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Jun 2nd 2023
In 1971, David Bergamini, a popular science writer, published a bombshell of a book (nearly 1,400 pages) which forcefully threw the mask off Showa Emperor Hirohito by alleging he was no ceremonial relic or dupe of Japanese military but an active warmonger. (1/22) #Japan #History Image
Bergamini, born in Japan (but schooled in Hankow, China), had trawled through more than 30,000 pages of Japanese documents and US intel. reports, done 140,000 pages of collateral reading, 272 reference books, 50,000 pages of testimony from the Tokyo war crimes trial...(2/22) Image
...5,613 pages of diaries kept by high Japanese officials in his quest to understand what had made the intelligent, artistic Japanese people turn to war. His formidable research revealed Emperor Hirohito and his courtiers had been plotting a war against the West since the 1920s. Image
Read 22 tweets
May 2nd 2023
🚨Le professeur japonais Dr Murakami de l'Université des sciences de #Tokyo a fait une découverte étonnante. Le vaxxin de Pfizer contient une séquence promotrice d'un virus cancérigène, le SV 40. La séquence SV40 est totalement inutile pour la production du vaccin ARNm.……
"Il est maintenant possible de lire la séquence d'ADN. Cette séquence d'ADN (se trouve) dans le vaccin Moderna. C'est peut-être difficile à comprendre pour le grand public, mais cette séquence est en forme d'anneau. L'ADN plasmidique est en forme d'anneau et la séquence d'ADN…… Image
Cette séquence est appelée promoteur. En bref, le promoteur détermine l'augmentation de l'expression du gène. Le promoteur est une séquence essentielle à l'expression des gènes.

Le problème est que cette séquence est présente dans un virus bien connu pour être cancérigène.……
Read 3 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
Today and tomorrow, @G7 #Energy ministers meet in #Japan – a country, often considered a “laggard” on #energytransition. What is 🇯🇵’s energy system like and why is it so reluctant to step up #decarbonisation of its economy? A 🧵 1/19…
The “usual” arguments by the 🇯🇵 government when confronted with lack of both action and ambition on #energytransition:
1. #Japan is resource-poor
2. Japan’s geography limits #renewables build-out
3. Technologies & Innovation will solve the transition

How true are they? 2/19
Japan is indeed poor in some resources, most notably #fossilfuels. Fossil fuel based, its energy system is 88% dependent on #oil, #LNG and #coal imports. It has one of the least self-sufficient energy systems, dependent on #oil & gas from #MiddleEast & #coal from #Australia. 3/19 ImageImage
Read 19 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
So, I’ve made #TokyoMarathon2023 today.

All goddamn 42 195m. However, not in #Tokyo, but from #Borodianka through #Irpin and #Bucha to #Kyiv.

Danger: long 🧵 ahead.
Why. Bcoz we have to be ready for #marathon in this war, in UZ, in our lives.

It was my 2nd marathon (1st one was @nycmarathon in 2019).

Today I had 3 goals:
1. Not to die - ✔️
2. Not to stop - ✔️
3. Run in <5h - ✔️

My result today is worse than 1st one, but I'm fine with it.
I've started training exactly one month ago. On 5th of Feb. My trainer Alexander Kuzin drafted my training plan right on the napkin. 4 weeks, 3 trainings a week.
Read 16 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
🔴 PRÉDICTIONS SAXO : « Le président #Macron démissionne »

Le groupe financier danois #Saxo a publié ses habituelles "prédictions choquantes" pour l'année à venir : une liste d'événements qui, s'ils devaient se produire, "enverraient une onde sismique à travers les marchés 🔽
financiers, le monde politique et populaire"
Au fil des ans, Saxo a pris l'habitude de publier ses prédictions "choquantes" de fin d'année. Mais aussi stupéfiants et improbables qu'ils aient pu paraître à l'époque, beaucoup se sont réalisés.
Par exemple, en 2015, Saxo 🔽
a prédit la sortie de la Grande-Bretagne de l'Union européenne.

Concernant les prévisions pour 2023, Steen Jakobsen, responsable des investissements chez Saxo, a déclaré :
"Les prédictions choquantes pour cette année soutiennent que tout espoir de retour à la dynamique 🔽
Read 42 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022
🚀 We are live! Here is the correct streaming link for all of today's discussions and performances, starting with a panel on complex time with David Krakauer, James Gleick, Ted Chiang, and David Wolpert in a few moments (measured linearly...):

"One of the ideas we had with #InterPlanetary was, 'What would it take to make science hedonistic? And instead of telling people to do it, you'd have to tell people to STOP doing it?"

- SFI President David Krakauer sets the tone for this weekend's celebrations
#IPFest Image
David Krakauer: "Do you have a favorite model or metaphor for #time?"

