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Most recents (24)

نمروت پہاڑ/کوہ نمرود (Mount Nemrut)
1st BC
خوف کوایک طرف رکھ کرچٹانی طرزتعمیر کانادرنمونہ ماؤنٹ نمروت
کامگین بادشاہی (Commagene Kingdom/163 BC-72 AD)کا رازداں پہاڑ ترکیہ میں واقع طورس پہاڑ (Taurus Mountain) کی چوٹی پرواقع ماؤنٹ نمروت کےخوفناک مجسمے ImageImageImageImage
پہلی صدی قبل مسیح میں بنائے گئے۔
دیوہیکل سر Commagene Kingdom کے تحت ہر روز ایک ناقابل یقین طلوع آفتاب اور غروب آفتاب کا مظہر ھے۔ یہ مجسمے شاید ہی دنیا میں کہیں اور ملیں۔ اندازا وزن 6 ٹن اور ان کی اونچائی 10 میٹر ھے۔
لیکن یہ پراسرار مجسمے کہاں سے آئے؟ Commagene Kingdom کیا ھے؟ ImageImageImageImage
بادشاہ Antiochus I Theos کون تھا؟
اس نے یہ مجسمے کیوں بنائے؟
آخر اسی جگہ کیوں؟
دراصل یہ سلطنت ایک قدیم آرمینیائی سلطنت (Armenian Kingdom) جو بنیادی طور پر قدیم روم اور فارس (ایران کا قدیم نام) کےدرمیان ایک بفر ریاست کےطور پرکام کرتی تھی۔ درحقیقت کامگین کےبادشاہوں نے دارا اول فارس ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
🇹🇷🇺🇸 A Congressional Research Service report (#US), cites one of my articles published in Atlantic Council & uses one of my infographic(table) from the highly read article "Mapping The Rise of #Turkey's Hard Power" P(1) & (2), published in Newlines Institute for Strategy & Policy ImageImageImage
Here is the promotional video of my Terrain Analysis"
"Mapping #Turkey’s Rising Hard Power"
🇹🇷🇹🇷 This is part (1) of my analysis published by Washington-based "Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy"
Read 4 tweets
وادی فریجیان(اناطولیہ، ترکیہ)
Frygian Valley/Frig Vadisi(Anatolia, Turkiye)
چٹانی طرزتعمیر (Rock Cut Art) کاشاہکارایک جادوئی وادی
جوبےشمارافسانوی کہانیوں کاعنوان رہی۔
وادی درحقیقت 12رویں صدی قبل مسیح میں بلقان سےاناطولیہ ہجرت کرنےوالوں ImageImageImage
کے ایک گروہ پر مشتمل تھی۔
3000 سال قبل کی ایک بہت بڑی تہذیب اور ایک شاندار جغرافیہ جس کی باقیات آج بھی اناطولیہ اور ایجیئن علاقوں میں موجود ہیں
یہ خطہ ماؤنٹ ترکمین کی طرف سےآنے والی آتش فشاں راکھ سےڈھکا ھوا تھا۔ وادی شہر Afyoneskişehir-Kütahya کے درمیان واقع ھے۔
فریجیئن__ایک قدیم ImageImageImage
انڈو_یورپیئن لوگوں کا گروپ جو بعد میں حملہ آوروں اور اناطولیہ کے دوسرے حکمرانوں کی ثقافت میں شامل ھو گیا۔
ھو سکتا ھے کہ وہ غاروں میں سوتےھوں۔ یہ گروپ 3000 سال پہلے اسی جگہ پر رہتا تھا جنہوں نے پتھروں میں مکانات، قلعے اور یادگاریں تراشی تھیں۔ آتش فشاں ٹف چٹان (Tuff Rock) پرھوا اور ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
1◾🇷🇺 #Rusya'nın tüm doğalgazı Türkiye'ye akacak.
🇮🇶 #Irak ve özerk bölgesinin tüm petrolü Türkiye'den geçecek.
🇮🇷 #İran'ın doğalgazı Türkiye'den geçiyor.
🇦🇿 #Azerbaycan doğalgazı Türkiye'den geçiyor.
🇹🇲 #Türkmen doğalgazı Türkiye'den geçiyor. Image
2◾🇶🇦 #Katar'ın petrolü ve doğalgazı #Suriye'de oluşacak, #istikrâr ile Türkiye'den geçecek..
🇮🇱#İsrail'in doğalgazı Türkiye' den geçecek..
🇱🇾 #Libya'da bulunan petrol ve doğalgaz %50 %40 paylaşımıyla kazan kazan modeli ile Türkiye'den geçecek.
3◾#Türkiye'nin Karadeniz'de bulduğu doğalgaz 528 milyar metreküpten trilyon metreküplere çıkacak..
#Karadeniz'de keşfedilen ve teknolojisi için çalışılan doğalgazın ana maddesi katı #hidrokarbon Türkiye'nin 200 yıllık ihtiyacını karşılıyor..
Read 6 tweets
Iran to become ‘full-fledged’ SCO member in July

