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@AnaToledoDavila @JusticeTargeted @PSardonicus @karen_kams56 @ReportGoldfish @PAHAU6 @DeptofDefense
Humorous vid from Kala K. in Dallas done to get news of TJ's lawsuit out as media isn't curious about a lawsuit against #TheCivilianTortureProgram aka
a scam created as mechanism to generate a list of test subjects for, 4-profit nonconsensual cybernetic experimentation being used to create a 3D Inet Control Grid YOU & YOURS will be wirelessly hooked to without your knowledge or consent that depends on many components including
#Nanotechnology we are being poisoned with. I encourage y'all to STOMP YOUR FEET AND LIGHT A MATCH FOR TARGETED JUSTICE'S LAWSUIT AGAINST #TheCivilianTortureProgram and insist it be covered in the news. Make phone calls to media & politicians, ask questions, make flyers...
Read 9 tweets
Gotta love @jimmy_dore. How do so many people still not know about these criminals? How long does it take to sink in, people? I mean...It's not brain surgery. 😉
Workforce statistics do not reflect what we're being told.
#VaccineInjuries #VaccineDeaths
#Fauci opened the #Gates of hell.
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"The future of #ChemicalEngineering"

I asked @slidesgpt to create a slide deck on the topic with #AI.

Some might say "pretty generic" again but let me tell you:
At every conference, there are presentations looking at least partially like this.

Let's go through it.

For a start, it is good that @slidegpt warns you that you should have a critical look at the content.

If you want to talk about the future, start with the past. Okay.

It also gives you a comment so that you can just make a karaoke session out of it:

"[...] Understanding this history is important for understanding the current state of the field and predicting its future."

Read 15 tweets
The U.N. is a happy organization?

This happynwo site is now the forwarding address for: (which was a blank site in 2020 with only "Ⓒ Copyright New World Order Project 2020" at the bottom.)

Ha! Found it. Image
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#BoJo branded '#provenliar' as Met Police issue fines over Downing Street parties -2 hrs ago
- #ScotlandYard statement confirming twenty fixed penalty notices will be issued for breaches of Covid-19 rules following lockdown-busting parties in #SesameStreet
#SesameStreet's Awards, The Worst Actor Winner.
The #UK health secretary, #Hancock #CrocodileTears | Dec 09, 2020
- “It’s been such a tough year for so many people and there’s William #Shakespeare putting it simply for everybody...
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This is a military technology that can be broadcast over an area to map and track or analyze data about practically anything it lands on or gets ingest by. It essentially creates a digital twin in cyberspace that allows real time analysis of any environment and everything in it.
Smartdust is one way they’re building the metaverse. Imagine a real-time google maps that includes everything, even people & their biometric data. That’s the vision of a 6G smart city.

Augmented reality maps & tracks the real world & overlays interactive holographic visual info
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Are you starting your career as an assistant professor and guiding #PhD students for the first time?
Here are a few mentoring tips from the perspective of a current PhD student that may help you.

@AcademicChatter @PhDVoice @PhD_Genie #research @PhDsofIndia
1) Never keep lab meetings on Monday, Tuesday and weekends. Putting on Monday or Tuesday will force them to work on weekends. Respect the social life of PhD students. It's also good for their mental wellbeing.

2) Regularly talk about the long term and short term impact that the PhD project is going to produce, like patents, high impact journal papers as well as the societal impact. This will motivate the PhD scholars to work harder, smarter and better.
Read 24 tweets
They are going into the brains Motor Cortex and eavesdropping on the neural pathways and retrieving readouts of thoughts from the target. Remotely.
#remoteneuralmonitoring #nanodust #nanotechnology #gangstalking #madscientists #5gtechnology
Eavesdropping on Brain Activity Turns Imagined Handwriting to Text. They are well past this technology if they are showing this. #remoteneuralmonitoring #Neuralink #neuroscience #5gwireless #nanotech #biofrequency #DNAbarcoding

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Toward a new global governance. A corporate coup d'état, global in scale, long in the making. Covid as pretext.

