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Learn Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) in 30 Days!
Check out this thread. 🧵
1. You should primarily select a coding language that you are comfortable in e.g. Java, Python, or C++.

2. Also, go through the time complexities of various algorithms.

3. Do not directly jump to the solution.
Day 1 and Day 2(Math's & Programming Language):

So to solve any type of Coding problem, you should know basic Mathematics🧮 for the first 2 days.

If you are already aware of the basic math concepts you should spend this time selecting your own Programming Language.
Read 18 tweets
A low #CPI triggered a 114-point jump that took it above the dominant trendline. At the open, sell orders above that level initiated a pullback that took it 126 points down to the 20DMA

Not what we would call a 1-day reversal, more upside to come
Same picture for #DIA, sell orders above Dec 1 high pushed the #DJI lower

It went down after an impressive initial rally
Bounced from 20DMA

#DJIA will continue to lead the rally

Not a pretty candle, but not exactly a 1-day reversal

#DowJones #trading #options #trading

Same story

Perhaps an uglier candle, closer to a 1-day reversal than $DIA and $SPX.

$RTY looking much better

Bounced from important support in the trading channel

Big volume today.

#IWM needs to catch up with $DJI for accompanying leadership

$RUT #RUT #RTY_F #trading
Read 12 tweets
1/ What a Tragedy for 🇪🇺 🚨🚨 one more 🧵

The @Europarl_EN has therefore decided to turn #Europe into the next generation #Leviathan. Makes me wonder if Thomas Hobbes was a #scifi author more than a philosopher !
2/ Beyond the inevitable decrease in competitiveness for the European digital asset ecosystem - this decision is much more serious, calling into question the very freedom and privacy 🕵️‍♀️ of #European citizens if enacted in law.
3/ In this specific instance - #MEPs have collectively failed to understand two fundamental dimensions of blockchain:
Read 12 tweets
Thanks to @GeoffCutmore, @cnbcKaren & the #SquawkBox team for having me on this morning's show.

We discussed #bonds & #centralbanks, touched on #supplychains & talked of #Growth's vulnerability, #commodities' appeal.

Slide deck follows:-

Is your box still backed up in port? How much does the onward haulage cost? What happens to #freight rates after #LNY/#Beijing2022?
The bet is that #energy cannot *possibly* rise as far and fast this year as last, but what about all the other inputs? To what extent are these and other costs yet to be passed on?


Read 15 tweets
Let's pick out a few key points of the #COVID19 coup

The State should mobilize ALL digital means of control IN PERPETUITY so, should it decide you need to avail yourselves of some 'safety measure', it can 'locate you w/out delay & provide you with "assistance"' 1/n
Such "assistance" can be 'extremely finely targeted - eg, by exploiting #genetic data & #medicalrecords'
Backing this up, you'll be self-reporting your status in real-time via 'connected objects' & imaging cameras allowing #PreCrime - sorry - 'preventative intervention' 2/n
'Teams' can be 'positioned' to isolate people using smartphone tracking.
'Control - if necessary accompanied by sanction' is 'precisely where digital technology' is the 'most EFFICIENT'!
Efficient in the manner that whips, clubs & attack-dogs are 'efficient'.
#COVID19(33) 3/n
Read 16 tweets
"We ❤️ #FAANG #monopolists " Beware #Goebbles says :" If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." (Hint: Count how many times we have heard this same #theme, in the same #media, by the same #authors)
2/goe #Economics101: If in an industry, u create a counter to an existing monopoly, u turn it into a duopoly, if u create 2nd counter it becomes an oligopoly. The first step in creating completion. The second step is to create a regulatory system that fosters/promotes competition
3/goe #RegulatoryEc The danger to society from #Asymmetric info & #moral hazard in #Finance was 10x that of goods monopolies, the danger from #SocialMedia & #E-com monopolies is 10x that of Financial collapse! Need 21st C regulations for latter! 🙏🏼don't make it a partisan issue
Read 4 tweets
Business Model : Netflix vs Spotify

You'd think that both of them would have pretty similar business model, apart from the fact that NF is a subscription-only video streaming platform while SPOT is a freemium audio streaming platform

But there's more to it!

A thread (1/n)
1. NF licenses content copyrights from the producers and also produces its own content – NF Originals – which constitute 35-40% of the library.

SPOT licenses content copyrights from record label companies (2/n)
The relationships between producers and distributors are different in music and video. The music industry is an oligopoly, while, video industry is fragmented and spread out among a number of studios, reducing latter’s pricing power (3/n)
Read 13 tweets
The Ultimate Crypto Full Cycle Strategy Guide


It’s been a year since $BTC has peaked. You have been 100% in USD stablecoins, all of which are acquiring interest. You are now making sure the principal amount is increasing, never taking more than 100% of your interest out.

Your savings are in different wallets and blockchains (@terra_money, #BSC, etc.). They are divided per fixed interest (+20% @anchor_protocol), auto-compounding #FAANG - UST LP’s (@autofarmnetwork) & auto-compounding variable interest +30% (@autofarmnetwork & @beefyfinance).