The Iranian foreign minister made the announcement from South Africa, where he took part in a ministerial meeting of the BRICS economic bloc…
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian revealed on 1 June that Iran’s accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will be completed in July.…
“We will become a full-fledged member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in July when the next summit of the association is to take place,” he told reporters on Thursday, according to Iran’s state-run Tasnim News Agency.…
Read 5 tweets
Day 462 of #Europe's war, the last day of May.

Mercifully a quiet morning so far this Wednesday in #Ukraine

This is my 462nd daily thread.
All the info you need about #Russia's attack in one handy thread, updated throughout the day.

You can support me with a coffee (see bio)🙏
If you happen to have missed all yesterday's news, put the kettle on and prepare for a long read!

Here's the link for yesterday's thread on what happened in #Ukraine and #Russia.

The biggest event overnight happened in #Russia's #Krasnodar region.

Drones hit the Afipsky Oil Refinery and a fire soon took hold, although it's since been extinguished; no-one was hurt.

About 150km from the front, that's less fuel helping Russia kill Ukrainians.
Read 45 tweets
#Türkiye seçim atmosferi içinde dünyadaki olayları ıskalıyor, sıradışı gelişmeleri göremiyoruz. Bu sefer de yolumuz 'Volt Typhoon' (VT) adı verilen #Çin'li bir hacker grubunun #ABD altyapısına sızma/sabotaj gerçekleştirme için harekete geçtiği istihbaratı.…
Bu sefer alarm zillerini çalan Microsoft oldu. Microsoft'daki siber güvenlik birimleri çok profesyonel bir Çin menşeli hacker ekibine dair iz yakaladığını açıkladı. İstihbarat güvenilirlik seviyesi olarak 'Orta güvenilir' ibaresi konulan bilgiye göre( istihbarat terminolojisinde Image
bilginin mantıklı, yeterli delilleri olsa da doğruluğunun tam anlamıyla onaylamadığı anlamına geliyor) VT stratejik/kritik altyapı hizmetlerini hedef alıyor. Microsoft'a ilave güçlü teknoloji devleri de VT hackerlarına ait izler bulduklarını ilan ettiler. Image
Read 10 tweets
دارا مقبرے (قصبہ دارا، صوبہ ماردین)
Dara Necropolis (Village Dara, Province Mardin)__5th AD
قدیم میسوپوٹیمیا (قدیم عراق) کےمگر موجودہ ترکیہ کےحیران کن، ناقابل یقین، ناقابل فراموش مقبرہ جات
ماردین زمانہ قدیم میں میسوپوٹیمیا کےاہم تجارتی مراکز میں ImageImageImage
میں سے ایک جو رومن دور کے زائرین کے لیے مواقع فراہم کرتا تھا۔
یہاں رومن دور میں مذہبی تقریبات منعقد ھوتی تھیں اور سینکڑوں لوگوں کو ایک ساتھ دفن کیا جاتا تھا۔
اب صوبہ ماردین کے قدیم قصبے دارا میں ایک بڑا مدفن گاہ تھا جسے مشرقی رومیوں نے تعمیر کیاجو 591ءمیں جلاوطنی سے واپس آئے تھے۔ ImageImageImage
پیگن اور میتھریک ثقافتوں (Pagan and Matherco Cutured) میں یہ خیال کیا جاتا ھے کہ دیوتا مترا (Mithra god) چٹان سے پیدا ھوا تھا۔
اسی وجہ سےمرنے والوں کودوبارہ جنم لینےکےعقیدے کیساتھ پتھروں میں دفن کیاجاتا ھے۔
عمارت کےدروازے پر مُردوں کوزندہ کرنےوالےحزقیل نبی کی قیامت اورجی اُٹھنےکی ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Welcome to Saturday's #UkraineWar thread on Day 444 of #Russia's invasion.

