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Most recents (24)

Piers Corbyn betonte, dass ein menschenverursachter #Klimawandel nicht existiere und sprach von „falschen Übertreibungen von Temperaturen“ und einer Verschwörungstheorie, was die Wirkung von #CO2 angehe. Er berichtete den Ausschussmitgliedern, dass nur vier Prozent der 1/…
der Gesamtsumme des ausgestoßenen CO2 in der Atmosphäre vom Menschen verursacht sei. Die CO2-Spiegel folgten den Temperaturen und seien demnach ein Effekt und keine Ursache, lautete seine Einschätzung. Demnach sei bereits die Diskussionsgrundlage falsch. 2/
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Om aan te vullen. Zaken waarmee de overheid kwaad bloed zet:

-#Oversterfte zonder onderzoek;
-#pensioenwet (muv politici)
-#miljarden verdwenen/onverantwoord
-controle bankuitgaven…
-#water schaarste
-#waterschappen politiek bestuur
-#digitale identiteitsbewijzen
-Nederland grootproducent kinderporno
-#seksualisering kinderen
-#onderwijs #analfabetisme
-geld EU #coronafonds tbv #QRCode /bewijs……
-bedreiging artsen #BIG registratie
-MIVD illegale praktijken
-gepolitiseerd @Het_OM
-oplossingspercentage misdrijven tegen burger gericht
-Riek (samensmelten trias politica achter schermen)
-sloop economische infrastructuur
-teloorgang MKB……
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Recent research submitted in the @researchsquare “presents first-of-its-kind process concepts for co-removal of #methane and #CO2 that combine the catalytic conversion of methane step (thermal/photo-catalytic) with #CO2Capture (#DirectAirCapture).”
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“The proposed solution to co-remove methane and CO2 from low concentration sources has the potential of #removing more CO2-equivalents from the atmosphere at lower energy penalty when compared to technologies that focus on removing only CO2 from the air, the study affirmed.”
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Based on the analysis of this study, researchers summarize the following challenges and opportunities with the proposed solution for co-removing methane and CO2 from the atmosphere:
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@ir_rkp #Korsakov @MikaLintila
#Gasgrid. #LNG alus ei tuota #kaasua, vaan varastoi #Venäjä'n, aiemmin #Baltiasta ostettua, n. 3x hintaan.
- 10v. ajalta terminaalin kokonaiskustannuksiksi arvioidaan noin €460 miljoona, eli noin €126 000 päivässä
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #GreatReset=#SuurTyöttömyys-#Hätätila
#WEF-#Marxist -ideologia lahtaa yritykset #kaasu'lla. @valtionomistus
#Gasgrid Imatra #Räikkölä vs. #Korsakov
- Korsakov on satamakaupunki ja piirikunta #Sahalini'n saaren eteläpäässä Venäjän  Sahalinin alueella. 
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #Uniper-#Gasgrid #skandaali.
#YGLs veijarit keksivät roudata kaasun #Räikkölä'n sijasta näin. @TyttiTup
#Prigorodnoje'n satama 10km #Korsakovi'n itäpuolella on #LNG'n vientiin erikoistunut satama
From: Port of #Korsakov
To: Port of #Gibraltar (->#Inkoo)
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@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut #AliBaba & #WorldBank & #IMF and 40 world wealthiest #thieves.
- Who collects all the world's #CarbonTaxes in their own #coffers?
- The World Bank - IMF is owned and controlled by NM #Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world.
Read 10 tweets
@SpunkyStrings tweette voor aandacht op dit:
In dit HLN bericht lezen we dat de debit maestro kaart vervangen wordt de debit mastercard.…
U krijgt dus een mastercard, en wat lezen we op de website van mastercard :…
Op de website van mastercard lezen we dat mastercard samenwerking met o.a. de #VN en #WEF om de #CO2 voetafdruk bij te houden voor elke betaling, om "de impact van de klimaatverandering bij de consument te leggen". #doconomy
De vermeende #CO2 hetze, waar nog steeds geen bewijs voor bestaat wordt dus verder gebruikt om de #privacy te kunnen negeren en is een stap naar een mogelijke beperking op basis van uw #CO2 voetafdruk.
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🌍🔥 #Greenwashing #AbruptClimateChange #CO2 #Methane #Habitat #Biodiversity #Earth #Environment
It’s unbelievable that in 2023, people at decision making levels still don’t understand that deserts, swamps, bogs, mangrove swamps are all critical habitats—not wastelands…1/
@Msmariablack @pen_is_mighty @pewtergod @DanCady @NBPTROCKS @Blueoceanarctic
👉Human conceit-we destroy nature to replace it w/something “better”-read $—then wonder why we have problems w/disease, pollution, natural disasters.

