (#BLM)

➡️“model minority” pipeline for “shadow faculty” vs Blck @ayshakhoury
#Medbikini #research got flak for men vs women

BUT was ALSO fake acct #surveillance vs #BLM like drove out @ayshakhoury @uche_blackstock @nhannahjones

While academia has ignored #vaccineequity
➡️ongoing #pandemic & deaths in marginalized targeted by #antivaxx

Read 23 tweets
Dec 23rd 2021
This 👇🏽👇🏿👇🏻 This is why #BLM exists & why “implicit bias” is not only real but it kills

Why, when you see it, say something, do something
The system changes not by sharing tweets & hashtags but actions & consequences & removal of toxicity from the system

Follow #BlackTwitter
Above #MedEd #TikTok improvement: #citeblackwomen who lead this work (not only utilized the savior mindset of Black & brown as victims) #Blackexcellence @citeblackwomen center Black women
Send #SoMe traffic to Black creators & activists. #healthcare…
Take #sharethemic initiative. It allowed #Blackexcellence to speak thru #influencer accounts to large followings for a day. I looked at before/after numbers, it did NOT drive any additional traffic to the actual accounts of those voices. Resurfacing this:
Read 45 tweets
Dec 6th 2021
Don’t miss a new accredited #tweetorial launching TOMORROW here on @cardiomet_CE. #Interventional #cardiologist, #researcher, & #SoMe education leader @DLBHATTMD will be talking all about #aspirin, its role in #cardiovascular wellness & prevention, and new approaches to . . .
1) Welcome to an #accredited #tweetorial on the foundational role of #aspirin in #cardiovascular care. There are new approaches to #aspirin formulation & dosing. This program is accredited for 0.50h CE/#CME. I am @DLBHATTMD. #FOAMed #cardiotwitter #medtwitter Image
Read 49 tweets
Nov 25th 2021
Very very important

#Kind_attention: #One_and_All


Proceedings to buy JJ's residence quashed by MHC: "Today's India is not a land of pharaohs or emperors to immortalise the dead.
Justice N.Seshasayee said the need for the memorial could not be dictated by professional achievements, political populism, an image carefully groomed by cultivated charisma and electoral victories.
Referring to the State having relied on a 1969 SC Judgement related to a memorial for Mahatma Gandhi in Ahmedabad, the Judge asked, "By relying upon this verdict, has not the Govt. acknowledged that the benchmark for establishing a memorial with public money can be justified.....
Read 11 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
/the information dilemma_

A 17-tweet summary of my academic contribution to the #KidneyWk 2021 meeting.
@ASNKidney: Thanks for selecting my work for presentation...I appreciate it.
My disclosures
I am a physician-programmer. I analyze #SoMe data, with a keen focus on Twitter. I primarily analyze tweets in #NephTwitter and #CardioTwitter, and I have analyzed tweets for Oncology and Endocrinology organizations as well.
We face an information dilemma we face in medical communities. The dilemma originates from customized search results. How can anything customized *to/for you* be a negative?
It's negative when ≥2 people are searching for the same thing (the truth) & getting different results.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
Don’t miss a new accredited #tweetorial launching TOMORROW here on @cardiomet_CE. #Cardiologist, #SoMe education advocate, and true #Renaissance man @CMichaelGibson will be discussing a novel #aspirin prep that has PK/PD like plain #ASA . . .
. . . but a different site of absorption--with greater predictability than ECASA. DON'T MISS IT!! @DLBHATTMD @cpcannon @AnnMarieNavar @DrM_ODonoghue @DrMarthaGulati @practicalcardio @GuyattGH @DrMauricioCohen @SVRaoMD @ASPCardio @PlateletDoc @stephanamayer #FOAMed #CardioTwitter
1) Welcome to a #tweetorial where we’ll explore how changing the formulation of #aspirin & where it's absorbed in the GI tract can ⬇️the risk of acute GI injury, but still maintain predictable absorption. This program is accredited for 0.50h CE/#CME. I am @CMichaelGibson. #FOAMed Image
Read 42 tweets
Oct 24th 2021
The use of instant messaging and social media in clinical practice: between the hammer and the anvil - In collaboration with the Working group on e-Cardiology @mmamas1973 @Dominik_Linz #SoMe #ESCDigitalSummit @escardio @Twitter for professional purposes
@Twitter Leading channel for professional exchange and is also making great changes on the academic world #SoMe #ESCDigitalSummit @escardio
How to start on @Twitter explained by @Dominik_Linz #SoMe #ESCDigitalSummit @escardio Important to know strengths and limitations
Read 7 tweets

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