All the news as always throughout the day in one handy thread, but with a fun #Eurovision twist today which I'll explain in the next tweet.

If you want to buy me a coffee there's a link in my bio🙏💙💛
So what's all this about #Eurovision ?

Well to mark #Ukraine's "hosting" of the final in #Liverpool tonight, in my tweets today there will be winning song titles🎶 in some of the posts (not all)

Just for fun. Reply if you spot one, as it will help fight the shadow ban on my a/c
Give yourself bonus points if you know the country and year the song won!

Anyway if you missed anything yesterday, you can review Friday's thread here. A day when we had all kinds of everything going on:

Read 65 tweets
Sunday is Day 438 of #Russia's catastrophic full invasion of #Ukraine

Each day you've been able to find all the news of Europe's war in one place with these daily threads.

It's all free, but if you can support what I do with a coffee I'd be very grateful
I forgot this yesterday (thanks Dave for remembering!) so let's do this straightaway!

As I post so much, people couldn't find the start of the previous day's thread, which they found handy to review what they missed. So here's the start of Saturday's feed
#Ukraine was attacked last night. Here's a summary:

#Dnipropetrovsk region - again huge artillery fire on #Nikopol with one dead and 3 injured.
#Mykolaiv region - a ballistic missile hit "an industrial enterprise"
#Kyiv - a reconnaissance drone was shot down in the region.
Read 52 tweets
Hello again and thanks for reading, this is Thursday's #RussiaUkraineWar thread.

It's Day 435 since #Russia launched its full invasion.

I am still recovering from yesterday - what a day. Relive it here:
Some breaking news, we are learning about repeated explosions in #Zaporizhzhia this morning.

S-300 anti aircraft missiles again being used by #Russia to attack civilians, but monitoring groups say one exploded just after launch, before it crossed the frontline.

It's noisy.
The weather has improved in #Ukraine. But though the ground may be drying out a little on the frontline, conditions are still incredibly tough.

Here's the only viable route for #Ukraine to/from #Khromove (then beyond to #ChasivYar)

Read 62 tweets
A thread 🧵
Turkiye's electrifying Defence Developments in his 20 years rule!
#Turkey #Turkiye #Erdogan Image
1. Bayraktar Akıncı
4. Bayraktar TB-2 ImageImageImageImage
Combat Aircrafts
1. MMU TFX - Stealth
2. Hurjet
3. Kizelelma - Stealth ImageImageImage
Read 11 tweets
🇹🇷#Türkiye: On 23 April, the Turkish Armed Forces inaugurated the first two #Altay tanks for trials. Due to significant changes in the design, the tank is now referred to as the ‘New Altay’.

1/4 📸DailySabahImageImageImage
The tests of the #Altay tank by the 🇹🇷#TAF are expected to be completed in 2024. In 2025, mass production of the tank will begin with the Korean powerpack, and in the second half of 2026 production is planned with the domestic Batu powerpack.