Schwab, #WEF: "What we are really proud of now, [is] the young generation. Like PM #Trudeau, the President of Argentina, & so on. So we penetrate the cabinets..."
Schwab continues: "So yesterday, I was at a reception for PM #Trudeau. And I know that half of this cabinet, or even more than half of this cabinet, are actually Young Global Leaders of the world."

"The World Government Summit is the only global organization dedicated to shaping the future of governments & setting the agenda for the next generation of governments worldwide."

#WorldBank #IMF #UN #WHO #OECD #WEF

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Cinema time... grab some popcorn #shibarmy. This clip is from one of my favorite movie series: Terminator. In it, John speaks to ask his men to get time as he leaves his command to save an important soldier captured by "the machines". Today, on the eve of a new year 🐅& 1/5
A new me, I ask the same. Fud will appear when I begin to explain my position and plan to take Shib into all homes globally while utilizing the developing decentralized technology we all hold so dear. The main deal I can only attribute to the power of @shibainuart & @pb5_five 2/5
Is 99% with the last % proving to be the most difficult, but such is life. Luckily we have powerful allies in this dimension (and the next) to help us grow beyond what anyone expects.

Tomorrow (give or take some days) marks one year as my life as Shytoshi Kusama. 3/5
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Remarkable technology developed by @LIMSLTU researcher @BrianAbbey16 and supported by La Trobe's Strategic Innovation Fund reveals the eye-popping colour of cancer cells — it promises to revolutionise medical imaging and aid early-detection of cancer. Side-by-side comparison of cancerous cells under a tradition
@LIMSLTU @BrianAbbey16 @PeterMacRes @ANUmedia @GarvanInstitute @ONJCRI @UniMelb @ONJCancerCentre @CancerVic 'Breakthroughs in #nanotechnology allowed us to manipulate the interaction of light with biological tissue so that abnormal cells appear to have a different colour to healthy ones,' said Prof. @BrianAbbey16, explaining how NanoMslide helps detects disease. An image of a slide with cancerous cells using NanoMslide, a
@LIMSLTU @BrianAbbey16 @PeterMacRes @ANUmedia @GarvanInstitute @ONJCRI @UniMelb @ONJCancerCentre @CancerVic @latrobenews Around 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with #BreastCancer by age 85. But accurate early diagnosis is 'incredibly challenging'.

Adjunct Prof. Belinda Parker (@parkerlabPMCC) explains how @BrianAbbey16's NanoMslide illuminates early-stage breast cancer.…
Read 5 tweets
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
El #grafeno es una #sustancia compuesta por #carbono puro, con átomos organizados en un patrón regular #hexagonal, parecido al grafito.
Es un material casi #transparente
#Graphene ☠️💉🧟‍♂️ #coronavirus
#Plandemia #Tecnología #AlMomento #Vaccine #5GLAB
#RetweeetPlease #RETWEEET #rt
El #grafeno puede causar #daños a la #salud lo demostró la investigación en la #UniversidadBrown y resulta que es #altamente #nocivo para la salud, ya que es un material tan fino que es capaz de cortar directamente las #células si logra entrar en el #cuerpohumano
El #grafeno es un #nanomaterial "BIDI_MENSIONAL" que ofrece una gran oportunidad para desarrollar y mejorar los productos, permite crear nuevas conectividades al Internet los #wearables al #5gtechnology
#Graphene #nanotechnology

#SiguemeYTeSigo #RetweeetPlease
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So implantable #microchips after all then.

Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (#DARPA) revealed that it has developed an implantable microchip that it says will continuously monitor the human body for signs of the virus.
Funny how a Darpa funded Award winning Nano Tech Scientist working on injectable nanotech, was arested for working with China & Wuhan lab just before the "pandemic".
Especially with Countries around the world finding nanotech in the vaccines....
Nanotechnology and Graphene Oxide in #Pfizer #vaccine
seen under optical microscopy. The optical analysis has a special focus on the #nanotechnology discovered thanks to analyses carried out by Dr. Pablo Campra.…
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0/ #BigNews. Our #mRNA @mips vaccine will be fast-tracked to Phase-I clinical trial. The trial is led by our amazing collaborators @TheDohertyInst that includes two candidates mRNA and protein. Why still working on #COVID19 mRNA vaccine in Aus, people ask? Here're #4reasons:
#Reason 1: #Protection at a rapid speed: Our vaccines use a 2nd-generation technology and antigen design that is both effective and rapid. This method allowed us to produce a safe mRNA vax within 3 weeks. ESSENTIAL for rapid response if the virus continues to mutate-saving lives!
#Reason 2: #manufacturing: We have extensive Aus-only experience in #mRNA. More to come but we are in talks with many entities here in Aus and we will try all avenues to convince the relevant groups to help us build the capacity here in Aus. This will be gradual but ESSENTIAL.
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Short article: "Lipid #nanoparticles are the fatty molecular envelopes that help strands of #mRNA — the genetic messenger for making #DNA code into proteins — evade the body's biological gatekeepers & reach their target cell..."

"#nanomaterials may have a wide range of effects... Experiments so far have also shown possible harmful effects on #invertebrates & #fish, including effects on behaviour, #reproduction & development."…

#biodiversity #ecology
"There is less research to date on #soil systems and #terrestrial species, and it is not clear whether laboratory results relate to what may happen out in the real world." [source document, 2009]…
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📢𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁!

We are thrilled to announce our new series #Tech4India as part of the #ETI in partnership with #NESTMEA @MEAIndia & @PrinSciAdvOff

Stay tuned for:

🔸Info on key #emerging technologies & sectors 📡🧬🚀⚛️ 🤖

🔸Details on participation in the #ETI Image

Recent advances in 𝗤𝘂𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗺 𝘁𝗲𝗰𝗵 can bring paradigm shifts in #computing #communication & #cryptography affecting all sectors in the process

Participate in #ETI & help India prepare for the #QuantumRevolution 2.0⚛️


1/2 Image

We encourage people from varied backgrounds to form multidisciplinary teams and send us EoI on innovations like #QuantumComputing #QuantumCommunication & #QuantumNetworks

Selected teams will be invited to prepare a consolidated tech dev & adoption roadmap 4 🇮🇳
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/08/2020…
Opinion | We Socialize Bailouts. We Should Socialize Successes, Too. - The New York Times…

#socialism #bailouts #success
Coronavirus reinfections: three questions scientists are asking…

#reinfect #questions #COVID19
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En un post anterior mencionaba que creo que Ecuador debe enfocarse hacia el desarrollo agrícola, y tener como objetivo que en 20 años seamos la más grande potencia agrícola del s. XXI, en función de los ratios de producción y márgenes o ganancia.
Para conseguir un #ECUADORPOTENCIAAGRICOLA debemos hacer cambios sociales, políticos, culturales, empresariales y tecnológicos.
De esto último tratarán éste y los hilos futuros, de cómo usar las nuevas tecnologías para desarrollar el sector agrícola del país.
El objetivo es incentivar a los empresarios, gobierno, inversionistas, hacia la explotación de estos nuevos recursos.
En 2050, se necesitará un 50% más de alimentos en el mundo.
(FAO - La agricultura mundial en la perspectiva del año 2050)
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Scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components for cells, tissues, and other applications
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Meet our President, A/Prof Christoph Hagemeyer, @cehagemeyer.

As a #nanotechnology expert and #protein #biochemist, his expertise spans across #stroke therapies, improving diagnostic #imaging and targeted #drug #delivery

A thread 👇

@MonashUni @NanobiotechLab Image
The #2 cause of death worldwide is stroke. Most strokes happen when a blood clot forms and blocks a blood vessel in the brain. Doctors currently use specific therapies that dissolve the clot, allowing blood flow to be returned to the brain, and hopefully, allowing recovery
However, such therapies are associated with severe, sometimes life-threatening adverse bleeding complications. Christoph’s research uses nanotechnology to improve how well this medicine works, while reducing the risk of any side effects.
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8. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world?

#Hypocrites #DoubleStandards #Liars #Warlords #USRealTerrorists
1. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world? 🤨👇🏼…
2. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world? 🤨👇🏼…
Read 95 tweets

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