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Jun 13th 2023
We partner with global to local smaller midsized businesses looking to reduce costs on essential business expenses, online at:…
"Massachusetts company for businesses looking to lower costs":

Schooley Mitchell: Brian Plain & Joe Gifford
225 Cedar Hill St
Suite 200 D117
Marlborough, MA 01752
508-266-5814…… #businessexpensereductioninMA
Read 4 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
What difference does it make for businesses to use real-time #data instead of batch data processing?

The answer, if you ask us, is that it makes a huge difference. But let’s see what market research group @IDC thinks. ⬇️
A recent IDC survey has found that best-in-class market players have #DataStreaming strategies and plans implemented across the enterprise. Their research shows a clear correlation between a business' digital maturity and its use of real-time data.…
Information from batch data processing can often be outdated ➡️ Having #realtimedata available is key to business intelligence & making better decisions. Businesses with a higher level of enterprise intelligence show higher revenue growth & customer acquisition, according to IDC.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022
🧵(1) Los #datos de muchas empresas no están cumpliendo la promesa de aportar valor tangible (y #ROI) más allá de lo obvio. Hay que romper 6 hábitos "killer" muy extendidos para conseguir salvar la última milla del valor, que es la crítica. Estos malos hábitos en #analytics son:
(2) Mal hábito de analytics 1:
Tratar a los equipos de datos/análisis/#BI como una fábrica de paneles o dashboard más o menos útiles. Se suele además confundir el reporting con el #BusinessIntelligence y la visualización con cuadros de mando.
(3) Mal hábito de #analytics 2:
Analizar solo una parte de los datos disponibles.
No analizar los #datos en su totalidad o no asegurarse de su calidad, integridad y coherencia es un camino directo a los resultados sesgados e inválidos pero creibles (lo peor que puede pasar)
Read 7 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
Question 1 - Python Dictionary Image

Steps to solve:
1. take input from the user and convert it to an integer
2. then initialize a dictionary "result"
3. now use for loop to fill the dictionary with 'i' as key and i*i as value
4. print the dictionary Image
Read 6 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
You run analytics on data to gain insights. These insights are meaningless until you reveal the story they wish to tell. These insights must translate into actions or business results.
People get moved by stories, not facts. I'm sure you recall certain stories from your youth. Stories inspire action. Will listening to a story about Mahatma Gandhi motivate you to take action?

Do you get my point?
Read 10 tweets
Sep 13th 2022
Every Data scientist should know this!!
🧵⬇️ Image
Top 10 Industries for Data Science :
1. Finance
2. Retail
3. Technically
4. Healthcare
5. Telecom
6. Pharma
7. Automation
8. Cyber security
9. Energy
10. Utilities
Top 10 Roles for Data Science:
1. Data Scientist
2. Machine Learning Engineer
3. Analyst
4. ETL Engineer
5. Data Engineer
6. Analytics Manager
7. Tableau Developer
8. Researcher
9. BI Analyst
10. AI engineer
Read 10 tweets
Sep 13th 2022
Data science’s lifecycle consists of five distinct stages, each with its own tasks:

Capture: Data Acquisition, Data Entry, Signal Reception, Data Extraction. This stage involves gathering raw structured and unstructured data.

Maintain: Data Warehousing, Data Cleansing, Data Staging, Data Processing, Data Architecture. This stage covers taking the raw data and putting it in a form that can be used.

Read 6 tweets
Nov 28th 2021
@THL ja sen #KRAR eivät ole nopeuttaneet kolmatta rokotekierrosta vaikka ⁦@valtioneuvosto⁩ on näin pyytänyt. Miksi?

Onko syynä #Lasten_rokotuskokeet? Onko sama syy maskittomiin kouluihin? Maskitonta 👧👦-dataa ei #Pfizer saa kuin Suomesta.…
#Suomi🇫🇮 #LastenMaski_ikäraja on omien tietojeni mukaan kai maailman korkein kesästä 2020. Muualla normaalia on alle 10v. #MaskiEmeriitta-tutkimus 2020 oli 💩, kuten @OHelve uusin, #Tartuntatautilaki ja WHO-rikkovaan Helve & @mapetti kirjelmään. Mikä on #RokoteTutkimusOy osuus?
#Pfizervaccine💉 #Lasten_RokotusTestit🇫🇮 osallistujavaltioiden MASKI_IKÄRAJAT:

-US 2v
-Espanja 3v
-Puola 6v

-Suomi🇫🇮, oli 16v, sittemmin pitkin hampain 12v. Pfizer saa testata maskitta Suomessa 6kk-11v. Koska sopimus on tehty ja ketkä hyötyvät siitä?
#RokoteTutkimusOy & #KRAR
Read 25 tweets
Mar 28th 2021
Modern #data platforms are emerging as the answer to the holy grail: creating a truly data-driven organization. With this, “how” we use data has changed.

