Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #OPENSCIENCE

Most recents (24)

Mittlerweile bin ich wieder aktiver bei Instagram, allerdings nicht mehr privat,
sondern für die @asp_sportpsycho – der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie. Schaut hier:… bzw. hier:
Aber, keine Angst, auch wenn ihr kein Instagram habt: Die wichtigsten Infos seht ihr auch hier auf Twitter. So z.B. auch den anstehenden Thementag zum Thema
Nicht nur für Sportpsycholog:innen interessant 😊
sycholog:innen interessant 😊
21.) Ihr seht vielleicht, ich habe mich etwas „professionalisiert“. Mittlerweile kenne
ich mich gut aus mit den Tipps und Kniffen im Social-Media-Versum, aber es war zugegebenermaßen auch ein langer Weg dorthin. Der aber Spaß macht!
Read 8 tweets
Yann LeCun, a true pioneer of AI, emphasizes the importance of Open Science in driving progress in AI. Let's dive into his insights on the Future of AI and why Open Science is crucial for its development. #YannLeCun #OpenScience #FutureOfAI Fireside Chat | Yann LeCun ...
🧐LeCun believes that the future of AI lies in developing systems that can learn from fewer examples and generalize better. This requires a deeper understanding of the underlying principles of intelligence. #AI #Generalization #Intelligence
🤝LeCun created FAIR @MetaAI, a research organization within Meta, to make long-term investments in AI research at scale. He emphasizes the importance of open science in AI research, where researchers share their data and findings openly to accelerate progress. #Fair #OpenScience
Read 10 tweets
Heute möchte ich mir etwas Zeit nehmen, mit euch über #OpenScience,
#Wissenschaftskommunikation und #SocialMedia zu sprechen.
Nicht erst seit der Replikationskrise, aber seither stark zunehmend wird die Forderung nach
transparenter und reproduzierbarer Wissenschaft lauter. Verständlich.
Die meisten von euch kennen das Reproducibility-Project. Die Open Science Collaboration
hat 2015 diesen lesenswerten Artikel veröffentlicht:…
Read 7 tweets
In addition to the wonderful personal experiences, #EAMT2023 was also a professional highlight for me that has really inspired me and reassured me that my work is useful and appreciated. A bragging-thread 👇 cc @EAMT_2023 @lt3ugent @SignONEU Image
🎉 I presented MATEO, a tool for effortless #MT evaluation! It received an overwhelming response from researchers, users, and industry, validating my belief that improving accessibility to #opensource #evaluation methods fills a need. Check it out here:
The project funding (thank you @EAMTee and @CLARINERIC!) is ending this month but I've had the pleasure to talk to many engaging people to keep the project alive in an #openscience manner for the foreseeable future. All contributions and ideas are welcome!…
Read 9 tweets
If institutions & funders are serious about #OpenScience & #OpenResearch then they have to reassess reward & recognition systems for academics so that there is a culture change away from traditional prestige publishing
#ScalingSmall #OABooks
It's about redirecting labour & funds to #open rather than propping up the status quo - part of this is for academic institutions to work with publishers to develop sustainable & equitable #openaccess options (not just those funded by TAs, APCs & BPCs)...
#ScalingSmall #OABooks
Also key for publishers to work with academic libraries to ensure #openaccess content can be found & accessed via library discovery layers + embedded in teaching.
#OA content should be as discoverable to library-users as paywalled content! #MetadataMatters
#ScalingSmall #OABooks
Read 5 tweets
¿Qué nos dice la evidencia científica disponible hasta el momento sobre los efectos del ejercicio físico (EF) en la cognición? Hemos abordado esta cuestión en un trabajo recién publicado en la revista @NatureHumBehav Image
Hemos escuchado muchas veces que el EF es bueno para nuestro cuerpo, pero últimamente que también lo es para nuestro cerebro y nuestra capacidad cognitiva #MenSanaInCorporeSano. Una búsqueda rápida nos da multitud de enlaces a noticias sobre investigaciones al respecto.
En nuestro trabajo, revisamos 24 meta-análisis (MA), incluyendo 109 estudios controlados por aleatorización (ECA; el "gold standard" para establecer relaciones causales), 11,266 participantes en total, sanos, y de todas las edades. Image
Read 18 tweets
We are less than a week from the virtual hackathon for #LLM applications in materials science and chemistry. Here is some inspiration from other's applications to drive you!

