Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #NodeJs

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Resolvi um novo bug crítico no @nodejs core com apenas UMA LINHA de código🤯 (e 30 linhas de testes 🥳)


#javascript #opensource #nodejs #js #streams #nodejsstreams #javascriptstreams Image
Ontem saiu o Node.js v18.15 com uma pancada de coisas legais e esse bug eu havia corrigido no 19 e finalmente ele veio para a versão LTS

Pra mim, essa é a prova de que quantidade de código não tem nada a ver com produção ou impacto

Qual era o problema?

As Node.js Streams são parte do Node.js desde o início e muita coisa interna do Node.js as usa para controlar eventos e processar dados sob demanda

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A collection of #WebDevelopment articles published on #InfoQ in 2022 💥!

Thread 👇 Image
1/4 ✅ Turning a Node.js Monolith into a Monorepo without Disrupting the Team:

Let’s discuss ways to smoothly turn a monolithic Node.js codebase into a Monorepo, while minimizing disruptions and risks.


#JavaScript #NodeJS
2/4 ✅ Separation of Concerns in Node.js:

The amazing and somewhat frustrating aspect of Node.js is that you can structure your code however you want. There is no "correct way". Learn about #separationOfConcerns in #NodeJS.

#JavaScript #DynamicLanguages
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#programming with a fellow #dev can be more productive than you can envision!
#Containers provide an unparallel lift for #AI and #MachineLearning
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Generator function* in JavaScript:

A thread 🧵

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #Angular #reactjs #devbubble
In JavaScript, generator functions are a special type of function that allows you to use the yield keyword to pause and resume the execution of the function.

#100DaysOfCode #NodeJS #CodeLife
They allow you to create iterators, which are objects that can be used to iterate over a sequence of values.

A generator function is defined using the function* keyword and can be invoked using the yield keyword.

#100daysofcodechallenge #NodeJS #reactjs
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Memoization: Using Proxy in JavaScript

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #rarely_used #devbubble
Memoization is a technique used to optimize the performance of a function by caching its results for a given set of inputs.

#100DaysOfCode #reactjs #Angular #NodeJS
The idea is that if a function is called multiple times with the same input, it's more efficient to return the cached result instead of re-computing the result each time.

#100daysofcodingchallenge #reactjs #Angular #NodeJS
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Data virtualization: With Proxies in JavaScript.

A thread 🧵

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #rarely_used #devbubble
Data virtualization using Proxies in JavaScript refers to the ability to create virtualized data structures, such as virtualized arrays, that load their data on demand rather than loading all data at once.

#100DaysOfCode #ReactJS #Angular
This can be useful for improving the performance of an application when working with large data sets.

In this Eg., we create a VirtualArray class that takes in two args- the length of the array & a loader function.

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #NodeJS #ReactJs #Angular #devbubble Proxy - VirtualArray in JS
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Wowwwwww today is a day to celebrate! My blog is finally live and the first post is CRAZY nice 😱🔥



#javascript #nodejs #learning #blogpost #tutorial #websockets #socketio #diy #100daysofcode Image
I've been creating videos on my youtube channel that you rarely will see in another place on the internet 🤩

You'll find there subjects like Recreating @nodejs from scratch, Web APIs and recreating web protocols such as the Web Socket using JS with no frameworks, etc

And others, which are amazing experiments, such as recreating a code coverage tool from scratch and how to process terabytes of data using JavaScript

If you search about those subjects you'd reach out to my videos but why not have them as blog posts as well?

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Sabia que é possível usar JavaScript para interpretar variáveis do bash direto do terminal? 🤯🔥


#javascript #nodejs #js #bash #devtips #100daysofcode #node #childprocess #tutorial Image
Estava produzindo uma super aula do meu curso de Node.js Streams (em inglês), ensinando sobre como paralelizar o processamento de arquivos usando Node.js

A ideia é subir um processo para cada arquivo, e cada processo filtra os usuários que possuem o email em dominio gmail

Só que eu automatizei a validação para verificar que todos os itens foram processados e enviados para um arquivo de saida

Então primeiro fui lá e usei o `grep` para filtrar o texto do arquivo e o `wc -l`, para obter a quantidade de linhas.

