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Let me share some of the themes I mentioned to media around the world tonight regarding the #SOTU of the most failed POTUS in our lifetimes:

1. By my count, Biden went about an hour before even mentioning two of the most significant crises confronting the nation: The open
border, which is entirely Biden's innovation and creation and has invited a crisis in which 4.5M aliens from all over the world, including those on the terror watch list, with violent criminal histories, violent gang members, human and drug traffickers, and record levels of
lethal fentanyl have poured into our nation; and the vast national security, public health, economic, human rights and other threats from China's Communist Party (CCP) that have escalated on Biden's watch, including the CCP's recent surveillance balloon, which the CCP then lied
Read 19 tweets
#Pfizer #FDA collusion. @US_FDA Assigned @pfizer's Covid vaccine a license number months prior to actually licensing it. Why? Left @pfizer board member @ScottGottliebMD
Right, the former @US_FDA commissioner responsible for Pfizer regulation @ScottGottliebMD ... Image
@pfizer's product is neither safe nor effective, because that wasn't a pre-requisite for @US_FDA EUA approval. U.S. committed to purchasing millions of doses of @pfizer fakecines prior to them actually being authorized. @SenRonJohnson @GovRonDeSantis… Image
#BoycottPfizer This goes all the way back to FEBRUARY 16, 2010 & Jeffrey Kindler (ex CEO of Pfizer) who led an industry group that made a backroom deal to finance a multimillion dollar ad campaign supporting #ObamaCare.… Not too late to #BoycottPfizer Image
Read 4 tweets
US healthcare is the worst of all worlds. Unlike other wealthy countries, the US leaves insurance to the private sector, where your health and your life come second to profits. Worse: the majority of "private" insurance companies earnings come from public subsidies. 1/ The cover for the audiobook...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
In other words, the US has a privately run health care sector that is publicly financed, without any public accountability or duty to the public good. Insurance companies take ever more billions from the federal government and deliver ever less care to their customers. 3/
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My friends at @RepublicanStudy, Chaired by @Jim_Banks, have released the most comprehensive analysis of the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act", publishing 50 radical policies in the atrocious Schumer/Manchin bill.

The bill taxes, spends, & regulates America...1/
...into a deeper Biden recession, higher Bidenflation, & less economic freedom.

Schumer/Manchin spends $369 billion on green/radical environmental climate policies...effectively subsidizing the CCP. 2/
Schumer/Manchin increases taxes by over $700 billion, just days after the U.S. officially entered the Biden Recession, which has been felt by the American People for many months through a 40+ year high in inflation, exceeding 9%. The bill worsens the supply chain crisis, 3/
Read 26 tweets
🇺🇸 Obamacare coverage - 22 Millions

🇮🇳 Ayushmann Bharat Coverage - 500 Millions
Annual Health Premium for Family of Four

🇺🇸 Under Obamacare - $5200
🇮🇳 Under Ayushman Bharat - Nil
Total Hospitalisation/surgeries till date

🇺🇸 under Obamacare - 2.3 Millions
🇮🇳 under Ayushman Bharat - 33.3 Millions
Read 5 tweets
A few issues with the @EnergyCommerce "Build Back Better Act" provisions relating to states that rejected #ObamaCare's #MedicaidExpansion.

Based on a summary by @CenterOnBudget's @JudyCBPP:….

1. Rewards Republican states for rejecting #ObamaCare.

It would authorize Exchange subsidies for people below the poverty line--but only in states that rejected the #ACA's #Medicaid expansion.

That gives GOP states a better deal than Democratic states that embraced #ObamaCare.
2. Costs more than expanding Medicaid.

Taxpayers in Democratic states would end up paying more to cover those 2 million people because:

- "private" #ObamaCare plans spend more per person than Medicaid

- governments in non-expansion states wouldn't have to contribute anything
Read 28 tweets
🚨BREAKING: #Idaho enacts “crisis standards of care” due to hospitals being overwhelmed by the #COVID19 surge, warning that some patients won't get needed care.

So many UNVACCINATED are now sick that healthcare resources must be rationed.

If you need critical care but are unable to get an ICU bed because the hospitals are overwhelmed with unvaccinated #COVID19 patients, your chances of survival are slim to none.

No, it’s NOT #ObamaCare that led to these “death panels” in @GOP-stronghold #Idaho.