@JamesGleick: "You've already mentioned a river; that's everybody's favorite. Borges said time is a tiger. People talk about it as a thread. We ONLY talk about time in metaphors." Image
Read 141 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
Kicking off a recap of my eventful 3-day #web3 weekend in #Tokyo!🗼🤩

Pics🖼️, video🎦 and more in the replies below; LFG! 👇🧵

#NFTCommmunity #NFTs #cryptocommunity #Crypto
⭐️ Heading into the 3⃣ day weekend for Autumnal Equinox Day (秋分の日)🍂, I collabed with @RicePowderCake to put the finishing touches on this video for @_NFTJPN_ covering @snns_sanonatsu's animated generative project, #Chimerative Monsters.

Full video ▶️
⭐️The next day I had to check out the @MEGAMINFT 🖼️ exhibition at @ultrasupernew 🆕 in #Harajuku where I got to finally see 2 of my lovely #MEGAMI on display, printed on the awesome @GASHO_2_0 raised metal 'canvas', alongside over 300 other amazing MEGAMI! 🤩
Read 18 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
And the road to ⁦@MICCAI_Society⁩ ⁦@MiccaiS#Singapore has started! Cannot wait to present #ImagineQuant@YaleRadiology#BrainLesWorkshop 20 hrs travel totally worth it 😅😎❤️ to learn from the best #MICCAI22. ⁦@ujjwalbaid0408⁩ ⁦@SpyridonBakasImageImage
Goodbye #Newark #NYC, looking forward to #Tokyo in 12 hrs! Dreams do come true!!! #academiclife #neurorad Thinking of @hsairmd @sairaallapeikko @theASFNR #Maui just about now! Will have to finish that episode 13 soon! @MICCAI_Society @MiccaiStudents @WomenInMICCAI #ImagineQuant Image
Read 5 tweets
Sep 4th 2022
Design your transit, service, and emergency vehicles to fit your city—not the other way around.
Tiny buses serve narrow streets of #Rome's centro storico. #Roma
Small fire trucks serve narrow streets of #Tokyo.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 30th 2022
1: #Tokyo metro map in 2D.
2: The same map in 3D. ImageImage
Tokyo Train #Transit:
2 interlinking metro networks and 12 separate rail companies
882 stations
43 million users a day
(2.5x number on all US transit) Image
3d model Tokyo Arteria by Takagatsu Kuriyama.
Video here:
Read 4 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
What's missing from these pictures?

No on-street parking makes all the difference in the cities of #Japan. The 1962 "proof-of-parking" law means you buy a car, you've got to show you've got a place—off public streets—to warehouse it.

🧵 ImageImage
In the three #Tokyo neighborhoods I spent time in over a decade, the streets were refreshingly free of on-street parked cars—certainly compared to North America. Image
The parking laws lead to some interesting arrangements; cars squeezed into tiny garages (how do you open the door to get out?); car elevators; multi-storey lots where cars are stacked like battery hens. ImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Jul 31st 2022
After months of waiting, I finally got into @OpenAI's DALL-E.

I am trying to work within some consistent themes to learn more about how she thinks.

First up, Tokyo by {Artist}

I don't know that much about art, so I had GPT-3 help me think of artists to try.

#Tokyo by #Rembrandt van Rijn
Tokyo by Salvador #Dali
Read 11 tweets
Jul 9th 2022
CCTV's "news heavy" 7 AM news slot has half an hour of reports on pressing international topics such as how US military aid to Ukraine is fueling the flames of the fire, and then at 7:34 there is a three-minute segment on the assassination of Shinzo Abe, his life and death.
CCTV reporter Niu Lu in Nara watches the hearse carrying Abe start its journey to Tokyo
#abe #cctv #nara #tokyo
There is a brief standup in front of Nara police station where a police press conference is taking place
Read 12 tweets
May 25th 2022
Can a lip-smacking chicken #curry be used as a tool for #revolution? Believe it or not but Rash Behari Bose, an #Indian revolutionary, did just that while on the run in #Tokyo. Bose was born #OnThisDay in 1886. 1/8
#food #cuisine #recipes Image
During the early 20th century, the #British in #India were feeling the heat as there was an upsurge in revolutionary activities during India's #freedomstruggle. A revolutionary from #Bengal, Bose played an important part in the movement. 2/8
He was involved in the assassination attempt on Lord Hardinge in 1912 and the failed Ghadar Mutiny of 1915. He escaped to #Japan and lived there under an assumed name and identity. 3/8
#Indianhistory #history Image
Read 8 tweets
Mar 5th 2022
今日、ファシズムに対抗するために街に出よう。Take to the street to oppose fascism today. #StandWithUkraine
Massive protest to #StandWithUkraine️ going through #Shibuya, the center of #Tokyo. More than 4000 people estimatedly.
#Shinjuku also raises up voices against Russian invasion. #Tokyo #NOWAR0305 #StandWithUkraine️
Read 4 tweets
Feb 11th 2022
What it’s like for the lucky spectators who can get a ticket for the #Beijing2022 Winter Olympics. I’ll take you in...…
If you have a read of this piece I hope you get a sense of how cool and nice the #Beijing2020 Olympic volunteers are, as with the spectators I met. Such a pity these Games & #Tokyo last year had to be held in a time of Rona and that more people couldn’t participate. #China
Read 5 tweets
Feb 4th 2022

