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Die Bundesanwaltschaft hat ihr Verfahren gegen das linksextreme Netzwerk um Lina Engel (#FreeLina) ausgeweitet. Die neuen Beschuldigten heißen: Melissa Körner, Paul Müntnich, Henry Aulich, Julian Wohlfahrt, Thomas Jacobs. (1/19) Image
Neu ist nicht nur, dass es im Fall des Überfalls auf den JN-Vorsitzenden Paul R. Tatverdächtige gibt. Einer von ihnen hat auch Verbindungen zu Lina Engel sowie zum ausländischen #Terrorismus. (2/19)
Ein Großteil der Täter ist inzwischen untergetaucht. Das BKA befürchtet einen neuen #Linksterrorismus und sieht Parallelen zur #RAF. Offenbar hat man sich lange auf ein Leben im Untergrund mit gefälschten Papieren, Verstecken und bürgerlichen Unterstützern vorbereitet. (3/19)
Read 19 tweets
#thread After two and a half years in #ISIS captivity, Imad, his little brother Idan, and their mother Ghazala are released into a refugee camp in #Kurdistan.

A film on #YazidiGenocide:
12, 13 & 14 May at @AmsterdamFilm
Healing from the #trauma is hard for all of them, but it seems Imad is having a particularly tough time. Not yet five, he has already spent over half his #life enduring terror, abuse, and “training” meant to make him heartless.
Speaking only #Arabic, he cannot communicate with his family, and the only means of expression at his disposal is violence. He hits and spits, and his only game is pretending to be an #ISIS fighter who shoots, blows things up, and kills.
Read 4 tweets
1) Kurdish Islamists plan a terrorist attack on #Yazidis in a TikTok conversation yesterday, mentioning grenades and other specific weaponry:…
2) The men, in Zakho, call for an attack on the nearby Chamishko IDP camp. They refer to other cells—in Erbil and Slemani—whom they encourage to join to help attack Yazidis in other places in Dohuk. An anonymous person made this clip adding translation of a few comments:
3) This situation follows tensions that developed a few days ago following the Iraqi army's decision to officially escort a number of Sunni Arab returnee families back to their homes in #Sinjar City, homes they have not inhabited since 2014.
Read 22 tweets
What an exciting first day in #Iraq. It was a great pleasure for me to walk the streets of Old #Baghdad, to see its monuments which testify to the rich history of Iraq and to have direct talks with the Baghdadis. ImageImageImageImage
I especially wanted to go to #AlMutanabbi Street, famous in the Arab world to have long drawn bibliophiles. Its bookstores and its very dynamic life highlight the return of peace and prosperity to #Iraq through culture. #Baghdad ImageImageImage
I spoke with the booksellers and we have the same conviction: culture has a central role for the future of #Iraq. It is an important factor of social cohesion, as well as it is a source of job creation and economic activity. #AlMutanabbi #Baghdad Image
Read 27 tweets
#Kurdistán #Rojava #YPG #LorenzoOrsetti #Orso

