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🧵| What lessons can the 🇺🇸#US learn from the 🇪🇺#EU's 🔆#EnergyTransition?

As states and the Biden administration move towards #electrification, the US needs to rapidly expand its electric⚡️#grid to tap the potential of 🌱#renewables and lower carbon emissions. Image
2/5 | New York recently became the first US state to require its public power provider to generate all electricity from clean energy by 2030.

This will require more connections between renewables and the 🔌#grid.

More from @aliyaute in @GuardianUS👇… Image
3/5 | Plugging in 🚙cars, 🏠homes, and 🏭factories to renewables is a cornerstone of Biden’s plan to cut emissions, which means electricity demand in the US could roughly double by 2050, even as overall energy use goes down.

🔗@PopovichN & @bradplumer👇… Image
Read 5 tweets
Hier, le think tank allemand @AgoraEW a sorti son étude sur la sortie du gaz fossile en Europe coordonnée par @m_gagnebin et @andreasgraf - quelques points qui ont particulièrement retenu mon attention, en vrac ⬇️ Image
L'étude trouve une demande en #hydrogène et en particulier en #importations beaucoup + faible que ce que dessine le plan #REPowerEU de la @EU_Commission de mai dernier : 116 TWh de consommation d'hydrogène dans l'UE contre presque 700 TWh pour la Commission. C'est colossal! Image
L'occasion de revoir les objectifs européens de #REPowerEU et du #paquetgaz?
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📣 New EU Gas Exit Pathway: EU can halve its #fossilgas use by 2030 & completely phase it out by 2050, with less renewable #hydrogen than planned in #REPowerEU while fully ensuring security of supply, without disruptive behavioral changes. Findings ⬇️ 1/9
An accelerated #fossilgas phase-out is possible through structural demand reductions in #energy, #buildings & #industry➡️ key measures: a quick ramp-up of #renewableenergy, electrification and energy efficiency. 2/9 Image
In the power sector, the fastest way to reduce gas demand is by ramping up wind & solar. Aim: 70% renewables-based power generation by 2030 & 85% by 2040. Deep geothermal & large-scale heat pumps will also help reduce gas demand in district heating generation. 3/9 Image
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Yesterday, the EU Council and Parliament reached a provisional agreement on the renewable energy directive.

Here's what it could mean for #hydrogen
The agreement sets a target of 42.5% renewable energy in the EU's overall energy mix by 2030.

The agreement also includes sector-specific targets where the role of #hydrogen becomes more prominent.

This quick analysis is based on the press release:…
For reference, these are the shares of #renewables across sectors in the EU in 2021:

21.8% overall renewables

37.5% renewables in electricity

22.9% renewables in heating and cooling

9.1% renewables in transport

Read 13 tweets
🇪🇸👏🏼 España ha liderado la transición energética en Europa en 2022.

☀️ 2° país de la UE que más capacidad solar ha instalado.

💨 3er país de la UE que más capacidad eólica ha instalado.

Y se suma a tres años de crecimiento récord!

👇🏼🧵 ImageImage
🤯 España y Alemania están proyectados a ser los primeros países en alcanzar los 10 GW de capacidad solar anual instalada en los próximos años.

📈 En total, en los próximos 4 años, España añadirá 51,2 GW adicionales de solar. Image
Este año, la eólica volverá a ser la principal fuente de energía eléctrica en 🇪🇸.

Además, 2023 podría ser el año en el que despegue la eólica marina, que en España tiene la dificultad de necesitar ser eólica flotante por la profundidad de las aguas. Image
Read 12 tweets
Summary of the year: 2022 marked a structural shift in EU energy. The EU was able to manage an unprecedented situation brought by Russia aggression to Ukraine: moving away from its bigger fossil fuel supplier in a period of months. 1/n
The scale of the challenge was unforeseen for a large economy in such a short timeframe and the EU came out stronger & more united.
One year ago, there were a lot of unknowns: Enough natural gas for winter 22/23? How far higher prices could go? Would there be a recession?…
So let’s look at some key data and statistics to see how the year went: (1) Storage - storages were at historical high levels in the autumn and some are still receiving injections. Storages in the EU are now around 85% compared to around 70% one year ago. 3/n
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☀️🇪🇺 La UE se prepara para fijar el nuevo objetivo de energía renovable para 2030.

El actual objetivo está fijado en un 32% para 2030, frente al 20% de 2020.

