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Esattamente 3 anni fa #LiWenliang, giovane medico oculista presso un ospedale di #Wuhan, vide un rapporto medico che indicava che possibili casi di coronavirus Sars erano stati confermati in città. Avvisò alcuni suoi studenti sulla possibilità che le decine di ricoveri...➡️
...per polmonite fossero imputabili a un nuovo virus simile alla SARS, invitandoli a prendere le dovute precauzioni.
Assieme ad altri medici che avevano cercato di dare l’allarme, venne indagato dal governo e punito.
Tornato al lavoro, il 10 gennaio fu contagiato da...➡️
... una paziente oculistica portatrice inconsapevole del coronavirus e morì di covid il 7 febbraio.
Successivamente, anche a causa della risonanza internazionale ottenuta dal caso, il governo cinese si scusò con la famiglia del giovane medico per la denuncia e l'arresto...➡️
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1. Disturbing! According to Chinese social media, 23 y/o Chen Jiahui (陈家辉), a graduate student at West China Hospital affiliated with Sichuan University, was forced to work after testing #COVID positive. After 3 days of high-intensity work, on Dec 13, he suddenly passed out,
2, and died 30 minutes after he was rushed to West China Hospital.
In order not to take responsibility, when all medical data showed that he was already dead, the hospital put on a show of trying to "save him".
"After 12 hours of LUCAS rescue show (?), we successfully turned
3...the corpse into rotten minced meat, as well as an edematous giant."
The hospital announced that he died of sudden cardiac death on Dec 14.
His parents were forced to promise not to perform an autopsy before they were allowed to take the body away.
The body was immediately
Read 7 tweets
Das Pekinger Regime setzt nicht nur Studierende & Forscher*innen in China zunehmend unter Druck, sondern auch hierzulande: Der Verfassungsschutz beobachtet die Situation mit Sorge. Unis & Institute werden nur langsam aktiv, teils zensieren sich selbst, berichte ich heute @faznet: Image
So wurde das @LeibnizZMT nicht zu UN-Konferenzen zugelassen, weil in einem Artikel-Titel #Taiwan vorkam - es verfälschte seine Publikationsliste und löschte vorsichtshalber noch einen Text von der Webseite: Zugelassen zu werden sei wichtiger, als sich "politisch zu betätigen".
Bei einem #DeGruyter-Journal gab es auch einen Zwischenfall: Ein Artikel wurde abgelehnt, weil ua der Wuhaner Augenarzt #LiWenliang erwähnt wurde - dies sei politisch zu sensibel. Der Editor ist Chinese, evtl sah er sich zur Ablehnung gezwungen - Verlag will Artikel nun drucken.
Read 8 tweets
Finally, it’s here! “I saw 1K+ bodied at the parking lot!”
My exclusive interview with a medical professional who worked at #Zhongnan Hospital of #WuhanUniversity during the peak of #COVID19 #pandemic, from Jan. to Mar 2020.
Premiers at 9:00 pm EST
Many shocking facts & allegations including
0:00 Inside Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University
8:04 The Actual vs. The Reported Numbers
9:43 Why Did So Many Die?
11:18 Death Toll in Wuhan
12:39 "I Wasn't Scared, But I Was Hurt"
14:17 "I Saw Military Trucks Loaded with Soldiers and Guns"
19:32 What Happened to the Bodies?
22:15 The CCP Government Refused to do Tests
25:22 "Most of Us Lived as a Zombie"
25:50 "I Never Trusted the Government. I Gave Up on Them"
27:55 When Did The Situation Peak?
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En homenaje a los cien años del Partido Comunista Chino🇨🇳, en este hilo vamos a ver las principales masacres, muertes y torturas en la historia del comunismo y los muertos invisibles por gran parte de la Izquierda Internacional hasta el día de hoy.
Las verdaderas cifras del terror entre el Nazismo y el Comunismo hicieron que en el 2019 el Parlamento Europeo🇪🇺 igualara oficialmente los asesinatos en masa, genocidios y deportaciones de ambos regímenes durante el siglo XX especialmente Alemania, URSS y China.
Aunque fuera un tema tabú para muchos, no podía dejarse de lado que Stalin en #URSS haya causado más de 100.000.000 de muertos o Mao en China🇨🇳 con sus 70.000.000 (y otra particularidad: En Rusia el Stalinismo duró 30 años mientras que el PCC🇨🇳 sigue hoy sometiendo la libertad).
Read 25 tweets
Infographic: How the Global Pandemic Spread From China

An Epoch Times investigation traces how initial outbreaks around the world were seeded by travelers from Wuhan, ground zero of the pandemic (Thread👇)
For at least 3 weeks, #Beijing knew about the severity of the #CCPVirus outbreak in #Wuhan, but downplayed the crisis and suppressed any information at odds with the official narrative.

