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Jan 9th 2023
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 320 - Iniciamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

➡️ Empezamos con este interesante artículo de @pustovek sobre la campaña de propaganda iniciada por el #Kremlin para justificar la #guerra y los problemas a que enfrenta.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 320 - Este es, para quien no pudiese leerlo, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, domingo 8 de enero de 2023.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 320 - Son varias las fuentes que hablan de una retirada ucraniana de #Pidhorodne, al norte de #Bakhmut, lo que complicará la defensa de la ciudad.

Read 23 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
#Egypt- 2 militants conducted drive-by shooting targeting police checkpoint inside the city of #Ismailia, al-Salam District, late last night, killing 3 policemen & wounding 13 others. 1 of the militants was killed in subsequent clashes

1/ ImageImageImageImage
This is a very significant incident. The last successful militant attack by an organization in Mainland #Egypt was November 2019 and that was Hasam. #ISIS's (likely culprit of recent attack) latest attack in the mainland was February 2019 (!)

Sure, there is the seemingly mitigating circumstances of #Ismailia being on the Suez Canal and therefore very close to Wilayat #Sinai's AO, but it's not as simple as that

Read 13 tweets
Sep 1st 2022
1/Yesterday it was the #Suez, today #Bosphrous.

Panama-flagged, 32k ton bulker #LadyZehma, outbound from #Ukraine port of Chornomosk went aground in the #Bosphrous, temporarily closing traffic.

The ship was making 10 knots when she veered to starboard & is reporting stopped. ImageImageImage
2/Good news is she is not blocking the channel and the large Turkish-flagged salvage/rescue vessel #NeneHatun is on location.

Ships will standby off #Istanbul and the northern side of the #Bosphrous until the Turkish officials reopen the channel.

H/T @MarineTraffic ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Sep 1st 2022
1/Recap of last night's #Suez incident. MT #AFFINITYV grounded southbound in the canal near the same spot as #EverGiven. She was lightly loaded and appeared to be set to the west by wind. Her bow grounded and her stern pitched to the opposite bank...…
2/After #AFFINITYV went aground, with her bow into the west bank and her stern across the canal, the smaller tanker #Amelia, behind her in the southbound convoy appeared to strike her starboard quarter.

Amelia was backed off and #Suez tugs responded to free #AFFINITYV.
3/With the benefit of a 4ft high tide, the tugs were able to move the stern of #AFFINITYV counter clockwise into the canal and then pull her back into the channel and move her about a mile down canal. Total time was about 4 to 5 hours.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
The 252M, 114k ton Singapore-flagged crude oil tanker #AffinityV went aground south bound in the #Suez, just north of where #EverGiven went aground in March 2021.

Egyptian tugs are on scene.

Vessels in the southbound convoy from the lake appear to be in disarray having to stop.
Looking at her track on @MarineTraffic, she appeared to ground, get loose and is now grounded again.

Her last port was Sines, Portugal enroute to Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. She is probably light and heading to load.
Tanker #AFFINITYV is currently being assisted by the large tug Ezzat Adel and three smaller tugs.

They appeared to have removed her from the initial grounding but then grounded again a mile further south based on her AIS data.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
BREAKING: tanker #AFFINITYV has run aground & gotten stuck in the #SuezCanal.

Similar section to #EverGiven.

Suez canal traffic halted.

A whole bunch of tugs now working to pull the crude oil tanker free. 1/
2/ So, the crude oil tanker #AFFINITYV is only partially laden.

This fits. She's heading to Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. Presumably to get more from an oil terminal there.

That means her draught (part below waterline) isn't at max. (11.2m vs 15.5).

Read, easier to pull off.

She got grounded, freed, maybe-grounded again, and now very gingerly under tow southbound in the #SuezCanal.

