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C'est une informercial pour Axa, Allianz, Blackrock & co ?!
Ce sont les assurances qui font pression pour ces secours : Coutera moins cher que de verser leur assurance vie!
Puis ce sera encore le contribuable "IngratJalouxQuiNAmePasLesRiches" qui paiera…
#Titan #Titanic
Ce n'est ni du tourisme, ni de la recherche (0 équipement de recherche)!
Moyen pour financer des pseudo recherches par des milliardaires qui en échangent veulent 'voir' avant tout le monde ; il suffit alors de "leur faire voir" (même si y'a rien à voir)!
#Titan #Titanic
Comme Michael Hughes, "Mad Mike", rebaptisé "Stupid Mike", vénéré par les astronomes amateurs (et une flopée de #Zététiciens dans le déni que leur "héros" était Platiste), ayant fait financé son projet de fusée par des "platistes", il s'est (lui aussi) crashé!
#Titan #Titanic
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THREAD : Pourquoi cette "expédition Titanic" puait depuis le début. Tout ce que vous allez voir dans ce thread est véridique et vérifié. #Titan #Titanic #TitanicRescue Image
1) Commençons par le prérequis, 250000$ c'est le prix par personne pour avoir une place dans ce cercueil métallique aussi solide qu'une canette. "Sous-marin" qui a pour configuration : Aucun système de navigation et de communication à part un système de "SMS".
2) Une manette Logitech bluetooth bas de gamme achetée pour 40$ et dont personne ne veut même pour jouer à un jeu arcade tellement c'est de la merde (perte de la connexion, joystick qui s'usent à la vitesse de la lumière, drift, etc) Image
Read 12 tweets
Il reste maximum 24 heures d’air respirable aux cinq passagers du #Titan (s'ils sont toujours en vie), selon les garde-côtes américains qui se basent sur les 96 heures prévues par OcéanGate. Cette durée est en réalité très théorique. ⤵️

Concrètement, "cette notion d’air respirable renvoie à deux choses : la quantité d’oxygène pur disponible en permanence pour compenser celui que l’on consomme, et le fait d’enlever du dioxyde de carbone (CO2) que l’on expire dans l’habitacle", décrit un ingénieur.

En général, une fois qu’une durée d'air respirable est prévue (en l'occurrence 96 heures pour 5 personnes), "on calcule le nombre de bouteilles d’oxygène nécessaires en se basant sur une consommation individuelle moyenne de 0,4 ou 0,5 L par minute".

3/6 Image
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Como sabéis sigue la búsqueda del sumergible turístico que iba en busca de los restos del Titanic y que ha desaparecido en el Atlántico.

Titán, el nombre del sumergible, pudo haber experimentado una de las denominadas tres catástrofes que puede sufrir una expedición de este…… Image
Todo esto comienza el pasado domingo. El comienzo de la inmersión estaba previsto para las 4.00 horas y contaba con dos horas de bajada y otras dos horas de subida, pero poco antes de cumplirse dos horas de la inmersión se perdió el contacto.(📷OceanGate) #Titanic #Titan… Image
El Titán está hecho de titanio y fibra de carbono enlaminada por filamentos y el sumergible está atornillado desde el exterior.Esto significa que la tripulación del interior no puede abrirlo;para que los dejen salir,un equipo en la superficie debe abrir la escotilla (📷OceanGate) Image
Read 20 tweets
1/3 To the extent Titan can be located based on sonar data they have showing banging every 30 minutes (hard, bc the sonar buoys drift), here is what seems to be in place based as of Wednesday evening:

1. Rigging/recovery cable able to reach proper depths; 
2. An FDOSS sent by US Navy (heavy duty salvage vehicle able to haul Titan up using the cable)
3. Ship equipped w/ 2 remote controlled underwater vessels, presumably able to get down there to attach cable to Titan.
3/3. I don’t know if this will all work out but medics have been mobilized and are being flown in with decompression chambers arriving Wednesday by 10 pm, latest. Sources: Rescue team statements in Time, People, Rolling Stone and @USCGNortheast
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Sembra che il #Titan non fosse sicuro, che la sua realizzazione non sia stata sottoposta a verifiche, un mini sub che deve andare ad oltre 4000 metri di profondità deve avere caratteristiche costruttive molto precise, resistere ad oltre 400 kg/cmq è impegnativo per qualsiasi⤵️
Materiale. Supponiamo che abbia resistito alla pressione e sia rimasto incastrato o travoltò ad un pezzo del relitto cadutogli addosso, non ci sono molte possibilità di mettere in atto, in breve tempo, un’operazione di salvataggio anche con droni o robot subacquei in grado⤵️
Di raggiungerlo portando cavi per il recupero (considerate che un cavo da 8mm di spessore di 400mt peserebbe 1250kg). Analizziamo quindi le possibilità di sopravvivenza (le 96 ore) che sono “teoriche” computate grazie alla capacità dei serbatoi di O2 e la disponibilità degli⤵️
Read 9 tweets
A 111 años de hundirse en el atlántico, partido en 2, con la proa y popa en diferentes sitios, y haberse llevado 1.503 almas en el año 1912, el #Titanic quiere seguir cobrando vidas.

8 cosas curiosas sobre el mini submarino #Titan desaparecido con 5 tripulantes.

[Hilo] 🧶

1- Los restos del Titanic se encuentran a 3.800 m de profundidad en el océano atlántico en una zona llamada Cañón del Titanic, a unos 640 km al sureste de Terranova, Canadá. La proa y la popa están separadas por una distancia de 800 m.
Acá la coordenadas exactas: 👇

2- A esa profundidad de 3.800 m, la presión es de 38.396,34 Kpa (kilopascales). Eso es ~200 veces la presión de aire que llevan los neumáticos de un auto sedan convencional R14 (28 PSI - 193 Kpa). 😬
Pocos submarinos en el mundo llegan a esa profundidad sin sufrir daños. 💥

Read 14 tweets
Continuano le ricerche nell'Oceano Atlantico del sommergibile #Titan , scomparso con 5 persone a bordo da ieri mentre cercava di raggiungere il relitto del #Titanic
2/ Le profondità da scandagliare per il ritrovamento del sommergibile sono gargantuesche. Il relitto del Titanic si trova a 3800 metri di profondità nell’Atlantico a circa 600 km dalle coste nordamericane di Terranova. ImageImageImage
3/ Secondo il contrammiraglio John Mauger della Guardia Costiera statunitense, le ricerche riguardano un'area "a circa 1.450 km a Est di Cape Cod, a una profondità di circa 4.000 metri.
È un'area remota ed è complicato condurre una ricerca in una zona del genere". ImageImage
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📆 #UnDiaComoHoy hace #260 años nace el escritor alemán Jean Paul.
🕯️ Estudia teología y filosofía en la @UniLeipzig, pero nunca ejerció como pastor. Después de trabajar como tutor y editor, se dedicaría por completo a la escritura.

📆 21/03/1763 - 14/11/1825
🏤 #JeanPaul
📚 Conocido por su estilo literario único y complejo, las obras de Jean Paul suelen incluir largas digresiones y son muy detalladas. Su novela más famosa, #Titan, tiene más de 1.300 páginas.

🏤 #literaturaalemana #CFLC #LopezCapillas
🇩🇪 Jean Paul fue influenciado por la filosofía alemana del s.XVIII, especialmente por Immanuel #Kant. También se inspiró en la literatura inglesa y francesa, como la obra de @LaurenceSterne y la poesía de Jean-Jacques #Rousseau.
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Our ace chartist @bbrijesh posts the Index chart in his video. Let us understand on how he creates this index in Tradingview to analyze the charts. #Index #TechnicalAnalysis #charting
There are 2 ways to create an index - Equal Weighted Index #EWI and Market Cap Index #MCI. 1. EWI is used when maximum stocks are from large and midcap. 2. MCI is used when max stocks are midcap and smallcap.
To plot EWI, the stock price is just added and it is plotted on the chart. For Eg. I have taken 10 stocks - #Reliance #LT #TCS #Infy #BajFin #Dixon #DivisLab #Titan #RECLtd #BharatForg Check #chart attached
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Swing Trading Strategy ‼️

That can help you generate Monthly Income ‼️

A thread🧵


✅ What is Setup
✅ The Rules of Setup
✅ Some Examples of Setup
✅ Summary
What is Setup:-