#GetVaccinated #COVID19
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1/ SCOTUS agrees 7-2 with #ObamaCare critics like @jadler1969 & me (…) that the plaintiffs in #CAvTX lacked standing to challenge #ObamaCare's individual mandate:…. GOP appointees Roberts, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Barrett joined majority.
2/ #CAvTX arose after Roberts in #NFIBvSebelius saved the #ACA by interpreting the mandate as a tax. NFIB "gutted the Constitution's political-accountability constraint, which had prevented Congress from creating the mandate via Congress' taxing power."…
3/ Roberts' opinion indicated that if the Court could not interpret the mandate as a tax, the mandate would have been unconstitutional.
Read 18 tweets
BADABOUM MAJUSCULE. La #CourSuprême menée par 1 alliance baroque des progressistes ET de Roberts, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Barrett (donc 2 des 3 juges nommés par #Trump- so long-) sauve 1 nouvelle fois l'#Obamacare dont le Texas réclamait l'inconstitutionnalité.…
2. Les juges progressistes et 1 majorité des conservateurs de la #CourSuprême affirment donc que le Texas, les Etats républicains et les plaignant individuels n'étaient pas fondés à poursuivre et à rechercher l'abrogation d'#Obamacare pour inconstitutionnalité...
3. ET/MAIS...dans 1 autre arrêt majeur du jour (Fulton), les juges progressistes rejoignent les conservateurs en faveur d'1 agence catholique d'aide à l'enfance suspendue par la ville de Philly pour avoir refusé de placer des enfants chez des couples homosexuels. Donnant-donnant?
Read 10 tweets
For the second time in recent years, my monthly #SocialSecurity benefit has gone DOWN because the premium for #Medicare has gone UP more than the #COLA adjustment to the cash benefit. SS isn’t an “entitlement”, it’s insurance into which I paid a fortune. Any insurance policy
which doesn’t adjust for inflation in all of its elements (including healthcare inflation, which has ALWAYS run ahead of ordinary inflation), is poorly designed and needs fixing.

#UniversalHealthcare would literally solve the problems of funding for #MediCare overnight.
#Congress, please strengthen and expand #ObamaCare in such a way the people who are on fixed income do not see their #COLA increases entirely eaten up by #Medicare expenses!
Controlling runaway pharmaceutical costs would be a great place to start!
Read 4 tweets
This happening today: Confirmation of @XavierBecerra to lead #HHS.

Will @POTUS @JoeBiden soon thereafter identify his nominee to lead #FDA?

#pharma #biotech
Also today, #NIH Fauci, @CDCDirector Walensky & #FDA Peter Marks are back on Capitol Hill -- virtually -- today along with @DavidAKesslerMD to testify this time at @HELPCmteDems on #COVID19 starting at 10amET… #COVIDvaccinations #vaccines #CDC
The House @AppropsDems Commerce, Justice, Science & Related Agencies Subcommittee also examines #COVID19 outbreaks at federal prisons at 2pmET… #MaskUp
Read 77 tweets
What's in the $1.9 Trillion House COVID Relief Bill?
The House of Representatives passed the American Rescue Plan which the #USSenate is currently considering.
Nine of the 12 House committees have approved legislation. This thread will summarize the major elements.
American Rescue Plan - Ways & Means $923B
👉$1,400 stimulus $422B
👉unemployment $246B
👉Tax Credit $143B
👉pension grants $58B
👉ACA 2021/2022 $45B
👉sick leave / retention credit $14B
👉COBRA coverage $8B
👉foreign subsidiaries $22B
👉Other policies $9B
American Rescue Plan - Oversight & Reform$350B
👉Provide money to state governments $195B
👉Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes $155B
👉Create paid #COVID19 leave for federal workers and other policies $0.4B
Read 54 tweets
The U.S. surpassed 350,000 reported deaths from #COVID19 last night.…

And Trump, Pence & Alex Azar are doing what about it today?

Where is the accountability for these deaths?

As of yesterday #CDC says 13,071,925 doses of #COVID19 #vaccines distributed but only 4,225,756 administered.…

Recall, Alex Azar pushed back against any additional funds for states to administer vaccines. #HHS was also slow to distribute #CARESAct funds.
Fauci on #ThisWeek: "There's no running away from the numbers."
"The deaths are real deaths."

Meanwhile, Trump remains in denial & continues to undermine #CDC's #publichealth experts.

#COVID19 #pandemic #vaccines
Read 13 tweets
#FDA's #VRBPAC doesn't meet until Dec. 10 on $PFE/ $BNTX & Dec. 17 for $MRNA/#NIH vaccines. Does Meadows think he can really push FDA to move the dates up sooner?
What is Meadows & Trump doing to ensure states have enough funding to actually distribute #COVID19 #vaccines?
Maybe Topol needs to ask his friend @SteveFDA if that meeting went so well yesterday & Hahn stood up for #FDA then, why is Meadows & Hahn doing it all over again today?

#COVID19 #vaccines
It was just last week when @SecAzar insisted the "proof was in the pudding" about Trump & pressuring #FDA.

So, two trips in two days to the White House for @SteveFDA.

What kind of pudding are they making at the White House @SecAzar?

#COVID19 #vaccines
Read 31 tweets
Today's the day the Supreme Court hears arguments in the case challenging Obamacare.

