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Not being funny but perhaps everyone who previously labelled benefits claimants as scroungers, malingerers and far worse, could recognise the difficulties involved.
Maybe imagine also trying to live on a 5th of their income, with #disabilities on top 》》…
Almost everyone learned these past 18mths how being unable to earn their own money feels & the #depression that causes; the instability & #stress that brings to a home, family & relationships.

Maybe remember too that whilst able bodied, you were helped during the #pandemic 》》
While I fully understand that losing that help now is a huge blow (trust me I know), it should be understood that the most #vulnerable received precisely zero help. In a period where delivery slots were taken by able bodied people & buses were a no-go, our costs skyrocketed 》》
Read 10 tweets
Are you a stressed parent, agonizing abt return to #school?

Take action!
-Write to admin, ask if every classroom, hallway, bath, common area has 5-6 air changes/hr.
-Advocate for added HEPA purifiers everywhere
-Ask what masks are required/recommended for staff. See @projectN95
-Demand outdoor options. Help find space, resources to support.
-Call loudly for the SMALLEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE (small classes) in STATIC, NON-MIXING COHORTS.
-Need remote option to meet your family's health/safety/learning needs? CALL FOR EQUITY IN PANDEMIC LEARNING NOW.
COVID hits Black+Brown communities harder, incl Black+Brown kids. Fighting for safer schools means ADDRESSING HEALTH EQUITY. Ask, what is your district doing to offer extra supports + protection for those most vulnerable to COVID? 1 ex of many 👇…

Read 11 tweets
Germany allowed its states to open their schools and KGs from mid Feb (CW7 for Saxony, CW8 for some other states)
5-9 Y : +30%
10-14 : +20%
Parents (30-49 Y) : +(5-10)%
70+ Y : -20%(due to vaccinations)
#schools #are #COVID #Hotspots #schoolsreopening… ImageImageImageImage
Yes, @dwnews , it was indeed premature to open German schools!!!
How many #LongCovidKids and #LongCovid parents will confirm that schools are not the safest place in a pandemic?…
Do we still need evidence on how #schoolsreopening alongwith the #B117 is causing the 3rd wave of #COVID19 pandemic in #Germany?
School kids age group(5-14Y) saw the earliest and steepest weekly rise in cases and spread it to their parents(30-49Y).
Source… Image
Read 3 tweets
Another excellent, practical resource for school heads to use to improve mitigation w/in UK schools.
As approx 10M ppl mix w/ virtually none of this in place it’s hard to believe that it won’t result in kicking off another #COVID19 surge w/ a BIG BANG! 1/8
Everyone able to effect change should read it & consider which side of the DEBATE they wish to be in over next few months.
False reassurances about the use of #lateralflowtests by the government & those prepared to support them on TV/media have attempted to hide to truth. 2/
Celebrity #antimaskers have continued to apply pressure & w/ the help of #Tory backed #UsForThem have successfully made #Masksinclass an OPTION, whilst children across the world, as young as 6 #WearAMask at school w/ out complaint or issue.
Dangerous #BritishExceptionalism! 3/
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1/14 Morning @SophyRidgeSky, just watched the interviews w/ @DominicRaab @annelongfield @timspector & @bphillipsonMP re #schoolsreopening fully on 8th Mar.

Discussions focused on dates, primary vs secondary, catch up plans, mental health concerns, vulnerable children....

Has the MSM been banned from mentioning mitigation measures?
Are British children/teaching staff different to those across the world?
3/NO FIGURES on how many children get #COVID19?
NO MENTION of how many become seriously ill, are hospitalised or die?
Absolutely NO WORD about the 1 in 7 or 8 children who get #LongCovid!
NO ADVICE for parents of children w/ diseases like Diabetes, severe Asthma etc.
Read 14 tweets
The debate around #schoolsreopening during #Covid19 has been largely grounded in conjecture to this point - we're proud to contribute DATA to the discussion - a thread from our experiences testing an entire K-12 school population from August thru…
2)Kids do contract+transmit #COVID19, but rates of illness when they are IN school are LOWER than when OUT of school. Suggests that children/communities may be at lower risk when in school -poss due to mitigation measures +controlled environment not possible when out of school
3) Reproductive rate (R-naught) within the school setting was <0.5