🗓️ Register and start teaming today:…

#hackathon #openscience #ML #AI
@kmjablonka using fine tuned GPT-3 and GPT-4 (in-line prompting) as a model surrogate for various chemical modeling problems.

Have questions for Kevin? He will be giving a demo during the March 29th live session, and is a co-organizer.

ChatGPT can also be used for applications in drug discovery. Shared via @andrewwwhite01 who is also a hackathon co-organizer and judge.

Read 13 tweets
It's Day 3 of the Research profile Bootcamp hosted by @UoLLibrary. Wednesday is all about showcasing all of your research contributions. #SocialMedia with @DrHilaryYoung #NarrativeCV with @EmmaSpary and #OpenResearch with @mrnick Research Profile Bootcamp 6-10 March 23. Wednesday Day 3: Sh
@UoLLibrary @DrHilaryYoung @EmmaSpary @mrnick This morning's workshop starts at 10:00 and is the 2nd session run by @DrHilaryYoung from @448Studio - aimed at helping researchers who have some experience of using #SocialMedia to further develop their social media strategy. 🏋️‍♀️Watch this thread for tips🧵
We are hearing about challenges researchers face when it comes to using social media - lack of confidence, don't want to appear to be showing off, lack of engagement, not knowing what to post, lack of time, feeling shy, lack of followers.
Read 37 tweets
Tweeting about Excess Mortality, I sometimes encounter strong vibes by "liberal statisticians™" telling me of all my calculations are very, very bad and wrong 😱 because I do not consider aging of population.
(Short answer: Nope)

What I usually do: I calculate trend from death numbers - this is a very precise metric and I extrapolate by a linear model.
This works well, this can also be done by excel or other tools.
For Germany this looks as follows:
2/N Image
3/N "Age standardisation" is often told to be the "gold standard" for mortality metrics. You can find a description here:…
Read 17 tweets
Ready for: "Perspectives on #Metadata Quality and Completeness" with @mragucci Jessica Clark & @AnaHeredia2017 #NisoPlus2023
The Publisher perspective on #MetadataImpact - @mragucci - #Metadata is like #TheForce in #StarWars - it is often invisible but powers so much in research and information exchange #NISOPlus2023 ImageImage
@mragucci Robust standardised #metadata is powerful for all stakeholders in information & knowledge exchange - but practices & standards vary greatly across content types. Ultimately, publishers & content providers have a responsibility to think downstream about the end user #NISOPlus2023 Image
Read 22 tweets
Now we’ve talked about the value of #ResearchData and #RDM, let’s get into the #FAIRData principles! These state that research data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
Let’s start with #Findability! We can only use #ResearchData if we know how to look for them. This means that data (& metadata) not only need to be registered in a searchable database, but also to be indentified in a way that is clear, consistent and unique. Text: "Findability means putting data in a library and
#Accessibility requires that the protocol for finding (meta)data using this unique label is standardized, free and open. Different people and machines should have the same opportunity to search for and access the data!
#OpenScience Text: "Accessibility means everyone can retrieve data u
Read 7 tweets
1/4 Interesting study regarding #LDL-C vs all cause mortality*

✅NHANES -- so it's #OpenScience 👏
✅Lowest LDL-C associates with highest ACM
⚠️ No short term censoring (more on this below)

(*had in my reading list, but forgot until ht
A couple notes...

1️⃣ Many assume the higher ACM associated with LDL-C is due to "reverse causality". It's a hypothesis, to be sure, but one I think worth exploring.

Thus, it would have been ideal of the authors tried at least one or more analyses censoring 2-3 years.
2️⃣ As always, be aware these data are observational.