La Comisión y el Parlamento proponen aumentarlo al 45%, el Consejo lo quiere fijar al 40%.…
Como parte del paquete #REPowerEU, la Comisión propuso aumentar el objetivo del 40% propuesto en 2021 a un 45%.

Pese a la crisis energética actual, una mayoría de países apoyaron el objetivo desfasado del 40% en el Consejo de Energía de diciembre. Image
No obstante, 8 Estados miembros, entre ellos 🇪🇸, publicaron una declaración conjunta a favor del objetivo del 45% propuesto por la CE.

Además, otros Estados q votaron a favor del objetivo del 40% tb han indicado cierta flexibilidad y podrían acabar apoyando el objetivo del 45%. Image
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Mein #Weihnachtsgeschenk 2021 kam per LKW: 70 PV-Module 21 Aluminium-Träger und kistenweise Kabel & Bauteile.

Papa hatte zuvor Genehmigung für eine #Photovoltaikanlage angesucht und mich überrascht. Heute, Weihnachten 2022, ist unsere Anlage fertig & produziert fleißig Strom.☀️
Papa & ich installierten die PV-Anlage Großteils selbst.
Mit Klettergurt & Seil stiegen wir aufs Dach, schnitten mit der Flex die Dachziegel, schraubten Metallhaken in den Dachstuhl und montierten die Alu-Träger. Ich trug die Solarpaneele rauf aufs Dach. Papa schraubte sie fest.
Nach drei Tagen war unsere PV-Anlage fertig. Der Elektriker verbaute noch den Wechselrichter und nahm die Anlage in Betrieb. Image
Read 14 tweets
‼️BREAKING #Deal on REPowerEU: money will flow in 2023 towards new investments in energy infrastructure, efficiency and savings, as well as towards addressing energy poverty.
Countries will present their REPowerEU chapters to the COM for approval before receiving the money. 🧵
The money: REPowerEU chapters will be paid with 20 bn€ from: 40% frontloading ETS allowances, 10% from Stability Market Reserve and 50% from the Innovation Fund. Additionally, still available loans from the Recovery and Resilient Facility (225 bn€) can also be used.
Transparency: governments will need to publish a list of the top 100 recipients of the largest amounts of the recovery funds in the country. Citizens will finally know where the money is going!
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Geschafft! Europaweiter Booster für Erneuerbare und mehr Solidarität in der Gaskrise. Soeben hat der Sonderenergierat den Inhalt von zwei Verordnungen beschlossen, die sehr schnell in Kraft treten sollen und unmittelbar europaweit anwendbar sind. Ein Thread.
1️⃣Die neue Gas-Notfall-Verordnung regelt den gemeinsamen Einkauf von Gas, zuverlässige Preis-Referenzwerte und klare Regeln für die Solidarität bei Gas zwischen den Mitgliedsländern. Solidarität mit Gas wird damit verbindlicher und eine vernünftige Lastenverteilung vereinbart.
Dieses Maßnahmenpaket wird helfen die Preise für Gas dauerhaft zu senken. EU-Länder kooperieren künftig beim Einkauf von Gas und Befüllung von Speichern, statt Preise hochzutreiben. Preisspiralen werden gebrochen (‚circuit breaker’). Große Einkäufe werden transparent.
Read 15 tweets
@abclimate @citizensane1 @janrosenow @foresightdk @annagumbau @whatmatterspod
Just listened to a discussion on district heatin networks DHNs on…
Some takeaways from me:
* the #EU is woefully anware of the importance of the heating question in general and->
-> the importance of district heating networks in particular
* this is mirrored by the fact, that in the #repowereu scheme, 8.5 bio € are earmared for it while 210 bio € would be appropriate
* DHNs are much more efficient in primary energy use than every building burning ->
-> the gas in its own heating: -30% gas use
* DHN is large projects which mean a framework is needed for organization, coordination, de-risking, business model
* this framework is lacking sorely.
* future heat source mix (very coarse): geothermal 10%, waste heat 20%, heat pumps->
Read 10 tweets
This author built a strawman so big that burning it could power a small town. Gist is "What would happen if we stopped eating meat right now?"

If "we" had meat as a major part of our diet we'd eventually die from starvation. Conclusion: Eat meat or die.…
The attempt to sell the ICE car as "efficient" rankled most.