Cause unclear. But I've narrated an animation of the initial incident.
Read 7 tweets
May 8th 2022
#Suez Canal, #Egypt - 11 Egyptian soldiers dead following an #ISIS #terrorist_attack in #Sinai

Yesterday, in one of its most significant attacks in recent times, ISIS-Sinai operatives managed to kill 11 soldiers and officers belonging to the 551st Egyptian Army... (1/4) ImageImage
Battalion, critically injuring another 5.

The location of the attack is also significant - near area el-Qantara, on the east bank of the Suez Canal. Just last month, the Egyptians boasted a record-high montly revenue from the passage of ships, and that is likely why... (2/4)
ISIS Sinai chose to attack an Egyptian outpost near a water station on the banks of the canal.

Despite Egyptian marketing, ISIS Sinai expands its influence outside of its stronghold in the north-eastern part of the Sinai penninsula, moving west.

It's also interesting... (3/4)
Read 4 tweets
May 7th 2022
🇪🇬 #URGENT 🚨⚠️ | Une attaque terroriste a été perpétré en #Égypte dans le Sinaï à l’est du canal de #Suez dans une station de pompage d’eau.

Le bilan est pour le moment de 12 morts, 1 officier et 11 soldats.

Une chasse à l’homme est lancée par les autorités égyptiennes.
✍ Erratum : perpétrée*

Veuillez nous excuser pour cette faute d'orthographe.
🇪🇬🕯 | Voici la liste des soldats égyptiens tués lors de l’attentat terroriste d’aujourd’hui.

Il y a 17 noms sur la liste, le bilan s’est donc sûrement alourdi.

Les corps sont en route pour être remis à leurs familles respectives, aux quatre coins du pays. ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Mar 15th 2022
1/Some photos from today of #EverForward. A view of her shows her bow is almost 4 meters (13 feet) out of the water. She is 17 to 24 feet of water and draws 42 feet.

This is is going to be a prolonged salvage to get her off.
2/She missed her southbound turn (unknown why) and went out of Craighill Channel - dredged from 38 to 50 feet to accommodate neo-Panamax ships like #EverForward.

She departed the channel between red buoys 16 & 14 and plowed into the spoil area from the dredging; about 24 ft.
3/Unlike her larger cousin #EverGiven (400m in length and 20,000 TEUs), which grounded at her bow and stern in the Suez last year, #EverForward (334m & 12,000 TEUs) is aground from bow to stern as demonstrated by her exposed bottom fore and aft.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
Today's episode of #WhatTheShip on @YouTube:

1️⃣ Update on #UkraineRussiaWar & impact on Global Trade
2️⃣ @FMC_gov @TheJusticeDept & @POTUS on Container Lines
3️⃣ Update #FelicityAce & #EuroferryOlympia
4️⃣ #SuezCanal Rate Hikes
5️⃣ #Mariners caught in a War

2⃣ Supply Chains: Shipping Lines in the Cross Hairs of U.S. Authorities

#SupplyChains #Container #alliances #POTUS @FMC_gov @TheJusticeDept…
Read 6 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
Une fois de plus, l'#Allemagne entraine par l'inconscience de sa stratégie énergétique et son ubris de puissance industrielle toute la sécurité européenne dans un immobilisme délétère vis-à-vis de la #Russie... détruire le lien germano-russe devrait être la priorité de l'Europe.
Si Poutine s'autorise à envahir l'#Ukraine c'est qu'il a la certitude que l'Allemagne refusera de se couper durablement de l'approvisionnement en gaz russe au nom de la sécurité de l'#Europe. Donc aujourd'hui, il n'y a pas d'obstacle politique en Europe aux visées russes...
... de fait, l'Europe étant piégée par l'Allemagne, il n'y a plus que l'obstacle américain à l'offensive géopolitique russe, quand celui-ci daignera intervenir... depuis la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, on sait comment on arrête les opérations militaires des 5 grands...#Suez
Read 4 tweets
Nov 2nd 2021
So, what does it look like when you run your bow into Asia at 13 knots and close the Suez Canal for six days in March?