Many vendors today brand themselves as the be-all and end-all... but this isn’t true. 🙅
It’s impossible to work today with a single modern data platform from one vendor! A modern #data platform is a collection of tools and processes. 🧰

In this thread, I’ll break down what a modern data platform means in practice today. 2/n
Today, data platforms have basic building blocks that look something like this. 👇 3/n…
Read 9 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
Excited for my first re:Invent and getting ready for the @ajassy keynote coming up!

#awsreinvent #AWS #cloud
Loving the opening music act 🎸
Zach Person is the musician playing, so awesome...

Here is his Instagram -
Read 75 tweets
Jul 3rd 2020
Job security is the probability that an individual will keep their job (Wikipedia). As much as this subject is very important to an organization's performance, it is also something an employee should keep in mind. #businessintelligence
Your job security can affect your self & career development. Aside from being an excellent motivation to be productive, a good organisation (one that offers job security) is bound to invest in developing their employees. Because they aren't letting them go anytime soon.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
Yesterday I sat in on an excellent (booked out) #economics webinar with expert input from Dr Carolina Alves, Prof Stephen Kinsella and Dr. Catriona Cahill examining the impact of #COVID19 on UK and IRE.


Here are my notes!
Short sharp shocks: It's important to separate the 'scenarios' from the 'forecasts'. The first is narrative-based! We are assuming a short, sharp shock. Short - (a quarter); sharp (as seen in unemployment figures); and a shock - this wasn't predicted.
One key differentiator in this crisis is that there is no one entity to blame. Not bad banks, or bondholders. We really are all in this together.
Read 20 tweets
Mar 27th 2020
Lecturas sobre #Tecnologia y #COVIDー19:
1. UK contrata a #palantir para gestionar los datos de la crisis. Contrato controvertido, pero interesante que el foco no es espiar a gente sino tener cifras sobre camas, respiradores, pacientes... Esto es crucial.…
2. Los pedófilos se cuelan en las videoconferencias escolares ⚠️.
👉 Importante que mayores y escuelas entiendan cómo funcionan (se puede limitar quien se conecta) y no pongan los links de conexión en redes sociales!
#COVIDー19 #ethics…
3. Sobre #apps y #COVID19: uno de los pocos artículos que habla de COMO FUNCIONAN REALMENTE y no cae en el optimismo tecnológico. La realidad en China es uso desigual, sin geolocalización y mucho control con papel y boli 🤷…
Read 24 tweets
Jul 23rd 2019
At same period the UK Authorities, banks & state owned companies all converged with their plans to take our home, our car & our money, my mother's #DWP welfare benefit was also targeted on several occasions, the worst being what happened at #Adecco #Guardian #TheTimes #GMB
My mother was seeking #employment & arranged an appointment with #OfficeAngels who she was already registered with & had worked for, for years. However, the time & date of the appointment was at a similar time to that of her sign on with the #DWP. #Jobseekersallowance #Jobseekers
Read 21 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
After the #MetPolice tried & failed to frame me & after ex #MetPoliceUK turned private investigators @Surelock_ tried & failed to frame me & my mum, attempt number 3 was #EE & #UKMail. I had never used @EE but they made me their customer

#SwitchtoO2 #o2 #Vodafone #Three #LBC
#EE said I had ordered mobile phones & sim cards & #UKMail said they had delivered them to me (with me showing my passport) at home. I did neither. I didn't order any mobiles & I didn't receive any mobiles. It was a complete stitch up

#dontbuythesun #c4news #r4today #itvnews
Read 33 tweets
Jun 10th 2019
If #ai is source for future competition and promising to provide competitive advantages, have any one thought of how to protect it and sustain it. If you can't protect and sustain, what is the use of competitive advantage. #BusinessIntelligence #Competition
Today's race of #AI is more towards accuracy and we are pouring enough resources for same. When time for industrialisation come to reap benefits, #ai will face many challenges. Industrialisation is a very big opportunity.
#Innovation #technology
When Will #AI Exceed Human Performance?
This is the hot discussion across many domains. However very few credible answers and evidence are available. Here is the most credible answer from AI expert based on crowd sourced prediction from research Paper.
Read 8 tweets

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