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Feb 3rd 2023
This is the start of Friday's daily thread covering all events related to #Russia and #Ukraine in the prolonged illegal war.

Day 345 - just three weeks until the anniversary of Putin's crazy and hellishly costly decision.

Updated in real time, keep checking back during the day
To support my work you can send tip offs in DMs, words of encouragement or buy me a coffee (see link in bio) - all are appreciated.

These threads take around 12 hrs a day to compile, collating, translating, verifying, editing etc.

Catch up on Thurs here:
#Russia's losses in the last 24 hours (estimated by Kyiv) show very little equipment destroyed but still insane amounts of conscripts and mobilised soldiers killed.

840 in a single day dying for the new Fuhrer.

Read 24 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
AbdulHakim Shishani (#Chechen) - from fighting with Islamists in #Syria (on the picture he is with an Iranian fighter with very radical Jund Al Aqsa in Aleppo) to giving speeches in Ukraine. What is going on? (Spoiler: none actually knows). Thread 👇
1) AbdulHakim never fought with #ISIS, but he fought in operations with for example Jund Al Aqsa (very radical) &Al Nusra (terrorist group). And what he was doing for #ISIS is helping males escape to Idlib (I know several such folks &his own group members are not even hiding it).
2) He was also involved in kidnapping of a #British citizen in Idlib for ransom and had to even officially apologize for it (see picture). Two people from his group were arrested by HTS and at least one was let out several years later after a big bribe was paid (I talked to him).
Read 10 tweets
Aug 19th 2022
Just gone midnight (UK time) and the weekend already.

I'm starting the daily thread covering #Russia's war earlier than usual as there are attacks taking place right now on #Ukraine

It's Day 178 of the full invasion of its peaceful neighbour

Right now ALL of #Ukraine is experiencing air raid warnings, but not everything is the same as usual.

A few minutes ago, at the end of yesterday's thread, I reported on explosions in occupied #Melitopol, but plenty of missiles being fired from #Russia into free Ukraine...
However, it seems as though #Russia's OWN air defences have taken out some of their own missiles leaving #Belgorod!

Difficult to confirm this, but looking at confirmed radar reports of missiles being fired from Russian territory, towards east #Ukraine this does seem very likely.
Read 43 tweets
Jul 24th 2022
This is the start of the daily thread for Day 151 of the Russian full scale invasion of #Ukraine.

Two big talking points yesterday concerning #Odesa and #Donetsk and the arguments continue.

News & analysis throughout the day.
Read, comment, share!


I have to start with news of yet more missiles landing in #Mykolaiv this morning.

Two separate attacks yesterday destroying universities and homes in #Nikolaev, and two people were injured.

Now a fresh Russian raid with 5 powerful explosions reported.


Mayor of #Mykolaiv Oleksandr Sienkovych has not released further details yet about this morning's damage or any casualties. Rescue services are on site.

CCTV caught the moment of impact.

#Nikolaev #Ukraine #SaveUkraine #StopRussia
Read 46 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
Thread: 11 July 2022: Day 138 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
Latest @DefenceHQ update: #Russia continues shelling the Donbas, but the territorial advances are incremental and the strain of sustaining combat operations is exacerbating all the problems in the Army, especially personnel. #Ukraine is pressuring the Russian line in Kherson.
#India and #Iran are working on a shorter trade route, the International North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC), to avoid the #Russia sanctions.…
Read 52 tweets
Jun 26th 2022
In #Kyiv, early morning on Sunday, a Russian missile hit the roof of a 9-storey residential building, destroying several upper floors. A fire is being extinguished now. Number of casualties TBA. ps. Late at night, Putin was seen heading to the Kremlin. #StopPutin
2nd hit of Putin's "high-precision" rocket: a kindergarten. The playground is now a funnel, 7 meters diameter. 14 missiles launched at #Kyiv Sunday morning.
A 6 y.o. girl and her mom are rescued from underneath the rubble. A man, presumably the father, is found dead. It was an early Sunday morning. Summer. #StopPutinNOW
Read 10 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
- Nicht zimperlich - 🔞
Eine seit Jahren bekannte kriminelle ukrainische Bande ist heute in Dnipro von ukrainischen SBU-Kräften festgenommen worden. Die Kriminellen hatten vorher in einem Geschäft einen Soldaten geschlagen.
#Ukriane #SBU #Dnipro
Unter Umständen des verhängten Kriegsrechts in der Ukraine wird der Angriff auf den Soldaten im Geschäft ziemlich hart bestraft, Physisch und Psychisch!
#Ukriane #SBU #Dnipro
Bei der Kriminelle Gang
wurden Handgranaten und vieles weitere gefunden! Außerdem wird ihnen Waffenhandel vorgeworfen.
#Ukriane #SBU #Dnipro ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Mar 24th 2022
Thread on #Russia's invasion of #Ukriane - March 24.
This has yet to be confirmed, but there is evidence that at least one of the landing ships positioned in Berdyansk sunk, with another being hit, and a weapons depot being destroyed (likely in an Ukrainian missile strike)
I think the Russian TV may be regretting its little piece visiting the Orsk. This will hinder Russia's ability to disembark units in Berdyansk or elsewhere.
Read 18 tweets
Mar 19th 2022

The goal of #Ukriane membership in NATO was enshrined in its constitution by a 2019 amendment. It'll take some fancy footwork to get around (cont.)

