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Target hired a brand called "Abprallen" and its designer by the name "Erik" to run a campaign of LGBTQ dress wear for children under its "Pride" campaign for merchandising across its stores.
#Target #TargetPride
1. But due to public backlash Target had to retreat from its LGBTQ plans for Kids.
#TargetPride #Target Image
2. Now it pans out that Target has lost 9 Billion dollars in its market value in the last 6 days..!!
#Target #TargetPride Image
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So Zeit mal wieder die Aluhüte auszupacken.
Sie fragen sich warum viele Unternehmen weiter auf der #Wokeness Welle schwimmen obwohl es nach hinten losgeht?

Die #Schufa kennt ja wohl so ziemlich jeder - aber kennen Sie auch den #CEI?

Den was? Den Corporate Equality Index.
Quasi der "Wokeness-Schufa-Score" welche von der "privaten" NGO Human Rights Campaign (HRC) vergeben wird.

Welche Kriterien man für einen "guten" Score erfüllen muss kann man hier einsehen:…
Die Kriterien unterliegen dabei keiner wie auch immer gearteten staatlichen Kontrolle - man legt selber fest was die Unternehmen denn bitte jetzt zu leisten haben, gern wird der Katalog auch erweitert.

Spannend wird es dann wenn man sich mal die Finanzierung dieser NGO anschaut.
Read 14 tweets
So I went to #Target this weekend, and as a fairly fresh “terf”, I found it educational.

This is as long a thread as I’m allowed. Expect typos. Let’s do it.🧵

First off, how ‘bout this pro-mental-illness candle? @Target #targetboycott Image
Here’s the full set. Available at a Target in the Far Suburbs of Chicago at their Pride Propaganda Popup. Since I’m not living in Chicago proper for the time being, I can only imagine what the Targets there look like.

And I WILL be going to city Targets another day. ImageImageImage
But first, let’s take it back a bit, because I went to an even farther Target to start off. I expected this one to be less “woke,” and it was… but not by much. For example, their rainbow alcohol display.

But even inside less-woke Target I noticed something immediately… ImageImage
Read 24 tweets
Oh look! A new lawsuit has been filed in NJ by a librarian against #parents who spoke up at a school board meeting.

Egregious 1A violation. Let's review the public records. A thread🧵.
Atty @tonycaivano1964, hubs of radical librarian @roxanacaivano, actually filed a lawsuit for defamation against #parents who exercised their 1A rights to petition their #localgov and criticize the very #govtjobs employee whose salary they they pay.

Let's learn more about……
So, Librarian Roxana Caivano @roxanacaivano flexes here with Just How Important She Is. Based on her white privilege?


It gets better though....
Read 11 tweets
[1/🧵] "#ISO20022 is bigger than you think"

You've probably heard that term a few times and wondered what it meant. 🤔

In case you are curious now:

A brief explanation of everything important.
There will be nothing complicated ahead, so don't worry. 🧵👇 Source:
[2/24] — Outline —

🔹 Origin & Timeline
🔹 What's the big deal?
🔹 Details regarding the transformation
🔹 Migration Approaches
🔹 Relations to #Crypto (#DTI)
🔹 @Ripple & #JSON formats Source:
[3/24] — Origin & Timeline —

The #ISO 20022 standardization efforts began very early on. Indeed, you may be wondering how you missed it until this date. 😅 Source:
Read 26 tweets
Meet @Jaz_Minne__ She meets people in @Target and paints and styles wigs on their heads. Up until today I thought it was cute until...... #Target you better check your girl @TheShadeRoom @WORLDSTAR @BET @Walmart @CNN @MSNBC @CBSNews @ABC ImageImageImageImage
Victim card from the colorist incoming. ImageImage
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Active Event: Shooting. #Target

I'm listening to "Omaha Police Dispatch - West". Listen on @ScannerRadio
Active shooter was initially reported. No victims have been located thus far. The suspect is deceased inside the store. This is an active scene. Multiple Agencies on Scene. Store be cleared and Perimeter is being established.
Officers are at Target 178th and Center investigating reports of a shooting Image
Read 6 tweets
Abro hilo 🧵
Cuantas veces has tratado de comprar en #Amazon #Target #Walmart y otros online y te sale este mensaje que no envían a Puerto Rico 🇵🇷? Hoy te vengo a contar por qué esto pasa y por qué los políticos no hacen nada. 1/ Image
Pues resulta que diferente a lo que muchas personas piensan esto no tiene que ver nada con los retailers y el supuesto de que tratan a PR como ciudadanos de segunda. Pues no, esto como todo en PR se reduce a la política. 2/
Tan lejos como en el 1964 se creó la ley 75, y en 1990 se creo la ley 21. Estas leyes muy sutilmente le conceden exclusividad a los distribuidores de los productos. Básicamente dicen que si tu tienes el contrato de distribución de X producto, nadie más puede venderlo. 3/
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#19novembre, riprendiamo da dove ci eravamo lasciati: le #crociere.
Molte cose si potrebbero raccontare su questo fenomeno #commerciale in continua espansione, sempre più grande e devastante, esattamente come le #navi che utilizza.
Ma partiamo dall'inizio.
[Prima puntata].
Chi ha più di quarant'anni ricorderà (forse anche con un po' di nostalgia) questa sigla qua sotto.🎼
Un Little Tony romantico che cantava tutto ispirato🎤
"Mare profumo di #mare
con l’#amore io voglio giocaaare...".🎹
La serie #Loveboat, avete presente?
Correva il giugno 1980 e #Canale5 (chi altri?) portava in Italia la serie iniziata tre anni prima negli States (e dove, sennò?).
Tanti sorrisi plastificati per lanciare in tutto il mondo un modello di #business turistico di massa insensato e nocivo, il c.d. "crocierismo".
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Gestern habe ich an dieser Stelle den politisch bewirkten Niedergang #Deutschlands beklagt. Die naheliegende Anmerkung: Kritisieren sei leicht, Vorschläge seien schwerer. Die kommen heute (und sind nicht vollständig) 1/N