“…the scale is almost incomprehensible 2/
Riverside East Solar Energy Zone-ground zero of CA’s solar energy boom [is] 150,000 acres-10 x the size of Manhattan.

It is a crucial component of the US “green energy revolution”.

Solar makes up~3% of US electricity supply, but the Biden admin hopes it will reach 45% by 3/
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Es reicht. Die #CDU lügt hier wieder in Person von @PrienKarin, dass sich die Balken biegen. Die #Ampel ist Schuld am Erstarken der #AfD. #Merz ist vollmündig angetreten, sie zu halbieren. Faktisch stärkt er sie. Ein Blick auf die Fakten. 👇
Die #CDU und #Merz waren es, die den vergifteten Boden der #Politikverdrossenheit, #Angst und #Panik angesichts der #Energiekrise bereitet haben. Den nutzt die #AfD. Am 4.9. des vergangenen Jahres prognostizierte Merz deutschlandweite Blackouts.…
#Merz war sich sicher. "Wenn diese Regierung so weitermacht und aus ideologischen Gründen am Atomausstieg festhält, droht uns Anfang nächsten Jahres ein Blackout." Der Atomausstieg am 15.4. diesen Jahres sollte einen Blackout im Winter nach sich ziehen.
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🌊Recent study "presents the mass balances linked with #CarbonDioxideRemoval using seawater as both the source of reactants & as the reaction medium via electrolysis following the “Equatic” (formerly known as “SeaChange”) process."

🌊Details in a 🧵 below ⬇️
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"The #Equatic process, broadly detailed in (…), involves the application of an electric overpotential that splits H2O to form H+ & OH– ions, producing #acidity & #alkalinity, i.e., in addition to gaseous coproducts at the anode & cathode, respectively."
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"The #alkalinity that results, i.e., via the steady electrolytic pH pump results in the rapid precipitation of CaCO3, hydrated magnesium #carbonates (e.g., nesquehonite & hydromagnesite, etc.) or Mg(OH)2 depending on the carbonate ion-activity in solution."
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"Researchers recently investigate the feasibility of industrial-scale geological #CarbonSequestration as an effective #ClimateChange mitigation technology."

📜Details are discussed in a🧵⬇️

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"This investigation was done by performing numerical simulations of coupled multiphase flow and geomechanics on a representative field-scale #geological model in the Gulf of Mexico that could become a typical CO2 #storage site."
Authors use "representative model to examine 2 potential hazards associated with large-scale CO2 storage:
🔸CO2 might migrate to shallower formations
🔸CO2 injection might induce seismicity due to destabilization of pre-existing faults."
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📝💡 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬💡📝
Here's is your roundup of top #CarbonDioxideRemoval News Articles / Scientific Papers from the past week: 🌱🪨🎛️🌊

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1️⃣ #CarbonRemoval Policy Tracker launched by @CarbonGap to explore Europe’s #CDR #DAC #BECCS policy landscape & pilots.🌱🎛️

2️⃣ ✍️ @fionaharvey's recent blog post explored the contentious issue related to #CarbonDioxideRemoval technologies.📰

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"The recent paper aims to highlight key operational challenges related to #CO2 #Injection in low-temp environments at various pressures."

