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There's no news of #Modi's visit to the #US when you turn on #CNN on TV in India.

So I looked up #NBC online.

I had to scroll past 11 screens to find any news of Modi's visit.

#XiJinping, on the other hand, was on the first screen.

These are the first six screens.

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Things more important than #Modi to the #USA:

1. Missing #titanicsubmarine
2. #Biden calls #Xi a dictator
3. Two people killed in #Georgia
4. Charges against #HunterBiden
5. Sweltering heat in #Texas
6. Judge strikes down #Arkansas ban on transition care for minors

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7. House vote on impeaching #Biden
8. Supreme Court #Alito
9. Limit #Chinese purchase of #US farmland
10. #Sanders to investigate #Amazon safety record
11. NH senator assaults employee
12. #Iowa building collapse
13. #Idaho man shoots 4
14. US ranks 43rd on #gender parity

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Martedì #JoeBiden ha definito #XiJinping un dittatore, solamente un giorno dopo che il segretario di stato #Blinken aveva visitato #Pechino per stabilizzare le relazioni bilaterali, che secondo la #Cina sono "al punto più basso".
#Biden ha anche affermato…
che #Xi è stato moltoimbarazzato quando un pallone spia cinese sospetto è stato lanciato fuori rotta nello spazio aereo #USA all'inizio di quest'anno, facendo un commento personale sul leader cinese quando Blinken ha detto lunedì che il "capitolo" dovrebbe essere chiuso.. Non è
chiaro il motivo per cui Biden abbia fatto i commenti su Xi, il leader più potente della Cina dai tempi di #MaoZedong, dopo essersi assicurato un terzo mandato rivoluzionario come presidente e capo del #PartitoComunista..
"Il motivo per cui Xi Jinping si è molto arrabbiato quando
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Instead of expanding & proudly claiming to be from China, #XiJinping regime has made #China, one of the most toxic brands in history. Even Chinese companies are severing all connections with #China.…
"As relations between the United States and China turn increasingly rocky, some of China’s most entrepreneurial brands have taken steps to distance themselves from their home country."
"Beijing has detained and harassed top tech executives, and foreign consulting firms.

And its draconian lockdowns during the pandemic made clear to businesses that they operate in China at the mercy of the government"
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wer kennt das? es gibt tolle Momente. Ich habe nicht erlebt wie sich meine "Feinde" vor Gericht verplapperten. Aber soeben. Geduld, #Jedi! "Setze Dich an die Ufer des Flusses & warte bis die Leichen Deiner Feinde vorbei schwimmen." (Sprichwort)
(von wegen Sultaning - Hirn!) Image
2) #Kriminelle machen immer Fehler, auch Blutjunkies in BW, die Druck machen. #adrenochrome
Heute sagten Touristen im Scherz beim Eisstand. "#babies essen wir gerne. die essen wir immer zuerst." Wegen #Trumanshow Tru(wo)manshow lustig machen über mich usw.⬆️ 3) Image
3) Nur bei dem #Bashing der #Politiker #Trump #Biden #Putin #Scholz #Modi #XiJinping #Macron wem werden Menschen glauben, wenn es an die #Offenbarung geht? Leuten, die ihre Privaterpressung in BW machen? Oder #MSM oder #Selensky oder dem Fahrradhändler um die Ecke?
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🇫🇷🇷🇺 "Les Anglais et les Américains sont de grands spécialistes de l’ingérence."

Retour sur l'audition de @FrancoisFillon, le 02/05, devant la commission d’enquête relative aux ingérences politiques, économiques et financières de puissances étrangères.

THREAD #Rillettes ⬇️ Image
🇫🇷 "Jamais, durant quelque 36 années de vie publique, on n’a trouvé une seule action de ma part qui ait été influencée par une puissance étrangère. J’ai toujours défendu l’intérêt national, tel que je le conçois, et cette attitude n’a pas changé." #ingérence
🇫🇷🇷🇺 "J'ai des convictions. Elles n’ont pas varié, notamment sur la question des relations entre la France et la #Russie. On pourrait les qualifier de "gaullistes" si cela ne risquait de faire ricaner." #Fillon
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Presiedendo il vertice #Cina-#Asia Centrale, il Presidente #XiJinping ha avanzato 4 proposte su quale tipo di Asia Centrale costruire.
L'Asia centrale, il centro del continente eurasiatico, è un crocevia che collega l'est e l'ovest, il sud e il nord.

