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Jun 2nd 2023
William Tubman was one of the greatest Presidents in Liberian #history.
He brought economic prosperity to #Liberia 🇱🇷, expanded rights for indigenous people in the interior and helped guide Africas decolonization.
He put Liberia in a great place on the world stage.

A THREAD🧵 ImageImage
Tubman grew up in Cape Palmas in the South of Liberia away from the Capital.
He had a humble background and came from a lower middle class Congo (“Americo Liberian”)family.
He started as a clerk and worked up the ladder.
He was elected as the youngest Liberian Senator ever at 28. ImageImageImage
He became vice president under President Edwin Barclay after the collapse of the disastrous Charles D.B King regime.
Liberia was under constant threat of annexation by western powers, and would face threats from Nazi controlled Vichy French West Africa during WWII. ImageImage
Read 17 tweets
May 22nd 2023
The Anglo-Vai war began this month in May 1883, 140 years ago.

The Vai people of the Gallinas in modern day #SierraLeone 🇸🇱and #Liberia 🇱🇷 fought the #British Empire 🇬🇧.
Manja Gbili led a Guerrilla war against the odds resisting the British imperial army.

A #history thread🧵… ImageImage
The British excuse for attacking the Vai and take their territory was to wipe out the slave trade in the area.
The issue is the Vai hadn’t participated in the Slave trade for decades.

The British just wanted to take control of the local trade in palm oil and salt and steal land. Image
The Gallinas region was also a valuable crossroads historically between the Vai and neighboring Ethnic groups Liberia and the Freetown Colony.
This land sat at the end of the Mano river with excellent access to the sea.
Manja Gbili’s town Kpanaki sat in the middle of this region. ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
May 18th 2023
On November 12 1985 President Doe was nearly overthrown.

Ex ally General Quiwonkpa attempted a coup to end Doe’s tyrannical rule over #Liberia 🇱🇷.

Liberian #history would’ve changed if not for soldiers from #Israel 🇮🇱 who came to aid of Doe.

These events led to civil war. Image
After the 1980 Coup the “People’s Redemption Council” governed Liberia.
They invited members of the former opposition, the Progressive Alliance to help govern the Country.

They would end up leaving the government when it was clear the PRC was just a bunch of corrupt thieves. ImageImage
Even members of the PRC became concerned when Doe began killing dissidents, and his rivals in the council.
It was obvious to everyone Liberia was coming under the one man rule of a corrupt murdering maniac.

In 1985 General Quiwonkpa organized a Coup against the Doe Regime. ImageImage
Read 14 tweets
May 15th 2023
Sarah Ann Bourne is known as the godmother of #Barbados 🇧🇧 people in #Liberia 🇱🇷.
In 1865 she organized a migration of 40 Barbadian families back to Africa.
Sarah founded the town of Crozerville in Liberia.
She also is the mom of President Arthur Barclay
A Thread🧵…
#History ImageImage
Sarah Ann Bourne was born a free woman of Color in Barbados 🇧🇧 🇬🇧 in 1795.
She was born to a black mother, London Bourne, a founder of the Caribbean back to Africa movement.
Despite being a free woman she was treated as inferior to any European in Barbados. Image
Sadly London Bourne never lived to see Africa.
Sarah studied to be a teacher. She gained great respect for her teaching in Barbados(teaching was a prestigious job).
During her studies she met with some Liberians visiting Barbados. Image
Read 8 tweets
May 11th 2023
During the foggy early morning hours of 11 May 1972 the 🇬🇧British cargo vessel Royston Grange was on voyage to Montevideo, 🇺🇾Uruguay carrying a cargo of beef, butter, and grain. While crossing..(1/4)
#England #Liberia #Uruguay #Argentina #shipwreck #maritime #history ImageImageImage
Rio de la Plata in the Punta Indio channel she struck the 🇱🇷Liberian tanker Tien Chee which was carrying 20,000 tons of crude oil. A series of explosions engulfed both ships and all 74 aboard the Royston Grange died in the flames along with 8 of 40 crew from the Tien Chee. (2/4)
Survivors were rescued by vessels from 🇦🇷Argentina and Uruguay. A Liberian investigation found the channel was too narrow for two-way traffic, too shallow, and lacked proper dredging and maintenance. (3/4)
Read 4 tweets
May 6th 2023
The 1980 coup in #Liberia 🇱🇷 altered the course of the country’s #history. The Coup was supposedly led by illiterate Master Sergeant Samuel K. Doe.

