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#上海升级 以来,#LSD 在以太坊爆炸式增长,且可能在其他 L1 网络中继续爆发,引领启动 #DeFi 的强劲反弹,带来LSD Summer🚀


本篇深度研究 LSD赛道中最有潜力的项目,无论投资还是质押,都一定能帮你找到 #财富密码 👇
之前的的文章全面分析了 #板块轮动,强烈建议大家读读。



0⃣在开始之前,让我们了解一下什么是LSD(Liquid Staking Derivatives)。

#LSD 代表 #POS 区块链中的抵押资产,与直接质押之间的主要区别在于流动性。持有者仍在获得奖励,但可以自由进行基本上所有的 #DeFi 活动。

Read 16 tweets
1/ One item highlighted in @VitalikButerin's Ethereum roadmap is Distributed Validator.

What is 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆 (#DVT) and could it be the next big narrative for Ethereum after Shapella Upgrade?

🧵 A thread Image
2/Since Ethereum’s Merge, we have witnessed the Liquid Staking Derivative protocols like @LidoFinance @Rocket_Pool @fraxfinance flourish.

The rapid expansion of the liquid staking, however, has led to concerns about concentration.
3/ For instance, @LidoFinance and @coinbase collectively control 90% of the $ETH liquid staking market (Lido alone claims 75% of the market). Image
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It is said that Distributed Validator Technology, or #DVT, could reshape @ethereum Liquid Staking. Why?
1) What is #DVT?
#DVT provides an open infrastructure for splitting and distributing validator keys into multiple KeyShares in order to run @ethereum validators on a cluster of nodes, allowing individuals, groups, or communities of operator to form as a single validator.
In the view of technology, #DVT consists of 4 key components: Distributed Key Generation, Shamir Secret Sharing of BLS Signatures, Secure Multi-Party Computation and the #DVT BFT Consensus Layer.
Read 13 tweets

这是以太坊2.0的开发路线图,以太坊2.0是多线程并行,在2022年9月进行合并后,就会发现下一个很重要的阶段就是要做DVT,SSV就是从以太坊基金会研究员手里接过这个外包,从2021年10月份开始开发。 Image
Read 14 tweets
As a #medicine resident you'll come across 👇🏻 scenario often.

Your #surgery colleagues want you to opine on the type and duration of ANTICOAGULATION and also want to know why it occured in the first place🤷‍♂️

Let's dig deeper 👇🏻


#MedTwitter #DVT
Yeah, this is obviously a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) !

It's fairly common, develops in about 1/1000 people 😮

Remember, DVT+PE = VTE

PE= pulm embolism
VTE= venous thromboembolism

⭐1/3 DVT develop PE⭐

The PE is what can lead to mortality!
Preventing PE is IMPORTANT 🙏🏻

DVT is not less of a monster !

Many w/ DVT will develop post thrombotic syndrome 😮 That's a lot of morbidity, leg pain, swelling, ulceration and all 😭

🔸Why does VTE occur ?
🔸Who's at risk of developing it ?
🔸Can we prevent it ?
🔸How does one treat it ?

Read 24 tweets
@bhwords Dr. Beverley Hunt presenting on #COVID19 and #thrombosis. She wants to chronologically review the battles we have fought! #ASH22 1/n
@bhwords This story (clinical presentation) -- a reminder of the patients from the front lines in the beginning and what some docs went through! #COVID19 #ASH22 2/n Image
@bhwords #COVID19 is the 'perfect suit for VTE' ... inflammation, sticky blood, vessel wall changes. The amazingly high levels of fibrinogen (14g/L! (normal is 2-4g/L)) D-dimers reported on a log scale because of the significant increase. #ASH22 3/n
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🔥We will have a 1 year, and one of its kind Thrombosis Fellowship training program @ccfvascmed starting July 1, 2023. Our highly-acclaimed expert in thrombosis Dr. Marcelo Gomes is the PD. Applicants should be qualified in Vascular Medicine 🫀, hematology 🩸 or IM.
Training will be given by vascular internists, hematologist, cardiologists, clinical pathologists in thrombosis. Real mentorship & protected time for thrombosis research will also be given by @nih_nhlbi funded investigators . Thank you to @InariMedical for sponsorship !
This is a joint venture between @CleClinicHVTI @CCLRI #CleClinicCancer. Formal application available soon. Please DM me if interested. Please retweet. Our staff:….
Read 5 tweets
1/ For the fellows and #ACCEarlyCareer!

It’s a coronary thrombus! When to consider thrombectomy? What do you do? Let’s walk through this…#Tweetorial

#Cardiotwitter #Cardiology #STEMI
2/ Middle age patient with hx of CAD and PCI to LAD presents with significant SOB and elevated Hs-Trop. No chest pain. No ECG changes. Echo with inferior hypokinesis.

Here’s the diagnostic with a JR4.