#ChinaCentralAsiaSummit ImageImageImageImage
🔷Il mondo ha bisogno di un'#Asia Centrale stabile.
Bisogna salvaguardare la sovranità, l'indipendenza e l'integrità territoriale dei Paesi dell'Asia Centrale; rispettare la scelta dei percorsi sviluppo e sostenere i loro sforzi per la pace, l'armonia e la tranquillità.
🔷Il mondo ha bisogno di un'#Asia Centrale prospera.
Un'Asia Centrale dinamica e prospera aiuterà le persone nella regione a realizzare il loro desiderio di una vita migliore dando inoltre un forte impulso alla ripresa economica globale.
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Oggi il Presidente #XiJinping ha presieduto il vertice Cina-Asia Centrale pronunciando un importante discorso.
Xi ha proposto 4 principi su come costruire una comunità #Cina-#Asia Centrale con un futuro condiviso.

È importante approfondire la fiducia reciproca strategica e sostenersi su questioni come la sovranità, l'indipendenza, la dignità nazionale e lo sviluppo a lungo termine.
I Paesi dovrebbero lavorare insieme per garantire che la loro comunità sia caratterizzata da mutua assistenza, solidarietà e fiducia reciproca.
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A stand up comedy company in #China has been fined 14.7 million yuan (USD $2.13 million) after a comedian told a joke said to be making fun of the People's Liberation Army at a #Beijing show. The company Xiaoguo Culture says it has terminated its contract with comedian Li Haoshi.
The joke involved dogs chasing a squirrel which he said reminded him of the expression, "Adopt a good style of work; be able to fight and win battles", a phrase #XiJinping has used to praise the work ethic of #China's military.
Stand up comedians in #China really have to be careful what they say. Eg, When performances started after #Covid they were ordered not to make fun of the #Shanghai lockdown. Some have turned to using English but they also must tread lightly...…
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#China's help to #Russia

The second important event for the president was a meeting with Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu. #Putin hoped to hear specifics from the Chinese defense minister about when and how much weapons and ammunition Russia would receive from China.
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But Li Shangfu did not come to please #Putin, but only to clarify what and how much is required, how and when they will be applied, and what results will be achieved in this case. To date, #China not only has not given Putin the necessary weapons but also...
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has not yet provided any specifics regarding the possible supply of even the drones, communications, and equipment previously agreed upon between #XiJinping and #Putin. The Chinese Defense Minister has arrived for a courtesy visit, nothing more.
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𝐗𝐢 𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 & 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞:

Exposing #XiJinping's family corruption business & Tagging all who towed #DalaiLama Fake campaign so as to identify paid Wumao members.

A THREAD . . . Image
1. His younger brother Xi Yuanping is a permanent resident of #HongKong with an #Australian PR. He is the president of the International #Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Association. Image
2. The eldest sister, Qi Qiaoqiao (follows her mother’s surname), is a naturalized #Canadian and the chairman of #Beijing Zhongminxin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Image
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Experts at the Security Council predict a catastrophe

#Russian President Vladimir #Putin is clearly being prepared for something. Not yet for a transfer to the International Criminal Court, but who knows. Yesterday, the president was literally stunned by two reports.
Firstly, experts at the Security Council of the Russian Federation "delighted" #Putin with a new forecast. (The assessment of the situation changed after #XiJinping's visit to #Russia, and experts hastened to acquaint the president with it).
Recall that in the first half of 2022, they warned #Putin about a temporary loss of control over some areas of the Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod regions. And this is exactly what happened. According to their estimates, if current trends continue, #Russia would...
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Visite de #XiJinping à #Moscou : la fin de l’hégémonie américaine ? Assistons-nous au début d’une nouvelle ère ? Les cartes géopolitiques ont été rebattues le 20 mars dernier. Thread 1/8 ⏬
La visite de Xi Jinping à Moscou est hautement symbolique, car il s’agit de son premier voyage à l’étranger après sa réélection. Mais ce qui rend cette visite historique, c’est la crise géopolitique mondiale. 2/8 ⏬
Bref rappel : En 2014, l’Occident soutient le coup d’État « EuroMaïdan » à Kiev. La Russie prend le contrôle de la Crimée dans la foulée. 3/8 ⏬
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⭐️#XiJinping told #VladimirPutin that ‘change is coming’ as he left the Kremlin after the two leaders showcased their ‘no-limits friendship’ during a pomp-filled state visit. Shaking hands as the Chinese president left the imperial palace, Xi said via an interpreter: ‘Change is……
1. This comment made by Xi that "Change is coming that hasn’t happened in 100 years." has set the alarm bells ringing in the western world with a renewed fear of looming De-Dollarization and for the first time Western leaders and US politicians are admitting that indeed sooner or……
2. White House spokesperson John Kirby as usual vented his frustration by pining down the Xi Jinping with a statement that he did not visit but visited Russia instead.
Wang Wenbin, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson replied in his press briefing that "We call on the US to……
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Francesca Mannocchi @mannocchia come sempre perfetta ieri a #Piazzapulita

