@RTErdogan is allied with #Iran #IRGC #QudsForce in its global war against #Kurds.
@POTUS #Trump @SecPompeo history with Kurds evidences Trump is working in concert with their adversaries.

2017 October Shia Militias & Iran Quds force attack Tuz Khurmatu. Kurdish forces fell back & surrendered Kirkuk. Pompeo strangely takes laissez-faire position and Iran seizes the large gas and oil fields.
Betrayal # 1
2018 Jan. Pompeo meets with three sanctioned Russian intelligence agency heads then Trump betrays Afrin Kurds, Christians and Ezidi to Jihadist affiliated Turkish forces.
Betryal # 2
Betrayal # 3
2019 October. Trump betrays Gire Spi - Seryi Kani to ISIS & Al-Qaeda forces orders full withdrawal. Pentagon withdraws in face of a threatened genocide. Then halts.
If we are committed to defending Democracy in Syria we need to say so.
@SenateDems @SenateGOP @HouseDemocrats @ChrisVanHollen @SenatorRisch