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Apr 13th 2023
𝐗𝐢 𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 & 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞:

Exposing #XiJinping's family corruption business & Tagging all who towed #DalaiLama Fake campaign so as to identify paid Wumao members.

A THREAD . . . Image
1. His younger brother Xi Yuanping is a permanent resident of #HongKong with an #Australian PR. He is the president of the International #Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Association. Image
2. The eldest sister, Qi Qiaoqiao (follows her mother’s surname), is a naturalized #Canadian and the chairman of #Beijing Zhongminxin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Image
Read 7 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
Does Sending “Peacekeepers” to #Ukraine Guarantee World War III?
#Orbán warns of secret #EU plan: peacekeepers for the front in Ukraine?…
#Peacekeepers, peacekeepers from the EU nations, are to be sent to the front lines. If that happens, World War III will draw closer,” warns Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in a recent interview.
2- According to Viktor Orbán (59), the plan for sending tens of thousands of peacekeepers to the east of #Ukraine, which has already been discussed among the heads of state of the #EU nations, sounds sensible on the surface:
Read 13 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
Yes, we have spoken a lot about public failure and the lessons we draw from the Socialist Bloc nations of Eastern Europe during the Cold War and the USSR as their patron-in-chief, which broke up due to state inefficiencies
We are not quick to pontificate about Market Failure
After GFC and several other frauds and financial failures within the private sector post-2008, it is time we hold corporate white-collar workers accountable for their misdeeds.
Yes, not everything is Fraud or portends to be a Financial Crime.
But, incompetence is a Moral Crime!
LTCM, Enron and WorldCom, GFC were only the tips of the iceberg.
American Corporate Management Standards have tremendously deteriorated due to a lack of professional ethics, or possibly due to a lack of competition.
When Japan & West Germany were competing, the Yanks did well.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
1/ #NAFO #Austria has always been a hotspot for #Russian influence and for sure the influence goes deep into the politics as well as the economy. We tend to look on the public facts. Internationally you may know the ÖVP as well as the FPÖ known for her alleged ties to #Russia. ImageImageImageImage
2/ This time we dive into @SPOE_at! The party was quiet in terms of the #Russian invasion into #Ukraine. Let’s start in the historically around 2014. There are common narratives around the @SPOE_at leadership around former president Heinz Fischer with common narratives. ImageImageImageImage
3/ But is are this views of Heinz Fischer just his expressions or is there an influence group inside the @SPÖ? The answer is the influence. For example th public statements of @frauherr of @SJ_Oesterreich which are really disgusting. But… let’s dive into the deeper and more… ImageImage
Read 27 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
Three million Euros for quake-affected in #Syria and #Turkey provided by #Austria
#Austrian government announced Wednesday donating three million euros from External Disaster Fund of Foreign Affairs Ministry for the affected by the devastating earthquake hit #Syria and #Turkey recently.
"Providing humanitarian assistance & support in disasters has become more important now, so Austria will provide three million euros from the disaster fund to relief organizations there", Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement Wednesday.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
#Austrian 🇦🇹 Foreign Ministry, #Greek 🇬🇷 Embassy offer condolences on earthquake victims
Secretary-General of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, has offered condolences on behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the victims of the earthquake that struck Syria last Monday.
That came during a phone call with Syrian Ambassador to Austria & its permanent representative to international organizations, Hassan Khaddour.