Setup is a complete price action based & candlestick based patterns based

Any type of indicator is not used in this setup

It's a beginner to advance level setup with a good Risk & Reward Ratio
Read 10 tweets
#Titan Ind

Titan Company Ltd is among India’s most respected lifestyle companies. It has established leadership positions in the Watches, Jewellery and Eyewear categories led by its trusted brands and differentiated customer experience.
TITAN business at Glance

Titan’s Jewellery Division – Q1FY23 Business Update

Titan's jewellery division revenue increased by 204% on YoY to Rs.7,995 cr on a high base of Q1FY23, which included pent-up demand and spillover purchases from a COVID-disrupted Q1FY22.
-Gold jewellery (plain) saw low double-digit growth, whereas studded jewellery sales increased faster than the overall division, owing to strong activation and a higher contribution from high-value purchases.
Read 24 tweets
[#Image] 18/09/1977 > La + ancienne image du couple Terre-Lune, prise par #Voyager1 #ScienceCQFD Image
[#Podcast] 2017 > #Voyager : 40 ans d'odyssée un #LaMethSci à (ré)écouter via @franceculture #ScienceCQFD Image
Read 15 tweets
🚀 We are live! Here is the correct streaming link for all of today's discussions and performances, starting with a panel on complex time with David Krakauer, James Gleick, Ted Chiang, and David Wolpert in a few moments (measured linearly...):

"One of the ideas we had with #InterPlanetary was, 'What would it take to make science hedonistic? And instead of telling people to do it, you'd have to tell people to STOP doing it?"

- SFI President David Krakauer sets the tone for this weekend's celebrations
#IPFest Image
David Krakauer: "Do you have a favorite model or metaphor for #time?"

@JamesGleick: "You've already mentioned a river; that's everybody's favorite. Borges said time is a tiger. People talk about it as a thread. We ONLY talk about time in metaphors." Image
Read 141 tweets
Best Buying Levels for all #Nifty50 #Stocks as per Demand Zone:

1️⃣ #ADANIPORTS: ₹562
2️⃣ #ASIANPAINT: ₹2,552
3️⃣ #AXISBANK: ₹620
4️⃣ #BAJAJFINSV: ₹10,445
5️⃣ #BAJAJAUTO: ₹3,280

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#StockMarket #NSE #Nifty #Trading #Investing #sharemarket

Best Buying Levels for all #Nifty50 #Stocks as per Demand Zone:

6️⃣ #BAJFINANCE: ₹4,668
7️⃣ #BHARTIARTL: ₹552
8️⃣ #BPCL: ₹255
9️⃣ #BRITANNIA: ₹2,534
🔟 #CIPLA: ₹850

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#StockMarket #NSE #Nifty #Trading #Investing #sharemarket #Trader #OI

Best Buying Levels for all #Nifty50 #Stocks as per Demand Zone:

1️⃣ #COALINDIA: ₹163
2️⃣ #DIVISLAB: ₹3,154
3️⃣ #DRREDDY: ₹3,365
4️⃣ #EICHERMOT: ₹2,431
5️⃣ #GRASIM: ₹1,221

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#StockMarket #NSE #Nifty #Trading #Investing #sharemarket #BSE

Thread 🧵(3/11)
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17 years ago #Today, ESA's Huygens spacecraft made its descent to the surface of Saturn's moon Titan, carried to the gas giant by NASA's Cassini spacecraft
This the last view of Huygens from the Cassini spacecraft 17 years ago #Today. Thanks to @esa for sharing the photo:
During the descent, Huygens recorded the sounds of Titan as well. That happened 17 years ago #Today and you can actually listen to the sounds of an alien world
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#Espace - Les bonnes raisons d'y aller
🌿À l'heure de la #COP26, pourquoi dépenser de l'énergie et des finances pour aller dans l'espace. #Thread de quelques éléments de réponses du côté optimiste de la force 🤞
#espace #écologie #spacegeek Space final frontier - illustration Elite Dangerous
1. Pour trouver notre place dans l'#univers, #explorer, #rêver.
Historiquement, l'observation des étoiles a interrogé, fait rêver. Domaine des dieux, sphère céleste, on étudie le ciel nocturne et l'évolution de soleil en journée qui rythme les vies.
#astronomie #histoire #Science
🔭Les #philosophes déblayant les principes de la mécanique céleste posent les bases de l'#astronomie moderne, s'égarant parfois dans des interprétations erronées. Les briques sont posées et ainsi naîtra les #science, #physique, #astrologie, ...
Read 29 tweets
Monthly updates for all 3 portfolios for the month of Nov- 2021:

No recommendations, just sharing my journey!!

