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Have you seen how Disney now simps for China in practically all Marvel series.

This is part of China’s power play and influence on Hollywood.

As China rises it also understands the need to control worldwide perception. Uses hard and soft power.…
We have the chips.

But we have neither the vision nor the spine to control the narrative.
If there was an index of “narrative control” India would be dead last in it.

Literally even Pakistan and Afghanistan do better.
Read 4 tweets
#QAnon (This is not an endorsement, on the contrary.) #SGTReport is/was a YouTube channel and a blog dedicated to spreading pro-Q propaganda. This video is from early 2018. The title of the video is "Qanon- This is Either Fantasy or a Dream Come True." We can observe several……
This is Robert David Steele (RDS) and the video corresponds to the same time period. Here we see the seeding of the idea of #JulianAssange being transported to the US, RDS talks about his friend #BillBinney (remember that Binney talked directly to #pompeio about the leaked……
Read 4 tweets
1/15 #AlexJones is one of the Kremlin's best assets in the United States.
Here is my late night rant on this dangerous anti-American Russian intelligence asset and other somewhat connected thoughts before I pass out.
2/15 He supports a multiple polar world order and gave someone who was/is under U.S. Treasury sanctions at the time a huge platform to spread his Russian propaganda and profit from book sales. Aleksandr #Dugin. Is that even legal?
3/15 Dugin is not a good guy. In fact #AlexJones was promoting someone that taught high level Russian officers to destabilize the United States and that they would geopolitically destroy us with a new empire. This is traitorous activity to give #Dugin a platform.
Read 15 tweets
Diese Fragen stelle ich mir auch schon lange.
1. Wie groß ist das Team hinter dem Account von @kamilkazani?
2. Warum blockt er angesehene Wissenschaftler?
3. Ist er der Wahrheit verpflichtet oder hat er eine "hidden agenda"?
@kamilkazani 1. Ein Account von 350.000 Follower ist weit mehr als ein geschichtsinteressierter Blogger. Es ist ein Medienunternehmen. Hoch professionell und mit Arbeitsteilung, Hierarchien und einem Businessmodell. Ist das jetzt einfach
a) Ein erfolgreicher Blogger?
b) etwas anderes?
@kamilkazani 2. Warum blockt er schneller als sein Schatten?
a) gehört zum Businessmodell
b) Snowflake
c) Akzeptiert wissenschaftlichen Widerspruch nicht
d) anderer Grund
Read 4 tweets
Feeling @sabeenebe 👇. Die #Digitalisierung verstärkt bei vielen auch auf #Twitter Verrohung & Radikalisierung hin zum feind-seligem #Dualismus der gruppenbezogenen Menschenfeindlichkeit. Da stürzen auch einstmals Kluge - öfter Männer - in Abgründe voller Hass. 💁‍♂️🤔🔥
Für antidemokr. & antideutsche Dualisten sieht die Welt düster aus: #Putin taumelt in der #Ukraine🇺🇦, gg. #Trump, #QAnon & #Querdenken laufen Verfahren, das verschwörungsmyth. #infowars bekam 1. Strafe, die queerfeindlichen #Kiwifarms wurde geschlossen… Verzweifelter Hate.💁‍♂️🔥
Eine schlechte Nachricht gibt es aber leider auch: #CNN ist an einen #Trump-nahen Milliardär gefallen, monistische Journalist:innen werden bereits „gegangen“.
Read 6 tweets
Wie kann man so krass abstürzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets
(2) How many of you openly admit that at one time, you listened to Paul Joseph Watson? I never did. I barely listened to Alex Jones. There is no shame in once listening to him. Everyone makes mistakes. As I wrote in my first book...
(3) "As for the well-intentioned, misinformed people who peddle nonsense, I have more sympathy for them. Very early on, I promoted a lot of information from different authors and independent journalists that I shouldn't have. Much of that information was discrediting...
Read 12 tweets
None of the 30 @NATO countries have any twitter handle like @NATOinUkraine. A special aspiration of @NATO to bring @Ukraine under their fold. Twitter handle created back in 2015 - long term game. What does Ukraine have that @NATO was so eager towards @Ukraine? Image
Current 30 countries by year of joining @NATO 30 Nato Countries by year o...
A map of how @NATO expanded in europe… Image
Read 49 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/09/2021…
Europe’s third wave: ‘It’s spreading fast and it’s spreading everywhere’…

#COVID19 #waves #surges #europe
PSYOP, Cyber, and InfoWar: Combating the New Age IED - Modern War Institute…

#cybersecurity #infowars #military #InformationSecurity
Read 10 tweets
1/ #CapitolRiots fueled by #AlexJones’ propaganda.

