A #climatetwitter explainer
#Fridays4Future #ClimateStrike #ParisAgreement
but by doing so weirdly suggest that the best way to achieve a #climate target is to delay action first, miss it over the next decades, and then to try to make up for it later
-will suffer higher #climate impacts in their lives
-are burdened with later cleaning up the mess by actively pulling #CO2 out of the air
This strategy is very risky and can be avoided
1. Reaching #netzero #CO2 to halt warming
2. Limiting the #carbonbudget until netzero keeping warming as low as possible
3. Keeping emissions afterwards at or below #netzero to stabilize or maybe reverse warming
(for example, those developed with the current SSP-RCP framework to which our new logic provides an update).
It also makes our future reliance on global net negative emissions an explicit choice and not something that magically emerges when only aiming for a target in 2100
Thereafter, ...
I also wrote a guest post @CarbonBrief : carbonbrief.org/guest-post-how…
And here's a link to the original @nature research paper rdcu.be/bRnIS
@DetlefvanVuuren @tavoni_massimo @KevinClimate @Oliver_Geden @jessicadjewell @CelineGuivarch
(End + 1, and eot)