And as I say often👇

(Always worth a mention of Bradford Hill and his criteria, btw)
Read 4 tweets
A warm welcome to everyone from our CEO @nataliamanola and Outreach and Engagement Officer @GMalaguarnera to our informative webinar. We are here to discuss what the shift to #OpenScience means for Research Performing Organisations and how #OpenAIRE facilitates this shift .
"Institutional approach is crucially important to make #OpenScience happen." @nataliamanola #OpenAIRE #PROs #OpenAIRE_Services
"Only through co-design and co-development, we can make this work" @nataliamanola during our "Stepping up Open Science with #OpenAIRE services; what’s in it for #Universities, Research Performing Organizations & #Institutions". Here are our 6 steps towards #OpenScience
Read 7 tweets
Our immune system is essential in keeping us healthy.

But the immune system also changes profoundly as we age.

Why is that? Could we prevent it?

Let's see how #singlecell biology can help us better understand #immune #aging

First, some background.

Everybody knows that the immune system is hugely complex.

#singlecell sequencing has (arguably) done more for the immune system than for other health applications.

Via #scRNAseq, we discovered & characterized crazily detailed immune cell phenotypes. Image
Such detailed phenotypes have been found in both healthy and diseased tissues.

I wrote several threads about this topic and find it to be one of the most foundational & fascinating progresses that have happened in biomedicine in the past 10 years.
Read 28 tweets
Academic research gets easier day by day. All thanks to AI tools like @scispace_ co-pilot 👩‍✈️

Co-pilot can instantly answer your questions and simply explain scientific concepts as you read

Here’s how to get the most out of it:
(scroll for a giveaway!)

#OpenScience #phdplace
1⃣ Go to the main page of SciSpace ( and type your keywords
2⃣ Find all the articles that match your keywords and see their comprehensive summaries

If you're doing a lit review, it's a perfect way to explore a pre-selected paper without reading its full text
Read 15 tweets
#quantum is here! Why not collect #fluorescence #photon-by-photon in your laser-scanning #microscope? We developed the #BrightEyes_TTM, an #opensource data acquisition system able to do it!…
@IITalk @ERC_Research @RNA_iit @MSCActions #BrightEyes_ERC
(1/5) Image
Our time-tagging #DAQ module can collect single-photon signals from 25 independent channels and reference signals from 3 channels. We showed how this module combined with a #SPAD array allows us to perform #FLISM and #FLFS. (2/5)
#imagescanningmicroscopy #fluorescence #lifetime Image
We characterized the #BrightEyes_TTM. We can reach a single-shot precision of 30 ps, 4 ns dead-time, and an "infinite" range in all channels, with a total flux of up to 125 MHz. (3/5)
#TCSPC #antibunching #quantum #microscopy #FPGA
#coding #LIDAR Image
Read 5 tweets
Writing a literature review can be overwhelming...

These tools will help you with each review part: from keyword selection to reporting 🪡

#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdvoice #phd #phdchat #litreview #OpenScience #litreview
1. Formulate your query

Formulate your search strings in a transparent, easy-to-understand, and scalable way at

It shows a visual representation of your search string and converts it to fit any database of your choice Image
2. Explore the whole research domain

Already have a seminal article and want to dig further?

Use to build a comprehensive knowledge graph specific to your domain

Simply insert an article's url and enjoy the structured and comprehensive outcome Image
Read 9 tweets
Discovering how to use reference management software is a key research skill and will save you time.

Here are 3 reasons why you should start learning now ↓

#PhDLife #PhdChat #AcademicTwitter #OpenScience
@PhDfriendSana @OpenAcademics @yourPhDpal
1. Saves you time.

Organisation on autopilot by creating:
- tags
- folders
- star favourite papers for quick access
- organize by author/topic/project/date/journal etc.

Never worry about losing a paper again.
2. Automatic citation generation.

Construct bibliographies and cite your sources using the citation style you've chosen (e.g. APA, Harvard, MLA, IEEE, Vancouver).

