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#Raisi is the first #Iranian president to visit #Syria in over a decade. What’s changed and what are the implications for #Iran’s domestic and regional goals? Read the latest from CTP and @TheStudyofWar: (1/8)…
#Raisi’s visit signals that #Iran is aiming to leverage political and economic developments in #Syria to improve its domestic economy and advance its regional objectives. (2/8)
#Iran faces a significant economic challenge at home. The #rial recently reached 556,500 rials to one US dollar, marking a 10% reduction in value within the past month. (3/8)
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Prominent Sunni cleric Moulana #Abdol_Hamid suggested that the #Iran regime may be responsible for or complicit in the recent chemical attacks on schoolgirls across the country. Today's Iran Update from @criticalthreats and @TheStudyofWar:… (1/6)
Security forces sustained increased pressure against Abdol Hamid and his supporters for the second consecutive week in #Zahedan, which could fuel further sectarian tensions. (2/6)
President Ebrahim #Raisi is expanding his efforts to deflect blame for internal crises onto Iran’s foreign enemies rather than taking personal accountability. (3/6)
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🔴 Après le partenariat stratégique Russie-Iran, celui entre la #Chine et l'#Iran vient d'être cimenté.

Pepe Escobar (Brésil), commentateur politique : "La visite du président iranien Ebrahim Raisi à Pékin et son face-à-face avec son homologue Xi Jinping est une affaire 🔽
inédite à bien des égards. #Raisi, le premier président iranien à se rendre officiellement en #Chine depuis 20 ans, était à la tête d'une délégation politique et économique de très haut niveau comprenant le nouveau gouverneur de la Banque centrale et les ministres de 🔽
l'économie, du pétrole, des affaires étrangères et du commerce. (...) Le scellement cérémonial, cette semaine, du partenariat stratégique global Iran-Chine marque un développement clé dans la sphère de la multipolarité : deux souverains - tous deux également liés par des 🔽
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Qualora fosse autentico il report pubblicato da #Iran International ci troveremmo dinanzi ad un fatto tanto nuovo quanto clamoroso: la presa d'atto del regime di #Tehran che le
proteste nel Paese costituiscono una minaccia senza precedenti per la Repubblica Islamica.
In un documento di 123 pagine attribuito alla Fars, l'agenzia dei pasdaran, redatto ad uso e consumo del comandante in capo delle Guardie Rivoluzionarie Hossein #Salami, è all'ayatollah
#Khamenei in persona che viene ascritta la seguente profezia: "I disordini non finiranno presto".
La Guida Suprema ne ha per tutti: ne ha per il presidente #Raisi, recentemente contestato in pubblico (fatto inaudito in Iran, come si nota dalla sua stessa sorpresa), ne ha per
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Le dichiarazioni più importanti sulla crisi in #Iran dallo scoppio delle proteste per l'uccisione di #MahsaAmini.
Le pronuncia Joe #Biden, il presidente americano che lancia il segnale che milioni di iraniani attendevano da tempo.👇
Le sue parole arrivano in un momento inatteso, nel corso di un evento elettorale a sostegno del rappresentante democratico Mike Levin, in vista delle #Midterms. Mentre dal pubblico qualcuno gli mostra sui cellulari lo slogan "FREE IRAN" il presidente ha un guizzo:
"Non preoccupatevi, libereremo l'Iran".
È un attimo, cui segue subito dopo una precisazione che non placa l'entusiasmo della folla: "Si libereranno abbastanza presto".
Cosa abbia voluto dire Joe Biden non è immediatamente chiaro.
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Molti di voi mi chiedono come mai sui media italiani, soprattutto in tv, venga dato poco spazio al racconto quotidiano delle proteste in #Iran. La risposta è che non lo so. Non so come onestamente si possa ignorare un movimento che sta gonfiandosi di giorno in giorno.
Nelle utime ore è accaduto qualcosa di straordinario. E di inquietante per il regime. In alcune città le forze di polizia hanno deciso di porre fine alla repressione e iniziato a sfilare insieme ai manifestanti. Non è una scena totalmente nuova: è una dinamica simile a quella
che si vide nel 1979 con la Rivoluzione Islamica.
Una delle maggiori perplessità rispetto alla capacità del movimento di protesta di ottenere risultati è stata fin dall'inizio il fatto che esso fosse privo di una guida politica, di un'organizzazione in grado di coordinare gli
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Key #Iranian military leaders may be endorsing President Ebrahim #Raisi to succeed Ali #Khamenei as #Iran’s next supreme leader. Here is what happened and why it matters: (1/8)
Senior Iranian military officials published an open letter praising Raisi’s #UN General Assembly address on 9/21. These letters are rare and used by officials to signify their political positions to the wider regime. Some of the #IRGC’s senior commanders signed this letter. (2/8)
These IRGC commanders include a tight circle of senior officers who often influence and intervene in domestic politics to promote their hardline agendas. They have established the IRGC as the most dominant actor in Iran. Read more here: (3/8)…
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Nell'aggiornare sulle proteste in #Iran dopo la morte di #MahsaAmini non si può non partire da questa anziana donna.
Il passo è incerto, la voce fievole, ma l'immagine è chissà perché ancora più potente: col velo in mano urla "morte a #Khamenei".
La novità più importante del giorno è però quella che comunica l'attenzione USA rispetto a quanto accade a #Tehran. Ieri era stato #Biden, dal palco dell'ONU, a schierare gli Stati Uniti, "al fianco delle coraggiose donne iraniane". Oggi è arrivato un atto concreto. Image
Il dipartimento del Tesoro USA, presieduto da Janet Yellen, ha infatti annunciato nuove #sanzioni contro la "polizia morale" iraniana (due virgolette non bastano, lo so), responsabile della morte di #MahsaAmini, e contro sette leader dell'agenzie di sicurezza iraniane. Image
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Es gibt mittlerweile Dutzende solcher Videos aus #Iran. Bei Protesten 2009 + 2019 hat man das in der Form nicht gesehen. Der Geist ist aus der Flasche, die Furcht ist angesichts des Elends gewichen. Die jungen Menschen sind bereit zu kämpfen. #Mahsa_Amini