2/4 ImageImageImageImage
The tank is also equipped with the AKKOR Active Protection System, VOLKAN-II Fire Control System, or the SARP remote weapon station. All from @aselsan.

3/4 📸Defenceturk.netImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Gerçek ismi
Artin Agopyan❗❗

Basit bir kişi, başarısız bir üniversite öğrencisi iken, 1978 yıllarında apo'nun üç kişiyle bir örgüt kurup, dışardan
bu kadar destek görmesini aklınız
alıyor mu..? Image
Bu dil bilmez, yol-yordam bilmez
taşralının, Alman parlamento heyetleriyle görüşmesini, Yunan diplomatları ve istihbarat
elemanları tarafından Kenya'ya kaçırılmasını nasıl izah
edebilirsiniz ki..?
Bizim mason / dönme basının Artin Agopyan'ı "apo" diye yıllardır

şişirdiği malûm.
Read 26 tweets
Silahli isgal yerine
Ekonomik olarak isgal edilirler

T.C.'nin kurulus aşamasinda
Rockefeller'in Eko-isgali
KOC Ailesi ile baslatildi


Karşi hamle olarak
SABANCI Ailesi kuruldu

KOC'lari degil de
SABANCI'lari hedef aldi acaba..#Jewish
Finans merkezi #ABD'dir

#Manhattan önemli bir merkezdir

Chase Bank
Yahudi sermayesidir

#ElKaide gibi
Radikal TERÖR ÖRGÜTLERİni finanse eden sermayedir

Kolay kolay
Ölmek istemeyen
Dangalak Sapkinlardir
#Bilderberg üyesidir

Akliniza gelebilecek
Her türlü
Sapkinlik ve sapikligi

Kacirilan cocuklari/kizlari
Özel Adalar'da bulunan
Yer altindaki
Tapinma yerlerine gotururler

Elleri-ayaklari baglanir
Gozleri acik tutulur..
Read 16 tweets
The Continuing Regional Rapprochement of #Syria and #Assad

A thread 🪡

1/25 Image
In January I wrote about how, after over 10 years of brutal war pushed and funded by outside powers, the #MiddleEast was accepting that the #Syrian Arab Republic, led by #Assad would stay in power.…

The #USA and #NATO countries have been unhappy about things turning out this way, especially as #Syria is a close ally of #Russia. However, the Muslim states of the region are seeing that the future is cooperation, and that the SAR has won the war.

Read 26 tweets
This is the start of Sunday's daily thread covering all the news, and all you need to know, about #Ukraine's battle for survival against the full invasion by #Russia.

Updated in real time, throughout the day, scroll, share, like and reply to help beat Twitter Ukraine bans!
If you can spare any loose change for a coffee to support my work, there's a Ko-Fi link in my bio, thanks.

And if you need a catch up on yesterday's news, here's the link for the start of Saturday's thread.

So it's Day 417 of the war, and I have to say "Khrystos Voskres" (Christ Is Risen) or "Happy Easter" to all my readers from #Ukraine - and indeed #Russia if they are in the minority which opposes war.
The same wishes to all Orthodox believers celebrating Easter today.
Read 39 tweets
Here we go again. Day 414 of #Russia's mission to wipe #Ukraine from the map and continuing its imperialistic goals.
This is the daily thread with all the news you need.

If you like my work and have a few spare coins you can support me with a coffee here:
Reaction to the beheading videos dominated yesterday's news. If you missed anything or want a recap, here's the link for the start of yesterday's thread.
Click and scroll at your leisure!


Another 540 Russians were killed in #Ukraine yesterday, according to estimates by #Kyiv.

#Russia also still losing above average numbers of artillery systems on the frontline.

#RussiansGoHome Image
Read 38 tweets
Hello and welcome to Daily Thread 408 bringing you all the news that matters around #Russia's terror war on #Ukraine.