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WeakMap in JavaScript

A thread 🧵

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #rarely_used
A WeakMap is a map that holds weak references to its keys.

This means that the keys are eligible for garbage collection if there are no other references to them.

This feature can be useful for implementing caches or other similar data structures.

#reactjs #Angular #NodeJS #js
A WeakMap is a special kind of map where keys must be objects and the map doesn't prevent garbage collection of its keys.

You can think of a WeakMap as a map that doesn't "own" its keys, and therefore doesn't keep them alive.

#100daysofcodechallenge #100DaysOfCode
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Announcing that a core part of @logseq is now scriptable with #NodeJS through…! This means you can query and analyze your graphs with independent applications. Two specific use cases that are now possible:
Node.js scripts can run any #Datalog query that the Logseq app can. These scripts run independent of a Logseq app and can run in CI environments like Github actions. Learn more at…
Node.js scripts can extract almost every actionable piece of text Logseq recognizes e.g. a url, property, page reference, etc. Learn more at…
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Ya sabrás que se puede programar con #JavaScript 💛 en servidor: #Node 💚. Cada vez más demanda. En este HILO 🧵te dejo 5⃣ cursos GRATIS para que aprendas #Nodejs DESDE CERO ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #software #programacion #backend #typescript #it
En este curso de 8⃣h de @freecodecampES vas a aprender a usar #Node 💚y #Express completamente DESDE CERO y viendo todos los conceptos básicos que necesites. MUY 🔝🔝🔝 #software #programacion #backend #typescript #it
Si quieres un curso algo más corto, aquí en 4⃣h agarrarás todos los conceptos básicos de #Node 💚. Curso más que recomendable de @FaztTech. #software #programacion #backend #typescript #it
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How to create a simple Express server in Nodejs 👇
First, you will need to create a project folder and then install the Express library.

To do this, open a terminal window and type:

npm install express --save
Once installed, create a file called index.js in your project folder.

This is where you'll write the code for your server.

In the index.js file, add the following code to import the Express library and start the server:
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Hi There,
Today I want to talk about Node.js, a popular JavaScript runtime that allows developers to build scalable and efficient server-side applications.

Check out this Thread 🧵

#Developers #NodeJS #SoftwareEngineer #javascript
Node.js is based on the V8 JavaScript engine developed by Google, which means it compiles and executes JavaScript code at high speed. This makes it an ideal choice for building real-time, data-intensive applications.
One of the key advantages of using Node.js is its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. This means that it can handle a large number of concurrent connections with minimal overhead, making it perfect for applications that require high scalability.
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How to consume any Database as a Stream for heavy data processing using JavaScript 🤯🔥


#javascript #nodejs #streams #sql #nosql #tutorial #dataprocessing #database #business #data #strategy #pipeline @nodejs
The secret for processing anything using JavaScript is to handle data on demand.

Imagine data you wanna migrate data from a SQL database to a NoSQL DB. You would need to apply some business rules, clean up fields, filter data and then output them to the final output.

You might know that you can block the Node.js (and the data source you're consuming) if you handle too much data at once in memory

The best practice then is to limit results, send individual data to a stream pipeline, and then ask for more data until you've consumed it all.

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O Aniversário do JavaScript vem aiiiiiiiiiii!! dia 04/12 a linguagem faz 27 ANOS 🤯😬


#javascript #jsexpert #devlife #100daysofcode #nodejs #advancedjs #devspecialist
Nem imagino como era programar nos anos 2000 ou mesmo antes de 2015, ano onde a especificação ECMAScript deu um salto gigantesco, que colocou o JavaScript no mapa das linguagens mais usadas no mundo inteiro.

O que vejo até hoje é que, mesmo com o crescimento absurdo da popularidade e infinidades de casos de uso, pouca gente se concentra nos fundamentos da linguagem.