"Quello della #Cina non è un piano di pace, è un foglio di posizionamento, Xi ci sta dicendo come lui la pensa su quello che sta avvenendo in #Ucraina, tant'è che l'apertura che #Zelensky...
"ha fatto su questi 12 fumosi astrattissimi punti, non ha visto verificarsi una cosa fondamentale, una telefonata. #XiJinping è reduce da un bilaterale di due giorni con #Putin, simbolicamente molto importante, che sancisce una posizione vassalla di Putin rispetto alla #Cina"
"e che in qualche modo rende lapalissiano che "l'uomo forte" è debole: è debole economicamente, è debole sul piano diplomatico, perché in tutti i comunicati di questi due giorni di fatto la parte che riguardava la guerra è stata grossomodo assente."
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Chinese leader #XiJinping & Russian President #VladimirPutin have made a sweeping affirmation of their alignment across a host of issues – and shared mistrust of the United States – in a lengthy statement following talks between the two leaders in Moscow this week.
#ChinaRussia Image
Xi’s three-day visit to the Russian capital, which concluded Wednesday, was an opportunity for the two self-described “friends” to showcase their close personal rapport amid the pomp of a state visit – and lay out how they could advance a world order.
Key Takeways of the Meeting btw 2 leaders
1. No meaningful path forward on Ukraine: The meetings yielded no breakthrough on resolving the conflict in Ukraine.
2. New world order: In their joint statement, the two authoritarian leaders called for promoting a multipolar world.
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🇫🇷 "Le conflit en #Ukraine doit se comprendre comme une guerre d'entrainement."

Retour sur l'audition de @ThomasGomart (@IFRI_), du 8 mars 2023, sur les enjeux de la prochaine LPM devant la Commission de la défense du @Senat.

🇫🇷 "Le PR se distingue très clairement de ses 4 prédécesseurs en ayant augmenté la dépense militaire [...]. Pourtant, la #LPM qui se dessine donne l'impression - au mieux - de pouvoir se maintenir au niveau qui était le nôtre précédemment." @ThomasGomart
🇫🇷 Une situation paradoxale qui "rappelle une évidence historique, malheureusement oubliée par les mandatures précédentes : on ne rattrape jamais en quelques années des décennies de désarmement." @ThomasGomart #LPM
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Reflection on #Putin and #XiJinping meeting

Yesterday, #Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting via video link with the leadership of the security and military blocs. The president summed up the disappointing results of negotiations with #Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
According to #Putin, one should not hope for arms supplies from #China in the near future. Putin agrees with the opinion of experts at the Security Council of #Russia, who are aware of how the negotiations went and assume that China will...
take a wait-and-see attitude until the end of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of #Ukraine or until it becomes clear how the announced counteroffensive will end. #China does not want to be associated with the losing side.
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Results of #Putin and #XiJinping meeting