#schoolclosures #schoolreopening
Read 9 tweets
Prime minister @BorisJohnson now speaking – expecting an announcement on #schoolsreopening
"We need to do more, together, to bring this new variant under control" – Boris Johnson confirms that there will be a national lockdown
"Primary schools, secondary schools and colleges must move to remote education from tomorrow" – @BorisJohnson says "alternative arrangements" will be made with Ofqual for the exam season
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Read 207 tweets
New NYC #schoolsreopening plan combines the best of what we have learned nationwide during #covid about how to keep staff & students safe and how to instruct..…
Young kids and kids most at risk should return first,(assuming the #covid surge can be abated) and they can because the safeguards @Uft negotiated including testing have worked.
What hasn’t worked is hybrid learning. The space 4 physical distancing (&masks & cleaning & ventilation) are non negotiable but hybrid is disruptive to parents & educators & kids alike and simultaneous live stream & in school learning is an untenable pedagogical practice.
Read 3 tweets
A criticism of the data regarding children and #COVID19 from the first surge is that it was acquired with schools closed

Its now surge 2 and they're open

Let's look at the up to date info from @PHE_uk and @ONS infection survey and see what is going on


After an initial surge, in the recent weeks of @PHE_uk data we have seen a decline in cases in the 10 - 19y age group

Otherwise lowest cases remain in the 0 - 10y ages, although still trending up…

What about school outbreaks?

They've been flat for the past several weeks despite rising prevalence in the community

Unfortunately doesn't tell us about how many cases involved or whether it's children or staff/teachers…

Read 10 tweets
Thread 1/12 Here's a short video (sound on) that my wife & I made teaching our special needs son some of the things that he would be learning if in person learning were available for special day classes in r public middle school. #COVID19 #specialneeds #schoolsreopening
2/12 We made this video yesterday, because I was off from work and therefore able to help with the lesson. As you can see from the video, teaching Aidan takes more than one person. Most days I can't help. And so this doesn't happen. #SpecialEducation
3/12 When schools are open, he in in a classroom that has a teacher and many aids that help him and the other students. He also has special seats and chairs and desks that make this easier. At home, he has some 10-30 minute video sessions with a teacher. That's all.
Read 12 tweets
#COVID19: @EduMinOfIndia releases guidelines for reopening of schools from October 15 in a graded manner: news agency PTI

#CoronaVirusUpdates #CoronavirusOutbreak #coronavirus
@EduMinOfIndia #SchoolGuidelines | No assessment till up to 2-3 weeks of schools' reopening, flexibility in attendance norms, says @EduMinOfIndia


@EduMinOfIndia #SchoolGuidelines | Schools must ensure smooth transition of students from home-based schooling during #COVID19lockdown to formal schooling, says @EduMinOfIndia


Read 4 tweets
Trump notes 100th million test, but ignores the milestones of 7.1+ million infected with #COVID19 & 205,000 dead.…

#pandemic #TestingTestingTesting
Trump says 100 million rapid tests will be distributed to states.

And many today not wearing #masks

[Reminder: #COVID19 started spreading in the U.S. nine months ago. Nine months & 205,000 now dead & 7.1+ million infected.]

#pandemic #TestingTestingTesting #SchoolsReopening
BUT ... Of those 100 million promised rapid #COVID19 tests to states, only 6.5 million tests will be shipped this week.

#pandemic #TestingTestingTesting #SchoolsReopening
Read 17 tweets
Thoroughly enjoyed this week’s @inquiringshow podcast consisting of @indrevis’s interview of Sara Hendrin regarding her new book: What Can a Body Do?: How We Meet the Built World. I love it when the tables are flipped relative to our views of the... 1/
built environment, particularly when that flipping provides a more comprehensive & inclusive focus on people. This idea isn’t new - that people are disabled not because of their bodies or brains but because of the physical environment we’ve created. But Hendrin provides... 2/
an insightful, inspiring, & hopeful take on it.

As they covered sign language in relation to the built environment, I couldn’t help but wonder how reopening schools would be impacted if we all generally knew sign language. Signing during... 3/

#schoolsreopening #ksed
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Listen up! Parents.
So schools are resuming and we are like, yaaaaaaay💃🏻🕺🏻. We are getting caught up in buying new school bags, shoes, socks and other school supplies they would need to pull through.
And guess who is super excited? The kids.
Mega excited over their new face shields, masks and sanitizers.

You know you are doing well 👏🏽👏🏽 taking care of these things and you deserve all the accolades but how confident are you about their health and immunity?
How strong do you intend to keep them even as they go to school and mingle especially in these times?