Auch dieses Video ist krass angesichts der Gefahr, der sich jeder dieser Menschen im aussetzt. So viele #Iran|er*innen wurden schon inhaftiert, gefoltert, getötet. Umso beeindruckender, wie dieser junge Mann dem Polizisten das Handy entreißt ❤️ #MahsaAmini
Oder guckt euch dieses Video der #IranProtests an (bis Ende schauen). Es zeigt wie Menschen im westiranischen Täbris auf die (bisher!) gefürchteten Motorrad-Milizen zurennen und sie verjagen. Das Regime und seine Schergen in der Defensive. #Mahsa_Amini

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It's finally here!
I'm extremely excited to announce that my book "Iranian-Saudi Rivalry since 1979: In the Words of Kings & Clerics" has been published by @BloomsburyBooks @ibtauris.
Let me tell you a little bit about my book & my decade-long journey in this thread🧵1/25
This book is a revision of my DPhil Dissertation at @UniofOxford @StCrossCollege which covered Iranian & Saudi Mutual (mis)Representations 1979-2009 & subsequent work that covered this rivalry up to 2021 as an Academic Visitor at @StAntsCollege @OxfordMEC . 2/25
This publication builds on the work of great experts, scholars & academics including [in alpha. order]
#ShahramChubin @carnegienpp
#HennerFürtig @GIGA_Institute 3/25
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#BREAKING: Anti-regime protests across #Iran. Security forces are permitted by Dictator #Khamenei to use lethal weapons against the protesters. Protesters drive their cars in-order to block the orads on security forces. Video from #KhorramAbad this afternoon👇
Thi is #Borujerd, Lorestan Province in western #Iran, security forces have dispersed protesters but people continue their anti-regime protest in main streets of their city.
#BREAKING: Anti-regime protests are spreading across #Iran over the increase of food prices by the regime. This is Surshjan, in Shahrekord County, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province. People can be seen chanting slogans against Shiite clerics.
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Was im #Iran abgeht und wie es zu #IranProtests2022 gekommen ist:
Schon wieder haben die Proteste „am Rande“ begonnen, in Kleinstädten und in ärmeren Regionen, wie im Dez. 2017/Jan. 2018 und November 2019 und im Gegenteil zu älteren Protestwellen, die in Großstädten anfingen./
Die südwestliche Provinz Khuzestan, die, obwohl sie das Zentrum der Erdölförderung des Landes ist, zu den ärmsten und unterentwickeltsten Regionen des #Iran zählt, ist wieder der Startort und der Hotspot der Protesten. /
Im letzten iranischen Jahr sind die Preise der Waren, die zum Einkaufswagen der unteren Schichte gehören, massiv gestiegen: Hühnerfleisch 21%, Eier 50%, Milchprodukte 60%.
Nun hat die Regierung erneut eine Preissteigerung für Hühnerfleisch, Ei, Milch und Speiseöl angekündigt./
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The lack of a viable #Israel|i strategy to the #Iran nuclear issue after nearly two decades of dealing with it is shocking.