#Russian President Vladimir Putin felt worse yesterday than the day before. This affected his mood and the outcome of negotiations with #Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
If on Monday #Putin mostly spoke with Xi Jinping, and the Chinese comrade listened, then yesterday there was a substantive conversation. Putin agreed to all, without exception, proposals of the Chinese leader in the economic and financial sectors and...
supported all initiatives in energy generation and energy resources. Everything that Vladimir #Putin agreed to is really beneficial to #China and extremely doubtful in terms of benefits for #Russia.
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#Russland und #China verstehen sich heute als strategische Partner. #XiJinping und #Putin eint der Wunsch nach Regimestabilität. Doch hinter der freundschaftlichen Fassade stehen ungelöste Konflikte, die vor 54 Jahren beinahe zum #Atomkrieg geführt hätten/1
Dahinter steht eine lange Vorgeschichte. #Russland zwang 1858/1860 Peking "ungleiche Verträge" auf und eroberte weite Teile der Mandschurei. Ausgerechnet die Stammesgebiete der Quing-Dynaste gerieten unter Kontrolle des Zarenreichs. Wladiwostok ("beherrsche den Osten")/2
So nannte der Zar die neue Siedlung auf dem Land der Vorfahren der Quing. Eine bewusste Demütigung Pekings. Russland drang auch in Zentralasien (Xinjiang) und der Mongolei in Gebiete vor, die China beanspruchte. Erst die Niederlage gegen Japan (1905) stoppte den russ. Vormarsch/3
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About the term "大范围会谈" (wide-ranging talks) used for the recent meeting between #XiJinping and #Putin - A thread 🧵:
1/ The word "大范围会谈" seems to be a new term in Chinese diplomacy. Beijing often use phrases like "广泛磋商" (broad consultations), "高级别会谈" (high-level talks), and "全面磋商" (comprehensive consultations) to express similar meanings, rather than this term.
2/ For example, "广泛会谈" (wide-ranging talks) is usually used to describe meetings involving different countries, organizations, or stakeholders. The purpose of these talks is to discuss, negotiate, and build consensus on certain issues or topics to resolve disputes.
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#BREAKING | #Russia, #China presidents sign a statement on a plan for the development of key areas of Russian-Chinese economic cooperation until 2030.

#XiJinping Image
#UPDATE | Putin: China's peace plan can be taken as a basis for a peaceful settlement in #Ukraine once the West and Kiev are ready for it.
#UPDATE | President Xi Jinping says he outlined a plan for further China-Russia cooperation in all areas during talks with Putin.
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On #Putin and #XiJinping meeting

#Russian President Vladimir Putin had a difficult day yesterday. The visit of #Chinese leader Xi Jinping to Moscow is a big event for Putin. On the one hand, the Russian president has high hopes for a meeting with Xi Jinping and...
hopes that negotiations with the #Chinese leader will end up saving him and his (Putin's) regime. On the other hand, #Putin categorically does not like to humiliate himself and beg. Over the many years of being at the pinnacle of power in #Russia, Putin has become...
accustomed to other people being humiliated in front of him and begging him. In the situation with #XiJinping, the president of #Russia has to act as a petitioner. It is a mistake to think that Putin respects, appreciates or loves Xi Jinping.
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1/6 #XiJinping ha sempre visto #Putin come un alleato da sostenere semplicemente perché Putin era uno che andava contro l'occidente, contro il ruolo dell'America nel mondo. Fino ad oggi XI doveva solo dare un sostegno morale e lasciare che Putin facesse il lavoro sporco…..
2/6adesso però Xi é stato coinvolto in una grande guerra che non sta vincendo ed è qui che diventa difficile per lui.ll dilemma di Xi adesso è che, pur potendo impedire che la Russia perda sul terreno fornendo aiuti militari, tutto questo dove lo lascerebbe, dove lo porterebbe?…
3/6 Xi in fondo non vorrebbe che la Russia diventi un'altra Corea del Nord. Uno stato satellite completamente dipendente dalla Cina potrebbe essere un fastidio a lungo termine, ma d'altra parte non può nemmeno abbandonare la Russia al proprio destino…..
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As Chin. President #XiJinping visits Moscow, what signals #China and #Russia are sending each other, the world, and re #UkraineRussianWar? Comparison of statements 🧵:
1.Both Xi and Putin published articles in leading media, Putin in @PDChina and Xi in @rianru. Some diff.: 1/20
On #CH-#RU ties, Xi repeats the Chinese definition of ties: "China and Russia are committed to no-alliance, no-confrontation and not targeting any third party in developing our ties.坚持不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方“。 2/20 CH:…
Russian President #Putin, on the other hand, REPEATS the "NO LIMITS" 提法/formula from 2022: Russia-China ties "surpass Cold War-time military-political alliances in their quality, with no one to constantly order and no one to constantly obey, without limitations or taboos." 3/20
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