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India has been faced with many enigmas since its independence in 1947. One of them was managing relations with foreign nations. #India gained independence during the #ColdWar era. Nonetheless, India has managed to maintain strategic autonomy over the years.

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Perhaps the #Rigvedic hymn “Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah”, (let noble thoughts come to us from all directions) would be perfect to describe India’s foreign policy prospects in upcoming months of 2023.

Here are the seven events to look for in upcoming months:

1. #G20 Summit
2. #SCO Summit
3. Maneuvering relationship with #China especially Under newly appointed Foreign Minister Qin Gang
4. Dehyphenating the #US and #Russia relationship amid multilateral engagements.

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How can a public person restrict people to reply on a public platform . However we #Kashmiris will not allow you to use #Kashmir as your grandfather used it and compromised in 1971 . @BBhuttoZardari @ForeignOfficePk
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A short 🧵 on today's (not so) breaking news: Saudi Arabia's cabinet has approved the MoU to become a dialogue partner of the #SCO.

A bit of context, first. 1/10…
The SCO is a strange-yet-fascinating beast: A China-led international organisation that does all and nothing, which spans from East Asia to South Asia, from Central Asia to West Asia, including old-time rivals (India and Pakistan) and Eurasian giants (Russia). 2/10
Yet, because of the differences and rivalries between its members and the consensus-based mode of government, SCO "functions more as a forum for discussion and engagement than a formal regional alliance" (as put by @NicoleGrajewski…). 3/10
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Must Read 🟢
Death of a Myth

We are experiencing the death throes of the #US unipolar hegemony over large parts of world.…
"Until citizens begin to realize the magnitude of their govt’s policy deceptions, it will become increasingly difficult to understand the #US changing global position & adjust to the effects of the growing negative perception of our country held by many people around the world." Image
Since World War II, & particularly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US was the dominant & unrivaled world power. Instead of being a peacekeeper & honest “world's policeman,” the US has increasingly been a destabilizing bully.…
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پاک فوج دنیا کی واحد فوج ہے جس کی ملکی معیشت کے اندر اپنی الگ #معاشی_سلطنت قائم ہے
پاکستان کی کم و بیش 60% معیشت میں حصہ دار ہے
ایمانداری اور حب الوطنی میں اس کی مثال نہیں ملتی
جواس کے غلط کاموں پر سوال اٹھا تاھے
اسے مار دیا جاتاھے
یا غدار قرار
قرار دیکر عوام میں ذلیل کیا جاتاہے یا اگر فوج کےاندر اس پر سوال اٹھتاھےتو اسکا کورٹ مارشل کیا جاتاھے

پاک فوج کے کاروباری سلطنت کے
4 حصے ہیں:
01۔ آرمی ویلفیئر ٹرسٹ
02۔ فوجی فاؤنڈیشن
03۔ شاہین فاؤنڈیشن
04۔ بحریہ فاؤنڈیشن
فوج ان 4 ناموں سےکاروبار کر رہی ہے۔ یہ سارا کاروبا
وزارت دفاع کےماتحت کیا جاتاھے
اس کاروبار کو مزید3 حصوں میں تقسیم کیاگیاھے

صرف فوج کے کاروبار 👇


یہ پاکستان کی سب سے بڑی ٹرانسپورٹ کمپنی ہے
جسکا 1,698 سےزائد گاڑیوں کا کارواں ہےاس میںکل 7,279 افراد کام کرتے ہیں جس میں سے2,549 حاضر سروس
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Quasi il 90% del mondo NON segue gli Stati Uniti sull'Ucraina

- non solo, “ci odiano pure” 🙄scrivono:

🇺🇸Michael Gfoeller, ambasciatore ed ex consigliere politico del Comando centrale degli Stati Uniti
🇺🇸David H. Rundell, capo missione dell'Ambasciata USA in Arabia Saudita

2/ “Il nostro familiare sistema di alleanze [sudditanze] politiche ed economiche globali sta cambiando e nulla ha reso più chiaro questo cambiamento delle diverse reazioni all'operazione militare speciale della Russia 🇷🇺 in Ucraina.”
3/ “Mentre gli Stati Uniti e i loro più stretti alleati in Europa e in Asia hanno imposto dure sanzioni economiche a Mosca, l'87% della popolazione mondiale ha rifiutato di seguirci.”