You are looking for that sign to tell you it is time to buy $BTC and it will come in the form of #Bitcoin Realized Price. When the actual $BTC price drops below the realized price, you know you are at rock bottom.
Read 22 tweets
Hora de un ⚡️#thread! Vamos a trabajar un poco más los ejercicios que preguntan en la entrevista enfocada a algoritmos en que preguntan en #FAANG

Este es mi favorito -> Number of islands.

Es un ejercicio de nivel medio.…
En este ejercicio vamos a ver un algoritmos llamado DFS. Voy a tratar de explicarlo lo más sencillo posible. Pero lee este thread tantas veces lo necesites, y pregúntame las dudas que tengas.

Lo importante es que DFS te haga click 🧑🏽‍💻
El ejercicio Number of Islands dice:
Tenemos un array de m * n, lleno de valores “1” y “0”.

1 representa tierra, y 0 el mar.

Una isla esta representada por varios 1 contiguos.

Cuántas islas hay en los arrays que nos den? Image
Read 49 tweets
Hora de un ⚡️#thread #Javascript

Una estructura de datos que enterramos saliendo de la escuela porque en lenguajes de alto nivel no es muy usada. Pero muchas de las estructuras que usamos la usan por dentro, y por ende es pilar de la programación.

Hablemos de Linked Lists!
Hace poco escuche una analogía que me gustó mucho para explicar linked lists.

Imaginemos que hiciste una mudanza. Clasificaste las cosas en cajas, y cada una de ellas tiene un post-it que indica donde está la siguiente caja.
De esta forma, para poder llegar a cualquier caja, tendremos que empezar desde la primera, e ir leyendo cada post-it hasta encontrar la que necesitemos.

Cada caja solo sabe su contenido y donde está la siguiente caja (y la anterior en el caso de una lista doblemente ligada)
Read 17 tweets
Hora de un ⚡️ #thread! Hoy vamos a tocar un ejercicio de algoritmia bastante famoso en la entrevista de algoritmos y estructuras de datos!

Es un ejercicio para preparación en entrevistas #FAANG.

Este es nivel fácill, así que manos a la obra! #Javascript…
Para este ejercicio, vamos a usar una estructura de datos que me gusta bastante, llamada Stack.

Si necesitas refrescar tu memoria, este video de 6 segundos nos dice lo básico de stacks!

El problema nos dice esto
- Nos van a enviar un string que contiene los caracteres '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' y ']'
- Una cadena es válida si para un símbolo que abre, existe su contraparte en el orden correcto
- De otra forma, es inválida
Read 24 tweets
Listos para un #thread⚡️ para preparación de entrevistas?

Toca una herramienta que preguntan en entrevista de #algoritmos en #SiliconValley / #FAANG.

Hoy vamos a hablar de binary search (búsqueda binaria) con #Javascript!

Binary Search nos ayuda a encontrar elementos en una lista de una forma super optimizada.

Imaginemos que tenemos esta lista, y tenemos que encontrar el número "36"

Qué formas se te ocurren para encontrarlo?
Mmm, se me ocurre usar:
- indexOf
- filter
- includes
- incluso un for común y corriente.

El problema de todas estas soluciones, es que tienen un costo en Big O lineal. Big O(n), donde n es el tamaño de la lista.

Podemos hacerlo mucho mejor!
Read 16 tweets
Ayer estaba hablando con un amigo que esta haciendo entrevistas en Silicon Valley, y me comentó que le pidieron programar un #throttle.

Este concepto es común que salga en la entrevista especializada de #frontend / #javascript.

Qué es #throttle? Un ⚡️ #Thread

La semana pasada hablamos de #debounce. #throttle es una función hermana de esta.

Throttle es una función que recibe 2 args: la función a ejecutar y un tiempo de bloqueo.

Cuando la función se ejecuta, el tiempo comienza a correr y bloquea cualquier otra ejecución.
Veamos el problema!

Tenemos una función que imprime texto en la consola.

El entrevistador solamente dirá: "ok, programa un throttle"

Si no sabes que es un throttle, te lo explicará. Pero son puntos menos, cuidado! 🚨

Throttle y debounce son tools básicas para todo frontend.
Read 10 tweets
Un ⚡️lightning #thread de mis libros favoritos para Front End 🧵#javascript #CSS

Varios de estos recursos los sigo leyendo cada cierto tiempo, y son excelentes para prepararse en la entrevista especializada de Front End de las empresas grandes en Silicon Valley / #FAANG

Eloquent Javascript: mi biblia de JS enfocado al browser. Desde APIs del DOM hasta técnicas para mejorar el performance de las aplicaciones web.

Si tuvieras que elegir un libro de esta lista, que sea este.
Marca un antes y después como developer.
#CSS Secrets: Cuando empecé mi carrera como front end, odiaba CSS.

