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Jun 17th 2023
Yann LeCun, a true pioneer of AI, emphasizes the importance of Open Science in driving progress in AI. Let's dive into his insights on the Future of AI and why Open Science is crucial for its development. #YannLeCun #OpenScience #FutureOfAI Fireside Chat | Yann LeCun ...
🧐LeCun believes that the future of AI lies in developing systems that can learn from fewer examples and generalize better. This requires a deeper understanding of the underlying principles of intelligence. #AI #Generalization #Intelligence
đŸ€LeCun created FAIR @MetaAI, a research organization within Meta, to make long-term investments in AI research at scale. He emphasizes the importance of open science in AI research, where researchers share their data and findings openly to accelerate progress. #Fair #OpenScience
Read 10 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
🚀 Day 2 of One Planet Fellowship’s #Science Week is on at the #Corum of @montpellier_ !

This morning focuses on #Climate in #Africa with several GIEC (@IPCC_CH) speakers đŸŽ€

Let’s go! —
@AWARDFellowship @Agrofondation @Cirad Image
đŸ«¶đŸŸ First introductions by Damien ConarĂ©, General Secretary of @UnescoChairFood, MylĂšne Aycard-Gueydan, General Secretary of @Agrofondation, and Vincent Blanfort, Co-leader of the Strategic Scientific Field « Climate Change Â» in @Cirad ImageImageImage
Let’s dive in the most recent @IPCC_CH #ClimateReport w/ a focus on the impacts of CC on the African continent

đŸŽ€ To start off, Aida Diongue Niang, Meteorologist and Technical Advisor @meteosenegal, set the scene walking us through « Physics and CC » (IPCC/GIEC Group 3 writer)
Read 21 tweets
May 9th 2023
Im gestrigen Thread habe ich das Mittelhochdeutsche Wörterbuch (MWB) vorgestellt. Heute geht es um das MWB & Linked Open Data. 🐱 #DigitalHumanities #Lexikographie #LOD #LinkedOpenData
Als das MWB im Jahr 2000 in das #Akademienprogramm aufgenommen wurde, war immerhin auch eine halbe IT-Stelle eingeplant. Die reicht aber leider kaum aus, um die regulÀr anfallenden Aufgaben zu erledigen. (jr)
Neue Entwicklungen in den #DigitalHumanities zu begleiten und Standards fĂŒr unser Projekt umzusetzen, braucht zusĂ€tzliche Mittel. Das gilt auch fĂŒr die Einrichtung persistent referenzierbarer Daten nach modernen Gepflogenheiten. (jr)
Read 11 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
"Was soll daran arrogant sein, wenn @louisklamroth bloß @SWagenknecht's Fake News entlarvt?"

Problem ist: Es waren keine Fake News. Die UN-Menschenrechtskommissarin @mbachelet hat bereits im Juli '22 Kriegsverbrechen inkl. Vergewaltigungen auf BEIDEN Seiten festgestellt. đŸ§” 1/6
Auf diese UN-Quelle berief sich Wagenknecht, konnte sie jedoch, anders als der Moderator, nicht in der Sendung prĂ€sentieren. Dies ist keine GesprĂ€chssituation und BeweisfĂŒhrung auf Augenhöhe. h/t @StimmederVernu9
DarĂŒber hinaus hat die UN-Sonderbeauftragte @USGSRSGPatten Vergewaltigungen von ukrainischer Seite her nicht ausgeschlossen; sie hat lediglich konstatiert, dass hierfĂŒr der UN keinerlei Beweise vorlĂ€gen. Das ist eine völlig andere Aussage als "Das hat nicht stattgefunden". 3/6
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Jan 10th 2023
President #Biden ignores question on why #classified documents were found at his think tank | Jan 10
- the classified documents that were found at the #PennBidenCenter for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in #Washington, D.C.

'Storm Joe #Biden's homes', #Trump tells #FBI after classified documents found in private office | Jan 10
- "When is the FBI going to #raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the #WhiteHouse? These documents were definitely not declassified."