- Si stupiscono gli autori 🤦🏻‍♂️
Read 24 tweets
Hoeveel 💰💰 heeft @MarionKoopmans gekregen met een "bookdeal" (wie leest er nog n boek?)… As we have said all along our six-year juggernaut for truth, bioagents leave fingerprints. Fingerprints, solve crimes. And we found the @ErasmusMC 🖐️ Image
Dat @OnsKoningshuis #koningshuis66 confisqueren, bevriezen, nationaliseren en verbannen om herstelbetalingen te doen naar de landen die ze hebben leeggeroofd en de miljoenen doden die ze op hun geweten hebben prins bernard vloog bioagents en IG Farben nazi wetenschappers naar USA Image
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The 6th Edition of #India - #Kazakhstan joint training exercise “KAZIND-22” is being conducted at Umroi (Meghalaya).

It is a joint annual training exercise with the Kazakhstan Army and was instituted in 2016 as Exercise Prabal Dostyk, which was later upgraded to a company level
exercise and renamed as Exercise #Kazind in 2018.


>> To build positive military relations, imbibe each other’s best practices and promote the ability to operate together while undertaking counter terrorist operations in semi urban / jungle scenario.
How is Kazakhstan Important for India?

1) It Surrounded by the Caspian Sea in the west to Russia in the North and China in the East, Kazakhstan, the largest country in Central Asia and the ninth largest country in the world asserts great strategic importance.
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Breve estratto dell’articolo firmato dal presidente cinese Xi Jinping, pubblicato oggi dai media sauditi

“La Cina prenderà questa visita [a Riyadh] come un'opportunità per rafforzare il suo partenariato strategico globale con l'Arabia Saudita.”

2/ “Continueremo a darci comprensione e sostegno a vicenda, a sostenere congiuntamente l'indipendenza e ad opporci alle interferenze esterne. ☝️
Promuoveremo ulteriormente la sinergia tra l'iniziativa Belt and Road della Cina e la Vision 2030 dell'Arabia Saudita,
3/ approfondiremo e intensificheremo la cooperazione pratica in tutti i settori e aumenteremo la convergenza degli interessi e la connettività interpersonale tra i due paesi. Rafforzeremo la collaborazione nell'ambito di quadri multilaterali come l'ONU, il G20 e
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@PenalverJulio1 @lnedos @SamRamani2 The longer the war goes on, the worse it is for everybody. I believe that #Russia is looking at the battlefield as only ONE theater in this war. Another theater is the domestic politics of western countries: the higher costs of transportation & heating in the west WILL 1/
@PenalverJulio1 @lnedos @SamRamani2 cause them to back off OR result in economic harm (this has already occurred in #Germany, where factories have reduced production). #Russia believes that a restive domestic population will decrease support for #Ukraine.

Another theater is the geostrategic alliances that 2/
@PenalverJulio1 @lnedos @SamRamani2 #Russia is cultivating greater ties with the #SCO & powers of the global south, including #Brazil & #India. It appears to me that Russia is intentionally going to make trade with THESE nations a larger part of its portfolio, thereby minimizing any damage that the West 3/
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#Iran, le proteste di piazza, le ingerenze americane, il contesto internazionale

L’immagine fornita dai media occidentali nasconde la complessità della partita iraniana.

Il mio ultimo articolo per #IntelligenceForThePeople

#IranProtests2022… Image
Da metà settembre, l’#Iran è alle prese con ondate di protesta di varia intensità, sullo sfondo di un malcontento diffuso e di una difficile situazione economica nel paese, enormemente inasprita dalle sanzioni internazionali che ne soffocano lo sviluppo.
#IranProtests2022 Image
Ciò avviene mentre Teheran è ancora impegnata in un estenuante negoziato con gli USA per ripristinare l’accordo nucleare (#JCPOA), e si appresta ad aderire all’Organizzazione per la Cooperazione di Shanghai (#SCO) entro il 2023.
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@springfield1952 @PeterMiltenburg 1) Yep, the ROMAN EMPIRE NEVER ENDED... kijk naar alles wat @elonmusk deelt, die gaat niet naar Mars, die heeft het over de Ides of March, kocht twitter voor 44Miljard, JC is vermoord 44 v C. Alle steden waar Trump n rally heeft heeft betrekking op Roman Republic.
@springfield1952 @PeterMiltenburg @elonmusk 2) You know what the plan is? The Roman empire NEVER ENDED. The [HRC] is the occult Holy Roman Church the vatican. [RR] is Roman Republic. [JC] is Julian Caesar. PAIN, PAIN, PAIN... that is gematria 3x23=69. JC was stabbed 23 times. have you seen Elon Musk, his staccato tweets
@springfield1952 @PeterMiltenburg @elonmusk 3) all about the RR, latest is Mario as JC. He never will go to MARS, he is talking about the Ides of March. Elon offered 54.2B for twitter "The plague is named for the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I (r. 527–565) who contracted the disease and recovered in "542"...
Read 14 tweets
Xi Jingping is the name that is trending in all the countries from past few days. Here is a thread on the timeline of the events so that you can ultimately judge what is going on.
#XiJingping #XiJinpinghousearrest 1/n
Mass slaughtering of #China's prominent leaders started just before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

