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Mar 31st 2023
Syrian Arab Army (#SAA) units repel a terrorist attack in the countryside of #Aleppo and #Idleb
Units of the Syrian Armed forces repelled a terrorist attack yesterday evening on Basratoun axis in Aleppo western countryside, and this morning in the village of al-Dana near Maarat al-Numan in Idleb countryside.
“Our forces inflicted losses among the ranks of the terrorists,”defense Ministry said.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 12th 2023
Three army personnel injured in #Israeli aggression on some sites in countryside of Tartous and Hama provinces, #Syria Image
“At about 7:15 a.m. on Sunday, the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial act of aggression with bursts of missiles from the direction of N Lebanon,targeting some sites in the countryside of Tartous & Hama provinces,& our air defenses intercepted the missiles & downed some of them.” Image
The source added “The aggression caused the injury of three army personnel, in addition to some material damages.”
Read 5 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
Sinking (All Alone)
- a winrina au

Mackie (W) couldn’t ask for more in her almost perfect life. But why is Ryle (K), her new found friend, ruining everything all of a sudden? ImageImageImageImage

- Also 3kim-centered but dw the main ship is winrina.
- This is a work of fiction. The characters are based on real life people but I do not tolerate relating the scenes to any real life events.
- expect slow updates. qrts are much appreciated.

Mackenzie (Mackie) Kim ImageImage
Read 126 tweets
Jul 25th 2021
S. #Syria: this morning this huge convoy reached town of #Daraa. It has 100s of 4th Division soldiers with heavy artillery & many armor incl. Adra tanks equipped for urban warfare. Way to get concessions but any offensive has to been greenlighted by #Russia (not the case so far).
S. #Syria: among the equipment 4th Division brought in #Daraa this morning, there's also the IRAM heavy "Golan" launcher, with 12 x 360 mm caliber's rockets (each one with a warhead of 180 kg). Highly imprecise, use for carpet bombardment. ImageImage
S. #Syria: today 4th Division entered the S. part of #Daraa, breaching deal to set up few checkpoints. It triggered clashes with local insurgents. After sporadic shelling, tensions remain tonight amidst negotiations. Outcome: one killed, several wounded.
Read 79 tweets
Jul 19th 2021
1. We all saw the #destruction caused by visible #looting in #SAUnrest & communities are reeling from the impact. But about 1000 times of what it will cost to repair last week’s damage, was “invisibly” looted through #StateCapture & #corruption. Here are some highlights
2. According to @ShadowWorldInv1 the #ArmsDeal of the 1990’s cost SA an estimated R2,2 billion looted to pay bribes and kickbacks. To date nothing has been recovered. Money that could have changed the poor’s lives wasted on #GrandScaleLooting.
3. In 2015 @CompComSA found #construction companies #GroupFive, #WBHO, #BasilRead, Murray&Roberts, #Aveng & #StefanuttiStocks guilty of #colluding when building 2010 FIFA World Cup stadiums. This added R14 billion to construction costs. (Your taxmoney!)
Read 22 tweets
Jun 2nd 2021
Protests continue in #Manbij for the 3rd day today, as locals demonstrate against the #SDF's policy of forced conscription.

The tensions have turned deadly this time, with 6+ dead.

Nearby, #Turkey artillery has also struck #SDF positions - intriguingly leading to an #SAA death. ImageImage
Beyond the tensions that #SDF conscription has caused within Arab-majority communities, the financial implications are of particular significance.

The last I heard 3 weeks ago, the #AANES has 300,000+ people on the payroll (civilian & armed) -- and revenue is shrinking, fast.
The U.S -- first under #Obama, then #Trump & now #Biden -- positioned the #SDF not just as the frontline vs. #ISIS, but also as a rival to #Assad's regime.

To match that expectation, the #SDF needed to grow & achieve Arab balance -- BUT we're now actively removing its revenue.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 23rd 2021
CC'ing Jan Egeland (@NRC_Egeland) here -- the chair of @antonioguterres's "Senior Advisory Panel" investigating the @UN's "deconfliction" mechanism intended to protect hospitals in #Syria.

The council reports to the UN SG in May.
@NRC_Egeland @antonioguterres @UN Shortly after the #SAA artillery strike on the al-Atareb hospital, rescue workers discovered remnants of the shells, which contained circuit boards -- this is an unusual detail that *could* indicate that the munitions were laser-guided & newly provided by #Russia.
@NRC_Egeland @antonioguterres @UN #Russia has deployed 2K25 Krasnopol guided munitions from #Khmeymim AB, so we know they're in #Syria already -- but whether they're fired by #SAA is another matter.