#Bennet tells #Blinken Iran can be deterred from 90% enrichment via #Russia level sanctions.

There are some problem with this. 1/…
While #Iran and #Russia sanctions regimes are complex and comparison is hard #Iran sanctions are arguably more comprehensive. Critically its energy exports are sanctioned whereas #Russia's are relatively unfettered. Iran is a template for Russia sanctions not other way around. 2/
Now sanctions can be ratcheted up against #Iran in case of escalations by it on the nuclear issue b/c my sense is #Biden enforcement has slackened and EU and China can join. But there are reasons to doubt this will be a sufficient deterrent against Iranian nuclear escalation. 3/
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Thank you @AsharqNews for having me.

The breif of my ideas: the death of #JCPOA ; new wave of #Terrorism in the region; Iran's malign activities; @JoeBiden have the reports of @CIA & @ODNIgov regarding the network of terrorist loving mullahs. Image
در برنامه تلویزیون الشرق؛ به چند نکته اشاره کردم:
۱. تلاش عبث برای برجام مُرده
۲. موج جدید تروریسم در منطقه
۳. نگاه عربستان و اسرائیل به مُلایان شیفته تروریسم
۴. بایدن و جامعه اطلاعاتی و امنیتی آمریکا
۵. تحریم های جدی برای کنترل وحشی گری مُلایان در منطقه
@AsharqNews Image
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In #Dushanbe, PM @ImranKhanPTI met for the first time with #Iran's new President #Raisi, and encouraged him to seize the opportunity to help in ending the war in #Afghanistan, in a delicate attempt to overcome #Tehran's recent criticism of alleged Pak military role in #Kabul. /1
The quadrilateral meeting between #Russia #China #Pakistan #Iran on the sidelines of the #Dushanbe summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization #SCO provided another opportunity for Islamabad and Tehran to clear the air, with Russian & Chinese help. /2

On the day PM @ImranKhanPTI & Pres #Raisi met in #Dushanbe, SL #Khamenei-linked Kayhan newspaper accused #Pakistan's spy agency #ISI of dividing #Afghanistan's people & called on #Taliban to distance itself from Pak claiming Afghans "hate" the neighbor /3

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Apriamo un altro thread per seguire anche oggi la situazione da #Kabul con particolare attenzione alla situazione all’aeroporto. ⤵️
Prima notizia del giorno: a prima mattina continua senza sosta l’afflusso di persone all’aeroporto internazionale in cerca di una possibilità di fuggire dai #Talebani che hanno occupato ieri la capitale. Queste le immagini di stamattina ⤵️
Gli Stati Uniti nel frattempo sembrano aver cambiato posizione sull’ospitare a casa propria gli afghani che hanno collaborato con loro durante la missione militare durata 20 anni e che quindi hanno diritto ad ottenere il SIV (Special Immigrant Visa).
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In this thread, I'm going to explain things that Kyle got wrong.

I'm not telling Kyle to take this as face value but ask him to mention his friend under this thread so that he can respond to me.

In regards to #Raisi's religious qualification to become the next leader, he certainly meets the criteria.

His friend probably refers to "Ayatollah" vs "Hujjat-ul Islam" titles which are used by principalist news outlets & reformist news outlets respectively for Raisi.

You can accept neither & do your own research.

The title "Ayatollah" is used for a person who passes the course called "Kharej" in Hawza.

It's paramount to know he is qualified specially if you don't like him as the next leader. Wishful thinking never helped anyone!

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#BREAKING Iran's president-elect Raisi says won't allow nuclear 'negotiations for negotiation's sake' Image
#BREAKING Iran's president-elect Raisi says 'no' to prospect of meeting US President Biden Image
#BREAKING Iran's president-elect Raisi says 'no obstacles' to restoring ties with Saudi Arabia Image
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