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Jun 22nd 2021
I will be live tweeting from the virtual parole hearing for Paul #Bernardo @PBC_CLCC. It's set to get underway at 10 am. Only accredited media and accredited observers are invited to attend
Bernardo is sitting alone in a room with a window behind him. Wearing a blue t-shirt. He says "good morning" and confirms he wants the hearing held in english. He seems relaxed. His hair is neatly cut with short sideburns
There's a bit of a delay. Bernardo is 56 years old now but doesn't look his age. He is looking down and around the room during the silence
Read 123 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
#BREAKING 3 deaths, 817 new cases of #COVID19 since Friday in #BC with 77 patients hospitalized, including 26 in ICU.
Two schools have been closed because of outbreaks in #Kelowna and @Fraserhealth.
New community outbreak also at Surrey Pre-Trial Centre. #bcpoli @NEWS1130
#BREAKING New public safety order in #BC limits all family gatherings to residents of any household and no more than 6 extra people.
Dr. Henry again blames large family gatherings for surging numbers and promises “enforcement will be stepped up.”
#bcpoli @NEWS1130
Henry says many new clusters are linked to #Thanksgiving gatherings, so moving forward, she says NO #Halloween parties can happen or cultural and religious events.
She’s asking all community leaders to help her get this message out. #bcpoli @NEWS1130
Read 13 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
When Dr Bonnie Henry picked up shoes named after her, and had her photo taken at a painting in her honour, celebration of Western Canada “flattening the curve” was at a high.

Now things have changed and we're trying to avoid "explosive" growth in #COVID19…
I noticed people were getting tense and nervous a few weeks ago, as others seemed to drop their guards and go out to socialize and hit the gym.

In the last week, officials in B.C. reported #COVID19 cases have tripled while Alberta saw a 50% increase.…
In Calgary, a cluster of fitness studios closed after an outbreak from a spin workout at a makeshift basement studio.

“I think this made it hit home for people, who hadn’t personally known someone with #COVID-19 before."…
Read 13 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
🇨🇦#Canada #FridaysForFuture International update #ClimateStrike #'s for #ClimateActionWeek:
🇨🇦1,000,000 people🇨🇦 Thus 1 out of every 6 strikers globally was Canadian🇨🇦 as well as we were 3rd globally for total # of strikes. Thanks to all local organizers & national supporters.
1000 #Calgary AB
15 #Cambridge ON
40 #Campbellton NB
20 #Camrose AB
15 #Canmore AB
15 #Cannington ON
150 #CapAuxMeules QC
300 #Caraquet NB
300 #Chambly QC
200 #ChathamKent ON
65 #Chibougamau QC
400 #Chillwack BC
40 #Clare NS
45 #Clinton ON
500 #Collingwood ON
80 #Compton QC
Read 15 tweets
Jun 8th 2019
I have conflicted feelings about the #Canadian #DDAY commemorations that took place over the last few days, and I struggle during #RemembranceDay because of increasing glorification of war, militarization, and platitudes about honour, duty, and sacrifice. /1
My family has a long history of military service in both World Wars. My great-uncle joined the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, fought at Gallipolli, and died at Beaumont-Hamel. My great-grandfather also enlisted in the RNR and survived the Great War except for a missing finger. /2
My paternal grandfather was a member of the Canadian militia in the interwar years, was a Major during WW2 and remained in Canada throughout the war at Shilo, MB and other bases where he was involved in training enlisted men headed overseas. /3
Read 15 tweets
Apr 18th 2019
.@Wilkinson4BC - this leaflet is a disgrace. You are knowingly misleading people in #MapleRidge for your own political gain #bcpoli
You KNOW this housing includes 24/7 staff supports, onsite clinical supports and connections to addictions services.
It follows the same model as all supportive housing including ictoria Johnston st location which YOU site as a success.
Read 14 tweets

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