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Jun 8th 2023
When I see this I think of the Three Gorges Dam and a barrage of SLBM's shot from subs off the east coast trench of Taiwan.

Let's think outside the box🧵
Some analysts say death tolls could reach 400 million.

Below is a conservative number and based off 3-5 year old data. Image
"China: Experts warn 400 million lives are at risk as catastrophic flooding threatens Three Gorges Dam, co. says dam deformation is part of "elastic" design"…
Read 27 tweets
Jun 8th 2023
@ir_rkp #Korsakov @MikaLintila
#Gasgrid. #LNG alus ei tuota #kaasua, vaan varastoi #Venäjä'n, aiemmin #Baltiasta ostettua, n. 3x hintaan.
- 10v. ajalta terminaalin kokonaiskustannuksiksi arvioidaan noin €460 miljoona, eli noin €126 000 päivässä
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #GreatReset=#SuurTyöttömyys-#Hätätila
#WEF-#Marxist -ideologia lahtaa yritykset #kaasu'lla. @valtionomistus
#Gasgrid Imatra #Räikkölä vs. #Korsakov
- Korsakov on satamakaupunki ja piirikunta #Sahalini'n saaren eteläpäässä Venäjän  Sahalinin alueella. 
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #Uniper-#Gasgrid #skandaali.
#YGLs veijarit keksivät roudata kaasun #Räikkölä'n sijasta näin. @TyttiTup
#Prigorodnoje'n satama 10km #Korsakovi'n itäpuolella on #LNG'n vientiin erikoistunut satama
From: Port of #Korsakov
To: Port of #Gibraltar (->#Inkoo)
Read 19 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
1/15 🧵💡 Decentralized storage & compute could truly supercharge the #InternetOfThings (#IoT). But how? Let's unpack this crucial evolution for our hyper-connected world. 🌐👇
2/15 📚 First, it's crucial to understand the concepts. #DecentralizedStorage refers to data storage spread across multiple devices or locations, rather than a central server. #DecentralizedCompute refers to computations performed on these distributed devices.💻🌍
3/15 📈 IoT devices generate an enormous amount of data daily. Centralized servers currently deal with this load, but as more and more devices connect, scalability becomes a challenge. Decentralization offers a solution. #EdgeComputing #Scalability
Read 15 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
@CalliFanciulla J'en ai oublié quelques uns sur cette 1ère partie :
#IoT #IoB #Ilot #AI

Pour voir où ils en sont dans le 1er programme des SDGs de l'Agenda 2030 du WEF, concernant 40 villes qui seront ensuite 100 villes, se référer au website :
Read 10 tweets
May 8th 2023
Over 100 #Wildfires Burn Across #Trudeau-#UNfriendly Province, #Alberta | May 7
- A reminder that an #election approaches in this province, and that Danielle #Smith, the relatively new premier, has been a major #critic of the Trudeau government.… Image
cc: @ BushelsPerAcre
I know, it’s just pure coincidence the province with 1.7 trillion barrels of #oil, with a premier who said they would get rid of the #carbontax, who said no to the fed #gun grab and who said no to the Fed interfering with resource devt
cc: @ WhiteCrkLumber
The forest #fires in #Alberta are serious, all the jibber jabber from the left blaming #Smith or the Forestry is just that, J-j. In Modern history never have so many fires started at all once so close to so many communities.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
1/10 @Conste11ation $DAG & @quant_network $QNT groundbreaking partnership to revolutionize blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, focusing on secure, scalable, and connected ecosystems! A new era of interoperability is upon us! 🌐 #BlockchainIntegration
2/10 🤝 The $DAG & $QNT collaboration brings together Constellation's HyperGraph network and Quant's Overledger, enabling seamless integration, enhanced scalability, and top-notch security for businesses looking to embrace blockchain technology. 🛡️ #CryptoPartnership
3/10 🏙️ Connected cities are set to transform with this partnership! $DAG's HyperGraph network will enrich #IoT data by incorporating public data feeds, such as transit and financial data, to create smarter and more autonomous networks. 🌟 #SmartCities
Read 10 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Imagine not being able to drive in Houston.

This is what @RodneyEllis and the Arnolds have planned for us.