"Se state leggendo questo messaggio è segno che non sono più a questo mondo. Beh, non rattristatevi più di tanto, mi sta bene così; non ho rimpianti, sono morto facendo quello che
ritenevo più giusto, difendendo i più deboli e rimanendo fedele ai miei ideali di giustizia, uguaglianza e libertà”. “Sono tempi difficili, lo so, ma non cedete alla rassegnazione, non abbandonate la speranza: mai! Neppure per un attimo. Anche quando
tutto sembra perduto, e i mali che affliggono l’uomo e la terra sembrano insormontabili, cercate di trovare la forza e di infonderla nei vostri compagni. E proprio nei momenti più bui che la vostra luce serve. E ricordate sempre che ‘ogni tempesta inizia con una singola goccia’.
Read 7 tweets
1. Sul #terremoto tra #Turchia, #Siria e #Kurdistan - terre già martoriate dalla #guerra - non si può che ripensare alla #stoltezza degli umani segnalata da #Leopardi, i quali anziché essere "fra se confederati" per stringersi "in social catena", si fanno la #guerra tra di loro >
2. Sacrificando a questo scopo immani #risorseeconomiche, oltre che #viteumane.
"E gli uomini vollero piuttosto le #tenebre che la #luce" (Giovanni, III, 19): non è scelto a caso l'esergo della #Ginestra o Il fiore del deserto
(Please @threadreaderapp unroll)
Read 3 tweets
#Zoroastrian #Kurdistan
Hi all, so I realized I haven't been posting about Zoroastrianism in #KRG (South #Kurdistan) lately, so here are some latest videos, got them from Zoroastrian organizations in KRG.
Zoroastrianism is a recognized religion within Kurdistan & has grown (1/?)…
.. grown considerably in recent years. Zoroastrians have always existed in Kurdistan ever since Iranian peoples has settled. Not even islam was able to kill off the religion in the region (they tried), and as late as the 1200s there were Zoroastrian principalities fighting islam Image
From the Tayrãhids of the 1200s to now, Zoroastrians survived in hiding, in fear. However, in supreme irony it was islam and the evil it brought in the from of #ISIS that created a modern "revival" of the faith as many people were repulsed by the face of islam presented by isis Image
Read 8 tweets
#Israel drones, in coordination with the #US, attacked in #Isfahan and other parts of #Iran is retaliation to the attack in #Jerusalem where 7 Israeli were killed and 10 others wounded.

Nothing new: #Iran and #Israel have been at war for the last 43 years.+
Every attack #Israel carried out in #Syria, #Iran responded, without claiming its responsibility, in #Palestine.

There is no large-scale war expected, but rather intelligence attacks on both sides.
#Iran doesn't need to retaliate to the drone attacks because it has already hit #Israel quietly. However, it doesn't mean that the #Jersulam attack will be the last one: far from it.
Read 6 tweets
2022 was a year of unprecedented resistance in #Kurdistan and we are at a crossroads. The guerrillas that the Turkish fascist state thought they could easily destroy have undergone a huge change in their quality.

The year 2022 has marked history with unprecedented examples of resistance. The assessment of any year should be made in light of its own developments and the resulting outcomes.
With the end of the year 2022, we are at the crossroads of a historic process that opens the door to the second century of the republic, in which all kinds of occupation goals are set for the coming year.
Read 39 tweets
1/ Heads of the ministries of defense and intelligence of #Russia, #Turkey and #Syria met in Moscow
A meeting was held in Moscow between the defense ministers and heads of intelligence of Russia and Turkey, Sergei #Shoigu, Sergei Naryshkin, Hulusi Akar and Hakan Fidan. The talks
2/ also attended by Syrian Defense & Intelligence Ministers Ali Mahmoud Abbas & Rafiq Shahadah. This was reported in the press service of the Turkish & Russian defense departments. This is the first official contact between representatives of Turkey & Syria in more than 10 years.
3/ According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the parties discussed the situation in Syria and measures to combat extremists in the country. During the meeting, the need to continue the trilateral dialogue to stabilize the crisis in the region was also discussed.
Read 8 tweets
رشته توییتهایی را که در مورد کردستان هستند، زیر همین توییت منشن میکنم و آنهایی را هم که به تدریج اضافه میکنم در همینجا قرار میدهم. بازگویی تاریخ مقاومت و جنایات جمهوری اسلامی ضروری است
رشته توییت در مورد کوچ تاریخی مریوان
رشته توییت در مورد شیخ عزالدین حسینی
Read 13 tweets
#BREAKING: Türkische Truppen sind gezwungen, sich von vielen strategischen Punkten an der West- und Ostfront von #Zap, Süd-#Kurdistan, zurückzuziehen!…

Berichten zufolge haben sich die türkischen Invasionskräfte vom Berg Kurojahro, von Şehîd Kuncî und aus dem Gebiet um das Girê Cûdî-Massiv zurückgezogen. Seit dem 24.11. hat die Guerilla zahlreiche effektive Aktionen im Rahmen einer revolutionären Gegenoffensive💥 gestartet.

2/4 Karte: @MapKurdistan
Die jüngsten Entwicklungen in #Zap sind von enormer Bedeutung: Wenn die gemeldeten Standorte stimmen, musste sich die Türkei bereits in so grossem Umfang zurückziehen, dass eine Verbindung zwischen Metina und Zap möglich ist.