Notice the filling defect in the RCA. This is thrombus. How do we know?
3/ Keys of #thrombus on angiogram

🔑 contrast staining
🔑 Lack of calcium on non con image
🔑 ovoid filling defect (complete lumen)

#Cardiotwitter #STEMI #TIMI
Read 25 tweets
It took my legs a few minutes to warm up this morning, but glad to report that long morning walks remain easy, in contrast to later in the day. #Totnes is waking up beautifully ☀️
5 miles walked this morning, with no adverse effects. Then strimmed & mowed a lawn. Great to not be worried about my heart and lungs as I got a real workout from the gardening. However, I'm mindful of the warnings of some with #LongCovid that I should continue to pace myself.
Read 73 tweets
Stepping into the first fully post-merge month got us reminiscing about all the special moments that took place in September.

Here’s our quick recap so we can soak it in one last time 👇
🧵1/15 Image
The community gathered around numerous live watch parties to take part in #Ethereum’s successful (& deliciously uneventful) #PoS switch🎉 

During Nethermind’s live Merge Watch, teams & guests from every corner of the ecosystem came together-

to watch the historic transition✨Merge data, #L2s and scalability, rollups and #StarkNet, #DeFi and mainstream blockchain adoption were just some of the analyses and insights we were spoiled with.

Read 15 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial about an important complication of #pulmonaryembolism (#PE): chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension #CTEPH. Follow this thread to earn 0.75h CE/#CME #physicians #physicianassociates #NPs #nurses #pharmacists.
2) I am Jason Weatherald @AlbertaPHdoc of @UAlberta and you may recall my previous tweetorial in this feed. It's still available for credit at @cardiomet_CE is your ONLY home for earning CE/#CME entirely on Twitter! Howdy to @vic_tapson @lauralynndonah1 Image
3) This program is intended for #healthcare providers and is supported by educational grants from Actelion, Bayer, Chiesi, & AstraZeneca. Faculty disclosures are listed at Prior programs, still available for credit, are at
Read 49 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on a🗝️ topic in #cancer care & #vascular medicine: #VTE (#DVT and #PE). Cancer patients are at⬆️risk from their disease, their comorbidities, & often from their treatment. It's a sticky wicket & @cardiomet_CE is proud to welcome ...
2) ... one of the world's leading authorities on cancer-associated VTE as new faculty both here and on @onc_ce: Dr. Alok Khorana @aakonc of @ClevelandClinic, to talk about advances and best treatment in this space!
3) This educational program is intended for health care providers & is supported by a grant from Bristol Myers Squibb & its Alliance partner Pfizer, Inc. Faculty disclosures are listed at Earn CE/#CME credit from prior programs at
Read 39 tweets
Don’t miss a new accredited #tweetorial launching TOMORROW here on @cardiomet_CE. #Emergencymedicine #thrombosis researcher @md_pollack will be discussing safe, effective management of selected patients with venous thromboembolism (#VTE) from the #emergencydepartment.
It used to be SOOO much more complicated, but since we entered the era of the #DOACs, #lifeisgood! #Physicians #nurses #pharamcists all work together to make it happen, and all can earn CE/#CME here! @AlexSpyropoul @ScottKaatz @RenatoDLopes1 @GenoMerli @aakonc @vic_tapson
1) Welcome to a #tweetorial on the safe and effective management of acute venous #thromboembolism (#VTE) directly from the #emergencydepartment. This program is accredited for 0.50 credits for #physicians #nurses #pharmacists by @academiccme! I am @md_pollack. Image
Read 23 tweets
World class ⁦@ClevelandClinic⁩ Hospital Medicine Grand Rounds - Update in #HospitalMedicine by Dr. Jessica Donato! A rising star! ⁦@BIDMC_IM⁩ ⁦@HarvardHospMed⁩ ⁦@CWRUSOM⁩ ⁦@SocietyHospMed
Is postop #afib associated w increased risk for CVA/TIA?
Is one #DOAC better than other for #afib?
Read 21 tweets
3/ Clot is in a constant state of evolution. #Fibrin—> #Collagen.
Unfortunately many patients present in the subacute or late phase of #clot development which hinders many of our treatment approaches.
7️⃣days- 20% collagen

1️⃣5️⃣ days- 50% collagen

2️⃣1️⃣days- 80% (!!) collagen
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Pulmonary #embolism (lung blood clot) was >10 times more common after #SARSCoV2 infection (COVID19; ~15x over background rate), vs after getting #Pfizer's or #AstraZeneca's vaccine (~1.2x> background)

Similar greater risks with COVID-19 for #DVT & #VTE
2) First of all – as the authors note – in those #vaccinated against COVID-19, "thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, and thrombosis with thrombocytopenia were very rare events."
3) Data from 1.9 Million (M) recipients of AstraZeneca, ~1.7 M of Pfizer, and ~300k COVID-19 cases (few old) – compared with ~2.3 M in the general population.

These cohorts were used to calculate the observed incidence vs. background (SIR) or observed vs. expected # of cases.
Read 8 tweets
1/ Welcome to the first part of a #Tweetorial series on #VenousDisease.