#Trump Wildly Speculates #Biden Gave #Classified Docs to #China Before Adding Denial No One Asked For: 'I Certainly Wouldn't Do That' | Jan 10
- #Not a good situation for our Country to be in!”
Read 104 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
This headline 👇 will be no surprise to anyone who's been following @NHSEngland's plans (and actions) for a while.

But @JonUngoedThomas's article reveals some crucial details about what's intended for your #NHS #HealthRecords that are worth unpacking...
 Controversial £360m NHS Eng...
First, and possibly most significantly, is @NHSEngland officials' confirmation that its '#FederatedDataPlatform' will incorporate patients across England's #SharedCareRecords: Health officials confirmed ...
Why is this so important? Because #SharedCareRecords - which every new #ICS* is supposed to have - include your #GPdata, which @NHSEngland has been trying to get hold of for years (most recently last summer)...

*#IntegratedCareSystem explainer here:
 Map 1: The 42 integrated ca...
Read 21 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
The #FAIR4RS principles (for research software) have been published, and frankly, the paper is a disappointment. Not because of what is in it, but because of what is not.

A monster thread... 1/

The FAIR4RS working group had >200 members that implemented a community process to distill these principles. Yet the paper fails to even hint at efforts already ongoing for a long time when this process started, and fails to illustrate HOW to actually do it in practice. 2/
"[..] FAIR4RS WG’s very high levels of success in community engagement is because it brought together a range of efforts to apply aspects of FAIR to research software since 2017"

When I started contributing to @debian in 2005, I learned that much of this was already a thing. 3/
Read 25 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
1/ đŸ§” Dental research generates data, but is data available and is machine-actionable?
That's the question we asked w/ @ASofiMahmudi @raittioe @IlzeMal & @baiba_vilne in #openaccess @JDentRes
 thanks to @mikrotik_com & @bbcentre_eu #FAIR #openscience
2/ Raw data allows replication and validation of results. Additionally, if it is in a machine-accessible format, this would allow new hypotheses to be explored using the available data

#reproducibility #researchtransparency #opendata #FAIRdata Image
3/ in order for machines to access data, it must be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. This is known as #FAIRdata Image
Read 29 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
#IDatiCheVorrei: @GiorgiaLodi spulcia in pochi minuti i quattro pilastri #FAIR dei buoni dati aperti: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable e Reusable.

#Findable: devono essere ben indicizzati e ben descritti. In particolare i dati devono essere corredati di #metadata, o di tag univoci e persistenti.
#Accessibility: devono essere accessibili, sia dal punto di vista del modo in cui Ăš conservato che dalla sua esposizione al pubblico tramite un'appropriata infrastruttura.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 18th 2021
1/ I produce a lot of content. It's difficult for some to keep up with at times. Below, a list of some of my threads & important tweets for $EGLD & $CEL The Crypto Industry & Banking/Federal Reserve & Investing. Education is Freedom & Crypto is Financial Freedom. #cryptocurrency
3/ “Is @ElrondNetwork The Future Smart Contract Blockchain Market Leader?” (44 Page Research & Investment Thesis) $EGLD âšĄïž
Read 53 tweets
Jun 28th 2021
Studie belegt #Modelle: Schulen treiben die Pandemie
Diese Studie zeigt, dass in der 2. #Welle der #Lockdown wenig brachte. Erst durch das zusÀtzliche Schliessen der GeschÀfte und #Schulen setzte in Deutschland eine positive Wirkung ein #twlz #RKI #KMK

Wissenschaftliche Evidence - #Schulen treiben die #Pandemie: Wie haben #RKI/#KMK nach 18 Monaten #Kitas und #Schulen aufgestellt? Keine #Raumluftkonzepte, nicht einmal #Hepaluftfilter, keine geeigneten HygieneplÀne, kaum vorbereitet auf Distanzlernen #twlz
zur Krönung: Die #Maskenpflicht wird in den meisten BundeslĂ€ndern - fĂŒr die nicht pandemiegerechten #Kitas /#Schulen - aufgehoben. Anstatt #Raumluftkonzepte und #FFP3 beginnt nach den Sommerferien die nĂ€chste Runde Infektions-Roulette - diesmal mit #Delta
Read 261 tweets
Apr 14th 2021
In occasione del prossimo G7 in UK si riuniranno le accademie nazionali delle scienze dei paesi partecipanti (per l'Italia l'Accademia dei Lincei).
Uno degli argomenti affrontati sarà "Data for international health emergencies", illustrato qui:

Thread 1/n
Nel paragrafo introduttivo troviamo giĂ  un'affermazione familiare:
"I paesi del G7 dovrebbero sostenere la causa della creazione di dati sanitari come bene pubblico globale".

Praticamente #datiBeneComune.

Si afferma l'importanza dei dati per la sanitĂ  e l'assistenza sociale ma si sottolinea anche come la capacitĂ  di analisi sia stata ostacolata dalla lentezza nell'adozione di tecnologie digitali, incongruenze nei dati, tipi e definizioni.

Read 22 tweets
Apr 14th 2021
Draadje đŸ§”đŸ‘‡đŸœ

Wij, wetenschappelijk onderzoekers en onderwijzers #WO aan #NL universiteiten en universitair medische centra,

@WOinactie @Lisawesterveld @ivanengelshoven @markrutte #normaalacademischpeil #925Miljoen
Zijn enthousiast over nieuwe plannen die de aanstaande regering richting geven en ons allen vooruit helpt,

Begrijpen de importantie van een goed draaiende #economie die ons thuis een warme maaltijd bezorgt en internationaal op de kaart zet,
Wijzen op het door het demissionaire #kabinet gepropageerde belang van de #kenniseconomie om onze welvaart te verbeteren,
Read 12 tweets
Oct 31st 2020
#AmericaIsOnTheBallot "Every democracy or many democracies in their histories have taken a flier on a populist fast-talking con man. I come from Minnesota, we have a governor we took a flier on like that, it happens in history. You can do it once but when you do it twice, then 1/
it's no longer about who he is. It’s about who you are. The whole world will look #differently at US if we were to reaffirm & re-elect this man, because then the world will actually start looking at us really how it looks at Russia & China. Just another #transactional country. 2/
They’ll look at us as a country that #decided to #change the #StatueOfLiberty from “give me your tired, your poor, those seeking & yearning to be #free, to get the #hell off my lawn
 & that will affect the whole world. The world likes to make fun of America. 3/
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Oct 30th 2020
A #copyright #Halloween Story: I was reading about @internetarchive's project to digitize the Marygrove College #Library collection. About halfway through the article I was horrified to see a copyright myth brought back from the dead!🧛On Halloween!🎃
The myth from the article is that somehow #fairuse can’t “extend to creating and distributing complete copies of a copyrighted work.” From the #SupremeCourt to the #fairuse statute itself, the fair use doctrine does not have a ban on copying or distributing “the whole thing.” /2
This is a myth that I, and my #copyright colleagues around the country, have been trying to “mythbust” for decades! So let's take shake down this #fairuse skeleton like #VanHelsing! /3
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Oct 1st 2020
Today, HHMI is announcing a new open access publishing
We’ve invited Bodo Stern, HHMI’s Chief of Strategic Initiatives, to explain the key points and offer perspective.
HHMI’s new open access publishing policy will go into effect on January 1, 2022. Articles with major contributions from HHMI labs will be freely available immediately upon publication. You can read the policy here:
The policy includes options for all types of journals: open access journals and transformative journals can publish HHMI articles under @CreativeCommons CC BY in exchange for open access fees...
Read 14 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
In God we trust,
In #machine we believe,
In #data we live,

We are the next-generation human being.

Sadly we don't trust humans, we don't believe in them and we have almost stopped living.
Religion, folklore, mythology and history agrees on one interesting statement.

Humans were created in image of God.

Aren't we repeating the same thing with #AI? Aren't we creating AI in image of ourself?
Don't believe, look around see with what it is compared.
Sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic.

