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Jan 10th 2023
2/5 "But, as the researchers expected, the brains of #Alzheimer’s patients had higher amounts of #insoluble #Aβ #fibrils, the form of #amyloid #protein that aggregates to form the telltale “#plaques” seen in the #disease,..."
3/5 "... higher levels of #fibrillary #amyloid appear to be a better indicator of #poorer #brain #health."
Read 5 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
🧵#Bioinformatics and its impact on #healthcare, a THREAD🧵🧵:
#Bioinformatics is the application of #computational techniques to the analysis of #biological data, such as #DNA sequences and #protein #structures.
In #healthcare, #bioinformatics is used to gain insights into the #genetic basis of diseases, and to develop new #diagnostic tests and #treatments.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
🧵1/9 Psychologist
"We think your symptoms are psychological." I couldn't get this sentence out of my head. How could my symptoms be psychological? Bulls**.

But what if he was right? I couldn't get rid of the thought & followed the doctors advice & went to see a psychologist.
2/9 It was an old man, around 75. After I have told him about everything, he asked me what bothered me. "My symptoms" I said. “But there has to be something that burdens you mentally” he answered. The following conversation went something like this:
3/9 "Did you have a bad experience in your childhood?"
- "No"
Did you lose a close family member?"
- "No"
Are your parents divorced?
- “No”
He was desperately trying to find something in my past and I was getting more and more confused.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
What is ME/CFS?
In short, in its severe stage, it is the worst non-fatal physical disease you can have.

ME/CFS is a severe, physical and complex disease, usually caused by a viral infection. Because so little research has been done on it, scientists are not sure about the
underlying cause yet.
An incorrect response of the immune system to an infection is likely which then, as in a chain reaction, leads to a dysregulation of the immune system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, the energy metabolic system and the cardiovascular system.
The disturbed immune regulation also leads to a sustained T-cell activation and a reduced function of natural killer cells.

Who is prone to develop ME/CFS is also still unclear. There are probably two factors:
-An infection at the time of high physical activity or stress load
Read 9 tweets
Feb 25th 2022
1/ Bill, l #Australia is NOT "the answer" to the next #pandemic if all countries responded the same

#disease, #poverty, #child dev dont go on vacation for a #pandemic. All of these will always lead to > death than the pandemic if Australian measures are enacted

We'll explain...

1) #UNICEF has >500M in severe poverty due to measures advocated by you and #Australia and NZ. 1:10 will die from severe poverty

Conservatively, that is > 10M deaths. & If all had done that millions more would die for just poverty

And #children die the most from poverty
2) 15M #cancer #patients need #Treatments. Over 50% aren't compliant & new diagnoses are down ~70%

Combined, we have ensured from #COVID19 measures the deaths of 5-10M cancer patients, conservatively

Those #s increase with a global #Australian / NZ response
Read 6 tweets
Feb 20th 2022
On the top picture, you see me.  
Back then I enjoyed life and did not worry about the future. I had just finished school and couldn't wait to see what life had in store for me. I was a very sociable person and loved having people around me. I lived a very active life and there Image
was hardly any party I missed. Photography and travelling were my great passions. 
On the picture below, you see M.E.  
A severe and utterly frightening disease that hardly any research has been done on. This disease is to blame for the fact that I have lost everything about my
old life. Here I am getting another infusion because I am in such a bad general condition again. 
So, what happened between the two pictures? 
I developed Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / ”Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” after a mild virus infection. (hard to pronounce, even harder to
Read 8 tweets
Jan 12th 2022
Happy to be a co-author of this article about #viralepersistence in #longCovid patients-found by dogs of @Env_Alfort- w/ Dominique GRANDJEAN, Dorsaf SLAMA, Capucine GALLET, Clothilde JULIEN, Marc BLONDOT, Maissa BENAZAZIEZ, Judith ELBAZ and Dominique SALMON #apresJ20 #Covid19
Dogs have already demonstrated high capacity in detecting Covid19 infection in acute phase (very high sensitivity)
Now they help demonstrating once more that #viralepersistence is present « in some Long Covid patient »..#apresJ20 #longCovid #Covidlong #Covid19 👇
I would like to explain why we wrote « at least in some Long Covid patients » : dogs positively discriminated half of the 45 people but there are surely much more #longCovid #Covidlong positive = with #viralepersistence #persistancevirale #apresJ20 👇
Read 23 tweets
Dec 20th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/20/2021…
Intranasal priming induces local lung-resident B cell populations that secrete protective mucosal antiviral IgA…

#ImmunoGlobulinA, #AntiviralImmunity, #RespiratorySystem, #VaccineEfficacy, #ResearchReport
Bizarre tail weaponry in a transitional ankylosaur from subantarctic Chile | Nature Portfolio Ecology & Evolution Community…