Day 408 is Friday. Lots of news yesterday to catch up on more fires in Russia, explosions in Melitopol, surrendering Russians, click here
First today news of a light airplane crash in #Florida.

It wasn't evident of first but one of those killed is an associate director of the defence manufacturer/developer Raytheon. It recently won a contract to make new arms for #Ukraine.…
Here's the daily log od losses for #Russia in #Ukraine.

Numbers continue to be lower than all of winter, according to #Ukraine

#Russia concentrating on defence in many places and sacrificing fewer troops. #Bakhmut and #Avdiivka virtually the only places where the invaders press Image
Read 42 tweets
🗓️ 2020 - 2021 - 2022 + 2023/Q1 Returns

1) #SPX

S&P 500 Endeksinin geçen 3 yıldaki ve bu yılın ilk çeyreğindeki getirileri
2) #IXIC

#Nasdaq Endeksinin geçen 3 yıldaki ve bu yılın ilk çeyreğindeki getirileri.
3) #DAX

#DAX Endeksinin geçen 3 yıldaki ve bu yılın ilk çeyreğindeki getirileri.
Read 9 tweets
#ChartStorm: 1/17
🗓️ March Performance of ...

🇺🇸 #SPX #IXIC #DJI 🇯🇵 #NI225 🇩🇪 #DAX 🇹🇷 #XU100


#TreasuryBills #GovernmentBonds #Yields
2) Here I'll cover 6 stock market indices in 4 countries:

In order to compare the relative performances, I've chosen a pre-pandemic basis, which is 31/12/2019 closing values.

As Nasdaq, S&P500 and DJI are denominated in US dollars, but the others not, returns are misleading.
3) I have adjusted the data, and now all are denominated in US dollars.

#BIST returns are still amazing with its 30.4%, but not striking as above. Besides it is positive only after Sep'22. #Nasdaq is leading with 36.2% return. #Nikkei225 is the only index below pandemic level.
Read 17 tweets
Day 402 of the war. #Russia's illegal full invasion of #Ukraine.

This is the start of the daily news thread for Saturday 1 April, with all the relevant news updated as quickly and often as I can around the clock.
Thanks everyone for your support.
Together we #StandWithUkraine
I am currently sat in Mother Theresa airport (did you know there was such an airport name?) - I'll give the city/country in the next tweet, a little quiz to start your weekend!

Friday turned out to be quite busy for #Ukraine news, here's the link:

So, the answer to the conundrum? The airport named after Mother Theresa is in Tirana, capital of #Albania. A taxi ride over the border from Montenegro & now two flights to get home.

Thank you @CLies13 who's just bought me multiple coffees to keep me going at airport lounges💙💛
Read 24 tweets
"Everything according to plan"
#Russia's 3-day plan to take #Kyiv and control all of #Ukraine a week after that, has reached Day 400

Also, I'm proud to have single-handedly kept up to date with all the news with daily threads each and every day. So let's start Thursday's 🧵
Today's thread comes from #Montenegro after a travel day yesterday. Six years ago #Russia's attempted coup here failed.

Still a touch of snow on the mountains as another European Teqball Tour event gets underway here. More about that tomorrow on Finals Day.
Wednesday was pretty quiet in terms of the war.
But if you need to recap on yesterday, here's the usual link:


Read 36 tweets
Hello again, welcome to a new week, a new thread and Day 390 of #Russia's full invasion of its peaceful neighbour.

Updated throughout the day with only the relevant news from #Ukraine and beyond, this is your one-stop guide for the war in Europe.
If you need a catch up on Sunday, here's the link.

Interestingly a couple of people wrote to say my tweets weren't showing up again in their timeline. Sunday saw the fewest views, likes and retweets I can remember 😥


In a review of the week, #Ukraine's armed forces claim they hit 5 of #Russia's military bases in the occupied territory plus 5 ammunition stores.

The graphic is in Russian but even if you don't understand you can see where the hits were.

#RussiansGoHome Image
Read 27 tweets

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