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#PASC #PCC #longcovid
Les #séquelles d'une infection #sarscov2 (condition post covid, #covidlong) handicapent beaucoup toute une frange de la population au point de l'éloigner durablement du monde du travail ou de mettre en jeu un fragile #rétablissement pour ceux qui,
ne voulant pas passer par la case (#retraite pour) #invalidité (selon leur statuts / employeurs) tentent un #tempspartiel #thérapeuthique.
Et ça n'est pas parce que les médias français n'en parlent quasiment jamais, à la différence de ce qui se passe côté anglo-saxon, que nous
serions mystérieusement préservés.
Je n'ai jamais conçu l'intérêt de garder par devers soi une partie des informations (ce mythe #linformationcestlepouvoir 🥴 est ridicule car le vrai pouvoir est de savoir utiliser les informations et il est intrinsèque à chacun - ou pas).
Read 14 tweets
Los investigadores del INS de USA realizaron pruebas exhaustivas en 12 personas con #PASC y compararon esos resultados contra un grupo de voluntarios sanos que no habían contraído COVID

Grupo #PASC 🧶
▪︎Mujeres >jóvenes
▪︎Infeccione leve
▪︎Fatiga y dificultades cognitivas ImageImage
Los investigadores buscaron anomalías en muestras de sangre, líquido cefalorraquídeo y resonancias magnéticas , y realizaron una serie de pruebas para detectar la disfunción del sistema nervioso autónomo. Image
👀Una de las disparidades más evidentes entre las personas con COVID prolongado y los voluntarios sanos fue el recuento de células inmunitarias.
Read 15 tweets
This is a great graphic to understand CoVs #BoxOfNails flawed reproduction process. The initial infected cells are epithelium, but secondary infection adjacent cells can be any type of cells.
“The effect is more pronounced for the N protein of wild-type SARS-CoV-2 than that of the Omicron variant and other human coronaviruses.” This study only applied research for lung epithelium cells so if there’s persistent GI infection then this effect will occur with Omikron.
The infected epithelium cells are prevented from signalling danger and undergoing apoptosis (natural cell death) is delayed. The infected cell is held hostage to throw more boxes of nails from the roof (reproduction).
Read 13 tweets
The “cure” not to die during acute phase SARS infection, is to have either full blown AIDS or already be persistent infected with SARS (both acquired lymphocytopenia)
There’s still going to be an accelerated aging of the immune system (immunosenescence) but death will be “WITH” mysterious and spontaneous LongSARS/#PASC and not death “FROM” SARS.
We discovered survivors of SARS infection had persistent infection well too late to really help improve their health and reverse immunity damage being caused by persistently infected renal epithelium cells.
Read 21 tweets
Diese Woche hatte ich seit vielen Monaten keinen einzigen, positiven #Corona PCR Befund.
Das ist gut.
so war es auch 2020, 2021 und 2022.
Ich befürchte, wenn man weiter genau nachsieht, dann wird die 2023er Atempause eher kürzer.
Die Inzidenzen ozillieren vermutlich nicht mehr so stark in den nächsten Wochen, wie in den vergangenen Jahren.
Die von uns selbstgewählte Endemie bedeutet wohl eine weniger signifikante Entspannung in den nächsten Wochen, aber auch weniger hohe Ausschläge nach oben in
Herbst und Winter.
Behält man das Individuum im Blick ist das trotzdem keine frohe Botschaft.
Denn Covid19 ist immer noch Covid19.
Durch die Impfungen und verfügbaren Medikamente zwar akut deutlich weniger schwer, aber unterm Strich gleicht der Aufbau der erhofften
Read 5 tweets
💊Pildora de esperanza

Hipótesis: la interrupción del ácido-base inflamatoria sustenta a Long Covid

Equipo de inveatigación
@Vickyvdtogt @ResearchAidNet
El cambio a la respiración anaeróbica provoca una interrupción del ácido-base que puede afectar a todos los sistemas de órganos y sustenta los síntomas de PASC
Esta hipótesis se puede probar evaluando longitudinalmente los marcadores ácido-base en pacientes con PASC y controles 👉en el transcurso de un mes.
Read 5 tweets
We are happy to share our hypothesis paper describing a potential mechanism that could underpin #LongCovid’s many symptoms.

This mechanism could have significant implications for the millions of Long Covid sufferers around the world.