He didn’t really plan the coup against President Tolbert however, he served greater #CIA 🇺🇸 interest.

A Thread🧵… ImageImage
Liberia in the late 70s was going through turbulent times. Long standing issues such as the price of food, wealth inequality and political freedom where present.
Former President William Tubman was able to keep everything stable, but the current President Tolbert wasn’t as adept. William TubmanWilliam Tolbert
Despite his flaws and lack of charisma, William Tolbert was much more bolder with his foreign policy than his predecessor.
Tolbert fully embraced Pan Africanism, new African states, training leftist ANC anti apartheid Guerrillas in Liberia, and had relations with the socialists. ImageImage
Read 24 tweets
May 1st 2023
Today we'll compare the States of #Liberia 🇱🇷and #Israel 🇮🇱
It's said that both of these countries are settler colonies and apartheid states.
Others say they are peaceful democratic societies.
Maybe one is and the other isn't?
Let's compare and see..👀
#AfricanHistory a Thread 🧵 ImageImage
We will begin with comparing these two countries starts and foundings.
To escape persecution in Europe early Zionist wanted a Jewish state in Palestine and offered to buy it from the Ottoman Caliph but they where rejected.
Zionist began illegally migrating to Palestine anyways... ImageImageImageImage
Despite the illegality these early Jewish settlers at first lived peacefully with their
Palestinian neighbors.
The Ottoman Empire fell after WWI. The British empire took over Palestine.
In 1947 after the Holocaust the British wanted to reorganize Palestine into 2 new states. ImageImageImage
Read 24 tweets
Apr 27th 2023
Stop 🛑 praising Gaddafi
Gaddafi helped train Charles Taylor in #Libya 🇱🇾 while he was already a known fugitive and wanted by #Liberia 🇱🇷 and Foday Sankoh.
Gaddafis ideas of Arab nationalism and revolution would ruin the lives of countless Africans.
#Africanhistory a Thread🧵… ImageImageImage
After mysteriously being released prison from the United States enroute to Liberia Charles Taylor went to Libya where he received training in warfare along with Foday Sankoh, the founder of the notorious RUF rebel group of Sierra Leone. ImageImage
Gaddafi backed these two people because he saw them as part of a greater scheme to attain Pharonic control of Africa, but Charles Taylor was difficult to control after he took over Liberia.

Politics aside Gaddafi armed rebel groups responsible for thousands of deaths. Image
Read 13 tweets
Apr 12th 2023
In 1520 an exiled warrior princess👸🏿 from the collapsing Mali empire invaded what is now #SierraLeone 🇸🇱 and #Liberia 🇱🇷.
Her invasion would change the history of the Windward coast.💨
#AfricanHistory ImageImage
After offending the king(some say after rejecting his advances) Princess Magbete was banished from the Mansas capital city.

The Princess left with many followers to forge a new kingdom for herself.
She led a migration that would be the beginning and the end for many tribes… The isn’t really the Queen ...Image
The Princess marched south too the coastal forest of the Windward coast.
As the group marched south they encountered, like Gbandi, and Kpelle people. The host defeated and absorbed more tribes and began too snowball.
At first they fought and defeated mostly Kwa speaking peoples. Image
Read 20 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
Did you know their was a short lived country in Africa called Maryland they was totally independent?

#Liberia 🇱🇷 #Maryland #History a thread 🧵… ImageImage
In the 1850s a society called the Maryland colonization society wanted to repatriate its enslaved black population back too west Africa
As the freedmen made it too the windward coast and formed their own settlement they grew tired of the Maryland society and declared Independence Image
in 1853. The decision to cutoff ties with the United States was unanimous.
The new countries interest turned to more local affairs such as wiping out the local slave trade in the area.
The African American settlers where initially welcomed by their… Image
Read 11 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
The Vai people of Liberia have a legendary story of where they came from.