The coverup allowed the virus to spread, sparking a global #Pandemic.…
Internal documents obtained by @EpochTimes show that patients with #CCPVirus-like symptoms started appearing in #Wuhan hospitals from September 2019, suggesting the disease may have been silently spreading around the city in the autumn.…
Read 12 tweets
#UnAnnoFa il #genoma di "un #coronavirus" ricavato da un caso relativo al "focolaio di malattie respiratorie di #Wuhan" veniva pubblicato su #GenBank... 🧐#SARSCoV2
#UnAnnoFa... "Il focolaio di infezioni ha indotto timori di una potenziale epidemia dopo che la Cina ha dichiarato che il virus che lo ha causato è sconosciuto, ma proveniente dalla stessa famiglia di virus che ha causato le epidemie di #SARS e #MERS".🧐
#UnAnnoFa Diventa improvvisamente chiaro che il nuovo virus viaggia velocemente... in aereo. Nessun campanello di allarme in giro per il mondo? 🧐 #covid19…
Read 87 tweets
#OneYearAgo a "coronavirus #genome from a case of a respiratory disease from the #Wuhan outbreak" was published on #GenBank... 🧐#SARSCoV2
#OneYearAgo "The cluster of infections had raised fears of a potential epidemic after China said last week that the virus causing it was a previously unknown type but came from the same family of viruses that caused the #SARS and #MERS epidemics".🧐…
#OneYearAgo It was suddenly clear that the virus was travelling fast... any bell ringing?🧐#covid19…
Read 75 tweets
“Remembering the lewd chatter around the dinner table every night, I felt for the first time that the system I had long considered sacred was in fact unbearably absurd.”…
“My experience with the study outline taught me that the ideas the party sanctimoniously promoted were in fact self-serving tools used to deceive the Chinese people.

I soon learned that they were also a way of making money.”…
“CCP had >3.6 million grassroots organizations, each of which was expected to buy a copy of a new publication. If the book was priced at ten yuan per copy, that meant a minimum of 36 million yuan in sales revenue—equivalent to more than $5 million today.”…
Read 19 tweets
China already had the coronavirus vaccine days before the first death in US.

Timeline: (Note the dates. Join the dots.)

20.01.03 #LiWenliang was reprimanded by #Wuhan police for "publishing untrue statements about seven confirmed #SARS cases at the #Huanan #Seafood #Market." 1/
20.01.05 @WHO reported a "#pneumonia of unknown cause" in #Wuhan and advised against #travel or #trade restrictions at the time.

20.01.15 @realDonaldTrump and #China's Vice Premier #LiuHe signed the US-China Phase One #tradedeal in #Washington DC. 2/

#CCPvirus #WuhanVirus
20.01.20 #XiJinping issued the FIRST public warning about the #coronavirus to Chinese citizens.

20.01.23 #China shut down #Wuhan. It also kept refusing to share the #viral samples. 3/

#CCPvirus #WuhanVirus #COVID19 #DistrustAndVerify
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🔴#Crisanti: "#Riaperture senza criterio, colpa non è dei ragazzi"
"È una polemica a senso unico. Io l’ho ignorata fino all'ultimo, ma quando vengono dette delle bugie a fini politici, con sprezzo di tutte le sofferenze e dei morti, rispondo indignato.
🤾‍♂️"Altro che Decreto Rilancio" i Professionisti in rivolta
23 mag | TG4 | Rete 4

#DecretoRilancio: è botta e risposta tra #governo e #professionisti.
🚨La beffa dei #rimborsi e le #aziende chiudono
23 mag | TG4 | Rete 4

