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Mar 4th 2023
๐‚๐จ๐ฐ Killers Rot In Hell; Expect Central Govt To Ban Cow Slaughter, Declare It A Protected National Animal': ๐‘ฑ๐’–๐’”๐’•๐’Š๐’„๐’† ๐‘บ๐’‰๐’‚๐’Ž๐’Š๐’Ž ๐‘จ๐’‰๐’Ž๐’†๐’… ๐‘จ๐’๐’๐’‚๐’‰๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’… ๐‘ฏ๐‘ช
"Anyone who kills cows or allows others to kill them is deemed to rot in hell as many years as there are hairs upon his body. Likewise, the bull is depicted as a vehicle of ๐‘ณ๐’๐’“๐’… ๐‘บ๐’‰๐’Š๐’—๐’‚ a symbol of respect for the male cattle" : #AllahabadHighCourt

"In the #Mahabharata, #Bhishma (grandfather of the leaders of warring factions) observes that the cow acts as a surrogate mother by providing milk to human beings for a lifetime, so she is truly the mother of the world" : #AllahabadHighCourt

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Mar 3rd 2023
'Cow Killers Rot In Hell; Expect Central Govt To Ban Cow Slaughter, Declare It A Protected National Animal': Allahabad HC @ISparshUpadhyayโ€ฆ
"We are living in a #secular country and must have respect for all religions and in #Hinduism, the belief and faith is that #cow is representative of divine and natural beneficence and should therefore be protected and venerated" : #AllahabadHighCourt

"The cow has also been associated with various deities, notably #LordShiva (whose steed is Nandi, a bull) #LordIndra (closely associated with #Kamadhenu, the wise-granting cow), #LordKrishna (a cowherd in his youth), and goddesses in general..." #AllahabadHighCourt

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Sep 21st 2022
Myth & Realities of #GarudaPurana...๐Ÿงต

There is an apprehension (myth) among people that, the text of Garuda Purana is inauspicious and hence cannot be read or the book be kept at home or should be read only on the occasion of death at home.
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People hesitate to keep this sacred text at their homes or read it because of its fearful subject matter. It is only a misconception due to the contents of Garuda Purana.


When it was explained/narrated by Paramatma #Vishnu Himself, how can it be inauspicious? ++
Even in #Bhagawadgita; #SriKrishna #ParamaAtma makes a reference to the law of Karma; death and its realities; reincarnation etc. But, we donโ€™t consider Bhagawadgita as inauspicious; in fact we adore it. ++
Read 18 tweets
Mar 13th 2021
1/Cirrhosis patient on Madhumardan #ayurvedic tabs by #Jain & Pranada #herbal proprietary drug by #Bipha. Patient now with jaundice, recovered from brain failure and an episode of infection. Listed 4 liver transplant. #Ayurveda prescribed by patient's #BAMS sister
Madhumardan contains 32 herbs.
Yes. 32 herbs. It's just crazy. 32 herbs. I can't get over this. Website mentions no side effects. Human #health has no value in #AYURVEDA. This is the truth about the #science of #life which is actually science of #business. Harmful BS.
Pranada is a proprietary medicine. Look at indications for use. Dropsy, hydropsy and cirrhosis. What are these diseases which are totally different from each other, treated with same drug. Vague idiots. AGAIN, #PSEUDOSCIENCE OF BUSINESS. No regard 4 human health. Stupids.
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Mar 2nd 2021
Suburban Survivalism Demonstrates The Most Obnoxious Brand of Privilege

#urban #elites, #survival
Diapers on cows: A water quality solution? โ€“ Ohio Ag Net | Ohio's Country Journalโ€ฆ

#cow #diapers #water #environment #ohio
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Oct 10th 2020
Yogi g ki police ne family will ke against jakr cerosene dalkr body jala di aisa funeral hota h kya kisi ka??
Family ke demand kya thi last time pr face dekhne ke apki police ne dekhaya nhi
5police officers R suspended why DM is not?
@ChintuTheJefe @raj_rvp
And many SC/ST students who are financially not good decided not to do B.ed because they are not eligible to fill 50thous. to 1lc rupees of fee.
So in education dep. CM yogi gives #Ghanta to students and false hopes.
@irajratna @raj_rvp
Protection of d ppl.of state is must either its me you or animal... in yogiraj #Cow and pet animals are safe but humans are unsafe especially womens. Women protection is completely failed in present time in UP.
If a cow get harassed cm yogi feel pain.... it's good.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
Here is an example of exactly HOW NOT to design a study and publish.
A grp of #ayurveda vaidyas published:๐Ÿ’กClinical Improvement In #COVID19 #patients With Timely Intervention Of Panchagavya: Preliminary Finding
๐Ÿ’ตInternational Journal of Pharmacological Research
#MedTwitter Image
First, choice of #journal. Choose one indexed in valid scientific databases - eg @Scopus, Medline @NCBI, @embase, @EBSCO, @webofscience. International Journal of Pharmacological Research is indexed๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ˜ถ
Just bcoz its on Google doesn't mean its quality. #pseudoscience #fake
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There R indexed and impactful journals charging #openaccess fee (eg @JHEP_Reports) if the institute can afford it. Most quality indexed, impactful journals (eg @HEP_Journal) dont have open access fee to publish, but #Subscription fee for persons to read #published study.
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Sep 19th 2020
#Cow Urine, #science & #Ayurveda

"I drink cow urine daily for health purpose"
When @akshaykumar told this to @BearGrylls,
then the most expected reaction started taking place.