The tribes original founders where princes from the Mali empire sent on a mission too go south too the coast of what’s now Liberia.

#Liberia #SierraLeone #History a thread🧵🇱🇷🇸🇱… Image
The story begins when a lord named Jomani Kamara, a great grandson of Sunjata Keitas generals, sends some of his hunters south in search of salt.

A year later one of the hunters returns to the king and says he found a paradise by the shore with salt, amazing animals and lush… ImageImage
When hearing of this amazing place the king sent his son and nephews along with a royal guard to march south and find this special land from this hunters story and too find the source of the precious salt.
Which was worth it’s weight in gold back then. Image
Read 13 tweets
Jul 18th 2022
My #FGM Heartbreak💔
"I Lost 2 Sisters To FGM!"
Halimatu Recalls Hers:
"I was born in #Liberia but due to the civil war, I was adopted by a Muslim couple from Sierra Leone when I was three years old.
I grew up there along with their three biological children.
My two elder sisters
and I were taken to our aunt's place. My sisters were 16 and 14, and I was 13 at the time. My 16-year-old sister stood up and ran away but our #Mother was the one to chase her and bring her back in. She was the first one they cut; the second one was my middle sister. I didn't see
when they were cutting them and I was the last. My eyes were tied and my foster mum took my hand and led the way. They asked me to lay down, which I obviously did. Suddenly, I felt this unbelievable pain. I started fighting and managed to pull the cloth from over my eyes: My aunt
Read 7 tweets
Jul 20th 2021
PNAS issue “Sustaining the Commons” reports on a set of pre-registered, harmonized RCTs in 6 countries to assess how community monitoring of common pool resources can lead to better resource outcomes.
3-min video:
[1/11] Image
@gotonura & I on what we can learn from the Special Feature, incl. the challenges of developing generalizable knowledge about institutions in complex social-ecological systems & of synthesizing empirical evidence in sustainability science [2/11]… Image
#Meta-analysis: @tara_slough @dktr_dr @RoeeLevyZ & country teams use all the data for Big Picture meta-analysis. Read the individual studies below to see full richness of lessons learned about mechanisms & moderators of impacts across contexts. [3/11]… Image
Read 11 tweets
Jun 9th 2021
Freenode Meltdown Update # I Can't Believe I'm Still Doing This: #freenode is arguing about whose passwords may have been compromised due to network admins not blocking "nickserv"/"chanserv" names being used by users, possibly resulting in users sending passwords to bad actors. Image
Confirmation from Freenode staff that, for some period of time, an IRCop had "their bot" signed in as nickserv and was receiving passwords sent by users attempting to authenticate. Note this was sent as a wallops message (not a global notice), which most users would not see. Image
Note that WALLOPS is opt-in; most users never see these messages at all. Passwords were potentially compromised, and freenode staff are ignoring requests to send a global notice instead, which every user would see.
Read 78 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
Alors que la 🇨🇭#Suisse est toujours à la recherche de son/sa prochain/e Procureur/e général/e, qui mènera notamment la politique pénale en matière de crimes internationaux, il est important de rappeler à quel point la Suisse est à la traîne dans ce domaine.
Une récente interpellation parlementaire de @roduitbenjamin a débouché sur une réponse sous forme de pure langue de bois.
À la question par exemple de savoir combien de procureurs travaillaient sur les crimes internationaux, les autorités fédérales...
...n’ont même pas daigner donner un chiffre!
En comparaison européenne toutefois, il convient de rappeler que:
➡️ en 🇸🇪#Suède, l'unité des crimes internationaux dispose de plus de 30 collaborateurs. Et réussit à enquêter sur plus de 50 dossiers!
Read 9 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
After the historic verdict rendered yesterday in 🇩🇪#Germany, it is essential to remember that such judgments do not pop out of nowhere. To get there you need to have:
➡️ A solid legal framework enacted by parliament
➡️ Specialised #warcrimes units (investigators & prosecutors), endowed with sufficient resources
➡️ NGOs with the capacity to investigate, file complaints and/or support and represent victims
➡️ Courageous victims, sometimes ready to take significant risks as they step forward
➡️ A procedure fully respecting the rights of the accused and a fair trial that will legitimise the process and the verdict, whatever the outcome.