#Coronavirus: economia sempre più in ginocchio ed esplode la rabbia degli #imprenditori.
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1/ After US & EU thanked #Taiwan’s donation of millions of masks, #China is now tightening its grip on freedom of speech even on video games in Taiwan. Swordsman Love 3 or JX3, is developed by Chines company Xishanju and its operation in Taiwan is proxied by Wanan International.
2/ But on April 4, Taiwanese players were banned from mentioning words like #Wuhancoronavirus and #LiWenliang even on Taiwan server! Taiwan’s players were snitched by Chinese cyber warriors, with thousands of their accounts frozen. It sparked an outcry on Taiwan’s social media.
3/ The Chinese developer put pressure on Wanin to “handle the issue with real action”, but Wanin defied the political pressure and vowed to defend the freedom of speech of Taiwan players. Less than 30 minutes, the Chinese side decided to terminate the cooperation agreement.
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The #Chinese regime has muzzled citizens who have sought to reveal the true situation of the #CCPVirus outbreak that originated in #Wuhan.

Those suppressed include #Whistleblower doctors, citizen #Journalists, scholars, and business people. (Thread👇)…
Dr. Li Wenliang

“Seven ‘SARS-like’ cases from the Huanan seafood market have been confirmed,” he wrote on Dec. 30, 2019 on @WeChatApp.

#LiWenliang was among the first people to publicize information about the #CCPVirus outbreak in #Wuhan.
The police statement said he had violated the law.

“Don’t go against the authorities, don’t wear masks, don’t make careless remarks,” hospital colleague Zhao Chen recalled a department director as saying, after #LiWenliang was summoned by police.
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After silencing #LiWenliang in Jan, #CCP’s at it again by silencing Dr #YuenKwokYung (#HK) whose article said there’s nothing wrong with calling the #coronavirus the "#WuhanVirus". 1/n

Hong Kong Expert Withdraws Article Blaming China For Coronavirus…
“A top #medical #adviser in #HongKong has withdrawn an #article in which ... (his) view is anathema to the ruling Chinese Communist Party (#CCP), which is waging a #propaganda campaign to distance itself from the #virus.” 2/n

#CCPvirus #ChineseVirus #WuhanVirus #CoronaVirusCHINA
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Investigators sent from Beijing for the case of #DrLiWenliang concluded the the reprimanding letter was “inappropriate” with a flawed procedures. They recommended Wuhan to pursue relevant people at Zhongnan Road police station.… Image
The investigators said #LiWenliang did not intend to disrupt public order when he shared the disease info in a Wechat group, however he did not fact-check and some of the information was not completely aligned with the actual situation. Image
Re the prolonged resuscitation, the investigators said it was because the hospital wanted to try their best to save #LiWenliang and the medical procedures were “up to standard and in time”. Image
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1/ I want to make my position clear before I start. I don't think it's fair to blame any one nation or population for a disease, but the MISHANDLING of an outbreak is another matter. This thread is about how the COVER-UP culture of the #CCP has led the world to where it is today.
2/ "According to the government data seen by the Post, a 55 year-old from Hubei province could have been the first person to have contracted Covid-19 on Nov 17." On Dec 27 2019, it's determined that the disease was caused by a new #coronavirus.

3/ On Dec 30, the Wuhan Health Commission (武漢市衛建委) issued an order requiring hospitals to report new cases of an unknown form of pneumonia, indicating that the disease has already caught the attention of the authorities.
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“If I had known what was to happen I would have fucking talked about it to whoever, where ever I could.”