Below are all user(s) CONFIRMED to be scammers. We provide beyond a reasonable doubt that such information is wholly truthful and accurate. Such CAN be confirmed quickly through evidence. Information provided here is not to be used for solicitation or harassment. #habbo
🕵️‍♂️ BEWARE: The user AntFood is a known quick trade scammer, please be cautious while trading with him. He's scammed many & continues to do so. RT to spread awareness.

picture credit: @number24_habbo

#AntFood #habbo #scams #habboscammers #endhabboscams #EHS #scammer #ScamAlert ImageImage
🕵️ BEWARE: The user ashwinb11 many user(s) paid for his "giveaway" and when people started to win he then :kickedall. RT to spread awareness.

picture credit: @ReeceGamingTV

#ashwinb11 #habbo #scams #habboscammers #endhabboscams #EHS #scammer #ScamAlert ImageImage
Read 145 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
🗺What is the history of the Stock Market?
💱How did trading originate?
📈What are some of the key events of the Stock Market?
We explore the entire timeline of finance and trading leading up to the present day via this series of tweets.

#StockMarketOrigins Image
The 1300s
Venetian moneylenders began to sell debt issues to other lenders and to individual investors; and traded in government securities. They carried slates with information on the various issues for sale & meet with clients, much like a broker does today.
The late 1400s
Belgium (then, Antwerp), became the centre of international trade. Merchants would bring in goods anticipating that prices would rise and earn them a profit. #Bondtrading also occurred during this period.
Read 37 tweets
Nov 11th 2021
From green spaces to sustainable living, here's how we can make the most of our precious time.…
We don’t want to point the finger, but cities have a lot to answer for when it comes to #climate change.
If we are to go some way to undoing the damage humans have inflicted on the world, then real change is going to have to happen in massive cities like #London, #Tokyo, #NewYork and all the rest.
Read 25 tweets
Oct 23rd 2021
According to specialists in Denmark,
the #energycrisis causes #fertilizer plants to shut down worldwide.

This could trigger a #food crisis,
at least for those who cannot afford to pay the 4-fold price for fertilizer...
(they expect it to happen in 2022)… Image
already in India
DAP (Diammonium Phosphate #fertilizer) is becoming scarce.
Farmers need it now, to start sowing in time.
The main ingredients would come from China... but not this year.
"50% of the world´s food relies on #fertilisers"
(note: rice isn´t mentioned here, as it´s an interview with an expert from Norway.
In fact, conventional rice production consumes loads of chemicals, too)… Image
Read 376 tweets
Sep 5th 2021
In a message congratulating the excellence of Iranian athletes in the 2020 #Tokyo Paralympic Games, the President wrote, "The hoisting of the glorious flag of Iran and the echo of the anthem of the Islamic Republic of #Iran ....
....showed that the young people of this land overcome the obstacles and shortcomings, and they always step on the peaks of victory with authority”.
The excellence of Iranian athletes in the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games and winning medals in different sport fields was another manifestation of their abilities and the slogan of "WE CAN" before the eyes of the world.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 30th 2021
🚨The exciting part of the year for Japanese politics is rapidly approaching: with the race for the leadership of the LDP upon us, the general election for the Lower House is getting closer and closer.📆

Reports say that it could take place by Mid-October! Thus, this project:➕ Image
I would like to make a rundown on the 289 Single-Member Districts that compose part of the Lower House of the Japanese Diet.

Let's see the conditions of each district, the candidates & how the Japanese media & history see the race. Join me and follow along! In for a long ride🎢
Yes. I'm THAT crazy. LOL

All in with the 289 districts. Let's do it for fun and in order to learn more (myself included) about JP politics.

Please don't hesitate to add info, point out mistakes or anything you want! #JapanPolitics
Read 109 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
Belarusian athlete was forcibly taken to the airport by the Belarusian delegation members & is now pressured to leave the #Olimpics. Christina Tsimanouskaya is being departed from #Tokyo, she is now at the airport. Athlete says she will seek refuge in the #EU. Image
In the @euroradio interview, Tsimanouskaya says: 'No one told me anything, I was just told to pack and go home.' She is afraid of flying back to #Belarus. Tsimanouskaya previously publicly criticized the National Olimpic Team management. Image
#Belarus is all over the international media once again. The repressions by the regime disregard the borders, occasions, or circumstances. Krystsina Tsymanouskaya is now under the care of the Japanese police, athlete asked for the support of the International @Olympics Committee. ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets

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