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#Volunteering When people wanted me to describe in a phrase - what can prevent Volunteering Fatigue (unexpected extension of time devoted to a passionate cause, as against paid volunteering) - It is Disapassionate Attachment. Everything other factor is subordinated to the Cause
#Volunteering More often than not, especially in the current round of Volunteering, Young, energetic and passionate volunteers never needed any motivation as they are already inspired and self-fired. But those get fatigued are those who want to deliver perfection and fail
#Volunteering Whenever these inspirational gems talk to me about how to avoid failure in the task - I only request them not to aim for delivering perfect service, but aim to deliver acceptable service. Because what the beneficiary needs simply is unpredictable (COVID19 context)
Read 15 tweets
In this raging pandemic, there are faceless people who are working against time but not classified as #CoronaWarriors.

@GaonConnection launches a new series 'A Day in the Life of...' in which you can meet such people.

Here's Sushma Devi, a woman पंडा…
Sushma was only 11yo when she was married off to 15yo Santosh, whose traditional occupation was 'panda', a priest who performs the last rites prayers. By the age of 26, Sushma was widowed.

She became a पंडा, something restricted only to men

Read. Watch.
"Hopelessness, helplessness and poverty taught me to be strong."

Watch the story of Sushma Devi, who gathered up the courage to work in a traditionally male-dominated bastion and became a woman ‘पंडा‘. @UNFPAIndia @MinistryWCD @Laadli_PF @FeminismInIndia
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1. @mybmc announced Rs 10k incentive last year now ask to consider incentives as hike which was due from Aug 18.
#BMCBetrayed @DoctorsKem @ANI @ndtv @RupsaChak @lata_MIRROR @mataonline @LoksattaLive @MiLOKMAT
2. No Academics from 2 years still @mybmc extorted Rs 2 Lakh tuition fees from these hardworking resident doctors in this pandemic for the online lectures which never happened in reality.
@CMOMaharashtra @OfficeofUT @mayor_mumbai
#Fraud #extortion
3. There is no tax liable on stipend as per income tax department and even exempted in govt. medical colleges of #Maharashtra ,but @mybmc extort 10% from the resident doctors. @Dev_Fadnavis @KiritSomaiya @ShelarAshish
#justicefordoctors #FraudBMC
Read 12 tweets
खालीलपैकी कोणत्याही गोष्टीची तुम्हाला कधीही गरज भासली तर या पेजला DM करा. हे पेज खास सोलापूर साठी कार्यरत असेल. आम्ही आपल्यासाठी 100% प्रयत्न करू

1. हॉस्पिटलची उपलब्धता
2. ऑक्सिजनची उपलब्धता
3. बेड (with ventilator or without ventilator)
4. घरी क्वारंटाईन असणाऱ्यांसाठी घरगुती जेवणाची सोय
5. Tocilizumab, Itolizumab, Alzumab इंजेक्शने यांची व्यवस्था
6. कोरोना नसणाऱ्या पण इतर गंभीर आजार असणाऱ्या रुग्णांसाठी डॉक्टरांची उपलब्धता

WhatsApp Group-
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Addressed people of #JammuAndKashmir in my maiden episode of #AwaamKiAwaaz programme which went on air today. Shared valuable insights; received suggestions from citizens.
This initiative is a cornerstone of establishing #JanBhagidari, the core of development process in J&K.
Roots of people’s participation in the governance process have now further deepened with #AwaamKiAwaaz.
Suggestions from across the UT poured in; people having their say in formulation of development policies.
Read 6 tweets
President's address to joint sitting of Parliament was of hope, way forward during these challenging times: PM @narendramodi in Rajya Sabha

@narendramodi India is truly a land of opportunities; country cannot let go opportunities that have come during challenging times: PM @narendramodi in Rajya Sabha

@narendramodi Criticism is fine but don't indulge in acts that can break confidence of the country; #coronawarriors should be respected: PM @narendramodi

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बहुत बड़े संकल्प को लेकर चलना है. अगले वर्ष स्वतन्त्रता के 75 वर्ष में प्रवेश करेंगे: @PMOIndia at #RedFort. Unfurls the tricolour for the 7th year running, setting a new record for a non Congress Prime Minister. PM pays respects to our brave martyrs and to our #CoronaWarriors.
India became a challenge for expansionist forces & an inspiration for the world in the war for independence. India came together for freedom. In these times too India has taken a pledge for #AtmaNirbharBharat. Mantra for 130 crore Indians: @PMOIndia at #RedFort. Self Reliance.
India & Indians have the capabilities for #AtmaNirbharBharat.
We need to become capable & full of self confidence. World inter connected & interdependent. India's contribution must increase and for that we must become strong: @PMOIndia at #RedFort #ValueAddition to own resources
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"India has been hit by #floods, the government will provide all kind of support to states and help them": PM @narendramodi in his #IndependenceDaySpeech from the ramparts of the iconic #RedFort.