Launsky-Tieffenthal expressed his country’s readiness to provide assistance to help Syria face the effects of the devastating quake.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
#Shahed 129 #Drone Profile
Powerplant: 1 ×🇦🇹 #Austrian Rotax 914 four cylinder, 4 stroke #aircraft #engine 75 kW
80 #drones built as of 2021 (120 in production)
Capacity: 400 kg payload
Length: 8 m (26 ft 3 in)
Wingspan: 16 m (52 ft 6 in)
Height: 3.1 m (10 ft 2 in) Image
#Cruise speed: 150 km/h (93 mph)
#Combat range: 1,700 km
Ferry range: 3,400 km
Endurance: 24h
Service ceiling: 7,300 m (24,000 ft)
Armament: Bombs: 4 × Sadid-345 PGM
#Avionics: Oghab-6 electro-optical/infrared #sensor
#Laser range finder Image
Read 3 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
⁦Effective immediately, ⁦@DB_Bahn⁩ offers refugees with a Ukrainian passport or identity card free travel on long-distance trains from Poland towards Germany/Berlin. ⁦👏⁩ #Ukraine 🇺🇦🇪🇺 ⁦…
Up to 6 Eurocity long-distance trains run daily from Poland to Germany in regular traffic, all via the Frankfurt/Oder border crossing. The long-distance trains have their starting points in Warsaw, Gdansk, Przemysl (border with Ukraine)/Crakow, Vienna/Breslau.
DB is working with partner railways in #Poland, the #Czech Republic and #Austria. 🇵🇱🇨🇿🇦🇹 @CER_railways
Read 14 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
#Russia/#Ukraine Thread 🇺🇦 🇷🇺 [1]
#Russian news agencies are reporting that #Luhansk separatist region prevented a terrorist attack on a soldiers rally. #UkraineCrisis #UkraineConflict #Ukraine #Crimea #Donbass #Donetsk #EU #Europe #NATO #US #Russia #Belarus [2]
Elements of #Russian forces in #Crimea are reported by #Russian media to be returning to North #Ossetia and #Dagestan, following the end of special exercise in the region. #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineCrisis #UkraineConflict #EU #NATO #US #Europe [3]
Read 240 tweets
Dec 5th 2021
Thousands march against COVID restrictions in northwest #Europe | DEc 4
- Around 1,200 police officers deployed for the march on the central Ring boulevard, and a 1,500-strong counter-protest, both allowed under the terms of #Austria’s lockdown.…
More than 40,000 march in #Vienna | Dec 4
"I will decide for myself", "Make #Austria Great Again", and "New Elections"
- "I am here because I am against against forced vaccinations. I am for human rights and the violation of #HumanRights should be stopped"… Image
More than 40,000 marches in #Vienna against coronavirus #restrictions | Dec 5
- Tens of thousands took to the streets of Vienna on Saturday, the second weekend of mass protest against the #Austrian government’s decision to impose a new strict #lockdown… Image
Read 10 tweets
Nov 16th 2021
"...the end of physical ID? How #digitalidentity verification could help accelerate #compliance... Portugal, France, #Germany, Switzerland & #Austria are implementing changes to #laws around NFC tech to enable digital identification verification."…
Nov 5, 2021: "#Austrian Airlines Introduces #Biometric Recognition System for Contactless Boarding"

"Since the #facialrecognition technology is not affected, passengers can keep their FFP2-mask on, which is mandatory inside the terminal."…
Nov 8 2021: "Austrian FMA permits automated biometrical customer identification"

"The use of #biometrical identification is becoming increasingly important during digital transformation"

#4IR architecture
Read 4 tweets
Sep 12th 2021
#BREAKING: #SaudiArabia and #Austria press conference begins
#BREAKING: Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister affirms support for international efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon
#BREAKING: Austrian Foreign Minister says Saudi Arabia is a key partner for Austria
Read 12 tweets
Nov 26th 2020
Our nation-wide study on the #genomic #epidemiology of #SARS-CoV-2 #superspreader_events in #Austria is out in @ScienceTM !…