Either way, it could also indicate the #Russia drone was acting as the laser designator -- marking the target.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 1st 2021
Reducing #COVID19 #Airborne #Transmission Risks on #PublicTransportation Buses
Wearing of #facemasks reduced the overall particle count released into the bus by an average of 50%, the dispersion distance by several feet and #aerosol particles by 84.36%. Image
🔝#SARSCoV2 Infects Human Engineered Heart Tissues and Models COVID-19 Myocarditis
#COVID19 can kill heart muscle cells, interfere with contraction. Details of how #coronavirus infects #heart: models of tissue damage may help develop potential therapies. Image
High-content screening of coronavirus genes for innate immune suppression reveals enhanced potency of SARS-CoV-2 proteins
196 protein products of seven coronaviruses: the genes encoded by #SARSCoV2 are generally more potent immune suppressors than others Image
Read 236 tweets
Feb 28th 2021
Initial reports of explosions heard in #Damascus, #Syria
#SAA Air Defense reportedly active over #Damascus, #Syria
Video of SAA Air Defense active over #Damascus, #Syria this evening.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 18th 2021
BREAKING: #SAA was stopped by SA Civil Aviation Authority from flying to Brussels to fetch the J&J vaccine due to risk measures not adequate enough/ acceptable with aviation standards. This is why TUI flew the vaccine in. CAA declined the request for the National carrier to fly.
CAA says It is must be noted that SAA had voluntarily ceased operations a while back. However, this does not mean that they had surrendered their Air Operator Certificate to SACAA. Their AOC remains valid even though they had put their operations temporarily on hold.
The authority says any operator who is not conducting regular flights, or their aircraft are not in regular service/operation for any reason is expected, and in line with applicable regulations, to conduct  the required maintenance.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
⚠️#Ocular #MRI Findings in Patients with Severe #COVID19: A Retrospective Multicenter Observational Study
All patients had nodules in the macular region, 8/9 (89%) had bilateral nodules, 2/9 (22%) had nodules outside the macular region. Screening needed. Image
⚠️🔝New-Onset #IgG #Autoantibodies in Hospitalized Patients with #COVID19
An international team of researchers studying COVID-19 has made a startling and pivotal discovery: The virus appears to cause the body to make weapons to attack its own tissues. Image
⚠️🔝Patterns of myocardial injury in recovered troponin-positive COVID-19 patients assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Damage to the heart found in more than half of #COVID19 patients discharged from hospital who show raised levels of troponin. Image
Read 235 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
#SAA update: The Business rescue practitioners say they are pleased to advise that the payment of Cabin Crew and Ground Staff employees who took Voluntary Severance packages at the end of August 2020 were paid their Part 1 of their packages on Friday 12 February 2021.
The payment follows the receipt of a further tranche of R5 billion from the Department of Public Enterprises on 12 Feb, which has further allowed the BRPs to confirm the second payment on 19 February. Since Friday 12 February, the BRPs have received a total of R7.8 billion. #SAA
The #SAA BRPs say that Part 1 of the VSP payment in respect of Management, Specialists and Pilots who took VSPs shall be made on 17 February 2021 and Part 2 on 19 February 2021.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 8th 2021
Former #SAA board Chair Dudu Myeni wants the interim enforcement order against her removed, pending the outcome of any appeal against the main order. Myeni was declared a delinquent director for life last year by the Pretoria High Court. She is appealing the order.
On 22 December 2020, Judge Tolmay dismissed Myeni’s application for leave to appeal against the delinquency order itself which was handed down in May 2020. Myeni is arguing that she is no longer a director on the board of any SOE including the Mangaung electricity entity Centlec.
Myeni argues that her source of income will be removed if she is removed from the boards of other companies while her main appeal is underway. As it stands she is director of the Jacob Zuma Foundation. Enforcement order doesn’t allow her to do so, even though it’s not an SOE.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 5th 2021
Workers at #SAA have had it really hard since March. This a message got from someone this morning:

“Hi Heidi. Ex colleague apparently died of stress related illness. Another committed suicide last year. Others from Covid. I'm in hospital now...”
More messages from #SAA workers

I was the mom who gave her family everything. No body was short of anything... eventually I became the mom that gave disappointing answers to my 2 little kids when they asked for something and I couldn’t afford it....