#EverGiven ImageImage
MV EVER GIVEN Grounding 2D/3D Animation - Titanic Edition (Iceberg...I mean Africa...right ahead!)

My video on the 2D/3D animation of #EverGiven going aground in the #suez with analysis.

EVER GIVEN Damage Revealed! | What's Going on in the Suez/Shipping?

A discussion on the damage sustained by #EverGiven, a look at imagery from the drydock, and what the repairs entail to get the ship seaworthy.

Read 4 tweets
Oct 26th 2021
It’s out! 🎊
My new @ecfr paper on how #Europe can ride the #climate momentum in the #Gulf deploying its #GreenDeal to meet #NetZero & #geopolitical objectives in the region ➡️
Read b4 #COP26 #COP26Glasgow
Few take-aways 1/ Image
Good that #SaudiArabia & #UAE have pledged #NetZero but #GCC total domestic emissions are only 2.4% of world’s. The #EU needs to focus on the emissions they export, mostly to #China, I argue how: 2/
As shown by the #SaudiGreenInitiative & #MiddleEastGreenInitiative + #UAE willingness to host #COP 28, the #GCC leaders now see a political value in embracing the #climate agenda. This paper described what each #GCC country is actually *doing* about it: 3/
Read 14 tweets
Mar 29th 2021
BREAKING : EVER GIVEN ship has been UNSTUCK & Moving into #Suez Canal after 6 Days!!

Egyptian crew managed to float it moments ago. It’s 5:42 am there:
Moment that Egyptian crew managed to free Vessel. Captain of crew breathing a sigh of relief, giving 👍🏽 and a “Hamdullah” (Thank goodness).

Over 300 ships 🚢 are jammed in #Suez Canal since Ever Given blocked the passage connecting Asia to Europe & US
Ever Given 🚢 crisis (plz stop calling it Ever Green, that’s company), showed again how interconnected world is. But unlike other crisis, it was casualty free & w a happy ending (so far).

Will personally miss the memes, videos & lighter side of twitter
Read 3 tweets
Mar 29th 2021
#Breaking: According to Updated Satellite AIS tracking, #EVERGIVEN has been refloated successfully. #suezcanel
Update: photos confirming the refloating of #EVERGIVEN, the #SuezCanal lane is expected to be opened in front of navigation traffic within the next few hours.
Inchape Shipping Services Group is confirming the refloating of #EVERGIVEN successfully. #suezcanel
Read 18 tweets
Mar 28th 2021
1/While @ever_given gets all the attention right now I thought it would be interesting to see what her 10 sisterships of the Golden class were up to.

Thanks to @MarineTraffic for the data.
2/Three of them are in the Far East right now on their schedules.

3_Two are in Europe.

Read 9 tweets
Mar 28th 2021
Et si la solution au blocage du canal de #suez était le train ?
Impossible ? Certains y pensent pourtant.
Thread ⤵️ Image
Le canal de Suez c'est un bras d'eau creusé entre deux mers. Il permet de prendre un raccourcis conséquent à 12% du trafic mondial. Car rappelez vous : l'Europe produit en Asie et importe chez elle. Image
Patatra, un navire se met en travers dans la canal et voilà la route maritime bloquée. De là, les "yaka foke" sortent leur solution forcément évidente car "ces Egyptiens, ils ne sont pas organisés donc il faut leur expliquer." Image
Read 17 tweets
Mar 28th 2021
On the @cosmo_globalist Cosmopolicast we recorded yesterday, we did a go-round where everyone tried to figure out how to solve the #Suez problem. Hosted by @MoniqueCamarra, with @VivekYKelkar, @NighswanderJon, @akshaya_jose, @IlvesToomas, @RachelMotte, and @is_OwenLewis.
I, of course, said, "Why can't we just blow it up?"
But it turned out really interesting, when @IlvesToomas got us to look at a map and showed us that for pretty much every country but India--for which this is a disaster--it's a non-problem.
Yes, it's a traffic jam and a hassle for vessels that are stuck; but look at the map. Bienvenue, climate change! It's April. We don't really need the Suez Canal until next winter. So we can all stop worrying about it.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 27th 2021
What's Going on in the Suez - Part 4

We are joined by Master Salvor Nick Sloane from Costa Concordia fame for his assessment on the #EVERGIVEN and the situation in the #SUEZ (It is not good by the way!). He has decades of salvage experience & knowledge.