So, a new approach is provided "to assess injectivity impairment phenomena, & their remediation at the lab scale."

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"A novel core flooding-based testing apparatus was used to reckon permeability changes of porous core medium during injection of #CO2 across a range of saturations/T/P. This shows the effect on injectivity of
formation-damage mechanisms, including formation of CO2 hydrates."
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"The new dynamic dual-phase injection test rig was designed, built, and used in this study to assess a range of conditions expected during #CO2 #injection either into deep saline aquifers or depleted oil and gas reservoirs."
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@BABartusiak Ehhh, tyle tu wątków, a w większości diabeł tkwi w szczegółach, że aż nie wiem czy to nadają się na TT. Co mi się "wydaje"? Eurorealista euroentuzjasta? 1/27
@BABartusiak To Pan raczy tu prezentować idealistyczne oczekiwania wobec UE, która śmie nam nie przychylać codziennie nieba i wobec Niemiec, które już w ogóle nie powinny śmieć realizować swoich interesów przez UE 2/27
@BABartusiak To nawet w jednolitym państwie jak nasze, trudno szukać, by Lubelskie zabiegało, co by Wielkopolska miała dość na drogi, a Pomorskie by w Małopolsce było dość szpitali 3/27 Image
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"The recent review article discusses the basic operation of the marine #CarbonCycle & 2 #mCDR methods that are "thought to offer the greatest potential in terms of #CDR mass:

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Various conclusions were drawn in the review which are enlisted below:

1️⃣ "The alkalinity of the ocean creates a massive increase in the ocean’s capacity to #store #carbon, relative to a scenario without #OceanAlkalinity."
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2️⃣ "Ocean warming causes decreases in both #CO2 #solubility and the Revelle factor (B), which make the ocean less efficient at #absorbing CO2."
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📝 "The N-doped #carbon material is one of the most efficient #adsorption materials in the field of carbon capture." So, in a recent study a series of N-doped #biochars were successfully prepared by a facile solvent-free method.

Details in a 🧵below ⬇️

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Among all N-doped biochars, "the #biochar prepared with corncob🌽 powder, K2CO3 & urea at 800°C showed highest #adsorption ability (5.69 mmol/g at 0°C & 1 bar) & selectivity (38.24 at CO2/N2 = 10/90). The biochar also showed excellent thermal stability & cycle performance."
"Notable, correlation analysis showed that ultra-micropores were the decisive factor for #CO2 #adsorption at low temperatures; nevertheless, the effect of N-doping would gradually appear with the increase of adsorption temperature."
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The Climate Change Authority of #Australia has issued a report that pinpoints #CarbonSequestration as critical to reduce emissions.

"Storing C away from the atm is integral, both to avert #GHGs from entering the atm & to #remove them from it."
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The report notes that "while conventional #CarbonAccounting is simple and economically flexible, it does not consider crucial differences between different sources and sinks of #GHG #emissions." As a result, 𝐈𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: ⬇️
1️⃣ "The Government should prioritise the development of long-lived geological and mineral #storage technologies.

2️⃣ Measures to restore CO2 released from #CarbonSinks should be reviewed and enhanced as appropriate."
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"In order to assess carbon-biodiversity trade-off, the new paper examines the spatial relationships between biophysical & social values for #CarbonSequestration potential (measured as CO2 flux) & #biodiversity in Finland, using integrated valuation."