Ukraine quashes suggestion it could drop Nato plans to avoid war…

(cont.) it. #Ukraine cannot enter into an agreement contrary to its constitution without first amending it. It would be extremely difficult for a #Ukrainian president to rule by decree, given there is now (cont.)…

(cont.) provision for such a ruling to be challenged in the country's Constitutional Court. Amendments to #Ukraine's constitution must be passed by a two-thirds vote in its parliament. It is highly unlikely there would be public (cont.)
Read 5 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
I love history, and #Cameroon history was my favourite at College.
Here are five reasons how the #USA and #NATO wrote the history/rule book that #Russia used to invade #Ukriane:
1. Invade another country on the basis of protecting a people from bloodshed and ethnic cleansing, i.e. #Albanians – NATO and the 1999 Kosovo war. Russia claims to protect the people of #Donbass and #Luhansk. A report on the war cited this about NATO intervention:
“The Commission concludes that the NATO military intervention was illegal but legitimate. It was illegal because it did not receive prior approval from the United Nations Security Council”. Read more on the report:…
Read 10 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
There is certainly no justification for this abomination of a @guardian article on the #ukrianerussiawar

No wonder the "west" is going apeshit with censorship.
"Journalism" like his literally puts the entire world at risk

Some counterpoints follow
Yes there was a western backed coup in #Ukrain in 2014.

The power exerted by Nazis in #Ukriane is not reflected in dismal electoral performance. Only 3 months ago Ukriane stood alone at the UN with the US voting down a resolution glorifying Nazis

Read 10 tweets
Mar 10th 2022

The Cardiff Philharmonic has cancelled an all-Tchaikovsky programme as "inappropriate at this time."
The concert included his decidedly apolitical second symphony, known as the Little Russian.

"Democracy and Freedom"

The orchestra says: "In light of the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine, Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra, with the agreement of St David’s Hall, feel the previously advertised programme including the 1812 Overture to be inappropriate at this time."
#Ukraine President @ZelenskyyUa and all Ukrainians should read this:

#Afghan President Ashraf Ghani tells BBC his biggest mistake was trusting foreign partners, including the US." +…
Read 21 tweets
Mar 9th 2022

The US gvm't says the population is “united” behind its war drive. This is a lie!

Here’s how US workers & youth really feel about the US/NATO drive to World War 3 & Putin's invasion.

RT, tag friends & add your voice! Post your video/pic & use #SpeakOutAgainstWW3!

1/ Image
In the hours and days ahead the WSWS will be posting statements against war from workers & young people across the US. #antiwar sentiment is censored from the corporate media. Post yr statement to show the world that the US population does not want war! #SpeakOutAgainstWW3

Liz, a nurse from LA says: "All working class people from the US must unite w/ our Ukrainian and Russian brothers & sisters. We have to build a working class #antiwar movement because this drive to war w/ Russia is a very dangerous policy. They are taking us to the edge."

Read 49 tweets
Mar 7th 2022
#US offering intel, weapons, eyes from the sky and mercenaries to #Ukraine.

A couple of maps of the latest developments in #Ukraine. Not much advance yesterday and #Russia announced a ceasefire and safe corridors in many cities, allowing diplomacy and civilians evacuation.
To stop buying oil from #Russia, #US no longer recognises Juan Guido as #Venezuela's President and visit @maduro_en to ask for the return of relationship and oil. It is also trying with #Iran for the same objective, after decades of sanctions on the people of Iran and Venezuela.
Read 25 tweets
Mar 6th 2022
This is really interesting!
Maybe it is an #APT attack targeting #Ukriane:

Zip -> dovidka.chm -> WScript.exe ignit.vbs -> wscript.exe desktop.ini -> regasm.exe core.dll

Also it drops "Windows Prefetch.lNk" in Start-Up directory to make "desktop.ini" persistence.
The dropped payload is a small .Net payload that is obfuscated using ConfuserEx. It has been compiled on Jan 31 2022.


dovidka.chm (According to VT it is exploiting CVE-2019-0541)



Windows Prefetch.lNk


Read 3 tweets
Mar 4th 2022
Мій батько живе у СМТ Красноріченське що у Луганській області, туди зайшли бойовики ЛНР, взірвали міст, двоє цивільних загинуло від осколочних поранень.
Ходили по будинкам, ледь не розстріляли будинок дє живуть літні люди, бо вони не виходили з погребу.