Ausführlich habe ich meine Ideen zur Sanierung #Deutschlands im Traum von einem Land zusammengefasst. Geschrieben vor der akuten Krise. Deshalb müssen wir kurz- von mittelfristig unterscheiden. 2/N…
Kurzfristig: A) #Energieangebot massiv ausweiten. #Kohle #AKW (6, 5-7 Jahre nicht Monate), #Fracking (geht innerhalb eines Jahres) senkt Preis für Gas B)Brücke bauen bis tiefere Preise - #Gaspreisdeckel #Strompreisdeckel C)Kosten für B aus A decken.3/N…
Read 13 tweets
#Trading is not #Tough, human mind make it #Complex

Here is one #Setup that is working from decades and Even an #Amateur trader can trade it #Efficiently
First Look into this Self Explanatory Chart to create a #Mental_Model, how this pattern #Bull_Flag looks exactly.
So Lets Talk About Different Stages and What you need to keep in Mind while looking into this #Bull_Flag Setup.
Read 11 tweets
#US supports #Ukraine attacking #Crimea – Politico

Washington reportedly believes the peninsula
– which Elected to rejoined Russia in 2014 –
is a #Legitimate #Target ⁉️
The #Empire gets #DIRECTLY #Involved:

Air defense systems became activated in the city of Kerch, in the vicinity of the #Crimean #Bridge on Thursday evening.
Videos showed a missile piercing the night sky.

The #Empire gets #DIRECTLY #Involved:

#Kiev’s forces have carried out numerous strikes, which mainly involved drones, on settlements and border checkpoints in #Russia’s regions of Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk.

The #Empire gets more #DIRECTLY #Involved:

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Join us tomorrow for the launch of a new #accredited #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia covering the relationship between #LDL_C & major #CV events, CV risk categories, recommended LDL-C treatment goals, & oral therapeutic options for lipid-lowering
1) Welcome to a new #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia. Our returning @cardiomet_CE expert author is dedicated #SoMe education advocate Kevin Fernando, FRCGP FRCP Edin, FAcadMEd MSc Diabetes @drkevinfernando
2a) This is the next instalment of @cardiomet_CE's 10-part #tweetorial foundational series on #lipid management! It is accredited for #CME/CE and intended for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists.
#FOAMed @MedTweetorials #cardiotwitter
Read 45 tweets
Donnerstag ist sommerliche Bescherung: #EZB erhöht den #Realzins auf minus 7.5% (und soll damit- so die Kritiker- die #Eurozone in die #Rezession stürzen, als käme die nicht eh) und verkündet ihr „Anti-Fragmentierungs-Programm“, was normale Menschen #Zins Subvention nennen 1/2
#Italien hat sich nicht nur auf über 150% vom #BIP verschuldet, sondern auch noch die #Target II Karte mächtig gezogen (628 Milliarden/30% vom BIP) und das vor allem bei uns Deutschen. Womit das #Erpressung Szenario klar ist. Dabei… 2/3
Brauchen die Italiener uns nicht zu erpressen, weil unsere Regierung schon kapituliert hat bevor es losgeht (siehe #Wahlprogramm #Gruene #SPD , #FDP sträubt sich, wird aber wieder umfallen) 3/4
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Jetzt kommt endlich die Studie zur SARS-CoV-2-#Seroprävalenz in #Deutschland, durchgeführt von #Streeck et. al. auf Grundlage von Daten des #Payback-Netzwerks.

Warum letzteres problematisch ist, im 🧵
Die Aussagekraft einer derartigen Studie steht & fällt u.a. damit, wie repräsentativ die verwendete Stichprobe für die Gesamtbevölkerung ist.

Auf den ersten Blick sieht hier #Payback als Quelle der Stichprobe gut aus: Derzeit über 31 Mio aktive Kunden in #Deutschland. 2/
1. Problem:
52 Mio Menschen sind nicht in Paybacks Datenbank und es stellt sich die Frage, ob die darin enthaltenen 38 Mio Volljährigen (mehr als aktive #Payback-Nutzer) repräsentativ durch Payback-Nutzer abgebildet werden können.

