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Starting now! "Climate Change and the Future of Europe" is our public debate co-hosted with @EuroInstRomania and we're LIVE on @YouTube!

Head over there to hear our experts' analysis first hand, or stick around for the Twitter highlights

This public debate takes place in the context of the latest book TEPSA has published: "Climate Change and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals", co-edited by today's moderator Michael Kaeding (@unidue) alongside @JohannesPollak and @_PaulSchmidt

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.@EuroInstRomania Director-General Oana-Mihaela Mocanu gives an overview of the Institute's extensive and impressive research on #climate issues

To learn more about the Institute and its work within the TEPSA Network, check out our website! 👉…

Read 27 tweets
In 2018 I created an ongoing #ClimateEd thread about the #ClimateCrisis.

Five years later, it's time for an update.✅

This #ClimateAction thread has a TON of info to help EVERYONE get #ClimateBrainy about the #science and facts of #climatechange.📊

Save, share and visit often! Image
Here's the old thread, which I'll no longer be updating:

It still contains MANY informative articles and links from reputable sources, so it's worth revisiting, even if some info isn't all that up-to-date.

The old tag was #Climate_Ed.

New: #ClimateEd👍
This NEW thread will contain PLENTY of top-tier posts from MANY solid #climatescience contributors, so come back regularly to see what's been added.

#Climatebrawl folks especially, as you can use these posts to #refute #deniers handily.

Don't argue with any trolls, however! 🧌 Image
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Right before the French Days of #Agriculture 2023, let’s dive in the One Planet Fellowship’s #Science Week!

💚 Follow me for 2 days amongst the inspirational programme’s Laureates!

#OnePlanetFellowship #JNAgri #research #climate Image
🚀 First, a global overview of the #OPF programme - @FondationBNPP has been supporting for 5 years! - by François Pierrot, Acting Director & Ly Ann Kauv Project Officer, from @Agrofondation, Olivier Dangles (@ird_fr) & Michèle Mbo’o-Tchouawou, Deputy Director @AWARDFellowship ImageImageImageImage
🌟 Key notions, challenges and issues reminded:
- New generation of researchers
- Gender equality in science & agriculture
- EU 🔁 Africa
- From local to global
- Capacity building
- Network
- Collaboration (North-South, AND South-South!) Image
Read 31 tweets
@ir_rkp #Korsakov @MikaLintila
#Gasgrid. #LNG alus ei tuota #kaasua, vaan varastoi #Venäjä'n, aiemmin #Baltiasta ostettua, n. 3x hintaan.
- 10v. ajalta terminaalin kokonaiskustannuksiksi arvioidaan noin €460 miljoona, eli noin €126 000 päivässä
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #GreatReset=#SuurTyöttömyys-#Hätätila
#WEF-#Marxist -ideologia lahtaa yritykset #kaasu'lla. @valtionomistus
#Gasgrid Imatra #Räikkölä vs. #Korsakov
- Korsakov on satamakaupunki ja piirikunta #Sahalini'n saaren eteläpäässä Venäjän  Sahalinin alueella. 
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #Uniper-#Gasgrid #skandaali.
#YGLs veijarit keksivät roudata kaasun #Räikkölä'n sijasta näin. @TyttiTup
#Prigorodnoje'n satama 10km #Korsakovi'n itäpuolella on #LNG'n vientiin erikoistunut satama
From: Port of #Korsakov
To: Port of #Gibraltar (->#Inkoo)
Read 19 tweets
1/5 Rising temps in the North Atlantic are more than just a climate change indicator - they pose real threats to human life. Let’s talk about why. #ClimateChange #NorthAtlantic
2/5 First, warmer waters can fuel more intense storms and hurricanes, increasing risks for coastal communities globally. This means higher potential for loss of life and property damage. #ExtremeWeather
3/5 Second, thermal expansion from warmer waters contributes to sea level rise. This could lead to increased coastal erosion and flooding, displacing people from their homes and affecting livelihoods. #SeaLevelRise
Read 6 tweets
The #SpanishPPC continues today 🇪🇸💪

While we wait for the first sessions to start later on this morning, take the time to check out the highlights of discussions from yesterday!

👉… Image
We're joining the second day of the #SpanishPPC at the @SpainMFA building: the first part consists of two more parallel sessions

As always, we will highlight the best bits

But first, let's recap one of the most crucial discussions from yesterday's panel "The Enlargement and Reform of the European Union", in which @CaminoMortera moderated a discussion between Alice Cunha, Héctor Sánchez, Frank Schimmelfennig, and @andrejas_mkd

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Couldn’t make it to our Rally and Press Conference for Our Lives #LosAngeles event today?