Some specific type of groups & people, who hv always been using the term Go-mutra/Cow urine to
offend #Indians,
started attacking & abusing not only #AkshayKumar but also his wife Twinkle @mrsfunnybones.

This #GANG always claim that use of Go-mutra/ Cow urine is #unscientific.
I hv always seen people (who support Go-mutra use) running away, in absence of knowledge.
I m going 2 share some #international #patent & #Researchpapers which support the #health benefits claims of #cow urine.

COW means DESI INDIAN COW & not the jersy cow.

I request @akshaykumar & @BearGrylls & other influencers plz to share it with the general mass to
Read 14 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
Cow urine or #Gomutra is a word that has been used for a long time by leftists, Muslims, communists, & liberals to offend Hindus. So, here I want to discuss some international research papers and patents on the importance of cow urine or gomutra.
1. #Gold from Cow Urineโ€ฆ
Video link:
2. US patent No 6410059- for Antibiotic, Anti Fungal, Bioenhancer effect of Gomutra.

3. US Patent No. 6896907 - For Anti Allergic, Anti infective, Nutrient & Anti-cancer.

4. US Patent No. 7718360- For Anti Oxidant, Apoptosis.
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Jul 23rd 2020
1. #Marundeeswarar Temple, #Chennai
Marundu means #medicine ; Eswar is Bhagwan Shiv
Utchavar: Thyagarajar
Consort: TiripuraSundari
Sthal Vriksh: SHAMI TREE/VANNI Tree (#Prosopis #Spicigera)
Sthal Theerth: Pancha Theertha
Agamam: Kameekam
approx: 1500 years old
2. #Temple is dedicated to God Shiva, located in #Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai. It is one of the 275 Paadal Petra Sthalams where the two of the most revered Nayanars (Saivite Sages), Appar & Tirugnana Sambandar have glorified the Temple with their verses during the 7th-8th century.
3. Temple has been widely expanded by Chola kings during the 11th century. The Temple has two seven tiered Gopuram, a huge pond. The Marundeeswarar Temple has been a place of curative #worship for people with #diseases. The Temple is believed to have partial feature of #Pallava
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May 28th 2020
Do you know what inspired the Yogis to come up with many asanas? It was nature, the early yogis were influenced by what was around them. Read - Thread on Yoga!
#Dog - Downward Facing Dog aka Adho Mukha Svanasana. Its a popular pose which is also a part of the Surya Namaskar. This helps to increase flexibility and release tension. If you have dogs around, you would have noticed that dogs stretch their body in this pose.
ยฉ Petra Wegner
#Cow Pose aka Bitilasana & #Cat Pose aka Marjariasana. Usually these two are done together. It helps in spine flexibility. The breathing exercise attached with this helps in relaxation. This is common posture in which the cow stands and cat stretches.
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Dec 13th 2019
Virophages are small #viruses w/ double-stranded DNA genomes that replicate along with giant viruses + co-infect eukaryotic cells ๐Ÿ‘‰@DaviPaez @kyrpides + team just published this study which increased the number of known virophage genomes by 10-fold!:โ€ฆ ImageImage
2/ Itโ€™s the first study to identify HQ virophage genomes in diverse habitats including #plant-associated, thermal #springs, deep-subsurface and #cow rumen...
3/ AND...itโ€™s also the first study ever to identify virophages in human #gut samples! ๐Ÿ‘‰ 4/5 human-associated HQ virophage genomes were identified in #fecal samples recovered from individuals with a rural lifestyle, the other was found in a patient w/ ulcerative #colitis Image
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Jul 27th 2018

I read a #TooGoodNotToShare short story .

Itโ€™s surely worth a read...

Once upon a time, a cow went out to graze in the jungle. Suddenly, she noticed a tiger racing towards her.
She turned & fled,fearing that the tiger would sink his claws into her any moment. She desperately looked for someplace to escape & at last, saw a shallow pond.Barely evading the tigerโ€™s reach,she jumped into the pond & in the heat of the chase,the tiger blindly leaped after her.
To the surprise of them both,the pond was extremely shallow yet filled with deep recesses of mud. After toppling over each other, the cow and the tiger found themselves a short distance apart, stuck in the mud up to their necks.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 21st 2017
Fasting or Langhana is an important treatment as per #Ayurveda . It increases #Pitta and #Vata hence best to avoid by people of these prkrti
Langhana is indicated for those who hv #kapha dosha predominance, who dont workout, suffer with indigestion & obesity. #Ayurveda #Navratri
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