Dem ist nicht so.

Indizien: 3/
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😱😱😱War Room and Daily Clout teamed up to report on the Pfizer docs and the data is horrifying 1/🧵⬇️ Image
Pfizer and FDA KNEW BY DEC 2020 the shots waned, there was “vax failure” & “covid” was an effect.

In May 2021 Pfizer knew about the heart damage in kids & FDA rolled out the EUA anyway. Parents weren’t made aware til August.
2/🧵⬇️ Image
Pfizer & FDA KNEW MRNA, spike & nanoparticles didn’t stay at the injection site, instead traveling to the bloodstream & to liver, spleen, adrenals, lymph nodes & ovaries.
3/🧵⬇️ Image
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(1/6) In the new RDG organisation, The Black Horse Squadron will be the #AntiTank squadron.

The clue is in the name, but how will they be equipped, trained and employed? Read on…

@TheIronFist @3rdUKDivision @BritishArmy @RoyalArmdCorps
#Future #Soldier
(2/6) The Black Horse Squadron's main weapon will be the FGM 148 #Javelin - you've probably heard of it.

With optical and #thermal sights, It can lock onto and destroy #tanks up to 4km away, either in direct or ‘Top Attack’ mode.

(Read on)

@armySWS1 @LockheedMartin
(3/6) They will also have the NLAW and LASM for closer quarters or in complex terrain.

With a range of 20-800m, NLAW can also #target the sides or top of enemy #tanks.

LASM is an unguided rocket, effective against lightly armoured vehicles or structures up to 200m.

(Read on)
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Étant d'origine Russe, ayant de la famille sur place, j'en ai plus que marre du #RussianBashing des médias français, et des occidentaux moralisateurs en général. Que dirait les USA si la Russie allait installer des bases opérationnelle avancées au Mexique et à Cuba ? 1/2
De plus, n'oublions pas que les accords de Minsk ne concerne que les territoires de la Crimée et du Donbass. Les termes était l'arrêt de l'avancée des pro-russes au-delà de ces territoires. C'est ce qui a été fait. Poutine ne fait que reconnaître une république qui a déjà 8 ans.
Biden et les représentants de L'OTAN n'ont qu'à arrêter de prendre les gens pour des cons. N'avaient ils pas promis en 1989 de ne pas s'étendre en direction des frontières Russe ? Qui sème le vent, récolte la tempête.

#Ukraine #RussiaUkraineCrisis #Russia #UkraineCrisis #Donetsk
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Thyroid as a #target of adjuvant #autoimmunity /#infammatory syndrome due to mRNA‐based SC2 vaccination.
#Vaccines contain #adjuvants which are not exempt from adverse efects and can #trigger the autoimmune/infammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (#ASIA). Image
Multiple endocrine organs have receptors for ACE2.
mRNA of ACE2, the SARS-CoV2 receptor, is expressed in the thyroid cells.
ACE2 receptor is abundantly expressed by the thyroid. Elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines could increase the expression ofACE2 on the thyroidgland.
ASIA covers a wide range of diseases like macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome, post-vaccination phenomena, #GulfWar syndrome #GWS and Silicosis.
After mass vaccination with SARS-CoV2 vaccines, some cases of Graves’ disease have been reported. #Grave ‘s disease after #Pfizer.
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Le #cellule #Car-T “peptide-centriche” contro i #tumori solidi: in questo caso ha come #target i #frammenti proteici nelle cellule di #neuroblastoma. Studio di #Nature riassunto in questo thread un po' lungo ma spero interessante. 1/13
Le basi/1. Le terapie CAR-T si basano sull’ingegnerizzazione delle #cellule T (o #linfociti T) del sistema #immunitario del #paziente, che vengono “potenziate” per combattere il #tumore. 2/13
Le basi/2. Per farlo gli scienziati usano un #vettore #virale inattivato contenente un #gene in grado di far esprimere sulla superficie delle cellule T un #recettore chimerico (il recettore dell’antigene chimerico, #CAR, a cui la terapia deve il suo nome). 3/13
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How to buy #dividend-paying Stocks
If you’re looking to collect #dividends from your #stock purchases, it's safe to be thinking of large corporations
Large firms like #Cisco, AT&T, #Stanbic, #Dangote, #GTbank, #ZenithBank, #Apple have a long history of financial stability and low volatility
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Lecciones de Seguridad 2020
Capitulo II
#Global #Security Image
La opción más extrema
Tras conocerse el ataque en Kirkuk, la Casa Blanca pidió al Pentágono que le presentase al presidente Donald Trump un abanico de posibles respuestas. Image
Entre las "opciones sobre la mesa": Hundir barcos iraníes, bombardear instalaciones de misiles, atacar campamentos de las milicias en Irak. ademas de.... Image
Read 17 tweets

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