With respect to the war crimes units, proactive approaches do yield results.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 8th 2021

In Africa there are 54 countries , each one of them with unique architecture and design that represent the cultural identity and history of the people.

54 days , 54 projects one for every African nation .

I’ll start with Morocco I’ll ended in western sahara.

Enjoy Image
Day 1.

Morocco .

This 18th-Century Home renovated in the historical center of Essaouira it is an incredible example of traditional Moroccan architecture .

A traditional house renovated and decorated with a contemporary touch.

Between tradition and modernity. ImageImageImageImage
Designed by the French painter Jacques Majorelle the garden was created over the course of forty years, and consists of a labyrinth of crisscrossing alleyways on different levels and boldly-coloured buildings that blend both Art Deco and Moorish influences.

An hidden beauty ImageImageImageImage
Read 80 tweets
Dec 7th 2020
A thread about US Presidents...
George Washington remains the ONLY President not to live in the Legendary WHITE HOUSE... #pioneer #America #WhiteHouse #Washington #POTUS Image
John Adams was the First Vice-President and the First President of the Inited States to occupy the White House... He was privileged to see his son (John Quincy Adams) become President as well. #johnadams #UShistory #Whitehouse #POTUS #POTUS2 #July4 #Federalist #USNavy Image
Read 6 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Monday’s FEMINIST GIANT Newsletter brings you news from #Liberia #Indonesia, #Afghanistan, #France, #Ireland and #India, and includes info about #SexWorkerPride Day.

Sign up 👉🏽 The March for Justice from Patriarchal Fuckery is Global by @monaeltahawy…
Also in Monday’s FEMINIST GIANT Newsletter: Angela Chen’s new book Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex by journalist, which is out Sept. 15.… Image
In #France a government official’s attempts to ban an essay called “Moi les hommes, je les déteste” (I Hate Men) over its “incitement to hatred on the grounds of gender” has sent sales of the feminist pamphlet skyrocketing.… Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
Live with @DrTedros from the WHO weekly Member States information session on #COVID19…
"The #COVID19 pandemic has left no country untouched. It has humbled all of us"-@DrTedros
"It is often said that disease knows no borders. It does not care about our political differences, and it disregards the distinctions we draw between health and economy, lives and livelihoods.
The #COVID19 pandemic has disrupted them all"-@DrTedros
Read 49 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Some excellent research has been published over the past few years on #policing and #militarisation that, given the recent events in the #US (and beyond), and subsequent debates on policing, deserves to be curated. A thread on some relevant scholarship from around the world. 1/n
Let's begin with the #US, where @Peterkraska has guided much of the contemporary research on the militarisation of civilian policing. Here's an article by Kapeller & Kraska on normalising police militarisation (a response to Garth den Heyer’s critique)… 2/n
den Heyer had challenged the works of Kraska and others who showed how policing was becoming more militarised in the #US. den Heyer argued instead that the establishment of SWAT/PPUs was ‘a natural progression’ in the evolution of American policing:…) 3/n
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Apr 30th 2020
"The sooner #China was included into the international community, the earlier it would learn to play along with international norms, the argument went. But, China’s current measures indicate otherwise. International norms are the ones being played."…
"China’s attempts to make the @UN a tool for achieving its hegemonic ambition would erode the institution’s trustworthiness from within and render international cooperation parochial."
"China’s approach to international cooperation would defeat the UN’s purpose to settle distributional conflicts since, very soon, other stakeholders would realize that cooperation is a cloak for advancing China’s national interests."
Read 24 tweets
Apr 19th 2020
We have #PPE shortages even in the wealthiest country in the world. On the bright side, the incredible, global maker community has created an explosion of different #faceshield designs for #covid19. Why choose the @dtm_tweets DtM-v3 #faceshield?
It is the first #faceshield to be recommended by the U.S National Institutes of Health @NIH #3dprint exchange.…
Spark Health Design partnered with @dtm_tweets to apply our experience designing medical devices for low-resource settings to a reusable #faceshield for #covid19. It is the work of over 80 volunteers including experts from @Boeing, @Microsoft, @Harborviewmc, @uwdfab, and more.
Read 18 tweets

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