Driving in an ICE car is monstrously inefficient use of primary energy (though purely seen as a piece of engineering engine has greatly improved over time).…
Author also wanted to ICE the thermal power plant, and sure, a CHP plant is reasonably energy-efficient. Which is why an EV performs better than equivalent ICE car, even if the electricity comes from a coal-fired plant.
Read 19 tweets
+++ Politicians chatting about a “just transition” in Europe +++

Dark Reality: fossil gas expansion in Africa
Just Solution: climate finance + local renewable energy systems


Read more here:… ImageImage
@EU_Commission + 🇪🇺-countries need to stop their neocolonial grab for gas in Africa.

Instead, EU leaders must support a #JustTransition on the continent & accelerate a renewable based energy system globally @marietouss1#DontGasAfrica

Read more here:… Image
European governments, esp🇩🇪, proactively push for new gas infrastructure in Africa even though we have local renewable potential in Europe. 🇪🇺leaders: Keep your Glasgow promise + listen to the @Europarl_EN: end new support for fossil fuels! @EU_Commission @vonderleyen @OlafScholz
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Branded every colour of the rainbow, hydrogen has become a PR minefield! Let’s break it down… #StopGreenwashingDirtyHydrogen

🧵⬇️ Image
Hydrogen is produced using electricity: if electricity source + transportation fuel are renewable, then hydrogen is genuinely green & clean. Despite bold claims from the EU for ‘clean hydrogen’ futures, only ‘green’ hydrogen (currently less than 1%) is genuinely emission free!
There is nothing clean about hydrogen made using fossil fuels, such as ‘Blue’ hydrogen, where expensive CCS technologies are thrown into the mix. Yet these technologies are expensive, energy intensive and in many cases actually increase emissions.…
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For the first time in its history, the @IEA sees #fossilfuel demand peaking across all of its projections including the “business as usual” (STEPS) scenario. What does it mean for geoeconomics & geopolitics of the global #energytransition? A🧵1/13…
The dependency on #fossilfules is a risk to economic resilience & energy security inherent to the currently dominant economic models. High #coal, #oil and #gas prices have knock-on effects beyond energy systems reliability & fuel the global #polycrisis. 2/13
#EU, #UK, #Japan and others embedded a fatal vulnerability into their growth models as they bet on boosting #gas intensity of their economies post Global #Oilcrisis in the 1970s. Now they are forced to pay a high price for this oversight. 3/13
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OVERHEARD at #EuropeanHydrogenWeek:👂👂👂

"We need to stop thinking of North Africa as far away- they’re our neighbour”.

@EU_Commission, people’s homes are not your profit machines. STOP the neocolonial resource grab. See thread 👇
Why should Morocco, Algeria and Egypt use their own energy to make hydrogen for European markets? Europe has vast, untapped potential meet renewable targets locally & sustainably. We have historic responsibility to former colonised nations to do so.…
The #RepowerEU hydrogen plans uphold the influence of oil & gas giants like @Shell & @TotalEnergies in North Africa, whose histories are rooted to colonial extractivism.
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En un contexto de profunda reestructuración energética, los Estados centrales europeos preparan el terreno para las nacionalizaciones y la toma de control del mercado eléctrico.

Los mismos que se salen del TCE son los que promueven el acuerdo UE-Mercosur.…
El gobierno español dice que hay que salirse del Tratado de la Carta de la Energía porque no cumple con los acuerdos de París, pero al mismo tiempo está promoviendo nuevas infraestructuras gasísticas (con la excusa del hidrógeno verde) que van a contribuir al desorden climático.
La asimetría normativa rige la lex mercatoria: la única seguridad jurídica que importa es la vinculada a los intereses de "nuestras empresas". La salida del TCE es una buena noticia, pero si decimos que hay que denunciar todos los acuerdos comerciales estamos haciendo demagogia.
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Warum die #Industrie in dieser Dekade in #Power2Heat investieren muss, um die #Energiekrise und #Klimakrise zu lösen.

