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Welcome to the daily war thread for Tuesday 20 June 2023.
Can you believe it's Day 482 of #Russia's full invasion?
Each day a new 🧵 with all the important news in one place, updated live.

Already a busy day for #Ukraine's air defenders as #Russia launched drone attacks..
First a quick reminder that the link below is the start of yesterday's thread in case you wish to scroll through at your leisure to catch up on what you missed.

Also don't forget DMs open for tip-offs and stories % donations of coffee welcome too, see bio
Two days ago an enormous cargo plane arrived in #Russia from #Iran.

So no surprise that recent nights of 3-6 drones suddenly became this:

32 Iranian attack drones shot down in the last 24 hours by #Ukraine. But it two managed to get through defences.

#RussiaIsATerroristState Image
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Welcome to another week of daily threads on Europe's war. Updated throughout the day (and night) every single day.

It's Day 481 of #Russia's illegal full invasion of #Ukraine.

To review Sunday's thread, click here.
I tempted fate by saying I was hoping for sleep. Soon enough alarms were sounding in the south of #Ukraine.

Suspected cruise missiles launched from #Russia's Black Sea Fleet, and #Odesa has reported explosions. Hopefully it's just air defence.

Good news is just coming in from #Odesa (RU: #Odessa) where it seems to be quiet now.

There were reported to be three targets - all three may have been shot down. I'm not hearing of damage yet.
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🛑 À l’occasion de la polémique sur l’#abaya à l’école, plusieurs figures de #LFI ont tenu un discours très proche de la rhétorique #islamiste.
➡️ Décryptage dans ce thread. ⤵️ Image
Mathilde #Panot s’en est ainsi violemment prise au journal Le Parisien en utilisant le même argument que les #islamistes : qualifier d’#islamophobe toute critique des pratiques islamistes pour les rendre illégitimes et transformer en racisme la remise en cause de l’intégrisme. Image
#Panot fait même de l’#abaya la tenue « réglementaire » de la femme musulmane. Elle normalise ainsi un vêtement symbole de rigorisme, telle une prescriptrice religieuse, pour un vêtement très peu porté par les musulmanes de France.…
Read 18 tweets
As the #Taliban continue to claim moving #TTP fighters to western #Afghanistan, TTP fighters have been confirmed in northern AFG, today the head of district intelligence of the Taliban’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GID) can under attack in #Badakhshah province.
For those unfamiliar with #Badakhshah provincial borders… Image
Another important factor to keep in mind is the #geological value of #Badakhshah province.

This is of key importance to #China’s investment into minerals in #Afghanistan. Image
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Some interesting reports coming out of #Afghanistan over the past few days:

- roughly 2,000 #Taliban suicide bombers have been moved to the #Iran|ian border since the end of May.
- #ISKP has also started moving their fighters to northern #Afghanistan, according to sources within an anti-#Taliban group. They are being moved to #Badakhshan, #Takhar and some others.

Apparently, there are both @CIA and #ISI fingerprints on this.
- #Taliban are moving its fighters closer to the #Tajikistan border. Fighters are also moving to the #Badakhshan province, bordering #Tajikistan.

- #TTP have become so emboldened to expand their operations around #Pakistan, including new waliyats in #Balochistan & #Punjab.
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#BRICS : le président iranien espère rejoindre l'organisation ! L’#Iran, futur membre des BRICS ? C’est ce que semble indiquer cette déclaration récente. Thread 1/6 ⏬ Image
En déplacement au Venezuela, le président iranien Ebrahim Raïssi a évoqué l'importance des organisations régionales et son désir que l'Iran intègre les BRICS. 2/6 ⏬
« Nous avons rejoint l'Organisation de coopération de Shanghai et exprimé notre volonté de rejoindre les BRICS », a-t-il déclaré lors d'une émission TV en direct. En effet, Téhéran a rejoint l'Organisation de coopération de Shanghai (OCS) en septembre 2021. 3/6 ⏬
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Extendiendo los tentáculos del Terrorismo Iraní

El Presidente de Irán realizará una gira por Venezuela, Cuba y Nicaragua. Ebrahim Raisi empezará mañana una gira que lo llevará a visitar Venezuela, Cuba y Nicaragua.

