Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Vix

Most recents (24)

1/ Markets are down and the Vix is...down.

Why is the Vix sub-14? And what is the Vix?

Debrief from my convo with a equity volatility options trader.

What happens from here?

Charts below.

#VIX #volatility #nvidia
2/ Vix closed at 13.5 today.

The VIX, or Volatility Index, is a measure of expected price fluctuations in the S&P 500 Index options over the next 30 days.

It is often referred to as the "fear index" or "fear gauge" because it represents the market's expectation of volatility. Image
3/ The Black-Scholes (or related equations) are used to back-out the implied volatility. Observed put/call prices on front-month contracts Image
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#Bitcoin prices set to reach $45,000 this year, says report - Follow the 'fair value' roadmap for optimal #tradingstrategy ⬇️🧵

Sub to our TG for the latest:… Image
1/10: Despite recent #volatility, #Bitcoin prices are where they should be according to our #CPI/#FOMC roadmap laid out in Feb.
2/10: Based on the Jan. Effect, #Bitcoin could finish the year around $45k, which seemed optimistic at $22k, but is now achievable. Image
Read 12 tweets
This is the start of Drip Drops Knowledge!

Remember to hit that follow button if you like the content.

#SPY #SPX $ES_F #QQQ #futurestrading #OptionsTrading #options Image
The first official Knowledge Drop. $GME reported earnings last night and is up over 50% this morning. A short float of 24% (as reported by #Ortex) might have something to do with that. Breakdown in slide, follow me for weekly Knowledge Drops!

#GME #ShortSqueeze Image
Last week, I discussed the concept of a “short squeeze.” This week let’s look at the dynamics of dealer hedging and the concept of a “gamma squeeze.”

#ShortSqueeze #GammaSqueeze #SPY #SPX $ES Image
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Somehow our pinned tweet disappeared, so here it is again

This is a thread with information we think valuable:

1) Our Compact Guide to Understanding #Gamma
2) $SPX $Gamma structure Cheat Sheet
3) Our Compact Guide to Options Strategies
4) 2023 Options Calendar... and more
Version 1.0 of the $SPX #Gamma structure cheat sheet.

Developed in partnership from
@TradeVolatility, great tools for great trades

#SPX #ES_F #options #Futures #trading #Daytrader #VIX #VVIX #Gamma $Gamma #GEX $GEX $SPX $SPY #SPY $QQQ #QQQ #NDX #NQ_F

Our Compact Guide to Options Strategies

According to the teachings of Sheldon Natemberg, 30 years Market Maker, Cboe Educator and author of the options Bible "Option Volatility & Pricing: Advanced Trading Strategies and Techniques"

#SPX #ES_F #options #Futures #trading #VIX
Read 7 tweets
Przegląd Tygodnia.

- Indeks dolara
- S&P500, NASDAQ
- Złoto, Ropa, Gaz
- WIG20

Proszę udostępnij ten wpis, jeśli ten przegląd Ci się spodobał.
Indeks dolara na wykresie tygodniowym wyrysował dwie zielone świece, ale długoterminowa tendencja wciąż jest spadkowa. Jak na razie należy te wzrosty traktować jako korektę. Dopiero pokonanie okolic 108 zaneguje scenariusz spadkowy.
Na wykresie dziennym zatrzymaliśmy się idealnie na wyznaczonym oporze 103.70. Kolejny silny opór to okolice 105 - bardzo prawdopodobne miejsce końca korekty. Najbliższe wsparcia to okolice 102, potem 100.
Read 17 tweets
🚨Discorso di #Powell all'Economic Club di Washington🚨

Fra una ventina di minuti zio Powell tornerà a parlare dopo il recente #FOMC.

Seguiamo #live il discorso per capire se la #FED confermerà la sua posizione o se verrà in contro ai mercati

@crypto_gateway @GatewayMeme @CryptoMeme_Ita @MemeingBitcoin @AFTSDCrypto @hardrockcrypto @MarcheseCrypto @TradingonIt @BitCryptoRepost @financialjuice 2/ Prima di cominciare è molto interessante l'intervento di ieri di Bostic della FED:

"Se necessario si potrà rivalutare la possibilità di tornare ad almeno un rialzo di 50 bps."
Read 24 tweets
How can I explain this #SPY chart with 280 characters. I will try in a thread. $SPY $SPX #VIX Image
The regular flat grid chart is misleading to retail. The big money uses diamonds. It works on any minute chart and on a daily as well. that is how they communicate/coordinate beating retail. I discovered this 3 -4 month ago and it never fails.
The fight is now on the downward channel the bulls wanted to stop the cycle of down trends pushing it artificially higher to prevent $300. A downtrend channel is inevitable but what channel is the important question. because the next bottom moves higher.
Read 10 tweets

Read this comprehensive thread so you understand why this is the BIGGEST BULL TRAP that we have ever seen

#thread 🧵 Image
Let's start with JPOW & Interest Rates

Currently, Fed has been raising interest rates to battle inflation which puts downward pressure on the #StockMarket

So if Fed keeps raising rates, it's #bearish for #stocks & #crypto.

Raising Camign → Pause → Decreasing Campaign

2🧵 Image
We are in a #BearMarket and this recent rally has sparked a lot of enthusiasm from #investors and #traders.

Bear Market Rallies are a common phenomenon during the Bear Market and usually have multiple selling climaxes and declining volume on the rallies.

3🧵 Image
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Our weekly "NEXT WEEK, The Bear's take, The Bull's take, Our take" is here

For more info read our newsletter (It will be out tomorrow)

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$DIA $IWM #trading #options #Futures
The Bear's take:

•Rates and valuations are high
•Looming Recession
•Geopolitical tensions are increasing
•Earnings will be low
•Macro enviroment is ugly
•Layoffs are increasing

#SPX #ES_F $SPX #options #trading #Futures #DayTrading #scalping #odte $SPY $ES #VIX #VVIX

The Bull's take

•Inflation/Commodities/Oil/Dollar are down
•Techs are taking the lead again
• $FAANG chart is bullish
•Breadth indicators are strong
• $VIX, $VVIX and #DXY in strong donwtrend
•Positive divergence from CCI, RSI, ROC, Stochastics
Read 5 tweets
Przegląd Tygodnia.

- Indeks dolara
- S&P500, NASDAQ
- Złoto, Ropa, Gaz
- WIG20

Proszę udostępnij ten wpis, jeśli ten przegląd Ci się spodobał.
Zaczynamy od indeksu dolara, który cały czas znajduje się w trendzie spadkowym. Aktualnie kurs zatrzymał się na bardzo silnym wsparciu w rejonie 101.5. Tygodniowa świeca ma wydłużony dolny cień, ale nie na tyle długi, aby miała charakter pro wzrostowy. Jest raczej neutralna.
Na wykresie dziennym mamy silną tendencję spadkową - sekwencja coraz niższych szczytów. Na razie ciężko mówić o zmianie trendu. Najpierw musielibyśmy pokonać opór na 103.5, a potem ostatni szczyt na 105.50. Do tego momentu ewentualne wzrosty byłyby korektą.
Read 18 tweets
Our weekly "NEXT WEEK, The Bear's take, The Bull's take, Our take" is here

For more info read our newsletter (It will be out tomorrow)

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$DIA $IWM #trading #options #Futures
The Bear's take:

•Recession is just around the corner
• Rates and valuations are high
• Geopolitical tensions
• Friday, stocks rise on low volume
• Earnings will be low
•China Covid shutdown hurt earnings
• Market is overbougth
#VVIX is rising

#SPX #ES_F $SPX #options

The Bull's take

• Inflation/Commodities/Oil/$ are ↓
• $DJI chart is very bullish. $DJT and $IWM also look good
•Up week on increasing volume
• $VIX and #DXY in strong donwtrend
•Breadth indicators are strong
•Positive divergence from CCI, RSI, ROC, Stochastics
Read 5 tweets
If you haven't read it
From our newsletter:
"Last Friday it managed - just like the $DJT and $IWM - to make a solid upward breakout... did so on high volume... close above the 20, 50, 100 and 200DMA.
All indicates that this will most likely be the way forward for the #SPX"
" #DJT made an excellent breakout and closed above 20 and 100DMA. It closed right at its 50DMA. Bullish action from a leading indicator. $DJT will have to surpass the conjunction of 50DMA and 200DMA next week, in order to validate more upward moves"
It did that yesterday


"A follow up rally is expected to allow it to break out of the Noise Box and break above at least the 20DMA.
On Monday it broke above the Noise Box, yesterday above the 20DMA, today above the 50DMA"