Este libro me abrió la mente para descubrir que no lo odiaba, sino que no lo entendía. Y va mucho más allá: no solo ser técnico, pero creativo al crear una UI.…
Read 7 tweets
Here goes my @threadapalooza on Heidegger, the greatest thinker of the modern era, a social, political, and cultural conservative (who briefly flirted with fascism and Nazism), a mystic, a contemplative, a contrarian, and a thinker whose influence extends far beyond academia...
What was Heidegger's main thesis?

He's hard to pin down & scholars fight about what it means to be "Heideggerian." But Heidegger himself said that his best readers should not be Heideggerian, i.e., followers, but should instead take up his thought in their own original way. 2/
Being a Heideggerian is a performative contradiction--follow Heidegger or reduce him to a thesis and you've missed the forest for the trees. To write about Heidegger as an academic is to be at odds with Heidegger's spirit. 3/
Read 100 tweets
Thanks to @GeoffCutmore & @cnbcKaren for having me on the show this morning.

Here's a short thread of the notes - entitled, "Time to Get Real?" - which I put together in preparation.
They should hopefully be self-explanatory:-

#SquawkBox #CNBC #macro #equities #commodities
You've heard it here before: pay out or pay down is a big part of the #inflation equation:-
Yes, there's a "V" - or at least a flipped square root sign - underway, but will it extend far enough & fast enough?
Read 11 tweets
#Apple , $2 Trillion stock and mystery of 10:30 AM when large buying happens in #FAANG especially #Apple
#swissbank #softbank #boj #norgesbank are large buyers of these stocks

Apple hit a market cap of $2 trillion, doubling in valuation in just over two years.
Apple first reached a $1 trillion market cap on Aug. 2, 2018. It didn't take long for other tech giants Amazon, Microsoft and Alphabet to match Apple's $1 trillion market cap.
All of Apple’s second $1 trillion came in the past 21 weeks...
while the global economy shrank faster than ever before in the coronavirus pandemic.
Investors have started seeing Apple's business less like other hardware makers and more like a software company, as indicated by Apple's quickly rising price-earnings ratio, which is now over 33
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EUA - Resultados: Facebook, Google (Alphabet), Apple e Amazon reportando fortes resultados após o fechamento do mercado.

Exceto por Google, todas as ações subindo acima de 4% neste momento.


AMZN, AAPL, and FB all up over 5%. GOOGL down.
Read 4 tweets
A thread: How I prepared for a #tech role in #FAANG
1. Technical preparation of #python and #SQL
2. Behavioral and cultural screen with @Latesha_Byrd
3. Deep dive on department domain and current tools and techniques
Technical preparation included practicing @LeetCode and @CodeSignalCom for #SQL and #python. I started to time myself and also spoke out loud what I was doing and why to get familiar with #whiteboarding etiquette. I also had my friends mock interview me.
I also utilized @TeamBatcode for more #python practice with primitive #datastructures and #Algorithms. It was consistent practice while talking out loud. I probably worked through about 50-60 problems.
Read 11 tweets
@realmoney Buy value, Sell #FAANG
The Revenge of the Nerds (or Turds) as a pivot from growth to value accelerates...
A foreshadowing of political influence coming down on social media:
$FB Executives Shut Down Efforts to Make The Site Less Divisive…
"A Facebook team had a blunt message for senior executives. The company’s algorithms weren’t bringing people together. They were driving people apart.
“Our algorithms exploit the human brain’s attraction to divisiveness,” read a slide from a 2018 presentation.
“If left unchecked,” it warned, Facebook would feed users “more and more divisive content in an effort to gain user attention & increase time on the platform.”
That presentation went to the heart of a question dogging Facebook almost since its founding: Does its platform
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Don't Be Obsessed With Your Desires
* There is a force in the universe...
"Don't be obsessed with your desires Danny. The Zen philosopher, Basho, once wrote, 'A flute with no holes, is not a flute... A donut with no hole is a Danish."
- Ty Webb, Caddyshack

This is the time in the market's rally when FOMO replaces FEAR and when the confident "talking heads" who projected a market retest are equally confident that a new bull market leg is upon us.
To me, this is the time in the market's rally to reassess
upside reward vs downside risk in all of your holdings (hint: it is deteriorating) - as many equities are up substantially from the third week of March.
It is the time to also consider margin of safety in your holdings.
Just as it was, with the benefit of hindsight, appropriate
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@realmoney now
Playing Bullishly... For Now
* The bears' skepticism (and cautious market positioning) coupled with their collective cynicism towards medical and scientific innovation and the inevitability of the curve's flattening coupled with an "all in" Fed have fueled the
market recovery from the March lows.
* I continue to be positioned for a pivot from growth to value
* $MSFT and #FAANG may suffer as market laggards (arguably trading at a 2000 S&P equivalent) play "catch up"
Read 3 tweets
Here's every date in the past 20 years that a #FAANG stock was down 20% or more in a single trading session.

data: @YahooFinance
5 of the 11 dates are in July.
4 of the dates are July 24th, 25th, or 26th.
Read 4 tweets

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