Why do you think our road infrastructure has pot holes and uneven roads.

All by @RodneyEllis and the people who control him, he and other democrats in this city are……
Nearly ten years ago @SylvesterTurner entered into a agreement with Microsoft amongst others to turn Houston in a “smart city”

Smart cities in America which entered this “agreement” cities have turned into the likes of San Fransisco.

Crime, homelessness, and lawlessness
Most importantly @RodneyEllis has been leading the UN AGENDA 2030
Read 26 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
How dare you...

How dare you steal my childhood, my future and the future of our children...

@ChildrensHD @Togetherdec
Join the fight back against the push for smart cities, against the push for 24/7 surveillance society, against open digital prisons for our children...

We are many; they are few...stand up TOGETHER @Togetherdec

#FreeOurStreets #SmartCities
Read 4 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Google's chatbot panic; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ Tweedledee and Tweedledum, standing at the bottom of Humpty
This is the last day (Feb 17) of my #Australian tour for my book #ChokepointCapitalism with my co-author, #rgibli. We'll be in #Canberra at the Australian Digital Alliance Copyright Forum:… 2/
Google's chatbot panic: On the infinite insecurities of a self-styled creative genius who really just buys other people's ideas.

3/  Image: Cryteria (modified)
Read 25 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
Being smart about smart cities: A governance roadmap for digital technologies Image
#Governance (no government accountability as no government is involved, only corporate companies) is emerging as a serious consideration when it comes to the use of advanced digital technologies to drive #smartcity objectives.
Cities looking to use 4IR (Fouth Industrial Revolution) tools will have to address challenges of accountability (to the elite), limiting (controlling) technology misuse (freedoms) , ensuring citizen privacy (more like non privacy) , strengthening #cybersecurity
Read 5 tweets
Jan 7th 2023
KENYA'S KONZA TECHNO CITY: is the project well planned? It’s impact and why it came to a standstill. #smartcities
Back in 2008, the Kenyan Government announced to the world its intention to build the Konza Technology City, a smart city also known as Silicon Savannah, which was officially going to be the key feature of Kenya Vision 2030, the ambitious national project to modernize the country
The inauguration of this African smart city was planned for 2020. However, to date, only three of the eight planned buildings have been completed and it has experienced numerous interruptions due to administrative and economic issues,
Read 14 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
"The 21st Century Question: Emergently Engineering the Future"

Follow this 🧵 today and tomorrow for highlights from our 2022 #AppliedComplexity Network and Board of Trustees Symposium:…

#Web3 #Cities #Polarization #EmergentEngineering #Decentralization
We start with a talk by SFI President David Krakauer:

"Would anyone care to guess why we're so GOOD at building transistors and so CRAP at designing drugs?"

"This thing [points to transistor] lives in a centralized system. This thing [points to cancer drug] lives in US."
"I'm going to pick on economics, because we like to do that at SFI. 'Ooh, look at that cover! So techy. Global, heat maps...' But here's 'Networks' [in the textbook]. THAT'S IT. Here's '#ComplexityEconomics.' NOTHING."
Read 111 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
Union Finance Minister Smt. @nsitharaman chairs the 1st meeting of Apex Monitoring Authority on the National Industrial Corridor Development & Implementation Trust #NICDIT, being organised in hybrid mode in New Delhi, today. (1/4)

#Smartcities #IndiaReimagined
The meeting was also attended by Union Commerce Minister Shri @PiyushGoyal; Union Railways Minister Shri @AshwiniVaishnaw; @NITIAayog VC, Shri @sumanbery; Secretary @DPIITGoI Shri Anurag Jain; besides Ministers & seniors officials from States concerned in dual mode. (2/4)
The Government has approved the expansion of the mandate of Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project Implementation Trust Fund (DMIC-PITF) and re-designated it as NICDIT for integrated development of industrial corridors in the country. (3/4)
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May 10th 2022
This is a military technology that can be broadcast over an area to map and track or analyze data about practically anything it lands on or gets ingest by. It essentially creates a digital twin in cyberspace that allows real time analysis of any environment and everything in it.
Smartdust is one way they’re building the metaverse. Imagine a real-time google maps that includes everything, even people & their biometric data. That’s the vision of a 6G smart city.