Link:… Image
Research has shown that SARS-CoV-2 can infect cells throughout the body, causing persistent tissue damage and dysregulated inflammation (including clotting). This impairs blood flow in the microvasculature leading to hypoxia.…
We hypothesize that this hypoxia, combined with virus-induced changes in cellular metabolism, increases anaerobic respiration. This results in excess acid that can disrupt the acid-base balance throughout the body, causing further tissue damage and body system dysregulation.
Read 11 tweets
~ SARS Epidemic ~
Situation update for China for week of: March 23

#ZeroCOVID #Azvudine #PASC #SAND #LongCOVID #LeonardiEffect #AirborneAIDS #Incurable
1 (1) - New cases have levelled off to 3,575/week New cases have levelled off to 3,575/week
1 (2) China conducted a total of 40,000 tests the week of March 23, down from their peak of 1.9 million back in mid-December. China conducted a total of 40,000 tests the week of  March 2
Read 19 tweets
"Patel now fears a 'perfect storm' of factors will trigger inflammatory responses in some patients, causing cancer to arrive years earlier than normal and making it deadlier once it is diagnosed"
Cancer is the result when the #ImmunityBeanBag goes empty!…
ALL VIRAL INFECTIONS damage the immune system driving:
- immune dysregulation
- aging of naive t-cells
- cellular senescence
- increased risk for autoimmune diseases (diabetes, Alzheimer's)
- oncogenic (cancer-causing)
- opportunistic susceptibility to secondary infections.
SARS just damages the immune system much faster and persistent SARS infection (#PASC/#LongCOVID) can lead to full-blown acquired lymphocytopenia in a matter of months.…
Read 38 tweets
This article from @RollingStone is the best journalism Americans are going to receive today. America is falling all over declaring the pandemic over and disposing of the vulnerable.
Everyone is vulnerable #LongCOVID #PASC
There's no cure #incurable… Image
@RollingStone Next best US journalism:
"The delay in warning the public was a profound regret. I wish I had taken my cellphone and just live-streamed myself yelling at the top of my lungs. More people would've been alive if I had done that" Dr. Wozniczka
h/t @brownecfm
As someone who has access (paid subscription) to multiple news sources behind paywalls, I'm never surprised the general public is ill-informed. Quality reporting is not free. News media has been decimated by Social Media. Support independent investigative journalism when you can.
Read 5 tweets
Use of the proper tests to analyze how immune t-cells (CD4+, CD8+) respond to SARS-CoV infection or vaccination, it's fairly clear SARS-CoV infection damages the CD8+ t-cells regardless of prior immunity.
Hybrid immunity is a false narrative.
Immunity debt is a false narrative Image
Vaccination of patients induces robust CD4+ & CD8+ t-cell responses to the virus’ spike protein. In addition, these t-cells produced multiple types of cell-signaling molecules (cytokines), which recruit other immune cells—including antibody-producing B cells—to fight pathogens. Image
However, patients who had been infected with SARS prior to vaccination produced spike-specific CD8+ T cells at considerably lower levels—and with less functionality—than vaccinated people who had never been infected.…
Read 20 tweets
De Nihilistische behandeling van #MECVS en #LongCovid in de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg.

Een groot deel van de #LongCovid patiënten voldoen aan de diagnostische criteria voor #MEcvs en zijn IMHO #MEcvs patiënten.
#MEcvs een ernstige multisysteem ziekte die in NL wordt mishandeld omdat er gewoonweg geen kennis over de ziekte wordt gedeelt/ onderwezen in opleidingen binnen onze zorg. Daarbij komt dat bij gebrek aan 1 "makkelijk verkrijgbare" biomarker MEcvs vaak simpelweg wordt ontkent.
Ook het bestaan van #LongCovid patiënten wordt in NL nog steeds nauwelijks serieus genomen. Patiënten worden niet eens geteld of geregistreerd. We worden realistisch gezien ontkend. We kunnen nergens terecht voor zorg omdat daar geen geld 💰 voor is.…
Read 12 tweets
Il y a quelques mois, 93% de la population 🇺🇸 était estimé avoir été infecté par le #SARSCoV2, aujourd’hui sûrement davantage. Pas de raison pour qu’en 🇪🇺 la situation soit différente, la circulation virale est en roue libre et nous n’avons plus d’indication sur son intensité
La 💉et l’immunisation post-infections ont fait ⤵️ la mortalité par formes sévères de #COVID19 (sauf immunocompromis) mais ne font que réduire (de 10 à 20%) les symptômes persistants #CovidLong ou #PASC
Chez cette population qui a survécu, en présence d’un 🦠 qui s’attaque +/- directement à l’endothélium+neurones+lymphocytes+microbiome etc, les atteintes neurocognitives sont désormais décrites, /ex: SAND=SARSCoV2 Associated Neurocognitive Decline
Read 19 tweets
3 studies on #covid19 survivors showing persistence of cognitive impairement 12 months after infection.

Of 946 severe COVID patients age 50 and older with no previous dementia or memory complaints, ... 10.7% had long-term impairment that persisted at 1 year, according to Claudia Kimie Suemoto, MD, PhD, of the University of São Paulo Medical School in Brazil, and co-authors.
The Brasilian team defined severe COVID, including the presence of dyspnea, .. a blood oxygen saturation of 93% or less...
The study had several limitations, the researchers acknowledged. Participants came from early waves of the pandemic, before vaccines were available.
Read 7 tweets
Mr. Maidowski providing recent findings for #SAND (SARS-COV Associated Neurological Decline) AKA #BrainFog as we start to tie findings of HIV-1 viral persistence and SARS viral persistence.
Your nation hasn’t authorized standardized testing of biomarkers for SARS infection beyond the acute phase, therefore the clinical evidence of #LongCovid is only being generated after autopsies results.
At the beginning of the HIV pandemic in the early 1980s; HIV patients were dying 5-10 years after infection. In 1986, Public Health acknowledged the scientific evidence from 1984 that HIV was a cause of immunodeficiency.…
Read 13 tweets
When there’s persistent viral infection in the human body, our own immune system dysfunction will destroy healthy tissue - starting with the brain. That’s what we learned about HIV. In year 5 of the HIV pandemic.
In HIV patients this is referred to as #HAND (HIV Associated Neurocognitive Decline)