Same way, sufficiently advanced #AI is indistinguishable from #god.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
Another set of questions are related to algorithms bias, fairness, and responsibilities.
#AI #Algorithms #bias #fair
Security and safety of consumer, product, partners and Algorithm is next set of questions. Again no satisfactory answers.
#Algorithms #AI #security
#antitrusthearing very interesting question, how will you ensure that biases of your employees are getting in to the algorithm?
In fact research has proven that algorithms are learning not from the data but the way data was labelled and annotated. #ai #bias
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Jun 22nd 2020
Sorry, @MattHancock, "...the sheer quantity of #information and #transparency we're putting in the public domain"??! [time code 1:37]

You are shitting me, right?

@Foxglovelegal & @openDemocracy had to threaten to *sue* to get you to release a handful of 'agreements', lacking...
...much of the meaningful detail of what's going on; @NHSEngland's supposed "Single Point of Contact" and "transparent" IG & oversight processes are nowhere to be seen, while tens of millions of #NHS patients' data has been processed for MONTHS; we still haven't seen hide nor... of the public #dashboard your @NHSX leadership team promised in *March*; and @NHSEngland/X's current '#PrivacyNotice' to patients, being neither #fair nor #transparent, is #unlawful.

Stop waffling! Be #transparent (and lawful!) or the #trust you need will simply vanish
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Jun 18th 2020
3 days participate in #CVPR2020 conference. excited about a lot of interesting subjects covered in computer vision: Adversarial Learning, Effective training and inference, representation learning...

Will do a write-up later.
#CVPR20 #computervision
Some preferred papers so far 👇
1. Dynamic Graph Message Passing Networks

It addresses the modelling long-range dependencies problem by using feature map as a feature vector nodes and dynamically sample the neighborhood of a node from the feature graph.
2. Semantic Pyramid for Image Generation

A generative image model that can leverage the feature space from different semantic levels learned by a pretrained classification network. many generative applications to play with
Read 10 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
Just floating an idea about #PID and #FAIR that has been in back of my mind for some time. In the blockchain world, @IpfSbot creates PIDs or addresses (#multihash) based on the content of the digital object. Wouldn't it be great if the scientific community embraced this pattern?
A little bit of context: creating PIDs for your digital assets is the first #FAIR principle (F1) and an absolute cornerstone for rolling out #datastrategy. This is typically solved in the scientific world by creating handles through a party that guarantees persistence, e.g. #DOI.
Independently, I have been following #IPFS ( #opensource community over the last few years who have a really interesting architecture for the decentralized internet. It's a mix of #git like merkle trees, p2p technology (like bittorrent), and crypto hashes.
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Feb 16th 2020
*Mental health thread*

At least 1 in 4 of us are suffering with mental health illnesses.

We are all human and we do not know what trouble the human beside us is facing.

🙏 CHOOSE to listen, support, be kind & fair.

Your hello and smile may be what gives someone strength.
The thing about mental health is that it can seriously affect how we see things, how we perceive ourselves and others around us.

Negative thoughts of failure or self-criticism or loss of confidence being wrongly reinforced by how others treat us can affect how we feel.
Eventually it can all become overwhelming.

One can feel that they can no longer cope.

Choose not to be the person who takes away someone’s sense of security, self belief, sense of achievement or confidence.
Read 20 tweets
Feb 11th 2020
Read sad story last night about Dr. Bucci, 50 year old Phychology & Brain Sciences Dept. Chairman, at Dartmouth that committed #Suicide 11 months after a lawsuit was filed by graduate #students in his department. He
2/ was NOT accused of sexual misconduct, but named in the suit for knowing about the professors’ inappropriate behavior as the Chair.I share many of the same feelings he expressed to friends and colleagues in his emails before he took his own life like: the case was deeply
3/ personal; reputation had been damaged; physical health diminished; false portrayal of his actions; being blamed unfairly; allegations & process “unfair”; how can they ever undo what they did to me & #wronglyaccused. Similarly, how I had reported the #disability
Read 30 tweets

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