#QQQ #NDX #TradingSignals #bearmarket #SPX #ES_F #trading #SPX
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Stocks $SPY off to a strong start so far in 2023, gaining ~2% in first 5 days

- is this important?
- actually, it’s a big deal
For 2023, pundits all reading off same menu:

- Fed gonna crush every rally until job market cracks + EPS going to fall in ‘23

- consensus thus, stocks fall in first half to 3,000 (S&P 500) and then maybe stocks recover to “flat” by YE
Several issues with this consensus view:

- stocks rarely “flat” after a year (11% instances) and far more likely to rise >20% (53% of time)

- volatility matters more than EPS = Fed is key

- we see roadmap for volatility to sink sharply in 2023, already happened with bonds
Read 6 tweets
1st Week of 2023 - went opposite to what I expected. Oil had a correction while bonds got bought in size, stocks were mostly flat, caught a bid on Friday:
Equity sentiment deteriorated some more, and is now on the edge between neutral and pessimistic:

#NAAIM survey down to 38.8
#Rydex ratio up 0.04 to 0.32
#CFTC futures dealers were -3.8% net short
In options
#VIX is a neutral 21.13
#MaxPain for SPY sits at 385
Fed liquidity dropped in size, 120 billion down, led by Fed QE effort. Modelled SPX fair value is down to 3614, last time we had such a disconnect from the model was 1 Dec 2022
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Q1 Big Trade: Long #VIX⬇️⬇️⬇️
Areas of Interest
HOW [my SOP for swings]
1. Break your standard size into 4.
2. Enter Long on every red day
3. Of the 4 trades, take profit on 2 trades on every green day. Keep the 2 open until exit date.
4. Size reduce to 3 after T1; no adds after T2.
5. If price is below Low Range - don't add
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Our weekly "NEXT WEEK, The Bear's take, The Bull's take, Our take" is here

For more info read our newsletter

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$DIA $IWM #trading

The Bear's take:

• Rates, dollar, employment ↑
• Geopolitical tensions
• $VIX and $VVIX are above 20DMA and uptrending
• $SPX closed below 200, 100, 50 and 20 DMA
• Negative #Gamma regime
• Leading sectors are breaking down
$ES_F $SPX $SPY #SPX #VIX #trading

The Bull's take

•Inflation/Commodities/Oil/ $DXY are ↓
•Seasonality favors up movement
•It was all about heavy $GEX & #Quad witching day
•Indices are very near strong support
• $VIX and $VVIX still in donwtrend
• Breadth indicator (#S5TH) is still holding
Read 5 tweets

Down day for the #SPX, and the #VIX closed down -6.26% and below 20DMA

Yesterday: large bearish engulfing candle
Today: Continuation

Despite the lack of sync this looks like a bullish development for $SPX

#ES_F #trading $SPY $ES #options #VIX $VVIX
#XLF was rejected at 20DMA

The sector remains above the 200DMA, and near support

For the October #SPX rally to continue it's necessary for #XLF to hold above $34.40

#trading #banks #options #ES_F $SPX $SPY $ES #DayTrading #Futures #inflation #ratehikes #Fed #Financial
It is in "the pinch", right between the 100DMA and the 20DMA.
One is support, the other is resistance

Let's see which side #QQQ comes out on.

It's still in the uptrend channel.

#NASDAQ #IXIC #NDX $NDX #NQ_F #options #trading #Futures #DayTrading #TradingSignals #SPX #ES_F
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A low #CPI triggered a 114-point jump that took it above the dominant trendline. At the open, sell orders above that level initiated a pullback that took it 126 points down to the 20DMA

Not what we would call a 1-day reversal, more upside to come
Same picture for #DIA, sell orders above Dec 1 high pushed the #DJI lower

It went down after an impressive initial rally
Bounced from 20DMA

#DJIA will continue to lead the rally

Not a pretty candle, but not exactly a 1-day reversal

#DowJones #trading #options #trading

Same story

Perhaps an uglier candle, closer to a 1-day reversal than $DIA and $SPX.

$RTY looking much better

Bounced from important support in the trading channel

Big volume today.