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🧵 A somber overview on ways the Islamic Republic of Iran’s ministry of intelligence use nationalism to sow division among opposition groups, control the narrative in foreign media and think tanks and how it is impacting the ongoing uprising in Iran. #IranRevoIution #Kurdistan
Iran’s intelligence agency began in the 1990s to send agents to infiltrate different Persian and English speaking media outlets and think tanks in order to control the narrative by spreading disinformation and influencing the way that events in Iran are reported and perceived.
Since then, Iran’s intelligence agency has focused on amplifying and using, sometimes existing, nationalist sentiments as its main tool to rally the Persian population against attempts to bring about regime change.
Read 31 tweets
NEW | Anti-regime strikes and demonstrations sustained momentum on December 7 as nation-wide calls to protest entered their third and final day. Read the new update from @criticalthreats and @TheStudyofWar:… (1/6)
Regime officials and entities defended ongoing internet restrictions as a means to quell unrest on December 7. (2/6)
At least 19 protests took place in 13 cities across nine provinces on December 7. (3/6)
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Jin Jiyan Azadì (#WomanLifeFreedom ) #Kurdistan

Nel resto del mondo quello che sta accadendo in Iran viene letto in maniera riduttiva, sottolineando solo il problema dell’«islam dispotico che obbliga le donne a coprirsi» e ci si concentra sulla questione basata sul diritto di
avere la libertà di indossare o meno il velo. Significa non aver capito i milioni di persone che oggi scendono in piazza in Iran...
...Oggi in Iran non esiste solo la questione del velo, ma anche quella di persone di popoli diversi, Lgbtq, poveri, lavoratori, bambini e molte
altre identità soggette a un’amministrazione oppressiva che non rispetta diritti fondamentali e libertà. Curdi, beluci, azeri e molti altri popoli sono sottoposti a una forte pressione nazionalista. Sappiamo quanti danni hanno fatto nel mondo i missili e le armi chimiche di
Read 11 tweets
News of the day
Dec 6, 2022
15 Azar, 1401

Strikes: There have been strikes in more than 70 cities in across Iran
#Gilan: Stores in Anzali, Rasht, Lahijan
#Isfahan: Stores in Isfahan incl Naghshe Jahan Sq., Najaf Abad, Shahin Shahr, workers at Sepahan Cement Factory and Isfahan Steel Company

#Kermanshah: stores in Paveh, Kermanshah, Kerend-e Gharb
#RazaviKhorasan: Stores in Mashhad, bus drivers in Mashhad
#NorthKhorasan: Stores in Bojnurd
#Qazvin: Stores in Qazvin, incl. Molla Sadra neighborhood
#Kerman: Stores in Kerman
Read 15 tweets…

#Kurdistan #Rojava #ArmiChimiche #Erdogan
La doppia morale (ignobile) dell'#Occidente

Secondo gli ultimi dati delle Forze di difesa popolare(HPG braccio armato del PKK),la Turchia ha utilizzato agenti chimici vietati 2.470 volte negli ultimi 6 mesi,
rispetto alle 367 volte nel 2021. Dallo scorso aprile almeno 100 guerriglieri sono stati uccisi in questi attacchi con armi chimiche...
...crimini di guerra in corso in Turchia dimostrano chiaramente che la Turchia è stata incoraggiata dal silenzio delle istituzioni
internazionali e pensa di aver ricevuto il via libera per commettere tali massacri illegali nell’impunità. Lo sfortunato risultato di questo silenzio significa essere complici dei crimini di guerra della Turchia. Invece di arrendersi all’armamento turco della sua adesione alla
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✨✨Important thread about current atmosphere and security situation in Kurdish cities of Iran

