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Dec 27th 2022
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta @MarinSanna #ValehtelevatMinisterit.
#WEF -regiimin sepustus sotarikollisjärjestö #NATO'on liittymisestä alkaa törkeällä valheella.
- "Venäjä käynnisti 24. helmikuuta 2022 hyökkäyksen Ukrainaan."
Valehtelu jatkuu ministeriaitiossa @Haavisto… ImageImage
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta @MarinSanna The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by Ukraine a week before.
- The #OSCE #France is a witness to this:
#BULLETINNo27 | MAR 2022
- Il pourrait s’agir de #mercenaires de la #CIA...
Read 48 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
आमदार @abitkar_prakash @PrakashAbitkar साहेब दरवर्षी न चुकता सणाच्या शुभेच्छा संदेश पाठवतात. पण आपल्याला सांगू इच्छितो की उत्तूर् आजरा आंबोली रस्त्याची जी चाळण झाली आहे त्यातून नागरिक जिवंत वाचले तर नक्कीच दिवाळी शुभ होईल. आपल्याला दिवाळीच्या शुभेच्छा.
मागच्या प्रवाशांनी सीटबेल्ट, बाईक वर हेल्मेट नसेल तर आम्हाला आर्थिक भुर्दंड करणारे कायदे करणारे आपण @OfficeOfNG @nitin_gadkari रस्त्यामुळे आमच्या कण्याचा भुगा होत आहे. अश्या परिस्थितीत आपण मंत्री अधिकारी आमदार यांना कुठला दंड लवाल? की आम्हीच आमचा मेरदंड झिजवून दंड भरत राहावं
फक्त भकास राजकीय व्यवस्थेत जन्माला आलो म्हणून? आपल्या सारख्या निष्क्रिय व्यवस्थेमुळ भारतात जन्म मिळणं हे आमच्या पूर्वजन्मीच पाप वाटत आहे. @mrhasanmushrif मडीलगे उत्तुर् आपल्या मतदासंघात येत असावे. साधारण ३० वर्षांपूर्वी जसे रस्ते होते तसाच हा रस्ता आहे. निवणुका आल्या की रस्ते
Read 9 tweets
Jul 27th 2021
How to facilitate Digital Services Economy transitions in next decades?
Together with @dseinnovations team and @setcoingroup we develop #ESG transformation framework and roadmap for governments, international organizations, corporations funds & LP’s
Check overview in thread👇
#humancentric Global Economy
Benefits of services economy to local countries & #gdp growth
People become main asset of digital services economy
Next 👇
Read 14 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
#DBL #DilipBuildcon

Dilip Buildcon Ltd. is an India-based company engaged in the business of #infrastructure facilities on engineering procurement and construction (#EPC) basis for #roads #Bridges #Irrigation & #UrbanProjects.
@srslysaurabh @avinashmehta123 @Agarwal_Ishu
Why should one look into this? And does this deserve a place in my portfolio. Here’s my rational below.

#DBL started as a #Road Construction company for the western region and now has diversified into multiple segments and the co. has covered almost all the states in #India.
#DBL has secured orders worth INR 10703 Cr. In FY 21 and the total order book stands at approximately INR 26115 Cr. Orders are balanced between state govt. and central govt. entities. The company has successfully reduced risk on all parameters as far as business is concerned.
Read 35 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
Some recent discussion has prompted me to do a quick thread on some UK road gantries (Disclaimer: Not A Designer). You may have noticed the latest road gantries have different designs and look bigger, & bulkier, than previous designs 1/ #roads #motorway #gantry #construction Image
Pic 1 is of a cantilever MS4 (large square matrix display) gantry, has been around for 10yrs+, it looks very sleek, slender and unobtrusive - contrast to pic 2, also for an MS4, which looks far bigger and bulkier 2/ ImageImage
The main reason is the tech - old 1980s road gantries were designed as accessible - there's a ladder access on the left gantry leg - to allow maintenance. However they didn't really get used except for by trespassers to unfold banners from (Remember the M1 in 2016 anyone?)3/ Image
Read 24 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
Yesterday we released a NEW report #WhatWouldNoDealMean.

And, you've guessed it, this report is the subject of today's #ThursdayThread. 🧵…
.@BorisJohnson has said that no deal with the EU would be a “good outcome” for the UK.

This report highlights what it would mean in terms of trade, fisheries, connectivity, the impact on citizens, Northern Ireland, economics, security, foreign policy, politics and more.
On #trade, the two sides would revert to #WTO rules.

We’re talking tariffs, customs checks, and regulatory checks. In other words, increased hassle, increased time and increased costs for businesses trading with the EU.

@CSBarnard24 explains.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 23rd 2020
Just when you though life could get no better, YET ANOTHER @UKandEU No Deal report comes out and proves you wrong. You can find it here (THREAD) 1/19…
Strap in. There’s a lot to say. And I’ve learnt about gifs 2/19
This report was truly a team effort – and it was quite a team! I have to thank @CSBarnard24, @dgbailey, @ProfTimBale, @matt_bevington, @MeredithCrowle1, @drsarah_hall, @hayward_katy, @MartinHeneghan, Carmen Hubbard, @james_lisak, @HusseinHKassim, @McEwen_Nicola… 3/19
Read 19 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
A thread to track vehicle collisions and major traffic incidents in Gloucestershire. Starting on 1st September 2020.…
Day 2: BREAKING: details coming in of a fresh incident that has completely closed the M5 -
Gloucestershire man dies in 'tragic' crash with van.
The 56-year-old was struck on the A420 in Oxfordshire.…
Read 29 tweets
Aug 21st 2020
“In many ways, the #GrizzlyCreekFire is a public works fire, threatening the viral #infrastructure for millions of westerners”
“ground crews are not fighting flames in the precipitous Glenwood Canyon. They can’t even reach them.”

#firefighters #firefighting #cofire
Read 9 tweets
Mar 9th 2020
On why we need to increase investments in #roads: Our report, Infrastructure Priorities for Job Creation in India, finds that investing in roads has the largest impact on employment generation for agro-allied and services firms. ( (1/3) Image
The report also found that poor quality of roads are a major hindrance to businesses, as reported by 84% of industrial firms, 64.5% of services firms and 61.4% of agro-allied firms. (2/3) Image
Our working paper on Mumbai's #congestion finds that long commutes are eradicating the economic productivity of India's financial capital. Mumbaikars waste 11 days a year stuck in #traffic. Congestion also has high environmental costs. ( (3/3) Image
Read 4 tweets
Jun 27th 2019
OCHA is asking for $216 million to serve the “most vulnerable #Haitians”. We have a plan #UNOCHA. The #Haiti Community Foundation can help you... 1/…
Plan for $216 million for #humanitarian assistance.1st: we mobilize #local & regional #community organizations in the 10 departments & make sure to have an inclusive -non-political, list of those most affected, incl. those who often never get the #Aid.Local staff= lower #costs 2/
Plan 4 $216 million for #humanitarian assist.2: w/our humongous costs savings due 2 local #supplies & no expat consultants #costs- we’ll use local consultants,we’ll set up #agriculture #funds for each Departments 4 supplies, training & l-cost financing. #results: 🔝#production 3/
Read 7 tweets

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