#Ukriane #Україна
Мій тато їх зупинив, йому розбили телефон через заставку "рускій корабель пішов нахуй"
В мене не було з ним зв'язку більше доби.
Сьогодні ввечері в нього вийшло мені зателефонувати, розказав оце все
Зв'язок там майже не ловить.

#Україна #Ukriane
Вчора батько подзвонив і сказав, що їм кажуть "влада змінилась"а потім зв'язок зник. Встигла спитати як там бабуся і як він, а відповіді вже не почула.
Десять секунд розмови з батьком.
Я дзвонила ще але у відповідь чую тільки "На даний момент абонент не може прийняти ваш дзвінок"
Read 13 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
Understand that Alberta is an oligarchy.

Sure things here might not be quite as bad as Russia or parts of the US, but that doesn’t make the way our petro-state oligarchy runs okay.

#ableg #cdnpoli
Government officials frequently wear hoodies declaring their loyalty to #oilandgas oligarchs.

It’s pathetic how out-in-the-open this is, yet people do nothing. Image
This relationship means hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars are transferred from the public to private hands every year in the name of #oilandgas.

Read 14 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
🧵 Starting a thread to compile links and resources shared in the @TwitterSpaces run by @walterlekh and others to help #Ukraine
#StandWithUkraine #RussianInvasionOfUkraine
Want to help? Here is the best place to donate money that goes directly to people in #Ukraine via @walterlekh
Here is some info to share about Tactical Combat Casualty Care translated into Ukrainian
Read 29 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
#Rusya bir yandan #Ukrayna'yı işgal ediyor, bir yandan da Rusya'da yaşayan ama Slav olmayan halklara karşı etnik temizlik uyguluyor.
Şimdi bu Hitler/Stalin karışımı etnik temizlik girişiminden örnekler vereceğim.
#RussiaUkraine #Ukriane #StopPutin
Ukrayna'da esir alınan, öldürülen Rus ordusu askerlerine baktığınızda Putin'in etnik bir temizlik yaptığını görebilirsiniz.
Ruslar zaiyat verecekleri cephelere, Rus olmayan askerlerini sürüyor, onlar Rusya için ölüyor ve Rusya bir taşla iki kuş vuruyor.
Bugün Rus ordusunun Ukrayna savaşında verdiği kayıplara bakarsanız, bunların çoğunun Tatar, Çeçen, Çerkes, Çuvaş, Dağıstanlı, Buryat, Başkurt, Yakut, Hakas, Tuvalı, Oset, Kalmuk gibi halklardan olduğunu görebilirsiniz.
Read 19 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
1 Lots of misdirected criticism of @narendramodi sending @HardeepSPuri @JM_Scindia @Gen_VKSingh & @KirenRijiju to the #Ukriane border. Here’s why this is a necessary decision & we should thank the PM. First remember how there are lots of requests for preferential treatment Image
2 clearly there are only ambassadors & DCMs on the border, who though much appreciated, can still not get preferential treatment. Having a Union Cabinet Minister on each of the international borders means that preferential treatment of Indians becomes automatic due to protocol
3 second - we’ve seen Ukrainian border guards beat up indian students. This step acts as a check & puts the Ukrainian officials on notice in a non aggressive way. It also automates preferential treatment of students in the vicinity of the border. Third & most importantly, border
Read 5 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
According to the students, with each passing day, things are getting worse. In the first few days, they could hear only gunshots.…
One of Modi’s fiercest critics, West Bengal CM #MamataBanerjee extended her ‘unconditional support’ to the PM while keeping aside ‘domestic disagreements’ in this period of crisis.
"The main assurance for the safety of Indian students in Ukraine can only be given by Putin,” #Ukraine’s Ambassador to New Delhi Igor Polikha said.…
Read 169 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
Brining multiple threads together into this long thread - Highlighting core themes from the #UkraineInvasion

Human Kindness
Bravery defiance
Winning hearts & minds
Emergency Services response

As ex vice chair #EmergencyPlanningSociety @TheEPSLdn

#StandWithUkriane 🇺🇦 💙💛
Part 2 Bravery & defiance as a country, its citizens and the global community #StandswithUkraine 🇺🇦💙💛
Read 54 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
Note what looks like polystyrene being added to make the Molotovs more potent - acting like a plasticiser or home made napalm.

A truly horrible but sadly necessary defensive weapon in this context unless the world rearms or better reinforces #Ukraine
This image says it all wife’s, sisters, mothers, daughters, grandmothers forced to prepare for war.

#StandWithUkriane 🇺🇦 Image
Saw this the other day and wanted to add it to the thread

A well known #Ukranian politician who needs to the know the world
Read 44 tweets

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