Una alianza de extrema gravedad para la región.

Abro hilo 🧵 Image
El régimen iraní pretende consolidar su influencia en la región.

El mandatario iraní viajará acompañado de una “delegación de altos cargos”. Se trata del primer viaje de Raisi a Latinoamérica desde que tomó posesión en agosto de 2021.
Irán se ha convertido en uno de los principales aliados del régimen de Nicolás Maduro durante los últimos años, particularmente desde 2020 cuando en Venezuela hubo una escasez de gasolina y Caracas acudió a Teherán para comprar combustible. Image
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🔴 Le plan américain pour contrer la #Chine et l'#Iran en Asie occidentale

📍Un article de Mohamad Hasan Sweidan pour la publication The Cradle

Les #USA reconnaissent l'influence de la #Chine et la domination de l'Iran en Asie occidentale, mais leurs réponses lentes et…… Image
La sonnette d'alarme a été tirée de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique. Non seulement ces pays ont rejeté l'appel aux sanctions, mais ils ont renforcé leurs relations respectives avec la Chine et la #Russie, poursuivant des objectifs différents tout en tirant parti de la concurrence…… Image
Début mai, M. Sullivan s'est rendu à #Riyad, où il a rencontré le prince héritier saoudien Mohammed bin Salman (#MbS), le conseiller à la sécurité nationale des Émirats arabes unis, Tahnoun bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, et le conseiller à la sécurité nationale de l'Inde, Ajit Duval.……
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Iran has introduced a hypersonic missile "Fattah"

Today Iran unveiled its Hypersonic "Fatah" missile in a very grand ceremony, in the presence of the President of Iran and the commander of the Revolutionary Guard Corps.
#Iran… Image
1. After the initial launch phase, the Fatah HGV can fly at speeds of Mach 12 to Mach 13, according to the IRGC. The warhead is capable of both exo-atmospheric and inter-atmospheric maneuvering, which happens within 500 kilometers proximity of the intended target. This makes it…… ImageImage
2. This makes Iran one of only three countries in the world to possess a hypersonic glide warhead along with Russia and China, or more accurately, a hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV).
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1- Los envenenamientos en colegios de niñas se trasladan de #Irán a #Afganistan

Al menos 80 alumnas de Primaria tuvieron que ser hospitalizadas

Vía @elcorreo_com… Image
@elcorreo_com 2- Tres meses después de que remitiera la oleada de envenenamientos en colegios femeninos de #Irán, el fenómeno ha cruzado la frontera golpea al norte de #Afganistán.

Foto Getty Image
@elcorreo_com 3- Las pequeñas, alumnas de 1 a 6 grado, sufrían náuseas y dificultad a la hora de respirar, lo que se atribuyó a algún tipo de aerosol nocivo. #Afganistan…
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1◾🇷🇺 #Rusya'nın tüm doğalgazı Türkiye'ye akacak.
🇮🇶 #Irak ve özerk bölgesinin tüm petrolü Türkiye'den geçecek.
🇮🇷 #İran'ın doğalgazı Türkiye'den geçiyor.
🇦🇿 #Azerbaycan doğalgazı Türkiye'den geçiyor.
🇹🇲 #Türkmen doğalgazı Türkiye'den geçiyor. Image
2◾🇶🇦 #Katar'ın petrolü ve doğalgazı #Suriye'de oluşacak, #istikrâr ile Türkiye'den geçecek..
🇮🇱#İsrail'in doğalgazı Türkiye' den geçecek..
🇱🇾 #Libya'da bulunan petrol ve doğalgaz %50 %40 paylaşımıyla kazan kazan modeli ile Türkiye'den geçecek.
3◾#Türkiye'nin Karadeniz'de bulduğu doğalgaz 528 milyar metreküpten trilyon metreküplere çıkacak..
#Karadeniz'de keşfedilen ve teknolojisi için çalışılan doğalgazın ana maddesi katı #hidrokarbon Türkiye'nin 200 yıllık ihtiyacını karşılıyor..
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Hello again. A new week begins and Day 467 of Europe's war.