8 prominent faces received severe sentences including death sentence just a day before. @TGTM_Official Read here.
#XiJingping 2/n
Xi’s participation in the SCO meeting ends a 1,000-day period in which he did not leave China due to “zero COVID” policy.
The COVID policy that has resulted in mass unemployment, deaths, suicides, mental health issues and over 450 protests this year.… 3/n
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Your #ECFRweekinreview: 4 reads for your weekend. A thread 🧵
While pursuing anti-establishment rhetoric and politics on the domestic front, Meloni seeks to ensure a transatlantic and European foreign policy.

Read more on #ItalianElections2022 and Italian “national interest” ➡️

“So long as Russia declines to choose between Armenia and Azerbaijan, there could be an opening for EU actors to assist”, writes @DumoulinME

All the details on how 🇪🇺 still has some way to go to make a difference through diplomacy ➡️

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🧵#Παρατεταμένος_πόλεμος στην 🇺🇦#Ουκρανία

↪️νήμα ↩️

🔴Ο #Πούτιν στη συνάντηση της #SCO στη Σαμαρκάνδη μεταξύ των άλλων είπε πως το σχέδιο της "ειδικής στρατιωτικής επιχείρησης" δεν υπόκειται σε προσαρμογή. Ο ρυθμός της δεν είναι γρήγορος, αλλά η 🇷🇺#Ρωσία δεν βιάζεται.
🔴Το ότι Κρεμλίνο & επιτελείο πορεύονται προς ένα παρατεταμένο πόλεμο δια της "ειδικής επιχείρησης" αντί τον ολοκληρωτικό πόλεμο δια της γενικής άμεσα αποτελεσματικής κινητοποίησης ενέχει δυο κινδύνους:
➡️η πρωτοβουλία των κινήσεων να μετατοπίζεται βαθμιαία προς τη πλευρά του επανδρωμένου με Ουκρανούς αποικιακού στρατού του #ΝΑΤΟ , ο οποίος διαθέτει άφθονες εφεδρείες δύο επιπέδων: α) το αναλώσιμο & β)το καλά εκπαιδευμένο & εξοπλισμένο δυναμικό.
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Quando la Russia 🇷🇺 salvò Erdogan dal golpe preparato dalla NATO

Sarebbero state le apparecchiature di intelligence e guerra elettronica russe in Siria a intercettare le trasmissioni radio dei militari turchi che stavano preparando il colpo di stato in Turchia,

- thread 🧵
2/. con la decisione politica successiva di avvertire il presidente Erdogan.

Comunicazioni turche avvenute con apparati elettronici #NATO ma intercettate degli apparati russi SIGINT, la Signal intelligence, e Krasukha-4,
3/. nuova tecnologia russa di sorveglianza schierati sulla base aerea di Hmeimim, nella provincia siriana di Latakia.

Complimenti alla NATO e ai golpisti di casa.…
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#SCOSummit2022 #SCO the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation compises 9 member countries. India and Pakistan joined up finally in 2017, and Iran might be admitted in 2022.
Between them they account for much of the world's contradictions.…
Russia looks to it because it is a pariah elsewhere. China as the World's Number 2 power in terms of econ and military might comes to it wielding the biggest clout. India and Pakistan admitted together in 2017 have been and are at loggerheads for as long as theyve been UN Members
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The procedure for Belarus' accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (#SCO) will be launched at the organization's summit in #Samarkand. This was stated at a briefing by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.
The signing of a memorandum on Iran's obligations in order to obtain the status of a SCO member state is expected as well. This will allow #Tehran to join the founding documents and international treaties of the organization.
In addition, memoranda have been prepared to formalize the status of dialogue partners for #Egypt, #Qatar and #SaudiArabia, and the process of granting dialogue partnership to #Bahrain, #Maldives and a number of other states will also begin.
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L’esercitazione #Vostok2022 si terrà dall'1 al 7 settembre 2022 sotto la guida del capo di stato maggiore generale delle forze armate 🇷🇺 con addestramento pratico di azioni difensive e offensive a sette gamme VVO - "Burduna", "Hot Klyuchi", "Knyaze-Volkonsky", "Lagun”