Alex Jones paid $500K organize the event, admits he was directed by #Trump to lead the crowd to the Capitol.

.@FBI Pls Investigate Free Speech System’s & Trump’s communications, donors & pre-election funding of infowars.
2/ .@FBI please investigate. My kids were taken away for countermanding defamation & because I spoke out against infowars, which I used to own. Pls investigate due process violations in D-1-FM-15-005030 & official oppression to silence anti-Trump speech.
3/.@FBI investigate why Alex Jones’ DUI charge was dismissed w out trial and all Travis Co rulings to protect him, investigations not pursued by DA and (indicted) AG for racketeering, perjury. Investigate $6500 donation to judge prior to order entry...
Read 49 tweets
No, fuck you, @FoxNews. We ALL saw through the charade you pulled last Night - clear as day. Your crew of fraudulent actors left FL uncalled for President @realDonaldTrump for nearly 2 hours. But your shitty dEciSions dEsK called AZ, CA, OR & WA for Biden within 10 minutes!
I'll say the only person who may not have been in on it was @brithume. He seemed genuinely perplexed as to why Fox didn't call FL, GA & NC for Pres. @realDonaldTrump. Why? Because he KNEW in previous years they would've been called. Yes, we saw @BillHemmer running out the clock.
Hemmer kept clicking different states to show how both Biden and Trump could win with different "paths" to 270. But what we also saw was @BretBaier stalling & @marthamaccallum adding absolutely ZERO value. And @DanaPerino had so much makeup on, it was impossible to pay attention.
Read 11 tweets
Een maand geleden ging deze video👇viral. #Migranten zouden kinderen pijn doen om hen huilend aan de media te laten zien en zo sympathie te winnen. Wij analyseerden de video met @LHreports, weerlegden de valse claim en confronteerden de media die dit nieuws verspreiden. #draadje
Hoe we weten dat het een valse claim is? Dat zie je in de video op onze site👉…
De valse versie is miljoenen keren bekeken. Het bericht werd door verschillende internationale media opgepikt en ook door radicaal rechtse influencers verspreid. Toen we hen met onze onderzoeksresultaten confronteerden, reageerde ze verschillend.
Read 9 tweets
Thread highlighting major trends that lead to Riots in Delhi

1/ Those who read history know- every time US @POTUS visited violence erupted in Kashmir. Why? Global media focus, Democrats affinity to Islam. It's a necessary ritual to keep Kashmir issue relevant

@POTUS 2/ It's a modus operandi across all Islamic fringe groups aided by money from Saudi Arabia & space by Leftist media. 90s same thing repeated in Gaza strip, in Chechnya. Suits US agenda too as helps propagate US system to more countries. Same in Afghan in 80s when Russia present
@POTUS 3/ Modi normalised Kashmir. They brought the fight to Delhi.
Pakistan's state & intelligence runs on the fuel called Kashmir's independence. Kashmir with its Muslim population integrated with India will be an existential crisis for ISI.
They had to respond.

Read 20 tweets
As #India continues attempts to ban foreign voices & analysis, wouldn’t you question the thinkers within that country as to how free & honest their own thinking is?

#StopSuspendingPakistanis because you can’t counter our voices, opinions or understanding! Image
The #Indians claim that they are better at #InfoWar than any other country, yet they are unable to counter true statements without their rhetoric or hysteria.

Go back & check old tweets, you’ll find the bulk of educated, civilized #Indians unable to speak without hate.
#InfoWars are won with facts & analysis. #India can’t win a war because they manufacture facts favorable to them, whether true on ground or not.

“300 #terrorists dead in #Balakot,” actually, 2 trees.
Read 4 tweets
⭐️2nd Account Discovered⭐️

Thread 2: Nick Bosa caught following 2nd IG account with white nationalist & MAGA themed posts.

Let’s take a look at the account...

“DC_Draino” by Rogan O’Handley

...& see what Nick Bosa has ❤️ “liked” and is consuming on social media.
Nick Bosa ❤️ likes that NFL halftime show artists did “avoid politics and stick to hits.” #SuperBowl #NFLDraft2019
Nick Bosa ❤️ likes post talking political trash to LA Rams players after Super Bowl loss.