(Image: @MIB_India)
#15August Image
@narendramodi @MIB_India "I also salute all #coronawarriors who have proven that duty comes first, no matter what. We are indebted to them forever": PM @narendramodi in his #IndependenceDaySpeech.

(Image: @MIB_India)
#15August Image
@narendramodi @MIB_India PM Modi on #CoronavirusVaccine | "Our scientists and experts are working hard to develop the vaccine. India is testing 3 vaccines and they are at different stages of testing".

(Image: IANS)
#15August Image
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PM #NarendraModi remembers #SriAurobindo - whose birth anniversary is also celebrate 15th August - at the start of his #IndependenceDay speech.
#PMModiOnIndependenceDay As expectedly - PM Modi begins in his speech the #CoronaWarriors but also expresses his sympathies for families who have lost relatives to #Covid19
#PMIndependenceDaySpeech PM #Modi speaks of the need to renew our resolve as we approach the 75th anniversary of Independence. 4/n
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@narendramodi "Today I cannot see small children sitting in front of me, coronavirus has stopped them all": PM @narendramodi in his #IndependenceDaySpeech from the ramparts of the #RedFort

@narendramodi "I also salute all #coronawarriors who have proven that duty comes first, no matter what. We are indebted to them forever": PM @narendramodi in his #IndependenceDaySpeech.

#15August Image
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1990 Kuwait Airlift of 1,70,000 Indians : Air India entered the Guinness Book of World Records for the most people evacuated by a civil airliner.

१९९० में कूवेत से भारतीय नागरिको को घर पहुंचाने के लिये एअर ईंदिया का नाम विश्व रिकार्ड की गिनिस बुक में दर्ज है |
1994 Yemen : Air India pilots called to duty to evacuate Indian nationals stranded in strife-torn Yemen.

सन उन्नीस सौ चौरानबे में एयर इंडिया के विमान चालक भारतीयों को युद्ध ग्रषित यामेन से बाहर निकालने का निडर काम को अंजाम दिया |
Read 21 tweets
Clarification on Covid19 Insurance Cover for PSBs Bankers

There are a lot of confusion and misinformation floating on SM about Bankers Insurance Cover for Covid19

Hope this thread will clear the confusion around this topic. Kindly read. 1/n

@suchetadalal @abhasinghlawyer
Let’s Start with Covid19 Insurance Cover:

➡️ All PSBs including most of the RRBs have provided life insurance Cover of Rs. 20lacs

➡️Now the question remains,is it enough?

🅰️No. Any amount can not compensate the loss of a life,but to provide financial Security to the family 2/n
Insurance cover for Bankers must be at par with other #CoronaWarriors i.e. 50lacs.

➡️ What is the possible ways to provide 50lacs Cover?

🅰️ All Banks may follow @bankofbaroda on this. BOB have provided additional ex gratia amt of 30lacs over and above Insurance of 20lacs.3/n
Read 7 tweets
Corruption of #Telangana #KCR govt peaks while fight against corona ebbs below abysmal pit

Few contrasting statistics below

Numbers on d face of it don't lie, but spin abt no.s on d back of it can be made to lie blatantly

tht is what #Media savvy & fact opaque machinery being nurtured by #KTR is doing in #Telangana with impunity

Brute majority in assembly with 3.5 yrs term remaining is d spine behind tht open arrogance from father & callous glaring ignorance from son below

Legendary #KCR talked abt crushng #Covid_19 in #Telangana in turn #COVID19 is cruising its way into #Hyderabad households much faster with a mind-blowng positivity rate next to none nationally to break into d top 4 position in active #COVID cases in no time #TelanganaCovidFailure
Read 9 tweets
His name is Judhisthira Sahoo, aged about 75 years, blind since birth, and disowned by his brothers when their parents passed away. Then he had joined a blind school to teach students and make some money to survive. [Source: @Bapun] #CoronaWarriors
Today he went to a @TheOfficialSBI branch & asked the cashier to help him to withdraw 1,01,000 rupees from his account. Once the cashier handed over the amount, he asked someone to take him to the manager's cabin.
His words to the manager were, 'When I was disowned by brothers, some nice people in the society ensured my survival. And now they all are in problem due to this pandemic. Please send this One lac and One thousand rupees to CM's #reliefpackage.'
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On a tweet-spree, sharing my 2-cent thoughts after 2 months of #COVID duty work:
🔸️ Different patient, different body response - management algorithm can guide you, but individualized care is a must
🔸️Organ systems works hand-in-hand; Nutrition is just as important as ventilation, circulation, etc
🔸️Management is evolving (in a matter of hours); what you know now might not be applicable tomorrow. Keep yourself updated.
🔸️Giving medications just so we have something to give, can be worse than not giving anything at all. #EvidenceBasedMedicine
🔸️Team work goes a long way - ask HELP, be it clinical dilemna or handy ward work. After all, We're on the same boat🛶
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#CoronaWarriors #ThankYou
1/ #Bengaluru cousins are providing 400 litres of milk to underprivileged children daily amid lockdown
2/ "When we went to distribute the ration kits, we discovered that the young ones had nothing to eat. They really needed milk," says Zeeshan Javid of Bengaluru, who joined hands with his cousins Zufishan Pasha and Shehzar Sheriff to initiate 'Mission Milk'.
3/ Under this, volunteers distribute milk packets to underprivileged kids whose families cannot afford this vital nutrient. What started with just 60 litres of milk, has now evolved into a 400-litre a day operation.
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#Lockdown rahe na rahe, but hopefully everything we learnt about food and exercise during the last 10 weeks will help us transition into the new normal.