🩸To begin how about we talk about the main player in the game- C.L.O.T. (and why you should care about it)

#Cardiotwitter #Irad #fellows #fellowtwitter #medthread #clot #medtwitter #clottwitter
3/ All clots ARE NOT born equally! There is a difference! Image
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THREAD:5⃣things to know from 5 recent TI Therapeutics Letters👩🏽‍🔬

1/5: How to choose a good #mirtazapine dose? 🤔

Mirtazapine has a dose response 💊for harm but NOT for efficacy: harm ↗️ after 30mg/day but efficacy doesn't:

#MedEd #deprescribing #ptsafety
2/5: Want to learn about recent @GovCanHealth #medsafety or international warnings for medications?

Read our Therapeutics Letter on international drug safety advisories: ⚠️ 💊

#drugsafety #SegPac #ptsafety
3/5: Do you like receiving feedback on your #prescribing?👩🏽‍⚕️💊

Read about Personal Prescribing Portraits:

#MedEd #deprescribing
Read 6 tweets
🧵 “How can I improve #PICC safety in my hospital?”

I’ve received many questions like this following the recent publication of our @BMJ_Qual_Saf paper showing how we did this in 50+ hospitals.…

Today, we released the formula (Thread)
@BMJ_Qual_Saf First, head over to and click on “Implementation” in the top menu - this will take you to the Roadmap for Quality Improvement. Image
@BMJ_Qual_Saf Then, pause for a moment.

You’re about to go on a journey - a #qualityimprovement journey.

Look for your markers, prepare yourself for change! Image
Read 13 tweets
Reducing #COVID19 #Airborne #Transmission Risks on #PublicTransportation Buses
Wearing of #facemasks reduced the overall particle count released into the bus by an average of 50%, the dispersion distance by several feet and #aerosol particles by 84.36%. Image
🔝#SARSCoV2 Infects Human Engineered Heart Tissues and Models COVID-19 Myocarditis
#COVID19 can kill heart muscle cells, interfere with contraction. Details of how #coronavirus infects #heart: models of tissue damage may help develop potential therapies. Image
High-content screening of coronavirus genes for innate immune suppression reveals enhanced potency of SARS-CoV-2 proteins
196 protein products of seven coronaviruses: the genes encoded by #SARSCoV2 are generally more potent immune suppressors than others Image
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⚠️#Ocular #MRI Findings in Patients with Severe #COVID19: A Retrospective Multicenter Observational Study
All patients had nodules in the macular region, 8/9 (89%) had bilateral nodules, 2/9 (22%) had nodules outside the macular region. Screening needed. Image
⚠️🔝New-Onset #IgG #Autoantibodies in Hospitalized Patients with #COVID19
An international team of researchers studying COVID-19 has made a startling and pivotal discovery: The virus appears to cause the body to make weapons to attack its own tissues. Image
⚠️🔝Patterns of myocardial injury in recovered troponin-positive COVID-19 patients assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Damage to the heart found in more than half of #COVID19 patients discharged from hospital who show raised levels of troponin. Image
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New in @ATSBlueEditor, the culmination of over 4 years of work in the @bradleymaron lab, in which we identify that #NEDD9 is a hypoxia-regulated pulmonary endothelial protein that directly binds activated platelets to promote pulmonary thrombosis.…

The @bradleymaron lab previously discovered that the malignancy protein #NEDD9 promotes endothelial fibrosis by regulating collagen synthesis in human pulmonary artery endothelial cells (HPAECs), which could be targeted to inhibit #PAH in vivo.…

As a pro-metastatic protein, #NEDD9 interacts with pro-thrombotic cell types, & it was shown to be ⬆️ via #HIF1α in cancer cells to promote migration. We hypothesized that #NEDD9 is ⬆️ by hypoxia in HPAECs ➡️ pathogenic platelet-EC adhesion.…
Read 20 tweets
Here is the #PedsICU #BestOf2020 collection.
Jointly chosen by
@Dr_Hari_Krishna @sgdambrauskas and myself
Pubmed collection 40 articles:…
Infographic (clickable PDF) in English:
#PedsCICU #NeuroPICU
This will be a bilingual tweetorial in Spanish/English!
Infographics are available in both languages in Tweet #1

El hilo será en Español/Inglés. El resumen infográfico está disponible en los dos idiomas en el primer Tweet
1/What are the outcomes that matter to children, to families and to #researchers/clinicians? @ericka_fink et al & @PostPICU_PALISI investigators identified COS using a delphi process. @CritCareMed Developmental and functional outcomes were important.
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Kicking off multidisciplinary Research Consensus Panel (RCP) to finally investigate the ❓: what is the optimal medical therapy (OMT) following venous recan? Follow #VenousRCP throughout the day to learn more and contribute! #SIRFoundation @SIRRFS @SIR_ECS @JVIRmedia
🔴 Pathophysiology of venous thromboembolism #VTE
🟠Venous recanalization & stenting
🟡The mystery of medical therapy following recanalization
🟢Patency & outcome measures
🔵Economics & cost-effectiveness of treatment
🟣Future directions
🔴 ✅#VTE affects ~100 of every 100,000 people yearly in the US
✅Incidence of VTE ⬆️⬆️ exponentially with age, especially after 40
#Endovascular recan is a common tx; post-tx algorithms vary widely
✅More #epidemiology info @CircAHA
Read 24 tweets

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