If she really believes her negotiations are that Strong and Stable, she should stop this embarrassing political circus and openly go for her No-Deal #Brexit plan, instead of sneakily engineering it.
We know that's your plan. 1/10

It was even said yesterday before she decided to support it.
But it is a sneaky way to put forward a No-Deal #Brexit and later putting the blame on the EU. 2/10
✔ No hard border (#GoodFridayAgreement)
❌ No customs unions
❌ No single market
❌ No freedom of movement
The EU wanted a soft #Brexit. So no Backstop. 3/10

What happens at home is broadcasted overseas.
It's truly embarrassing and her double posturing are on the world's stage.
The EU is not stupid and we are irritating them. 6/10
She makes absolutely no effort to get a deal, and is actually engineering a situation where -if it happens and it's #BrexitChaos- it will be easy to just blame the EU.
😭 : "see the EU don't let us have a deal" 7/10
So the only option out is to #RevokeArticle50.
A #PeoplesVote is very risky as a deal won't be passed and then we risk to have a No-Deal #Brexit if the mistake made during the #EUref are repeated. 8/10
They deserve transparency and honesty. 9/10
✔ Apology about the #EURef, its lies, electoral law broken, #RevokeA50 for the national interest.
We'll learn from our mistakes (#Education/#Media)
❌ Go openly for a No-Deal #Brexit and take responsibility.
Either way, #Tories will be Out. Trust is gone. 10/10