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Jun 11th 2023
#Nagorno_Karabakh: The decoupling of the breakaway region from Armenia is creating sources of crisis. Since Armenia's electricity supply was cut off, allegedly by Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh increased power production from local hydropower. That leads to excessive⤵️
consumption of water from the reservoir. The restriction in the Lachin corridor has pushed local producers to substitute certain supplies from Armenia by increasing irrigation. The deconstruction of the interdependencies between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh⤵️
under pressure from Baku (which wants to take the control over its territory) creates high risks of new crises in the region. This keeps tensions up, which is counterproductive for the peace process between Yerevan and Baku.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
1) Azerbaijan says UN Security Council resolutions of 1993 back up their claims over Artsakh / Nagorno-Karabakh and justifies its use of military force. Here’s what you need to know?
2) The UN Security Council adopted 4 resolutions on #NagornoKarabakh (no 822, 853, 874, 884) exercising its main function of maintaining peace and security.
3) These resolutions confirm that Nagorno-Karabakh (not Armenia!) and Azerbaijan are the parties to the conflict.
Read 10 tweets

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