All the important stuff from #Russia's illegal war and #Ukraine's defence is here in one place, as always!
Updates throughout the day, each day.

Thanks for reading, replying, boosting, contributing!
Read on...
Sunday's thread was a bit crazy and very long!

#Russia army was in the novel position of having prisoners of war taken by three different factions!

Mass brawls in Russia & a very sad story about dolphins.

Yep all those stories and more. Catch up here⬇️
#Russia's losses a little more stable today but troop deaths pass 210,000.

Also, it's not clear if these estimates from #Ukraine include Kremlin losses to Russian rebel units and #Wagner 😜🤣 Image
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CROSS-BORDER TERRORIST ATTACKS UNDERMINE DECISION TO CEDE SINAI PENINSULA // Since 2011, repeated cross-border terrorist attacks have made the Sinai Peninsula Israel's deadliest international border. Image
Over the weekend, an Egyptian police officer armed with a gun, six magazines of ammunition, and a Quran, infiltrated Israeli territory and murdered three Israeli soldiers.
Egypt's government is defending the terrorists' actions and offered "sincere condolences" to his family. Israel sacrificed the Sinai Peninsula, twice its size, for peace with Egypt – ceding strategic depth, natural resources, and control of key trade routes like the Suez Canal.
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🧵 Questa settimana ho letto il nuovo libro di @Cinzia_Bianco e Matteo Legrenzi, un quadro esaustivo delle evoluzioni nell’area del #Golfo dalle Primavere arabe in poi. Si parla anche di rapporti tra le monarchie e il resto del mondo: tre fattori mi sembrano fondamentali 👇(1/n) Image
@Cinzia_Bianco 2. L’ITALIA E L’UE

Uno dei temi è la miopia italiana (ed europea) nella gestione delle relazioni con il Golfo. Le capitali europee non hanno saputo reagire in modo efficace al crescente disinteresse americano verso la regione, pagando a caro prezzo questa disattenzione. (2/n)
@Cinzia_Bianco L'#Europa non ha visto arrivare le monarchie come attore globale. Il caso più interessante è stato senz’altro quello della #Libia, dove sia #Italia che #Francia si sono trovate impreparate di fronte all’ascesa di EAU e Qatar nello scontro tra le fazioni libiche. (3/n)
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Good morning, welcome to Daily Thread number 465 covering #Ukraine's heroic defence against #Russia's illegal aggression.

I've been here from (before) the start of war, reporting on (sometimes from) a country I've loved, worked + lectured in many, many times.
Overnight was quiet
Before we get stuck in to today's news, a gentle reminder these threads are basically an unpaid full time job - actually more than that as you get days off with a job! Coffee donations welcome (link in Bio)

To catch up on Friday's news, click here
A few drones buzzed #Ukraine yesterday evening but air raids did not last long and no damage was reported.

The drone/cruise missile numbers on #Russia's daily losses are high as they include Friday morning's attacks.
Artillery, special equipment & fuel tanks way above average Image
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.@washingtonpost reported today that #Iran has been building and training forces to target and kill US personnel and expel US forces from #Syria, according to classified documents leaked on the Discord messaging platform:…⬇️
2/ The article notes one document revealed that #Iran is training Iranian-backed forces to construct and use explosively formed penetrators (EFPs) against US forces in #Syria.
3/ A separate document cited by the Post laid out Iranian operations to stoke and support local resistance movements to target US forces in eastern and northeastern #Syria.
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Day 464 of #Russia's illegal war in #Ukraine starts with another horrendous wait to see if air defence can protect them as cruise missiles head towards them as I type.

This is THE daily thread with all the news of the brutal war in one place, updated all day (and night!)
So much happened yesterday - here's the link to the start of Thursday's thread.

Deaths from #Russia's missiles because shelters were locked
#Crimea bridge falling down?
Big explosions in #Belgorod + #Kursk regions and the rebel Russian units attack again

Almost all of #Ukraine is under threat right now. Sirens sound across the country except for a handful of western regions.

