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L'affaire #Dorsey

There's been a minor kerfuffle in India for the last two days since the Twitter ex-CEO, Jack Dorsey, @jack, made some statements about freedom of speech in India under #Modi.

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#Liberals are gleefully sharing these comments as evidence of #India not being a democratic country, and defenders of the government are going into attack dog mode, as usual.

But many people on both sides are missing some key things here:

1. Dorsey didn't talk only about India. In fact, he also talked about how the #USA government tried to suppress things. As also #Turkey, #Nigeria.

2. This points to a deeper issue underlying the whole controversy: Is #FreedomOfSpeech absolute?

Read 18 tweets
â›Ș Pour la premiĂšre fois en France, un Ă©vĂȘque en exercice est accusĂ© de tentative de viol

â›Ș La justice française mĂšne plusieurs enquĂȘtes sur des violences sexuelles prĂ©sumĂ©es aux Missions Ă©trangĂšres de Paris. L’un des tĂ©moignages vise l’ancien supĂ©rieur gĂ©nĂ©ral des MEP et actuel Ă©vĂȘque de La Rochelle, Georges Colomb.

Compte tenu de la gravitĂ© particuliĂšre des faits prĂ©sumĂ©s mis en avant dans cette enquĂȘte, ce travail a fait l’objet d’une collaboration inĂ©dite entre @LaCroix, @FChretienne et La Vie.
Read 5 tweets
@HennaVirkkunen @Kokoomusmepit cc: @ EvaKBartlett
Another tragic day for the people of the #Donbass. More #Ukrainian #warcrimes, #slaughtering 9 #civilians in Donetsk yesterday, including 1 #child, and #injuring at least 16 more when Ukraine rained munitions down on #residential areas,
@HennaVirkkunen @Kokoomusmepit cc: @ WoodyW00dlegger
"-Ostin ÀlykkyyttÀ lisÀÀviÀ pillereitÀ, haluatko kokeilla?"
"-No mikÀ ettei", kaveri otti ja nielaisi.
"-Ei kyllÀ tunnu yhtÀÀn ÀlykkÀÀmmÀltÀ"
"-Jos ei heti tehoa, ota lisÀÀ". Kaveri napsi toisen ja kolmannen.
@HennaVirkkunen @Kokoomusmepit The fate of #NATO membership | 8 Mar, 2023
- The #Hungarian delegation that visited #Finland on Wed hopes that Finland will show more #respect for Hungary. @TyttiTup @EeroHeinaluoma @TuomiojaErkki @HennaVirkkunen @jyrkikatainen
Read 19 tweets
The Freebie Files – or how Qatargate triggered a new-found love for travel transparency among MEPs
 via @TI_EU
President Metsola’s reform proposals (presented behind closed doors!) are a big step in the right direction, but they don’t go far enough.
MEPs should be free to take part in events organised by third parties – but they (or the Parliament) should cover the costs. Travel and event
freebies pose a threat to the integrity of the Parliament’s work and should be banned altogether. An independent EU ethics body with real powers of investigation and enforcement should be set up to make sure the EU institutions, including the Parliament, stick to the
Read 4 tweets
#EU Parliament starts process to lift 2 #lawmakers' #immunity | Jan 2
- Roberta #Metsola asked all services and committees to give the procedure priority, with the goal to have it finished by Feb. 13.
#EU reels as #scandal tarnishes parliament’s credibility | Dec 13
- Prof Hendrik #Vos, an EU expert; “The parliament #pretends to stand for #transparency, unable to be #bribed, to defend fundamental values. And then you get something like this.”

cc: @ AndersonAfDMdEP
"#Kaili remains in #prison. Justice in #Belgium has been investigating the @Europarl_EN
environment for months for #corruption, #money #laundering and #influence from abroad.  
Greedy #EU elites expose themselves! #ID"
Read 8 tweets
#CDC director tests #positive for #Covid19 | Oct 22
- #Walensky is “up to date with her #vaccines,” the statement said, and is experiencing mild symptoms. She is isolating at home,
@CDCDirector @RWalensky
@Rob_Roos #MEP; #Pfizer vaccine never tested for #transmission:
Q: [1:04] #Roos: - Was the Pfizer vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the #virus before it entered the market?
A: [1:27] Pfizer director #Small: -'No, ha-ha...
Read 8 tweets
#EP plenary held a debate on countering the anti-European and anti-Ukrainian #propaganda of #Putin’s European cronies. At the initiative of #Renew, it was focused on the relations between #Russia and extremist #European political parties. #Mythread 1/1
#MEPs of the various political groups used the opportunity for attacking each other for their alleged ties to the #Putin regime. #EuropeanParliament 1/2
On behalf of the Council, Minister for European Affairs @MikulasBek highlighted: great concern the growing manipulation of European public opinion by Kremlin-sponsored sources with the objective of polarising societies; 1/3
Read 11 tweets
#Omicron will be the dominant COVID-19 variant by mid-#January, EU official says | Dec 15
- Von der #Leyen: “Like many of you, I’m sad that once again this Christmas will be overshadowed by the pandemic,” she said.

@vonderleyen #WHO/#CDC: Zero #Omicron Deaths In The World | Dec 11
- in #SouthAfrica, scientists say the omicron variant isn't causing ANY #deaths or severe #infections,

@vonderleyen #Omicron. For the first time in 36 years there will be no #flu season in #SouthAfrica | 07 Aug 2020
- Every year, for the past 36 years, the flu season started around mid-July.

Read 29 tweets
The Concord project opted to go with Solar (PV) connected to an energy storage system (battery storage) in lieu of a backup generator.

This system has been designed to keep the critical loads for the home operational even if the utility power is knocked out.
This includes the backup heating and domestic hot water system (gas boiler with radiant floor heat + indirect hot water tank), the refrigerator, freezer, microwave, TV/WiFi, lighting and receptacles in strategic areas.
The Generac PwrCell provides 18 kWh of battery storage in a single cabinet, and up to 9 kW of continuous power output, enough to power the critical loads for extended periods of time. It can also be expanded to 36 kWh of battery storage in the future should it ever be needed.
Read 7 tweets
Here's an important thread on a situation that is threatening the lives and well-being of children globally if allowed to continue to it's conclusion. Bear with me -it's complicated but there are things you can do to help at the end.
#childabuse #Privacy #Law #ICT #cybersecurity
companies exist to make profit for their shareholders and in a low-regulation environment it's sometimes hard for them to justify expenditure to deal with the dark-side of the human condition because it is the antithesis of line one of this tweet.
Thousands of men and women work in hard #moderation, #lawenforcement and #networkadmin so you are not exposed to this #darkside of humans amplified by the internet.
Read 23 tweets
There is an amazing response to the 10 #EndRacismEU elections demands developed by ENAR in consultation with 160 grassroots organisations across Europe for the coming #EUelections2019. Tune-in to learn who showed leadership for the future of the #EU.
#MEP @hildevautmans says she supports the 10 #EndRacismEU elections demands developed by ENAR in consultation with 160 grassroots organisations across Europe for the coming #EUelections2019. Thank you for showing leadership for a #EuropeWeWant Image
Candidate to the EU election @pdsutter says she supports the 10 #EndRacismEU elections demands developed by ENAR in consultation with 160 grassroots organisations across Europe for the coming #EUelections2019. Thank you for showing leadership for a #EuropeWeWant Image
Read 15 tweets

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