#IWM needs to catch up with $DJI for accompanying leadership

$RUT #RUT #RTY_F #trading
Read 12 tweets
Today in the markets
An unexpected rally pushed #SPX 50 points higher today on increased volume

We can say it was a successful retest or bounce from the 100DMA

It closed at 20DMA and is now in the "pinch". Tomorrow we'll know which side #SPX is going to come out on

#SPX Image
Another rally on higher volume

Today closed above the 20DMA, somewhat bullish if it is able to hold that ground.

Big impulsive green candle, indicating further upside

$DJI #DIA #DIJ $DJIA #industrial $SPX #SPX
#DowJones Image
IWM rose on higher volume. It kissed the 100DMA today, which has offered resistance in recent days

It is still in the "extension" zone of its trend channel.
It needs to get back inside the main channel and break above the 100DMA

#IWM $RUT $RTY #RTY #RUT #options
#trading Image
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Our weekly NEXT WEEK, The Bear's take, The Bull's take, Our take is here

For more info read our newsletter coming out later today

Subscribe for Free

$DIA $IWM #trading

The Bear's take:

• Rates, inflation, dollar, employment ↑
• Geopolitical tensions
• $VIX above TL and 20DMA
• All indices broke below 20DMA
• Negative #Gamma regime
• Dealers are now net short
•Quadruple witching: large negative stack at 3900

The Bull's take

•Commodities/Oil/ $DXY are ↓
• Indexes on lower weekly volume
• Breadth indicators still holding
• Indexes are at important supports
• Seasonality favors ↑movement
• Lower #CPI would push the market ↑
• Market ↑ on 50 bps rate hike

Read 5 tweets
The market today:

$SPX / $SPY / $ES

It closed below the key 20DMA in higher volume than yesterday

It's still in its upward trending channel

It bounced from channel support

#SPX #ES_F #trading #options #futures #daytrading #TradingSignals Image
$DIA / $DJI / $YM

It closed below the key 20DMA in higher volume than yesterday

It's still in its upward trending channel

It bounced from channel support

#DIA #DJIA #DowJones #trading #options #Futures #OptionsTrading #DayTrading #TradingSignals #YM_F Image
$QQQ / $NDX / $NQ

It closed below the key 20DMA in higher volume than yesterday

It's still in its short-term upward trending channel and its mid-term downward channel

It bounced near channel support

#QQQ #NASDAQ #IXIC #NDX #trading #OptionsTrading #Futures #NQ_F #daytrading
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Maksimum 20-20.50 fiyatından yukarı yönlü dönüş bekliyorum.

Bu durum olursa bizlere ayı piyasası rallisinin bittiğini gösterir.

Sonuç olarak #BTC özelinde daha iyi alım yerleri oluşmasını bekliyorum.
#VIX ⬆️ #BTC ⬇️ Image
Ayı piyasası rallisinde demek istediğim(Nasdaq spx de) yaşanan yükselişlerin bitmesini bekliyorum,btc bazında yükselis zaten olmadı.
Spx ve Nasdaq yükselirken btc yükselemedi,peki ya durum tersine dönerse olası bir Nasdaq düşüsünde btc ne tepki verecek ?
Buradaki odak noktamız VIX olmalı..
Read 4 tweets
Learn something new everyday:
Did you know that you cannot buy #vix spot and only #vix futures via $UVXY instrument.

🧵👇 Image
Furthermore, this instrument calculates options chain of all #vix contracts on a 30d weighted basis.

From CBOE: calculated by using the midpoint of real-time S&P 500® Index (SPX) option bid/ask quotes...cont
More specifically, the VIX Index is intended to provide an instantaneous measure of how much the market thinks the S&P 500 Index will fluctuate in the 30 days from the time of each tick of the VIX Index.
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Our usual "NEXT WEEK" is here

"The Bear's take , The Bull's take, Our Take"

Subscribe to our Free newsletter for more info on Gamma, Regression analysis, CL, DXY, FAANG stocks etc

The Bear's take:

•High inflation, and high dollar
•Rising Interest rates
•Geopolitical tensions
•Technical destruction of index charts
•Negative $Gamma regime
•Bearish weekly candles
•Violation of June lows

#SPX $SPY $ES $SPX #trading

The Bull's take

•Commodities are down
•Oil is down
•Extreme readings on many sentiment/breadth indicators
• $VIX Buy-SPX signal is alive and well
#VIX and $VVIX are back below resistance
•Positive divergences in breadth and vol

$SPX #SPX $SPY $ES #trading #ES
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