Here's a 15 minute primer👇
The case will be a test for the court's newly strengthened conservative majority and it could produce a decision that wipes out health insurance for 20 million people and protections for millions with preexisting conditions, which now includes #Covid19.
But Roberts & Kavanaugh have expressed reluctance to toss out an entire statute just because one part is unconstitutional, @GregStohr reports…
Read 6 tweets
Does Biden’s presidential win make the ACA (#Obamacare) more likely to survive tomorrow’s Supreme Court case?

Only marginally, and it would all come down to Georgia.

Here's why: (1/7)
2/ The Trump Admin is arguing in court that the ACA should be struck down. A Biden Admin would change positions to defend the law.

But the Trump admin’s exit has no effect on the plaintiffs in the case – 18 Republican-led states + two individuals – who aren’t backing out
3/ There’s nothing administrative that Biden can do unilaterally as president to reverse the course of the ACA case. Biden can’t simply issue an executive order and make it go away. This case is now up to the largely conservative SCOTUS to decide.
Read 7 tweets
Prepare for a complete and total realignment of both titular political parties. First, the Democrats. Watch an AOC run from the extreme left along with #TheSquad and their being splattered by heritage and vestigial old school DNC types and thus and internecine civil war. Next.
AOC and her ilk will claim victory through some monumentally contorted reasoning and they will interpret this as some form of mandate to pursue and prosecute extreme leftist insanity. George Soros will back this as his goal is systematic destabilization. Of everything. Next.
The Democratic Party will quickly realize that it has no platform or agenda. Its entire focus was #AnybodyButTrump. As they will immediately see this is not a platform or even a way of thinking. It is mindless folly and will breed internal conflict within the party. Next.
Read 10 tweets
Of 133 million w/ preexisting conditions, 54 million will be permanently uninsurable if Trump wins his Supreme Court case & the #ACA is overturned. For others, any gap in coverage, no matter how short, could forever bar them from insurance. <NYT: thread>…
If Trump wins in Court, 165 million Americans will again face annual & lifetime caps for costs, including both those who get their insurance thru work & those who buy it on the exchanges.

Employers will negotiate which conditions, therapies, drugs they'll cover in their plans.
If Trump wins his case, being female will again be considered a preexisting condition; insurers will be free to increase premiums for women.

60 million #Medicare beneficiaries will face changes to medical care and possibly higher premiums.
Read 14 tweets
Thread: I joined @FoxBusiness @EveningEdit to discuss @realDonaldTrump and @JoeBiden performances and answer the question - who won the #PresidentialDebate2020? Watch and share -
2/ What will decide the election? Covid? Jobs? @realDonaldTrump has an excellent record on jobs and has strengthened the economy even during the era of #Covid19...I can only imagine what kind of corruption would take place if @JoeBiden had to handle this…
3/ @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris can't decide what they want more - money or votes? #JoeBiden honestly thinks the American people will not hold him accountable for his positions - is he just forgetful or is there some cognitive disconnect there?
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#LIVE: So with all the changes made to the protocols for this #PresidentialDebate, here's hoping we have a slightly more civilized affair from the first debate between #Trump and #Biden earlier this month...

Follow live here:
#LIVE: The two men are on the stage, so we're ready to go in the #PresidentialDebate - #Trump v. #Biden all over again...

Follow live:
Read 11 tweets
Day one today of @OversightDems #drugprices hearing at 10amET: $BMY & its Celgene unit & $TEVA.…

Also, at 11:30amET, @EnergyCommerce #COVID19 #vaccines hearing:…
.@RepMaloney notes that anyone in the @OversightDems room not wearing #masks will not be recognized at today's #drugpricing hearing.

#drugprices $BMY $TEVA
.@RepMaloney starts out playing clip of @RepCummings, who died last year before he could convene today's #drugpricing hearing.

He notes #pharma one of most powerful/profitable industries in the world.

#DrugPrices #pharma #biotech
Read 51 tweets
#SCOTUS up first.

What does Trump mean Democrats didn't have the election with #MerrickGarland?

@BarackObama was in the White House!

#2020Debates #2020Debate #RBG #RuthBaderGinsburg
.@JoeBiden insists should wait on #SCOTUS confirmation & see the outcome of #2020election.

If #Obamacare / #ACA struck down, what happens? Women's rights fundamentally changed.

Not appropriate before election.

#2020Debates #2020Debate #RBG #RuthBaderGinsburg
Read 69 tweets
BREAKING: @JoeBiden AGAIN dodged thousands of dollars in #Obamacare and #Medicare taxes in his 2019 tax returns. RT/follow along for more details, as I update my @WSJopinion piece in real time...…
@JoeBiden and @DrBiden released their 2019 tax returns a little bit ago -- you can view them here. They show the Bidens again used a loophole that I profiled in my @WSJopinion piece... 2/…
The issue involves two corporations, CelticCapri Corp. and Giacoppa Corp., through which @JoeBiden @DrBiden funneled their book/speech income. Funneling the income through these S-corps allowed them to avoid #Medicare and #Obamacare payroll taxes... 3/
Read 11 tweets

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