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Feb 1st 2023
Thanks for reading the start of yet another daily thread documenting the news + crimes of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine

Wednesday represents Day 343 of the conflict.
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A busy day yesterday - I will repost soon about the scandalous actions of Russia's gymnastics team.

But lots more news too, including a late announcement from the US of more military aid.

Catch up on everything that happened Tuesday right here:

I am hoping this starts a campaign to not only get the seemingly Soviet loving @gymnastics (cc @BritGymnastics) to change its stance, but also the whole @Olympics movement.

Please retweet this or the original tweet.

Read 47 tweets
Dec 25th 2022
#TwitterFiles Thread: The #Spies Who Loved #Twitter.”
@mtaibbi sigue desvelando información sobre el gigantesco escándalo de los #TwitterFiles.
Mientras, los grandes medios mantienen su silencio sepulcral.
Va hilo.…
Lo que subyace es el inmenso poder que, desde la sombra, tienen los principales servicios de inteligencia (herramienta clave del “Estado profundo”) para influir, manipular y condicionar el pensamiento colectivo.
No es que sea una novedad, pues tradicionalmente lo han hecho con la manipulación de medios de comunicación, periodistas, investigadores y analistas.
Read 18 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
#Fact: #KhazarianMafia #USA #DeepState #Pentagon own global #media. #Journalists, some #Pulitzer Prize winners, provide full range of clandestine services, intel gathering and serve as go-betweens with #spies. Reporters shared their notebooks w/ #CIA. Editors shared their staffs. #Fact: #KhazarianMafia #USA...
How #KhazarianMafia #USA control global perception: #CIA officer Snepp explained (1983) how CIA planted #news stories in #Vietnam + #fakenews #media @nytimes @NewYorker @latimes @ChiDailyNews etc. Same to this day - #COVID19, #ClimateScam, #Ukraine, etc.

How #KhazarianMafia #USA co...
Read 3 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
Just FYI to the Bogus #BehaviouralHealthOpsters out there who like to project that everything is a "health crisis" from which people are "recovering" and need "healing" and "therapy" from: #PsychiatryCrime #SpyStateCrime #Spychiatry cannot be hidden ANYMORE & is #BeingExposed!👹
7:31 pm: Direct response to this tweet from the Opsters right next door calling out (they do this Only when Spychiatry is exposed at my pen, on social media, online on my Bentley logs, or in an article & in real time) to their conveniently named dog. Luna! Luna! Luna! Luna! Luna!
And since it appears #Spychiatry is such an elemental subject provoking immediate attention, may they all be warned: I am now at the #Spychiatry Desk, and the endless stream of subject flowing in is sure going to keep me busy!
Read 15 tweets
Apr 14th 2022
Wenn schon in #Berlin, dann ab ins #Regierungsviertel zu einer sicherheitspolitischen Weiterbildung rund um #Reichstag und #BrandenburgerTor. Dabei kam es zu 2 Überraschungen, geplant und ungeplant...
#spibtl901 #pioniere #havelberg #bundeswehr @1Panzerdivision @Deutsches_Heer ImageImageImage
Ein Mitarbeiter des #Bundestag|es, ebenfalls #Reservist und #Pionier, informierte die #Reservistinnen und #Reservisten von #spibtl901 über die Arbeit im #Parlament und des #Verteidigungsausschuss|es.
#SiPol @bundeswehrInfo #ReserveRockt @DieReserve ImageImageImage
Nach wenigen Minuten hielt eine schwarze Limousine und ihr entstieg Kdr #KdoTerrAufgBw und @LtrKrisenstab #Generalmajor #Breuer. Er nahm sich spontan Zeit und informierte sich über unser Vorhaben, die #Amtshilfe und die #Reserve. #ZMS #CIMIC #Berlin ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jun 21st 2021
Chinese Defector Mystery Deepens: Beijing’s sketchy report of Dong Jingwei’s appearance at a spy-catcher seminar adds suspicion that top counterintelligence official fled to U.S.—by @matthew_brazil & @SpyTalker for @talk_spy… #espionage #China #spies
Rumors that China's top spy catcher had defected to the US reached a fever pitch over the weekend, propelled largely by unfounded reports in anticommunist and pro-Trump circles that Dong had evidence that the Covid-19 pandemic originated in a Wuhan lab leak, not from an animal.
China’s officially sanctioned media reported June 18 that Dong had appeared at a MSS seminar where he “urged the country’s intelligence officers” to crack down on enemy spies. But there were no photos or videos of him, nor was the place and time of the seminar reported.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 16th 2021
#Spies steal secrets. Sometimes, those secrets must be carefully studied and analyzed by experts to turn them into products useful to policymakers.
The spies,talking about, here worked for the #mossad.The expert who painstakingly transformed secrets collected into actionable intelligence is David Albright&the policymaker who should be revising his policies in response to a clearer picture of reality is President Joe Biden.
The story begins on a cold night in January 2018, when Israeli agents stealthily broke into a warehouse in southern #Tehran where Iran’s rulers had stored an archive of their #nuclear weapons program.
Read 29 tweets
Dec 14th 2020
Chinese CCP database. Now looking for a nice translate script.
This is Shanghai members list, but should be interesting. Many Chinese companies work in India and have staff here.
@MODIfiedVikas @Iyervval Image
@chetanhere do you have Google translate API access. I am getting too old for this stuff 😁
41 results for India in organization name!
#Chinese #spies Image
Read 9 tweets
May 16th 2020
#CCP’s #World #Domination Strategy: #Weaponise Everything