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The approach used by authors "combines methods from #CarbonSequestration modelling, expert scoring approaches to biodiversity assessment and public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS)."
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Results indicate "strong spatial associations between biophysical assessment of #CO2 #flux and biodiversity priorities, and weaker associations between biophysical and social values."
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📝💡 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬💡📝
Here's is your roundup of top #CarbonDioxideRemoval News Articles / Scientific Papers from the past week: 🌱🪨🎛️🌊

1️⃣ @ebbcarbon raises $20 million Series A, "the largest #investment in ocean-based #CarbonRemoval technology to date." 🌊

2️⃣ @running_tide announced its initial Framework Protocol for #OceanCarbonRemoval. "This is the first carbon removal project utilizing a “fast-to-slow” framework for carbon removal accounting." 🌊

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@EU_Commission It's #Climate - The #FourSeasons nothing else.
#CO2 0.04% #carbondioxide, have never affected the earth's #Temperature, at least since 600 million years. #Atmosphere of Earth… Image
@EU_Commission Global #Temperature and Atmospheric #CO2 over Geologic Time - Late #Carboniferous to Early #Permian time (315-270 M yrs ago) is the only time period in the last 600 million years when both atmospheric #CO2 and #temperatures were as LOW as they are today
@EU_Commission #PragerUniversity is a 5013 non-profit conservative digital media organization. PragerU@prageru:
- What They Haven't Told You about #ClimateChange

- #Climate - The only constant is change Image
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"A promising solution to nullify the net embodied #GHG emissions of civil infrastructure is the use of C-negative materials for concrete manufacturing. C-neutral coal ash & agriculture/forestry by-products, like #biochar, exhibit a high CO2 uptake potential."
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📝 A lately published paper aimed "to explore the viability of using #biochar as a #CarbonSink and to develop carbon-neutral #concrete with improved performance."
📉 Experimental findings suggest that "the optimal amount of biochar (1%) slightly improves hydration and mechanical properties, but the combination with mineral additives significantly enhances the performance."
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The newly published article focuses on the physical & chemical aspects of #CO2 #storage via liquid & solid chemical carriers & sorbents & gives an overview of the energetics around their use & options for their future development.
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Research pointed that "exciting opportunities for coupling #capture and medium to high maturity multi-year #storage technologies could support #CarbonRemoval in the coming decades."
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Highlights of the analysis are:
🔸"The remarkable #storage capacity of oxalic acid & formic acid (CO2-density of 1857 kg m−3 & 1152 kg m−3, compared with condensed liquid CO2 at 993–1096 kg m−3, respectively)."
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Alla faccia della #CO2 cibo per le piante, classico mantra trito e ritrito dei #negazionisti. Come se la sola CO2 sia suff. a determinare la salute delle foreste. Come se vivessimo in un mondo lineare fatto di on/off. Come se la salute di un albero non dipendesse da molto altro.
Per es. al @WSL_research hanno cercato di simulare il comportamento del bosco locale in una condizione atmosferica con una conc. di CO2 maggiore, per testarne la reazione (adattamento, modifica nella velocità della crescita, efficienza fotosintetica...)👇
Risultato? "È improbabile che l'effetto dell'aumento di CO2 abbia un impatto sull'aumento della crescita delle piante, ma sono anche improbabili influenze negative. Sembra dunque che l'aumento di CO2 nell'atmosfera, nella realtà, non stimoli per forza la crescita delle foreste".
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Sorry, aber warum finanziert man ein großangelegtes Projekt zwischen 2020-2022 (!), dass von der @FfE_Muenchen durchgeführt wurde, ohne zu wissen, ob die #Waermepumpe überhaupt eine politische Mehrheit bekommt & wer hat dieses Projekt finanziert? 🪢

Das Projekt wurde von der gefördert: "Die #SEF ist eine Stiftung/eine gemeinnützige Organisation öffentlichen Rechts mit Sitz in #Karlsruhe. Das Land hat sich aus der Stiftung zurück gezogen. Heute werden die 25,6 Mio. € durch die @EnBW geführt.

Wenn wir uns das Impressum der #Wärmepumpenampel anschauen, fällt auf, dass einer der Geschäftsführer und zwar Dr.-Ing. Serafin von Roon in den Münchner #Klimarat gewählt worden ist, einem Gremium der @BundesregDE…

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