What's Going on in the Suez - Part 3

I discuss how the grounding took place on the morning of March 24, 2021 and the other vessels that were in the lower Suez Canal that day.

A future episode will discuss potential causes for the grounding.

What's Going on in the Suez - Part 2

Myself and @johnkonrad of @gCaptain delve into the details and situation facing the MV Ever Given grounded in the Suez Canal.

Read 4 tweets
Mar 27th 2021
Everyone is talking about the big ship getting stuck in the #Suez Canal. Here's a critical logistics reading list on the politics of how we got here -why ships are so huge, why there is a manmade canal cutting through a continent, why global supply chains seem so brittle, & more.
On the rise of the logistics revolution that shaped the martial politics of global trade from the 1960s to present, read @debcowen's seminal The Deadly Life of Logistics…
This talk I gave at @SonicActs, also the partial subject of of my book manuscript, thinks through the irrational rationalities of obsessions with monstrous ships in the logistics industry, and the corresponding effects on global infrastructure…
Read 19 tweets
Mar 27th 2021
The latest update on #EVERGIVEN in the #Suez. To quote @ever_stucc, it is still stuck.

Efforts to pull her off on Friday failed. The tides are peaking on Mar 31/Apr 1. Rates for tankers nearly doubled.

SMIT has 2 tugs set to arrive on Mar 28.…
US and Turkey have offered support.

Blockage may cost trade between $6 to $10B per week.

Oil rose 3% with tankers diverting around Africa from the Atlantic.

Impact will hit European manufacturing and car part suppliers.
SMIT announced that a crane will arrive this weekend to start removing containers. Modern container cranes can move about 1 box a minute. This will be much slower on a ship that carry nearly 20,000.

2004 incident w/tanker took 3 days to clear.…
Read 15 tweets
Mar 27th 2021
Armin Laschet äußert sich zu #SuezBLOCKED:

"Die Notbremse wird ausgelöst, sobald das Schiff länger als drei Tage feststeckt."

#Suez #suezcanel #Notbremse #NotbremseGLEICH5MinutennochMutti
Hendrik Streeck: "Es ist völlig normal, das Schiffe um diese Jahreszeit etwas fester stecken.

Clemens Fuest von #NoSchiffSteck: "Wir sollten alle gemeinsam das Schiff frei buddeln. Denn dahinter warten schon 20.000 weitere, auf deren Ladung wir angewiesen sind."
Read 8 tweets
Mar 27th 2021
The funny thing about this is that eventually that ship is going get freed, and people will recognize that that little backhoe played a key role in helping to clear the #Suez Canal.

Scheer is giving a lot of credit to @JustinTrudeau for solving world problems.

Reactionary Conservatives love to invoke a boogie-man to justify being shitty to each other.

During the Cold War it was Russia/Communism/The Red Scare.

Trump loved saying "China."
There's lots to be critical of China for, but the spectre of "they pollute more, so we shouldn't bother trying" is weak.

Xi told the United Nations: "We aim to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060."…
Read 11 tweets
Mar 26th 2021
Imaginary conversations around the world on the Suez situation. Hope you have a few laughs.
@SuezDiggerGuy @ever_given
A thread 👇
- paying for additional diggers will increase our national debt (after having approved the purchase of the big ship earlier) @SuezDiggerGuy @ever_given
@colbertlateshow @TheDailyShow @BernieSanders @BarackObama
North Korea:
Our supreme leader moved @ever_given with his fingers and solved the issue
Read 9 tweets

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