Follow along in real-time as we urge local, state & federal decision-makers to prioritize #CleanAir, save lives & reduce ship #pollution in portside communities! 🚢

Our thread below: 🧵👇
PE, @EYCEJ @MoveLATransit @Earthjustice @SierraClubCA are at the @PortofLA Administration Building in the San Pedro neighborhood of LA to urge the @EPA to approve #CleanAir amendments by @AirResources to clean up dirty ocean #shipping 🚢 and SAVE LIVES.

We're getting started! 👋 Image
Pacific Environment's Dawny'all Heydari & @EYCEJ's Jan Victor Andasan kick off today's event, calling on @EPA @AirResources to #RuleOutShipPollution! 🚢 🌊 ImageImage
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🧵🌡️🔥 Heat & Heat Safety Twitter Series! 🔥🌡️

As temperatures rise due to climate change, it's vital to understand the impact of heat and prioritize our safety. In this series, we'll explore various aspects of heat and practical tips for safety. Let's dive into 4 info sections:

Learn how heat and humidity work together, the complications of heat, humidity, and direct sunlight, the rise in temperatures caused by climate change, and the significance of wet bulb temperature.
Heat and humidity go hand in hand. Humidity makes it harder for our bodies to cool down through sweat evaporation, making us feel hotter and more uncomfortable. #HeatUnderstanding
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For the last few months, students at UBC Climate Justice Research Collaborative worked with us to create a story map that details the major concerns with TMX and charts the fight to stop it.

Here’s a 🧵 with some of what they found 1/8 🧵#NoTMX…
First, it shows the difference between traditional territories and reserve lands. Many nations whose lands the pipeline crosses have never given their consent, even if it has permission from the reserves directly on its route. #NoTMX 2/8 🧵 A map of the west coast sho...A map showing a handful of ...
This map shows the many spills Trans Mountain has had over the years. You can click on each circle to see how much oil was released into the local environment. #NoTMX 3/8 🧵 A map showing the TMX path ...
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Ahead of the #CouncilOfEuropeSummit, CIEL, @Greenpeace, @amnesty & @hrw joined forces to call on @coe Member States to recognize the right to a #HealthyEnvironmentForAll through the drafting of a dedicated protocol to the @ECHR_CEDH


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On May 16-17, @coe nations will gather for a once-in-a-generation Summit in Reykjavik 🇮🇸.

This is an opportunity for European States to reaffirm their commitment to core European values, including the rule of law, democracy, & #HumanRights.
But doing so will require more than a family photo featuring heads of State: States should use this opportunity to fill a yawning gap in the European human rights framework & take a decisive step towards effectively protecting the right to a #HealthyEnvironmentForAll. Image
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We're getting started on our book launch and public debate "Towards a Climate Neutral Europe: Building Unity from Diversity"

For those of you unable to join us in Brussels in person, we're also running a livestream over on our @YouTube channel 👉

This debate takes place as part of the #BookLaunch for "Climate Change and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals" , co-edited by Michael Kaeding, @JohannesPollak and @_PaulSchmidt

Learn more:

Our moderator for this evening is @EgmontInstitute's Jean-Louis de Brouwer - We're pleased that our Belgian Member Institue Egmont have partnered with us to organise this event

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1/12 Here is our very useful series of cards, we handed out to people at @StanChart - everyone was very keen to collect all 12 . We're looking forward to hearing which one was the most useful #ClimateAction ImageImage
2/12 Could this be a regular excuse often heard inside @StanChart to delay climate action? ImageImage
3/12 We have a feeling this card may have proved very useful inside @StanChart . Let us know 🤔 ImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Today, in England, millions of voters make a choice in their #LocalElections2023. It’s a good time to share some new research that is related to two policy issues that will have touched many people over the last year: the #energycrisis & #crime.
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In a nutshell, the paper shows that much of the widely reported surge in burglaries & anti-social behaviour could have been avoided, had the government provided more targeted energy price subsidies or had UK invested more in making homes more energy efficient. Last summer, ... ImageImageImageImage
I modelled the impact of the energy price shock down to the property level for millions of homes. More #energyinefficient homes would see a bigger increase. Part of this work was reported in @FT as an interactive story…. This set up a framework to study... Image
Read 11 tweets
1/ Really important new report on climate change and children’s health today from @EPA - it’s not an easy report to read, but it’s a necessary one.…
2/ We know that children are uniquely vulnerable to climate change, because their bodies are still growing and developing. And health impacts during childhood can affect an entire lifetime.
3/ The report anticipates potential climate impacts for children in the US at 2 and 4 degrees of warming - we don’t know exactly when these levels of warming will happen, some estimates suggest we’ll reach 2 degrees of warming by 2040. (My own kids will be 24 in 2040.)
Read 19 tweets
🧵Tens of thousands of people have been out on the streets of London since Friday, calling for #ClimateAction.