...I was the mom who fed my kids soup& bread or soup and rice for supper 3 times in a week...cos my cupboards where drying. Today I’m the mom crying silently hoping for SAA to realise how much this has impacted not only me or us but also little people who also depended on SAA ...
Read 8 tweets
Jan 20th 2021
#Syria: again a large quantity of drugs coming from Assad-held areas was seized. This time it was captured yesterday by SNA in E. #Aleppo CS. No less than 900,000 pills of captagon were hidden in a truck. ImageImageImage
Another large quantity of drugs from #Syria was seized yesterday, this time by #Jordan. Hashish & 214,000 pills of Captagon were seized.…
S. #Syria: today 5th Corps clashed with drugs smugglers coming from Suwayda in area of Bosra (E. #Daraa). 3 men were arrested, hashish & captagon pills also seized👇 ImageImageImageImage
Read 171 tweets
Dec 31st 2020
Another year is going to finish. 2020 has left us with fewer military events in the Syrian military conflict. Reflecting the enormous influence of the regional powers in the country, where the end of the war is still far away due to political blockade that has led to a stalemate
As we saw during the last days of 2019, #SAA had begun #Op_Redemption3 in order to retake M5 highway. After a small hiatus during the first weeks of January, Russian-Turkish negotiations failed & #SAA restarted the offensive by opening three axis S. #Idlib, S. #Aleppo & its city.
12 days before the restart of military advances #SAA had already liberated Maarrat al-Numan town & big parts of S. #Idlib countryside. However, the advance didn't stop & one week later #SAA liberated another stronghold, Saraqib, reaching M4 highway & joining with S. #Aleppo axis.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
WANTED: Witnesses 41-101!

The Civil Society Working Group on #StateCapture released a list of 101 key witnesses to appear before the #StateCaptureInquiry. Witnesses 41-101 include some of most powerful corporations & individuals. No impunity for corruption!

Matshela Koko
- Role in Optimum mine purchase by Tegeta
- Involvement in coal quality assessments (Eskom)
- Correspondence to Salim Essa and the Guptas
- Cancellation of coal contract of Just Coal (Eskom)
- Visits to the Gupta residence + Money received from Guptas
- Auditors and consultants for various Gupta companies
Read 38 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
1. #BBC producer @ChloeHadj accuses me of lack of "rigorous journalism" in her smear list of questions sent prior to the Mayday series which little more than a collection of #WhiteHelmet manufacturers, promoters and protectionists. However, when I queried the veracity of one...
2...BBC researcher's testimony which was not rigorously questioned by BBC producer -My reporting from the scene of the Rashideen massacre, Aleppo April 2017 & on Habak (researcher) "is frankly shockingly bad – full of terrible inaccuracies" says Chloe.
3. However when I questioned Chloe re the "terrible inaccuracies" she failed to clarify. I pointed out that while Chloe is relying on video footage fm journalists who can only film wth permission of Nusra Front/ #AlQaeda, I was in Aleppo on day of attack & took first hand...
Read 19 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
.@NASA confirms that the dent in #Earth’s protective shield is splitting into two as it gets bigger - by @pabsgill…
The bigger the anomaly gets the wider its sphere of influence. A weak magnetic field means that the particle radiation from the #Sun gets closer to the #Earth’s surface than otherwise.
In addition to messing with compasses and throwing bird navigation off, this means it can also knock out onboard computers and interfere with satellites on their rounds to collect data.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
Sonic booms reported in northern #Israel
#SAA Air Defense active over #Damascus, #Syria
Looks like they are being for Al-Kiswah region again #Damascus, #Syria.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
Thread Upsum on view from #Damascus of #Syria MP Elections:
- 'North Korea option' seems a lot more likely.
- Under new and emerging external pressures, any internal dissent will be quelled, starting by parliament.
-A prelude to the '99.99% 2021 Presidential Elections'
A Damascus source commented on the recent elections result saying that @Charles_Lister analysis that Syria was going towards the 'North Korea option' is partially correct for the foreseeable future.…
He said that in previous elections under Bashar al-Assad, the people were free to select independents because they had already been security vetted. Independent MPs in parliament also had a margin of freedom to operate under.
Read 15 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
Initial unconfirmed reports of an explosion in #Damascus, #Syria
#SAA Air Defense active over #Damascus, #Syria
Air activity over Northern #Israel is still rather intense. Wonder if we are about to see a second round?
Read 42 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
Syrian air defense systems active in Al-Suwayda, Southern Syria

#Syria #AirDefense
[Knish] Image
Targets in the area are currently being struck.

#Syria #AirDefense
SANA reporting that AD is active in Deir ez-Zor as well.

#Syria #AirDefense
Read 16 tweets

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