Tactics: #Disguise, #Deflect, #Defame, #Divide, & #Deny

* Overseas researchers, academics, etc. are actually #spies.
* Chinese news outlets are actually its #propaganda mouthpiece. 1/n
* Belt & Road Initiative (#BRI) is actually Bait & Rob Initiative (debt trap diplomacy).

* America’s human right violations are worse than China’s.
* China can’t contribute much financially to international bodies because it’s an underdeveloped country. 2/n
* CCP ordered @WHO to call it #Covid19, but not #WuhanVirus, so as to disassociate it.

* Blamed #America, then #Italy, then #France as the origin of the virus.
* Play #victim: China lost many lives so as to let the world have time to save their people. 3/n
Read 6 tweets
Apr 30th 2020
#ICYMI Ep. 1231 Fireworks at the White House - The Dan Bongino Show® Disingenuous Press Asks Q’s to Entrap President NOT to Get Truth to Americans, Dissecting Steele Dossier VS FBI Files, Bill of Rights & Constitution NOT a Suggestion, & More!
Order your copy of the #1 Best Seller “Exonerated: The Failed Takedown of President Donald Trump by the Swamp” by Dan Bongino @dbongino #MAGA #DanBongino #BestSeller #DrainTheSwamp #MuellerReport #Phase4 #RT #Ad
Grassley And Johnson Request FBI Director Wray Turn Over All FBI Records On Crossfire Hurricane

#FBI #CrossfireHurricane #CrossfireTyphoon #FISC #FISAabuse…
Read 25 tweets
Jul 22nd 2019
15. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world?

#Hypocrites #DoubleStandards #Liars #Warlords #USRealTerrorists
Wrong US policies in the Middle East. Sanctions against Iran. Sanctions used by the USA as a war weapon🤨👇🏼
1. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world? 🤨👇🏼…
Read 104 tweets
May 3rd 2019
News Analysis 🔎 | The latest leak to @nytimes on May 3 revealed that yet another @FBI informant, #AzraTurk, had targeted @GeorgePapa19, an aide to then-candidate Donald J. Trump’s campaign.

Article by Nick Short @PoliticalShort (Thread 👇)…
#AzraTurk—whose real name still unknown—claimed she was a research assistant wanting to meet with #Papadopoulos to talk about foreign policy.

In reality, she was sent by the @FBI to gather intelligence about whether or not the Trump campaign was working with the #Russian gov't.
#AzraTurk appears to have flirted with #Papadopoulos, sending him emails after their meeting saying it was the “highlight” of her trip to #London and that she was “excited about what the future holds for us :).”
Read 13 tweets

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