…und warum #Wasserstoff nur die zweite Geige 🎻 spielen wird. 🧵
In 2021 wurden 1/4 vom #Erdgas in 🇩🇪 in der Industrie verbrannt um #Prozesswärme zu erzeugen. In der #Energiekrise sehen viele Betriebe ihre Zukunft in Gefahr. Wann und ob die #Gaspreise wieder fallen ist unklar, also muss eine Alternative her. Image
Dabei dominiert #Wasserstoff die Debatte, obwohl es auch effizienter und schneller geht: Pro kWh Wärme über Wasserstoff wird das 1,5-fache an Strom benötigt. #Elektrodenkessel und v.a. #Wärmepumpen benötigen nur einen Bruchteil des Stroms. Image
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Live from the launch event of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership!
EC EVP @TimmermansEU: "The brutal war of Russia against Ukraine has made increasing EU renewable energy production all the more urgent!" #BIPEurope
EVP Frans @Timmermans EU: “With #REPowerEU we set ourselves a target of producing 35 billion cubic meters of biomethane annually by 2030. It is a great challenge because we need to expand the current biomethane production by a factor of more than 11."
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Europarlamentti hyväksyi kantansa uusiutuvan energian direktiivistä. Se nostaa EUn sitovaa tavoitetta uusiutuvan energian osuudeksi energian kulutuksesta väh 45 %:iin 2030. Nopeammin eroon fossiileista.

Samalla se tiukensi ympäristöehtoja mm biopolttoaineille ja biomassalle. 1/
Parlamentin kanta vauhdittaa uusiutuvan energian käyttöä ja sähköistämistä kaikilla aloilla: kokonaiskulutuksen lisäksi mm teollisuudessa, liikenteessä ja lämmityksessä &viilennyksessä. Sitovia sektoritavoitteita nostettiin vastaamaan komission #RePowerEU-ohjelman tavoitteita.
Biopolttoaineissa parlamentin kanta tiukentaa epäsuoria haitallisia maankäytön vaikutuksia aiheuttavien alasajoa (soija-, palmuöljy) pois edistettävistä.

Sähköistäminen ja energiatehokkuus läpi linjan: mitä ei voi sähköistää, siellä lisää biopolttoaineita ja vihreää vetyä.
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The keynotes tomorrow and Wednesday address the main problems we are facing right now in Europe and the world. We have solutions for the Energy Crisis. #SESAAU2022

Lets have a look at the abstract from the Keynotes.
will talk about the Industrializing #geothermal energy for urban #districtheating using the case of Aarhus.

The possibility for Europe within district heating is VAST.…
The challenges for power2X & electrofuels are significant. We need to hold back to ensure energy security. On the other hand we need to further develop this KEY technology.

David Dupont-Mouritzen from @CIP_Copenhagen, HØST in Esbjerg. #SESAAU2022…
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Preparing with commissioners our energy package to address skyrocketing prices and provide relief to Europeans.

•Welcomed Council overall support for our core approach

•Discussed the question of the cost of gas

•Reviewed work on State aid, level playing field, SME support
Focus of our work ahead of the College meeting in Strasbourg:

• Smart demand reduction

• Energy sector contributions to support vulnerable households and businesses

• Liquidity support of utilities

• Speed up push on #REPowerEU
On the cost of gas, we continue to work on answers adapted to a global market.

Objective: to ensure lower prices in Europe while guaranteeing security of supply.
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We #StandWithUkraine and democracy over autocracy.

Since the start of Russia’s brutal attack on 24 February, the entire EU has mobilised to support Ukrainians.

We will continue to do so until they can safely rebuild their independent and democratic country in peace.

The EU has welcomed more than 8.2 million Ukrainians fleeing the war.

And the #StandupforUkraine campaign raised €9.1 billion for people fleeing the Russian invasion.

On the ground, #EUCivPro has delivered over 66 000 tonnes of aid to Ukraine.

#SOTEU Woman holding a banner sayi...
Ukraine and the European Union have never been closer.

Ukraine’s application for EU membership was an expression of its will and right to choose its own destiny.

In June, we opened the pathway towards us by granting them, together with Moldova, candidate status.

#SOTEU President von der Leyen giv...
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#CrisiEnergetica: responsabilità russa o europea?

La scelta delle élite europee di rinunciare al gas russo condanna l’Europa a una crisi epocale

(Torna #IntelligenceForThePeople!)

Il livello stratosferico raggiunto dal prezzo del #gas è responsabilità della Russia? E se sì, in che misura?
Per capirlo, bisogna tener conto di 3 fattori:
Da molti anni a questa parte, la Commissione europea aveva gettato le basi per una completa #deregolamentazione del mercato del gas naturale. Essa ha portato a una modifica radicale dei #contratti di vendita.
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