2/. Come parte dei gruppi di truppe della coalizione, le azioni congiunte saranno elaborate da gruppi operativi di organi di gestione, contingenti militari e osservatori dei paesi dell’Organizzazione del trattato di sicurezza collettiva (#CSTO),
3/. dell'Organizzazione per la cooperazione di Shanghai (#SCO) e di altri Stati partner, tra cui: Azerbaigian, Algeria, Armenia, Bielorussia, India.
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The #UN has approved the construction of a Center for Sustainable Development Goals for #CentralAsia and #Afghanistan in Almaty

On August 19, the XVII meeting of the secretaries of the Security Councils of the #SCO member states took place in #Tashkent.
In addition to the exchange of views on countering terrorism and organized crime, it was noted that in order to preserve peace and security in the SCO region, it is necessary to resolve the situation in Afghanistan as soon as possible.
The participants called for the establishment of this country as an independent, unified, democratic and peaceful State, free from terrorism, war and drugs.
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#Uzbekistan hosts the Meeting of Ministers of Internal Affairs of the #SCO member states

KZ Minister of Internal Affairs Marat Akhmetzhanov took part in the meeting.
He shared with his colleagues Kazakhstan's experiences in combating human trafficking. He spoke about the creation of the Interdepartmental Commission, the implementation of the government action plan and the development on the basis of the Ministry../2
..of Internal Affairs of the draft law “On Combating Human Trafficking in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

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¡El último boleto a #Qatar2022!
Costa Rica #CRC 🇨🇷 y Nueva Zelanda #NZL 🇳🇿 se enfrentan en Doha 🇶🇦 por un lugar en el mundial.
Costa Rica #CRC 🇨🇷 🆚 Nueva Zelanda #NZL 🇳🇿
Costa Rica #CRC 🇨🇷

Debutó en una #FIFAWC en #Italy1990 🇮🇹, donde compartió el Grupo C con Escocia #SCO 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (V), Brasil #BRA 🇧🇷 (D) y Suecia #SWE 🇸🇪 (V). Sumó 4 puntos y clasificó a los Octavos de Final, donde cayó ante Checoslovaquia #TCH.
Participaciones en #FIFAWC: 5️⃣

Su primera participación en un mundial: #Italy1990 🇮🇹.
Su última participación en un mundial: #Russia2018 🇷🇺.
Mejor Participación: Cuartos de Final en #Brazil2014 🇧🇷.
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¡El primer Repechaje Intercontinental camino a #Qatar2022 se juega hoy!
El Doha 🇶🇦, Australia 🇦🇺 y Perú 🇵🇪 se verán las caras para definir quién se queda con el penúltimo boleto al mundial.
Australia #AUS 🇦🇺 🆚 Perú #PER 🇵🇪
Árbitro: Slavko Vincic
🏟️ Ahmed bin Ali
Australia 🇦🇺 es una selección experimentada de los repechajes intercontinentales (RI). Jugando en la OFC disputó RI para: #Mexico1986 🇲🇽, #USA1994 🇺🇸, #France1998 🇨🇵, #KoreaJapan2002 🇰🇷🇯🇵 y #Germany2006 🇩🇪. Jugando en la AFC disputó hasta este momento 1 RI: Para #Russia2018 🇷🇺.
Repechajes Intercontinentales de Australia #AUS 🇦🇺 (Resultados Globales).
Para #Mexico1986 🇲🇽
🆚 Escocia #SCO 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿: Derrota (2 - 0).
Para #USA1994 🇺🇸 (Doble Repechaje)
🆚 Canadá #CAN 🇨🇦: Victoria (3 - 3 | Penales: 4 - 1).
🆚 Argentina #ARG 🇦🇷: Derrota (2 - 1).
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¡La última ronda de las #Eliminatorias al Mundial de #Qatar2022 arrancó el día de hoy!
La lucha de los últimos 3 cupos al mundial. 🔥
• 1 Boleto CONMEBOL 🆚 AFC
• 1 Boleto CONCACAF 🆚 OFC
• 1 Boleto Europeo. Image
En un emotivo regreso, Ucrania #UKR 🇺🇦 dejó fuera a Escocia #SCO 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 y se enfrentará a Gales #WAL 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 en la final por el último boleto europeo a #Qatar2022.

#SCO 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 no juega un mundial desde #France1998.

☑️ #UKR 🇺🇦 (2006) y #WAL 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 (1958) buscan jugar su segundo mundial. ImageImage
¡Las #EuropeanQualifiers camino a #Qatar2022 llegaron a su final y el último boleto fue para Gales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿!
☑️ Jugará su segunda Copa del Mundo.
¡Bienvenidos a #Qatar2022, @FAWales! ImageImage
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