#Cherkasy, just south of #Kyiv is initially thought to be in the firing line of the missiles launched by #Russia from bombers over the Caspian Sea. Image
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1. I've been listening to @MSNBC and the parade of hosts and guest losing it over the fact that the document that is being shown in the grand jury is an invasion scenario for #Iran. Notably the reporting is that it was classified as 'Secret.' It's critical to understand
2. where this information came from, how the persons disclosing it obtained the information and why it's more than likely that this is a "Goldilocks" document needed to indict #45 for crimes related to his handling of national defense information including ,but not
3. limited to, classified material. If the guests, hosts or the audience don't know what the term CIPA means, it's the procedural law related to handling classified government information in court proceedings. I concede I didn't know much about it until #45 and his parade of
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Day 462 of #Europe's war, the last day of May.

Mercifully a quiet morning so far this Wednesday in #Ukraine

This is my 462nd daily thread.
All the info you need about #Russia's attack in one handy thread, updated throughout the day.

You can support me with a coffee (see bio)🙏
If you happen to have missed all yesterday's news, put the kettle on and prepare for a long read!

Here's the link for yesterday's thread on what happened in #Ukraine and #Russia.

The biggest event overnight happened in #Russia's #Krasnodar region.

Drones hit the Afipsky Oil Refinery and a fire soon took hold, although it's since been extinguished; no-one was hurt.

About 150km from the front, that's less fuel helping Russia kill Ukrainians.
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#FISA Section 702 "has been vital to countering these threats" from terrorists, #cyberattacks, espionage, WMD, @StateDept's Assistant Secretary for @StateINR
Brett Holmgren tells @CSIS
But @StateINR's Holmgren adds #FISA Section 702 "doesn't just help defend & protect US interests. It is essential to advancing & promoting US interests in the world"
"It is hard to overstate the centrality of [FISA] 702 collection to providing the secretary of state & US diplomats w/objective, timely intelligence & analysis & information, from assessments on #Russia, #China, #Iran & #NorthKorea to foreign influence" per @StateINR's Holmgren
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Iran-linked hackers Agrius deploying new ransomware against Israeli orgs

An Iran-linked advanced persistent threat #APT group is using new #ransomware while targeting a familiar adversary in the Middle East, researchers have found.

#Iran #CyberAttack…
"Check Point’s Incident Response Team investigated the deployment of the ransomware against #Israeli organizations and claimed by a group dubbing itself Moneybird."
"Researchers found that it bore the hallmarks of Agrius, a #hacker group that has been around since 2020 and has attempted to disguise itself with aliases like BlackShadow."
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C’est pour exciter les partisans et produire de la vidéo de propagande à destination de You Tube et Telegram

En réalité la commission politique des Talibans a publié un compte rendu de sa réunion qui récapitule les revendications que le Helmand…
#Iran #Afghanistan
… et parle, je cite "d’une bonne coopération avec le partenaire négociateur iranien"

Comme toujours il y a plusieurs niveaux de réaction, et pour Teheran ainsi que la branche gouvernementale des Talibans, la guerre n’est pas à l’ordre du jour.
Je vous ferai un topo sur le conflit de l’eau du Helmand si j’ai le temps 😅
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🚨Escobar : l'histoire de la connectivité entre la #Russie, l'#Iran et l'#Inde

📍par Pepe Escobar via The Cradle

📸 Tyler Durden

Le #G7 est stupéfait par les progrès dynamiques de l'ordre multipolaire incarné par l'INSTC dirigé par la #Russie et l'IRB dirigé par la #Chine, le…… Image
Tout sur Chabahar
Le récent accord de 1,6 milliard de dollars entre l'Iran et la Russie pour la construction du chemin de fer Rasht-Astara, long de 162 km, change la donne pour l'INSTC. Le ministre iranien des routes et du développement urbain, Mehrdad Bazpash, et le ministre…… Image
Chabahar joue également le rôle de contrepoint au port pakistanais de Gwadar dans la mer d'Arabie, le joyau de la couronne du Corridor économique Chine-Pakistan (CPEC).

Du point de vue de Téhéran, ce qu'il faut faire rapidement, c'est achever son réseau ferroviaire oriental,……
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