But for SARS calling #LongCOVID patients as having #BrainFog was always pointing a finger of blame at the victim.
The greatest knowledge we can learn from HIV patients is that #SAND (SARS Associated Neurological Decline) can be prevented!
Read 16 tweets
Am I upset I offered a full detailed explanation for Ireland’s Public Health failure but this influencer still goes full Karen on a troll over “everyone not wearing masks”? No. It’s been 3 years of the same individual ignorance of what Public Health stands for.
Individuals have been constantly misinformed about how a few elite international air travellers is why we are looking at year four of a pandemic that should have ended in the spring of 2020.
Sinophobia, that's code for allowing open racist attacks of China by constantly calling them "draconian" and has nothing to do with fear of weather ballons. It has been super easy to dupe the public, they love freedom to hate and fear foreign entities.
Read 46 tweets
This is a phenomenal thread providing explanation of SARS capability for genetic recombination.
Many experienced medical experts never properly understand how SARS reproduction is so different from other viral diseases. Genetic recombination is why. SARS reproduction occur in the cytoplasm without a template.
Virologists just stopped reading because what I just stated violates every principle of virology. SARS reproduction is flawed and should fail without a template, but instead, this failure provides increased mutational ability.
Read 8 tweets
Not all theories are conspiracy theories. The unknown exists and mysteries of science exist. Theories exist as a scientific method when scientific evidence and observation limits are reached, to be filled by technological advances in the future. That’s how science goes.
“Leaky gut syndrome is a hypothetical, medically unrecognized condition”

Despite significant advancement of modern medicine and science, our own guts and gut biome largely remain a scientific mystery.…
Physicians who go to medical school are not instructed about Nutritional Science for one very specific reason. Science is about being able to reproduce and repeat the same results - but our gut bacteria and biomes are all unique.…
Read 31 tweets
1/4 "In this cohort study, more #severe acute illness, a higher #Charlson #Comorbidity #Index score, and being #unvaccinated were associated with a higher risk of reporting #COVID19 symptoms lasting 28 days or more."

#Unvaccinated and #immune naive or #convalescent?
2/4 "Participants with #COVID19 were more likely to seek medical care for #diabetes, #pulmonary, #neurological, and #mental health–related #illness for at least 6 months after onset compared with their pre-#COVID #baseline health care use patterns."
3/4 "These findings may inform the risk-benefit ratio of COVID-19 #vaccination #policy."

#SARSCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver #PASC #LongCovid

All were not checked for viral reservoirs and/or persistence, not tested in upper and lower respiratory tract and in the gastrointestinal tract.
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1/2 "#COVID-19 infection, including long-COVID, is associated with increased short- and long-term risks of #CVD and mortality."

#cardiovascular #disease #health #COVID19 #SARSCoV2
2/2 "Ongoing monitoring of #signs and #symptoms of developing these #cardiovascular #complications #post #diagnosis and up till at least a year post recovery may benefit infected patients, especially those with #severe #disease."

#PASC #LongCovid
1/2 "Compared to #uninfected individuals, the likelihood of #COVID-19 patients dying was up to 81 times higher in the first three weeks of infection and remained five times higher up to 18 months later."

#SARSCoV2 #COVID19 #cardiovascularhealth
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1/4 "Using droplet digital PCR, we found #SARSCoV2 #nucleocapsid #RNA in 7 out of 9 #adenoid and 15 out of 22 tonsil formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks from post-COV individuals, despite #negative #nasopharyngeal swab #PCRs at the time of surgery..."

2/4 "... variation in memory B cell frequencies and serum-neutralizing antibody titers we observed further highlighted heterogeneity of responses that may leave some #children prone to #repeat #infection."

#pediatric #viral #persistence despite #negative #nasopharyngeal #PCR
3/4 "... activated cells in these #tissues after infection may also contribute to delayed or #prolonged #sequelae of #COVID19, including long-COVID-19 and #multisystem #inflammatory syndrome in children,..."

#LongCovidKids #PASC
Read 4 tweets
Airborne AIDS

HIV t-cell depletion test and HIV antivirals treatment is diagnosis and treatment not being offered to long term SARS patients.

If #LongCovid talks like a duck, and #LongCovid walks like a duck, duck off denying SARS is not airborne AIDS!
The entire #MedTwitter community is arguing over itself about terminology specificity!

When the other anti-science side is inventing fucken “immunity debt” terminology to minimize and misinform!
There’s ZERO interest in funding research to support what China has already evidenced about antivirals treatment!
Read 67 tweets

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