Ensuring consistency compared to manual referencing.
Read 4 tweets
Pediatric🧬Inborn Error of Immunity⚠️
*⃣ "mutations in RIPK1 are
a 🆕monogenic form of IBD"
Great work by Israeli 🇮🇱, Palestinian 🇵🇸 & US 🇺🇸 researchers… #bioinformatics #datascience #iot #snrtg #openscience #raredisease #gastro #genomics #immunology Image
Atypical, severe, immuno- phenotype in young patient(s)' ❓
➡️Think🤔 genetic
Sequence her/his🧬DNA.
Seek 🔎clues in the genome!
Sequence 🧬. Sequence 🧬. Sequence 🧬. Sequence 🧬. Sequence 🧬. Sequence 🧬. Sequence 🧬. Sequence 🧬. Sequence 🧬. Sequence 🧬. Sequence 🧬.
Read 5 tweets
A long battle for survival in a
(post- stem-cell transplant for leukemia)… #bioinformatics #itrtg #datascience #serverless #openscience #iot #raredisease #immunology #COVIDIsAirborne Image
These scenarios are unique to the
⚠️immunocompromised & immunodeficient⚠️.
If you are as such, please do EVERYTHING in your
power to avoid 🦠 Sars-Cov-2 infection:
💉vaxx ➕😷 mask ➕strategic social-📏-distancing.
Kudos to teams at:
Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Medicine,
Osaka, 🇯🇵 Japan,
for saving the life of this critically-ill patient. #openscience
Read 7 tweets
🆕: COVID-19🦠vaxx-💉-response in a cohort of
#immunocompromised children
organ-transplant; stem-cell transplant; rheum, +
- 2 vs 3 dose study #serverless #openscience #scicomm #itrtg #iot #raredisease #datascience #immunology
A majority of the children mounted effective humoral repsonse following 2 doses; increase to near 100% following.
Caveat: these study authors recommend a 3-dose regimen in immunocompromised pediatric patients.
Kids do ⚠️NOT⚠️ have de-facto immunity to 🦠Sars-Cov-2
*⃣ especially immunocompromised kids *⃣
I have read recent case-reports of *fatal* COVID in kids with ▪️Primary Immunodeficiency, ▪️autoimmunity, ▪️rheumatic disease, ▪️cancers, ▪️sickle-cell, ▪️transplants, and more...
Read 6 tweets
[1/n] For any aspiring scientists hoping to learn Python 🐍, a great #OpenScience resource is "Python for Neuroscience." They cover everything from the basics of object-oriented programming to machine learning. A 🧵 covering some of my favorite chapters: @PhDVoice @ThePhDPlace
[2/n] "The Scientific Stack - Part 1-2" This chapter goes over essential tools for scientific programming, including NumPy, pandas (data management), SciPy (statistical or signal processing), and matplotlib (cornerstone for data visualization in Python). ……
[3/n]"Testing and Test-Driven Development" This chapter talks about why "unit tests" make your code more transparent. Essentially, a unit test demonstrates that a portion of your code does what it is supposed to do. Helpful for package development
Read 7 tweets
Academic writing is a superpower. It's a key to publishing, getting a new job or tenure, and becoming known in the field

These 10 AI-powered websites will help you with EVERY part of your manuscript and will save you 100+ hours:

#openscience #AcademicTwitter #phdvoice #phdchat
1. Title: level up your article title at
2. Abstract: summarise your academic article into one paragraph using 1), 2), or 3) (academia-specific)
Read 9 tweets
I've designed more >10K slides over the last five years.

Here is the exhaustive list of sources I used to make them stand out, from templates to AI-generated music:

#presentation #academicpresentation #AcademicTwitter #openscience #phdchat
Choose one of the many customizable templates and go beyond powerpoint slides:
Substitute text with visuals. Find a relevant stock photo for free on one of these platforms:

Bonus: remove the watermark from any image here:
Read 8 tweets

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