@morss_alex has been monitoring media coverage.

If you get your news from TV, broadsheets or tabloids, chances are you won't have heard anything about #TheBigOne.
But although you didn't hear about the tens of thousands of people protesting in London, chances are that you did hear about that one guy who jumped on a #snooker table in Sheffield.

None of this remotely surprising. It's yet another example of the #ActivistsDilemma in action. Image
When non-activists criticise groups like JSO for engaging in disruptive protest it's common for them to say they don't mind protest if it's done in a way that doesn't affect people going about their business. That's what activists have been doing this weekend. It doesn't work.
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Genom aktionen vill rörelsen förmedla att det är orimligt att fossilindustrin tillåts fortsätta att bränna ungas chanser till en värdig framtid, trots att samhället har det som krävs för att ställa om.
Trafiken på in- och utfarten till en bränsleterminal i hamnen i Göteborg blockeras nu av tonåringar och personer i tjugoårsåldern. 13 personer är på plats och 6 personer sitter i blockaden, som nu stoppar flera tankbilar. Image
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THEY ARE COMING AFTER OUR DIESEL - THE LIFE BLOOD OF OUR ECONOMY — @marcdaalder - doing what he's told to, told to write shit — No doubt if looked overseas we would see if this is another MOCKING BIRD Article —…
...NEWSLASH Greenie retards - There is no productivity if you can't transport things to where they need to be. To be productive.. Diesel is the life bloody of our economy , from farmland cultivation to getting stuff to and from market

But you'll eat your bugs in smart cities
.... It's simply more GASLIGHTING from a pack of agenda ridden hypocrites - lies and deception..

MORE INFO WARFARE against the minds of KIWI's... I can tell you know this assertion of costs to society is 100% incorrect, simply another fear currency
Read 10 tweets
On #ClimateAction.

Africa can lead a revolutionary approach to climate change. One that recognizes Climate Action as the job engine for Africa. James Mwangi and his colleagues at Climate Action Platform Africa have presented this compelling point of view.
They argue that instead of pushing the narrative of Africa as a victim and or insisting on business-as-usual growth which would make Africa a big future emitter...
Africa should instead take the lead in tackling climate change leveraging on its renewable energy potential, young workforce, green technologies, carbon removal and green manufacturing.
Read 4 tweets

Today is a BIG day for #ClimateJustice with not one but two critical developments at international institutions advancing efforts to clarify & enforce States’ #HumanRights obligations in the face of #ClimateChange.

Our reaction:…

A thread🧵👇
The 1⃣ critical development is the first-ever public hearings at the @ECHR_CEDH on climate cases addressing the duty of states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including a case brought by the @KlimaSeniorin against Switzerland.

The2⃣ development is the historic adoption by the #UNGA of a resolution calling upon the world’s highest court, @CIJ_ICJ, to issue an opinion on State legal responsibilities to protect the climate system for present & future generations & the consequences of failing to do so.
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Today is a landmark day for #ClimateLitigation, for #HumanRights & for #ClimateJustice.

For the 1st time, the @ECHR_CEDH is holding two public hearings in #Climate cases.

CIEL's @duycks is in Strasbourg 🇫🇷 attending the hearings, follow him for updates from the ground.

What are these climate cases?

@KlimaSeniorin, @DamienCAREME & @Y4CJ_ are calling on the court to hold States accountable for not doing enough to protect their citizens from the impacts of climate change.
These are unprecedented hearings because the European Court of Human Rights will
👉 Address the duty of states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
👉 Clarify the link between #HumanRights and the climate crisis,
👉 Clarify States' obligations to #ActOnClimate.
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Voici la centrale nucléaire d'#Emsland 🇩🇪
C'est une des meilleures centrales électriques du monde.
Du type #Konvoi à un réacteur, elle a été construite dans les délais et sous le budget en 5 ans, pour 3500 €/kW, et son exploitation a commencé 3 mois après la 1ère criticité. 🧵⤵️
D'une puissance de 1,4 GW, #Emsland a généré 93% de son maximum théorique sur sa durée de vie de 33 ans à ce jour, 11 TWh d'électricité par an, de quoi alimenter 3,5 millions de foyers, sans rejeter de CO2 ni de pollution.
Et elle pourrait probablement continuer à le faire pendant des décennies, évitant 10 millions de tonnes d'émissions de #CO2 chaque année, si le gouvernement allemand lui en laissait la possibilité.

La centrale d'#Emsland doit pourtant être arrêtée le 15 avril prochain.
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