A summary thread -

1. Meal plans for immunity and fat loss
2. Easy exercises for everyone at home -…
3. Top 3 foods for most common health conditions -

4. Asana for most common health problems-

5. The right way to lose weight- focus on developing good habits and not losing weight

6. The plank challenge. Have you tried yet?
7. The Home Exercise and Diet (HEAD) project helped participants improve their health parameters and lose inches from waist

8. Food tips for Police force & frontline #CoronaWarriors

9. And lastly, #lockdown has connected us back to our kitchens and we must not let that go.
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So the narrative is not about the abject failure of the Maharashtra CM, but BJP trying take political mileage from that failure!

This is how our Media holds our politicians accountable.
Maharashtra has India's 9% population, but over 35% of total cases and 44% of active cases.

In fact it has more active cases than the next 7 states combined.

Monumental failure that is being totally ignored by Media. Image
From Doctors to Policemen, the epidemic is spreading and killing the #CoronaWarriors at an alarming rate.
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When Modi announced a 14 hour #JantaCurfew, did he expect the whole of #coronavirus in india to die/vanish in 12 hours really? No
When Modi gave a 4 hour notice for nationwide #lockdown on 24th March by allowing elite to settle in their cosy homes, did he feel migrants would not be seen & heard at all? No.
When Modi announced #lockdownindia & invoked Mythology (Mahabharat war of 18 days) to claim that fighting against Coronavirus will take 21 days, did he believe himself? No.
Read 12 tweets
Was it actually insensitivity? Three among these are approved by @UPGovt for non #COVIDー19 cases. This is more because of the scare of events that follow discovery of a +ve patient having crossed path in a pvt setup. Pvt sector should be encouraged, not scared in this crisis Image
Confusion described here visible in reaction of administration to discovery of a #COVIDー19 case in pvt hospital. The center may be sealed, all staff may be quarantined in a remote school without even water and clean toilets. Or there may be just sanitization. Confusion prevails Image
Unfortunately, @MoHFW_INDIA guidelines spread more as warning, less as help. I wish @PMOIndia ensures mathematical flow chart about SOP for pvt sector. Everyone should know the risk from his action, and how to manage it. Till then innocent lives might continue to be lost.
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***Important News*** #GivingTuesday #GivingTuesdayNow #giving #givingback

Since no other group wants to take me up on my offer for free advertising. I am featuring:

**Harvest Hills Cares Calgary**

This group provides tailored help to individuals and families and seniors in need. They are known for their food hampers. None of the food that goes into the hampers is wasted by the families helped.
This is because the family provides a grocery list and then volunteers go shopping and get the items on the list to put into the tailored food hamper.
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Rs 20 lakh crore Economic package that impacts all, including those often neglected. 10% of GDP: @PMOIndia. Big focus on being self reliant. Focus on Make in India & for people to buy Made in India. PM @narendramodi talks about #PPE manufacturing as successful #MakeInIndia story.
#PPE manufacturing is truly a story of grit & determination of Govt & Private Sector coming together to make India self reliant & #CoronaWarriors safe. From 0 PPE kits manufactured in India j
In Feb (all imported) to manufacturing 2.5 lakh/day now. Do read…
Be Indian, Buy Indian. Self Reliance is @PMOIndia's big push. Govt & private sector together for #IndiaFirst. Our industry must also rise to the occasion & manufacture world class products. Buying Indian should also become default setting for top quality products. #StayPositive.
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Are districts in #Maharashtra at its peak in terms of new #coronavirus confirmed cases?

Plotting the daily new cases with a moving average for a 7 day period.

Lets #StayHome and all be #CoronaWarriors!

@aparanjape @CafeEconomics @MulaMutha @MakrandParanspe
Plotting this for #Gujarat
.. and for #Tamilnadu
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#Reviews on the use of #war metaphors for health workers amidst #coronaviruses & #CoViD19, explain why using #hashtags such as #CoronaSaviours and #CoronaWarriors can fuel the coexistent #infodemic, graver than the #pandemic itself!

@UN @deespeak @fayedsouza @iHrithik

"Of course, we all want to contain the virus, posthaste, and to treat as many as patients as we possibly can. But to do so under the banner of war implies the necessity of a heedless approach that leaves both doctors and patients open to an indefensible level of risk."
Read 16 tweets

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