#MostlyMomentum #stockmarkets #StockMarket #stocks #investing #trading

⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️


Starting NAV (12-03-2021): 100.00

Current NAV (30-11-2021): 150.49

Compounded Annualised Returns: 90.23%

Annualised Standard Deviation (Based on daily closing): 24.76%

Maximum Drawdown: -12.80%
Trailing Returns:

Since Inception:
#MostlyMomentum (Daily Reconstitution) Portfolio: 50.49%
#NIFTY100: 12.99%
#NIFTYMidcap100: 22.42%
#NIFTYSmallcap100: 26.32%
Read 22 tweets
“For reasons I have never understood, people like to hear that the world is going to hell.”
~Historian Deirdre McCloskey
#IndusInd vs #Titan
I just want to show a live comparison today how #CNBCTV18Market or #ETnow or across the world media companies are more pessimistic
#Titan is an optimistic story, India’s own success story a brand built on trust doing a roaring sales, India just had historic Deepavali sales couple of shades less than $20 billion which is massive #titan will be major beneficiary vs #IndusIndbank May be an accounting issue
But the #media house’s majorly focused entire day on #IndusindBank #banknifty correcting over 700 points before people realised that #sbi and all psu banks #ICICI has delivered a stellar results
Bank nifty might close in big + today and guys who are listening to the TV loose big
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“Last Diwali to this Diwali: Summary of Momentum Investments/ Trades taken (#MostlyMomentum)!!”:

Introduction of my journey so far:
I started my #StockMarket journey Jul- 2016:

•During 2016-17, as a typical new investor, started with TV Tips, and IPOs,
this (IPOs) helped in a way, best #DMART has still been the best of IPOs I applied for, got allotment, and kept for couple of months and captured fastest 282% of my #StockMarket journey.

• During 2017-18, decided not to go after TV Tips,
and started doing something on my own including a little Option “BUYING” 12, lost some funds in Option Buying, but gained a lot of experience regarding not to so something you don’t know. Alongside this, also started exploring cash market strategies of buying what is going up and
Read 25 tweets
1. Iron Finance es una plataforma que corre en BSC y Polygon aunque en Polygon tiene muchisimo mas TVL (746 M vs 18 M). Me voy a centrar en Polygon aunque la de BSC es igual, solo cambia el token #TITAN por #STEEL Image
2. Tiene dos tokens. TITAN y IRON.
IRON es la stable del protocolo y es una stable PARCIALMENTE COLATELARIZADA a diferencia de otras stable que son colateralizadas o algorítmicas.
En IRON la garantía esta constituida por 2 tokens: USDC y TITAN
3. Para crear (mintear) IRON se puede hacer dejando como colateral solamente USDC o USDC y TITAN. Si se usa USDC y TITAN la proporción de cada una esta dada por el "Target Collateral Ratio" (TCR) (hoy esta en 25% TITAN - 75% USDC) Image
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Consolidated Revenue +59% YoY to Rs 74940mn
EBIDTA +33% YoY to Rs 8170mn || EBIDTA margins 10.9% v/s 13% YoY
(Jewellery business has lower gross margins+ some one offs including lower studded share, sale bullion and higher gold coin sale impacted gross margins further) (2/n)
PBT +43% YoY to Rs 7300mn
PAT +66% YoY to Rs 5680mn (mainly on a/c of lower YoY tax rate at 22.2% v/s 32.6% YoY) (3/n)
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4QFY21 Result - First Cut

Time for thread 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


Standalone Revenue increased by 61.1% YoY to INR 71.3bn. (Consensus Estimate : 70bn)

EBITDA grew by 32% YoY to INR 7.9bn with EBITDA margin contraction of 248bps YoY to 11.1%. (Consensus Estimate : 7.4bn)

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