Please find the highlights in this thread. 1/8
Through #Phylogenetic #SARSCoV2 analyses and data integration with @GISAID @nextstrain , we unveiled the links between #Austrian clusters to the global #pandemic. Explore our data and data-driven narratives at #NextstrainAustria ! 2/8
#Epidemiological and #Phylogenetic data revealed the geographic origins and distributions of SARS-CoV-2 in Austria. Different viruses circulated in the ski-resort region of #Ischgl with the most dominant #Tyrol-1 linked to @nextstrain clade 20C. 3/8
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Nov 2nd 2020
#BREAKING: Religion of terror took life of another person minutes ago. Another Islamic terrorist attack in Europe. This time in #Vienna, #Austria. An Islamist opened fire at a group of people in a synagogue. One person was killed & several are injured.
#BREAKING: Another video shows people running for their lives after a terrorist opened fire at a crowd of people sitting next to a synagogue in #Vienna, #Austria minutes ago.
Police Force is all over the synagogue minutes after an Islamic terrorist opened fire at a crown of people sitting next to a synagogue in #Vienna, #Austria minutes ago.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
Our collaborative study unravels #SARSCoV2 #SuperSpreader events in #Austria and the inter- and intra-host mutational dynamics.

Preprint at @biorxivpreprint available now:… !

1/7 Graphic design @alex_lercher
Through #Phylogenetic #SARSCoV2 analyses and data integration with @GISAID @nextstrain , we unveiled the links between #Austrian clusters to the global #pandemic.

Explore our data and data-driven narratives at #NextstrainAustria… !

With #Epidemiological and #Phylogenetic data we investigated the geographic origins and distributions of SARS-CoV-2 in Austria. Different viruses circulated in the ski-resort region of #Ischgl with the most dominant #Tyrol-1 linked to @nextstrain clade 20C.

Read 7 tweets
Dec 26th 2019
Around 3000 BCE in eastern #Europe, a Proto-Balto-Slavic #language started to diverge from #ProtoIndoEuropean.

The #Slavic branch of the #IndoEuropean #languages began about 2,000 years later when Proto-Slavic deviated from Proto-Balto-Slavic.

[Image:…] Source: The Indo-European L...
As the #Slavic-speaking area expanded during the first millennium CE (striped area on map), Proto-Slavic transitioned to Common Slavic. The #language underwent minor changes that occurred mostly uniformly across eastern #Europe, thereby maintaining mutual intelligibility. A map of eastern Europe sho...
Around the year 1000 CE #CommonSlavic began to split into the South, West, and East branches to which all modern #Slavic #languages belong.

Roughly 315m people speak a Slavic #language, mostly in Eastern #Europe (including the #Balkan peninsula), #CentralAsia, and #Siberia. A map of Europe highlightin...
Read 359 tweets
Oct 13th 2019
46. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria
#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21 to 40. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
Read 613 tweets
Oct 4th 2019
The 1st countries to ban Islam: See how d world is acting fast on d threat posed by Islam & its barbaric Sharia Law!
#Japan has always refused Muslims to live permanently in their country & they can't own any real estate or business & have banned any worship of Islam.👇 1
#Cuba rejects plans for 1st mosque! The #AfricanNationofAngolo & several other nations hv officially banned Islam! A record no: of Muslims
deported from Norway as a way of fighting crime. Since these Muslim criminals hv bn deported, crime has dropped by a staggering 72%. 👇2
In #Germany alone, in d last yr there were 81 violent attacks targeting mosques! #Austrian police
arrested 13 men targeting suspected jihad recruiters! A #Chinese court sends 22 muslim
Imams to jail for 16 to 20 yrs for spreading Islamic hatred & hv executed 18 Jihadis 👇3.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 8th 2019
Four manifestations of political persecution & #censorship against #journalists in #Ukraine just this month: 1) prominent Ukrainian journalist is prosecuted for calling civil war in Ukraine "civil war" & for other media reporting on conflict in Ukraine.…
2). The head of the #Ukrainian bureau of the #Austria ORF TV channel is banned from #Ukraine because of his reporting.…
3) A TV channel in Western Ukraine is investigated by the Security Service of Ukraine for broadcasting an interview with the most popular Ukrainian blogger who is based in Western Europe.
Read 7 tweets

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