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E hoje é dia de exterminar mais uma confusão frequente: Você é back ou frontend? Eu sou Dev JavaScript 🤯🤩


#nodejs #javascript #webinar #tutorial #devlife #100daysofcode #frontend #html Image
Hoje, dia 22/11 às 19hrs vou fazer uma super live lá no canal para contar sobre lições importantes do @nodejs que você pode também usar no navegador (ou em qualquer outro lugar que roda JS)

Eu recebo frequentemente dúvidas sobre alguns conteúdos do meu canal e treinamentos, algo como "ah, mas sou frontend, seu conteúdo de @nodejs é para backend"

A verdade, é a JS é uma só, tudo que tem na JS do navegador, tem no JavaScript do Node.js, #Bun e @deno_land

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Hello hello London! 👋🏻 We’re at IET Savoy Place, London for DSS London 2022 by #YugaByteDB. It’s gonna be super interesting tech session starting at 2 pm today! Don’t miss my #Live #Tweets in this #thread! 🤩🧵
@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImageImage
Yes, the setup is going on for the grand presentation of the #Tech #Track. The master is teaching the student here! #JustKidding Say hi to Julie Wise and Dave Roberts from #YugaByteDB! 👋🏻

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImage
We’ve got our Social Media / Content Director @rachel_pescador from #YugaByteDB here, who’s busy at work and got some cool #swag! 🤩

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImage
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We published new wrappers for our website and product categorization platforms.
#Python #website categorization wrapper, with #classifier using IAB taxonomy:…
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7 Free NodeJS courses for backend-end developers.

Thread 🧵👇 Image
1️⃣ Node.js Crash Course Tutorial

The complete crash course from NetNinja is one of the best.

In 12 series, you'll learn everything about NodeJs, including Express, middleware, and even MongoDB basics.

⏰ length: 12 series

2️⃣ Node.js Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Node in 1 Hour

This course from Mosh Hamedani will teach you NodeJs fundamentals and covers most used modules like

⏰ length: 01:18:15

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I will take this out and write a thread on why I don't enjoy writing #PHP anymore.

PHP development nowadays is bumping versions, updating types, and tests. And getting out of cross-dependencies conflicts.

Let's take this situation, I have my own library MyLib that is expected to support PHP 7.4 and 8+ in the same time.

Meanwhile the coollib package I depend on releases its v2 where it changes interface of the same function to incompatible one: Image
Client #2 already migrated PHP 8.1 and wants to install coollib 2.0 while

Client #1 is using PHP 7.4 and can't move to coollib 2.0

As MyLib author I can either drop Client #1 and make a major release not because I introduced some breaking changes but because I bumped dep Image
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How can I make my skills make me money as fast as possible?

My Skills:
- Building web sites with WordPress(very experienced with this)
- Building frontend UI with html, CSS, JavaScript, and Reactjs(confident about this)
- Building backend with Django, Nodejs, and Graphql(not
too confident about this but I always get it done)
- building mobile apps with react native(I have tried my hands on this but I am no where good at it)
- I also do white board animations.

I look forward to your advices and suggestions. Thank you.
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Here are 6 of my favorite third-party libraries when building CLI applications using #NodeJS

Want to know why?👇🧵
commander ➡️

Simple yet powerful command-line argument parser. It automatically generates help messages and can be configured to support multiple commands.

I ❤️ it bc it's not prescriptive, you can organize the code as you want (1 file or more).
conf ➡️

How many times did you have to store settings (creds & other preferences)? Where do you save the conf file? Which format do you use? How do you load and update the file?

Conf takes care of all of this (and more!) with an extremely simple API
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1/ A software engineer is a solution provider not only someone who writes code or helps to get code written.
#softwareEngineering #webDevelopment #code #softwareEngineer #solution #value #business 101 software engineering realities you must be aware of (esp
2/ Code is one of the ways to reach a solution, not the only way.
All the points at:…
#code #noCode
3/ Solutions have value, mainly in terms of money earned or money saved. So the software you write is a path to saving money or earning more money for the business.
#businesValue #value #soluiton #softwareEngineering #webDevelopment
Read 101 tweets
Create table student_score(
student_id int,
student_name varchar2(100),
Math int,
Social int,
science int,
English int,
Hindi int);
insert into student_score values(1,'Ajay',80,90,78,66,95);
insert into student_score values(2,'Aman',95,97,82,77,96);
insert into student_score values(3,'Bijoy',82,90,78,66,95);
insert into student_score values(4,'Kumar',80,90,78,98,95);
Read 4 tweets

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