🧵/ 1
A big concern that is constantly heard recently from the cities of Kurdistan is establishing permanent and mobile checkpoints by regime forces.
🧵/ 2
According to the reports by eyewitnesses, in addition to identification documents, cell phones are also being checked in these centers. It has been pointed out that these centers are active both between cities and within cities and are set up unexpectedly.
🧵/ 3
This is serious threat to locals. It has caught many who have survived every danger and risk by being cautious during these three months. Cellphones have become one of the main sources used for laying charges against political activists and ordinary citizens.
Read 5 tweets
NEW | #Iranian regime and IRGC media channels published a video threatening to attack #Azerbaijan using rhetoric similar to that used about #Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War. Read the full update from @criticalthreats and @TheStudyofWar:… (1/5) Image
#Iranian protest organization groups may be reinforcing their organizational capabilities as protest activity entered a relative lull over the past several days. (2/5)
IRGC Commander Hossein Salami warned Israel, Saudi Arabia, the US and the UK against supporting anti-regime protests in a speech to #Basij members in #Sistan and #Baluchistan Province. (3/5)
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"Vom Boden der Pyramide steigen wir auf und klopfen an der Spitze an. Das 44. Jahr ist das Jahr eures Scheiterns!" So der iranische Rapper #ToomajSalehi in seinem neusten Song "Faal (Omen)" - eine Kampfansage an das iranische Regime. Nun wurde auch er zum Tode verurteilt. 1/5 Image
Vor einem knappen Monat entführten etwa 70 schwer bewaffnete Revolutionsgarden den Rapper, der sich in den Wochen zuvor versteckt hielt. In den vergangenen Wochen wurde er gefoltert. Nun wurde auch er zum Tode verurteilt. Sein Leben ist in Gefahr. 2/5
Mit seiner Musik klagt Toomaj seit jeher das Regime an. Frauen & Queers, ethnische und religiöse Minderheiten und Arbeiter:innen macht er in seinen Songs und Videos sichtbar und gibt ihnen eine Stimme. Über soziale Medien rief er vor seiner Entführung zum Widerstand auf. 3/5
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The #Iranian regime has adopted what increasingly resembles a counter-insurgency approach rather than a counter-protest one to manage the ongoing unrest. Read today’s update on #IranProtests from CTP and @TheStudyofWar.… 1/6
At least 16 protests took place in 12 cities across eight provinces in #Iran. 2/6
Security forces are conducting a brutal crackdown in #Javanroud, #Kermanshah Province. Security forces have isolated Javanroud, blocking major roads into the city, and shot live ammunition and nerve gas at protesters. 3/6
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NEW | Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali #Khamenei likely issued an unpublished directive to violently suppress anti-regime protests within the past few days. Read today's update from @criticalthreats and @TheStudyofWar:… (1/5)
#Iranprotests #Mahabad
The #IRGC Ground Forces Hamzeh Seyyed ol Shahada Northwestern operational base announced that it is reinforcing its forces on November 20, suggesting that crackdowns will likely endure and may extend to other cities throughout the region. #iranprotests #Mahabad (2/5)
The #IRGC attacked a series of anti-regime #Kurdish militia positions in #Iraqi #Kurdistan, re-intensifying this campaign as #Turkey simultaneously conducts an expansive airstrike campaign against Kurdish militias in northern #Syria and #Iraq.(3/5)
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Die @dpa mal wieder.

"Ob es sich bei dem kurdischen Symbol um ein Emblem der verbotenen PKK handelte, ist bisher noch unklar."

PKK-Fahnen und Co sehen ganz anders aus. /TN #Bayern #Kurdistan #BayernMünchen Image
@dpa Um den Hintergrund zu verstehen: Die Polizei Bayern hat heute mal wieder Menschen und Kinder verprügelt und gepfeffert, weil beim Fußballspiel das gezeigte Banner existierte. /TN…
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Recently, the Islamic Republic in Iran has been trying to orient the public opinion widely and make them believe that the #Kurds are SEPARATISTS & TERRORISTS. But why?

#MahsaAmini #OpIran
On November 16th, the Islamic republic in Iran tried to send a clear message to protestors in #Khuzistan by opening fire in a bazaar in Izeh and calling that a “TERRORIST ATTACK”! Khuzestan is the most critical province economically and strategically,
#MahsaAmini #OpIran
holding enormous resources such as oil, gas and water. So, it is not the regime’s pleasant to see that this city is out of control.

Now, the regime’s media is trying to promote news of a person who held the flag of #Kurdistan as a SEPARATISTS.
#MahsaAmini #OpIran
Read 6 tweets

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