“Maybe if you spent more time on a game plan instead of insulting the man that’s saving the would have scored at least one touchdown...losers”

#SuperBowl #NFLDraft2019
Read 26 tweets
@ThomasS4217 @visionsurreal @timeoutofmind64 @VickerySec The Pioneer- Hotel, Saloon, GSV, Wells Fargo Bank
@ThomasS4217 @visionsurreal @timeoutofmind64 @VickerySec Other side of the building-

Pioneer Saloon
Read 116 tweets
"No matter what one thinks of #AlexJones and #Infowars, the #censorship of any dissident or anti-establishment voice is a cause for grave concern."
If you think it's only conservatives being #censored: activist #LauriLove was suspended twice (& is about as far from conservative as one can get) - first in March and again recently.

Peter Van Buren (@wemeantwell) - also not conservative, also banned.…
In other words, thinking 'only the left' or 'only the right' is being silenced by TPTB underestimates the censorship by half.
Read 3 tweets
I think it’s worth pointing out: for decades, @realAlexJones has given a platform to whistleblowers & campaigners in many different fields: critics of globalisation, anti-war campaigners, ex Intel officers, anti-corruption investigators, ‘out-there’ thinkers (not just “wingnuts”)
He's even had me on a few times to talk about my #Bilderberg reports for the @Guardian. He’s railed, like an over-caffeinated Chomsky, against imperialism & crony capitalism, deconstructed government propaganda, & been a relentless critic of the big banks & the US-led war machine
Crucially, he’s done more to critique the greed of giant corporations & the ruthless military ambitions of the US than 99.9% of the people cooing over the #Infowars ban: people who I'm sure would feel that they're on the side of the angels, & look upon AJ with scorn & revulsion.
Read 7 tweets
@Far_Right_Watch So basically #TommyRobinson's #lawyer is going to try and use #stupidity as a defence?

Who'd have thought it!
@Far_Right_Watch #Gammonfest #London today as #YaxleyLennon's cultist followers demonstrate their failure to grasp he pleaded "#guilty to #contemptofcourt" and is thus jailed

#TommyRobinson put his #racism before ensuring delivery of a fair trail, no hero, just a #muppet
@Far_Right_Watch Career criminal (assault, mortgage fraud, contempt etc.) #YaxleyLennon begs for #asylum on #Infowars (#Sandyhook conspirators)

#TinyTommeh wants to cut and run, surely a risk of skipping bail? Should be taken into custody

Read 5 tweets
The multipolar spin: how fascists operationalize left-wing resentment. Read what the @splcenter & @MaxBlumenthal don't want you to read here:
And download it here:…

"​During his recent tour of Europe, disgraced former Trump strategist Steve Bannon declared “Italy is in the lead.” /1 #antifa #Fascism
Amid the historic resurgence of the Italian far right that returned right-wing populist Silvio Berlusconi to prominence, Bannon fantasized about “the ultimate dream” of unifying the anti-establishment Five Star Movement with the far-right League (formerly the Northern League)- /2
Read 49 tweets
Advertisers “say they had no idea YouTube was allowing their advertising to appear” on InfoWars.

#BS and a pox on Google and these corporations.

InfoWars has peddled in untuth since before SandyHook. Why get a conscience now?…
This is #BS because advertisers can specify the types of content with which they don’t want to be associated.

And it’s #BS because Google has allowed YouTube to become a cesspool of lies (“but we’re just a platform!”).
Google has allowed YouTube to be inundated with bot/AI-generated content further calling #BS on the “but we didn’t know” excuse

From @d1gi >…
Read 13 tweets
The #ISI paid a DEAD #MullahOmar crores of rupees to kidnap #KulbhushanJadhav from #Iran... says the #Indian media via #MamaQadeerBaloch.

#InfoWars begin again with a fake story attempting to connect the #ISI with the #Afghan #Taliban (#IEA).…
#MamaQadeerBaloch is the same #Baloch “activist” that took millions of dollars from foreign sponsors to march from #Balochistan to #Islamabad.

The march was as much of a farce as Mama Qadeer himself.
He is also connected with a supposed claim that 2 #ISI officers walked into #LUMS and threatened the university to cancel an anti-#Pakistan event featuring #MamaQadeerBaloch.

Yet, no video or letter has ever been produced to authenticate this statement.
Read 3 tweets

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