First up, FOOD. 🍲
Cook all food well, especially meat and the likes.
Let there be an amount of fruit 🍎🍏🍐🍍or vegetable 🥕 serving regularly, to accompany food.
Read 7 tweets
On @IDSAInfo online forum, former #CDC director @DrTomFrieden says #COVID19 #vaccines must be safe, effective & available but also trusted.
Even if we have safe/available/accessible/trusted, it's not going to take COVID-19 off the table. No one thing make it magically disappear.
.@DrTomFrieden: 2 concerns with #COVID19 #vaccines: Kawasaki-like syndrome. Theoretical chance some might have that reaction. Not saying it will but must look at it.
Also antibody dependent enhancement.
.@DrTomFrieden: In all likelihood, we may not know all we wish we could know about #COVID19 #vaccines until they are given to lots of people - hundreds of thousands or even millions. But we need to track safety at every step of the way and be completely open with the public.
Read 16 tweets
There has never been more confusion about the role of children in transmission of #SARSCoV2 , and tensions are running high over implications for #schoolsreopening

Time for some clarity

@Damian_Roland and I review ALL the evidence on @DFTBubbles…

When considering transmission risk we must consider 2 classes of factors;

Non-modifiable: The biology of the host and pathogen

Modifiable: Behavioural or environmental influence

Since we can change the latter via policy/guidance etc, we'll focus on the former

How easily to children catch the virus?

Household contact tracing studies suggest less easily than adults; by about half given the same exposure, based on 4 reviews of all the evidence (links in next tweet)

3/13 ImageImageImageImage
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Coimbatore and its passion for Engineering!

Sri Visvesvaraya is seen showing great interest in the motor vehicle designed and built by G D Naidu. who is leaning over, while his son, Gopal Naidu is steering.
The made in pre-independent India motor vehicle was meant to be marketed at Rs. 2,000 but Naidu was refused license by the then government.
Read 5 tweets
A letter from myself, @mugecevik and @AshaBowen about #COVID19 in children and #schoolsreopening in reply to an opinion piece in @theMJA

We've been following the literature since the beginning

Careful and weighted review is vital to inform policy

School closures were one of the first non-pharmaceutical closures around the world, leaving 1.6bil children out of education…

Their reopening has been the source of intense debate

To suggest they are overlooked is erroneous

Interpreting the evidence means not bundling "children" together as one group

There is a clear difference between young children (<10y) as compare to older adolescents/young adults in regards to susceptibility and transmission…

Read 8 tweets
Oh! School staff and COVID. A thread.

We can't say where they got it, unless it says.

Looks like before school started.…
NYC before school starts…
Ohio principal

They're in school.…
Read 12 tweets
All of my 3 kids have had their education severely hampered and disrupted by @fordnation and @Sflecce in the past 12 months. An unannounced claw back of 83% to the oldest's OSAP, failures to negotiate in good faith with teachers resulting in strike days and now...
complete disregard for all kid's health and safety #UnsafeSeptemberON . By the time the next prov election rolls around, all of them will be old enough to vote. Add to that my traditionally Cons voter boomer relatives because they're now "embarrassed" by your party.
I have siblings as well who have teens who are just as pissed and those teens will vote. This is what we call #newmath @Sflecce . Extrapolate that into the number of On families who are as fed up with your laziness and ineptitude to work with education professionals.
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Marco Mendicino Canada's Minister of Immigration stated in his first major policy speech upon assumption of office in 2019 that Image
Canada's major immigration goal is to welcome one million immigrants over the next 3 years, despite the upheavals caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has stuck to that master plan recording high levels of immigration in 2020.
Mendicino stated that this plan is necessary due to Canada’s demographic realities. As an ageing country with a low birth rate, Canadians are living longer and not having enough children to maintain the size of its population.
Read 9 tweets
.@theNASEM holds its public online "listening session" today starting at noon E.T. to discuss yesterday's draft on equitable #COVID19 #vaccines allocation.… #FDA #CDC #NIH

Read my story free here 👇
.@VictorDzau: Initial #COVID19 #vaccines doses will be limited, at least in beginning.
Scarce vaccines will need to be allocated in ways that are thoughtful, strategic/fair.
Important we have a well-thought out framework
WILLIAM FOEGE: This is a draft.
Meeting today because want final product to be better.
This is a fast draft!
Uncertainties we had were overwhelming.

We did the best we could.

We started w/ ethics/equity before we went to the science.

#vaccineframework #COVID19 #vaccines
Read 57 tweets

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