#paleontology, #ChileanPatagonia, #FossilDiscovery, #ankylosaur, #PublicationBackground
Read 20 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
🚨ALERT🚨 Medical professionals understand why it's misleading & unethical to say #psychedelics are a #cure for any health condition. In this @CNBC video, @C_Angermayer (@atai_life) says #ibogaine has the "potential to completely cure addiction" 🧵 1/8
Though it's true some patients in recent #psychedelic clinical trials did not meet diagnostic criteria for their treatment-resistant condition after therapy, many still felt lingering symptoms of their condition afterward. Unfortunately, #PsychedelicsArentSilverBullets. 2/8
Medical professionals understand the distinction between #cures and #treatments. The term cure "refers to a complete restoration of health". Treatments are reserved for medical interventions which aim to control symptoms (think "effective treatment”) 3/8…
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Aug 11th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/11/2021…
A Machine-Generated View of the Role of Blood Glucose Levels in the Severity of COVID-19…

#GlucoseLevels #COVID19 #MachineLearning #models #analysis
Internet Archive’s Modern Book Collection Now Tops 2 Million Volumes…

#InternetArchive #BookCollection #volumes
Read 8 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
Dec 13th 2020
#Ayurveda treatment for alcoholic #liver #cirrhosis - case based protocol, described in a case series of 3 patients.
Once again, forget @NetflixIndia comedy shows, this is where all the fun, comedy and jokes are now.

Caution: This limited series will drop your IQs
🔅#Ayurveda is a philosophy. Correct. No therapeutic value.
🔅Uncertainty due to uncertainty😳 HUH?
🔅#Ayush guys got 'sanskrit' spelling wrong 😵 whats with that?
🔅Time to combine evidence based medicine with case based medicine. What #herb is the author on?
🌿Alcoholic is not correct. Alcohol related/associated. More compassion toward patient. But what does #Ayurveda know abt compassion right? Need a herb 4 that.
🌿Specifically note the sentence bad mouthing scientific, conventional care. That's hw these #ayush #quacks survive.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 29th 2020
Did you miss the talk "Panorama of #lupus in 2020?" I did yesterday for @LupusEurope?

No worries, I'm starting a #tweeter #SLE #thread so that you can pick up the slides you're interested in 👍

Check below for the SLIDES ⬇️
Slide #1
Current classification of #Lupus
Slide #2
What is #lupus #SLE
Read 18 tweets
Nov 19th 2020
BREAKING: Promoting Effectiveness And Equity As COVID-19 Vaccines And Treatment Emerge.
Today, we focus on #COVID19 #vaccines & treatment. Amidst recent news of successful vaccine trials & new treatments, we highlight key policy + regulatory issues: (1/9)
This set of fast-track ahead-of-print journal articles kicks off with @AKesselheim of @BrighamWomens et al's paper, which explores #vaccine development, approval, and regulation as well as tradeoffs in balancing safety, efficacy, and speed: (2/9)
How successful will new #vaccines be? While more effective vaccines always lead to better outcomes, the story gets complex when you start to vary the parameters. @jasonlschwartz & @ADPaltiel from @YaleSPH w/ coauthors from @harvardmed investigate:
Read 11 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
In this national longitudinal study of 4570 patients with #heartattack, attendance at #CardiacRehab was associated with a temporal improvement in health related quality of life (#HRQoL) at up to 12 months following hospital discharge. @Heart_BMJ….
‘Health-related quality of life (#HRQoL) is an important outcome measure following #heartattack’, states @benhurdus first author.
Healthcare professionals (& researchers) have historically focused on objective measures of poor health, such as mortality & life expectancy, but often patients consider improvements to HRQoL equally important to length of life.
Read 32 tweets
Jun 18th 2020
Starting in a couple of minutes:
#COVID19: Updates from #Singapore, a weekly seminar on the #coronavirus situation in Singapore

This week's guest is @mpkieny.

Hosted by: @profdalefisher, Dr. David Allen

Registration webpage:
Fall in #COVID19 death rate in past few months, situations in most regions appear to be stabilising

Read 25 tweets
Dec 4th 2018
In late-August of 2010, my dear first-cousin was diagnosed with inoperable, non-curable, small-cell lung #cancer. He and I were raised like #siblings and cared for one another as brother and sister, a very close-knit family.
My #cousin was an amazing man, husband, and father to twin boys; who were only 14 when he died in September 2017. He died at his home, surrounded by his family and friends…just how he’d wished.
Of course, he only had these wishes after his experiences spending extended periods of time in clinics, hospitals, and laboratories. Blood draws, lung scans, injections, medications, #chemotherapy, hospitalizations, emergency room visits from all the awful side-effects of his...
Read 27 tweets

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