Augmented reality maps & tracks the real world & overlays interactive holographic visual info
Read 7 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
It wasn’t a liberal who announced the Iraq war and New World Order led by a credible United Nations or Emergency Use Authorization or incentivized lockdowns. That was #Conservative #Republican #GOP @GOP #Bush was in #Dallas at #JFK assassination. #Cuba Father of the #CIA
#building7 #WTC23 collapsing without being hit gave Bush JR what he needed a war on terror. It was JR who made Emergency Use Authorization and facial recognition law realID. Everyone knows “Homeland” connection to Hitler. Nazis introduced the term “homeland” at their first rally.
That rally was at Nuremberg where doctors scientists & media would be executed for manipulating and forcing #Jews into medical experimentation. This is where #InformedConsent comes from. All #COVID19 #vaccines are experimental.
Read 23 tweets
Dec 28th 2021
"The Regulated Internet of Value"

Tokenizing the world's value across a Regulated Network of Networks

Great Infographic XX.

Let's show the citizens how institutions are planning blockchain interoperability

#DLT #Blockchain #QNT $QNT $XDC $XRP $DAG #ISO20022 #Research #learn Image
Read 7 tweets
Dec 20th 2021
Thread of short conspiracy theorist videos.

Starting with Rockefeller (pt 1)

Rockefeller (pt 2)
Rockefeller’s Club of Rome - Limits to Growth Co-author - Dennis Meadows

H/t: @jjcouey
Read 37 tweets
Oct 29th 2021
Il #greenpass è stato descritto dal governo come una misura ovvia, di buon senso, uno “strumento di libertà” per ritornare alla vita normale. Ma così non è dal punto di vista giuridico né da quello sanitario. 2/15…
Non lo è dal punto di vista giuridico, visto che il Garante della privacy aveva espresso numerose perplessità sul provvedimento governativo, che avrebbe potuto determinare discriminazioni fra i cittadini. 3/15…
Read 17 tweets
Oct 2nd 2021
Learning thread.

"By 2030, our goal is to enable access to #digitalidentity for every person on the planet." — 2017 ID2020 Summit

2014: ID2020 public-private p'ship

2016: ID2020 Alliance: Accenture, #Microsoft, #Gavi, #Rockefeller, IDEO

2021: #ID2020 launches #GoodHealthPass Image
#ID2020 is very quiet having published a single video in 10 months - the #GoodHealthPass launch event (Feb 11 2021 w/ 2,452 views). Equally restrained is the Twitter account created Jan 2021, w/ a mere 384 followers - & 12 tweets. ID2020 Twitter is also on hiatus. #Strategy ImageImageImageImage
"Urgency - While standards-development processes typically move slowly, a cross-sector effort is urgently required to bring #goodhealthpass solutions to market in 2021 & to scale globally – with the same urgency applied to #vaccine development." Image
Read 32 tweets
Sep 21st 2021
0/40+ #IOTA ♻️ is the basis for a new type of IT infrastructure for global communication and automation, which manifests itself in 40+ incredible projects, collaborations & company adoptions.
Stay tuned for a regular update.
1a/40+ #ALFRIED is one of the largest German, publicly funded digital transport infrastructure projects. With a funding of 11 M €. ALFRIED will use #IOTA ♻️ as its core technology.
#IoT #SmartCity #SmartMobility
1b/40+ ETO GRUPPE is developing sensors for the transport infrastructure in a funding project of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in the ALFRIED project together with #IOTA.
Read 105 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
📡Live Now📡

@FollowCII Annual Meeting 2021

@CIIEvents's Plenary Session - Sustainable Urbanization

Minister @HardeepSPuri to address the event

Between 2004-2014, 1.57 lakh cr. were spent on programmatic interventions for Urban Development

Since 2015, 6 times of the amount, 11 lakh cr. have been spent

-Minister @HardeepSPuri

at @FollowCII Annual Meeting 2021


#AmritMahotsav Image
#SwachhBharat mission has been a roaring success

Target of building toilets was achieved in record time

-Minister @HardeepSPuri

at @FollowCII Annual Meeting 2021


Read 8 tweets

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