This is Ai Fen, a doctor in #Wuhan who was silenced when she spoke up about #coronavirus in Dec. Now her account of the coverup is being covered up…
As censors were working hard to scrub Ai’s account from the internet on Tuesday, Xi Jinping was finally visiting Wuhan to tell everyone that everything was now OK and the war against #coronavirus had been won.…
Except 24 hours earlier, a fourth doctor at Wuhan’s Central Hospital — where whistleblower doctor #LiWenliang died last month — died from coronavirus.…
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1. This Chinese article "Tracking the Source of Novel #Coronavirus Gene Sequencing: When the Alarm Goes Off" gives us important "behind the scenes" info about this #COVID19 affair. It shows...
Full article in Chinese:
1) The Test Result of the First Case Came Out as Early as Dec. 27
2) Another lab also assembled a nearly complete viral genome sequence on Dec 27 and had shared the info with the Institute of Pathogens, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.
3) On Dec 30, a lab in Beijing reported a "SARS coronavirus", and this caused the attention of #Wuhan doctors, including #LiWenLiang who already died of #COVID19. The doctors warned the public, but got arrested and punished by police.
Read 12 tweets
#Covid_19 Buenos días a los que estáis por aquí. Me he puesto a poner ideas y datos en orden y os cuento con este hilo alguna reflexión desde la humildad pero también desde todo lo leído y escuchado acumulado desde el 8 de enero sobre #coronavirus
(Empiezo hilo)
1. Hoy nos hemos levantado con buenos datos en #China. Indican descenso importante de contagios y control de la epidemia pero OJO, no olvidemos que más de 50 millones de chinos siguen (dp de 33 días) encerrados en sus casas. En el resto de China tb vivimos con estrictas medidas
2.-Aquí en #China llevar mascarilla no es una recomendación es una OBLIGACIÓN. A mí no me importa que me tomen la temperatura más de 5 veces al día: cuando voy al garaje, en la calle del Supermercado, en el Supermercado, cuando llego a la oficina..
Read 11 tweets
Latest for @dw_chinese - In response to #LiWenliang's death, a group of intellectuals and activists in #China issued a public statement, calling on #Beijing to designate February 6 as the "Freedom of Expression Day" and release all political prisoners.…
@dw_chinese I talked to one of the signatories of the statement, prominent human rights lawyer @wangyulawyer, who experienced cruel crackdown and detention from #Beijing during the 709 crackdown against human rights lawyers.
@dw_chinese @wangyulawyer She thinks that authoritarian regimes rely on "lies and violence" to stay in power, but Dr. Li's passing allows many people in China to realize that the current regime is a government that's afraid of truth.
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The reporters and editors at @SixthTone have had a busy week jam-packed with #coronavirus coverage. With so much getting lost in the ether, here’s a thread of the human-centric news, commentary, features, and visual stories we’ve published in the past few days:
Visuals | Collage: China Battles the Coronavirus, by @dynamism42 and Qi Ya…
@dynamism42 Commentary | Dispatches From Hubei: New Year’s in the Countryside, by Yu Chenglong…
Read 18 tweets
Mungkin ada yang tak tahu, ketika ini di China terutamanya di Wuhan, rakyat di sana sedang berkabung dan marah teruk kepada kerajaan Cina berikutan berita kematian seorang doktor yang bernama 李文亮 , dalam ruminya Li Wei Liang.

Kenapa mereka berkabung, meh sini baca.
Siapa Dr Li ni sebenarnya?

Dia adalah seorang Ophthalmologist
di Hospital Besar Wuhan, dan dikatakan bahawa beliau adalah di antara yang pertama melaporkan mengenai kes wabak n-Cov ini kepada awam sejak bulan Disember yang lalu.
Kisahnya mula pd 30/12 apabila Dr Li bagi amaran kepada kawan² doktor di dlm group WeChat alumni medschool dia pasal 7 pesakit yg dikuarantin di tempat kerjanya yg dijangkiti penyakit sperti “SARS” yg dikaitkan dgn pasar seafood di Wuhan. Nak jadi cerita amaran Dr Li ni viral..
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He was the one that alerted the world of the #Coronavius but a few number of people trusted him before it became viral, Chinese Doctor Li Wenliang died from it. He was 34 years old !… Image
China virus crisis deepens as whistleblower doctor dies… via @AFP /@LThometAFP ImageImageImageImage
A few time after the death of #LiWenliang, some screenshots of these presenters of the @CCTV China's central television, when they qualified 8 doctors, including Li Wenliang, of having "spread rumors online", are being circulated massively everywhere !

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[The outbreak has been more than just #WuhanVirus spread]

1/ By covering up the severity of pandemic with force & fear, #China has turned whole crisis into the Chernobyl disaster of the 21st century. China's still clamping down on #coronavirus coverage as cases surge day by day.
2/ For the past decades, #China’s despotic rule has cracked down on any signs of dissidence on its territory. Lawyers are made disappeared, dissidents are put under watch, and whistleblowers are disciplined. While #Uyghurs are detained while churches are demolished.
3/ Under the surface, we see the powerlessness of power. Burnished by the personality cult, this rigid regime rules the people with fear and distrust. #Beijing's iron-fist control on citizenry also makes it unresponsive to social grievance.
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