We established a new department on the social determinants of health to deepen WHO’s work in this area over the next four years"-@DrTedros #EB146

At the same time, we have seen growing evidence about the threat posed by e-cigarettes. This is an increasing area of focus for WHO"-@DrTedros #EB146
We have developed a draft strategy on eliminating #CervicalCancer
We launched the WHO Special Initiative for #MentalHealth, with the aim of increasing access to quality and affordable care"-@DrTedros #EB146

🇦🇺, 🇫🇷, 🇬🇪 and 🇲🇳 are also moving towards hepatitis C elimination, enabled by dramatic reductions in the price of direct-acting antivirals"-@DrTedros

And we launched a pilot program for the world’s first malaria vaccine in three countries – 🇬🇭, 🇲🇼 & 🇰🇪.
Despite these gains, we continue to see over 200 million cases of malaria annually"-@DrTedros #EB146

We’re striving to protect the #antibiotics we have by working with countries to strengthen infection prevention, stewardship, hygiene & water & sanitation"-@DrTedros

It was a difficult year in our fight to #EndPolio.
There were 173 cases of wild poliovirus last year & many outbreaks of vaccine-derived poliovirus, mostly in Africa"-@DrTedros #EB146

Since the outbreak began in August 2018, there have been 3421 cases & 2242 deaths"-@DrTedros #EB146
Strengthening health systems in fragile & conflict-afflicted states is something we must prioritize if we are to achieve our 2030 goals"-@DrTedros
As of this morning, there are 17,238 confirmed cases in 🇨🇳 & 361 deaths. Outside 🇨🇳, there are 151 confirmed cases in 23 countries & 1 death"-@DrTedros

Our global connectedness is a weakness in this outbreak, but it is also our greatest strength. We need strong public-private partnership to find solutions"-@DrTedros #2019nCoV #EB146

[We must] review preparedness plans, identify gaps & evaluate the resources needed to identify, isolate and care for cases, and prevent transmission"-@DrTedros #2019nCoV

The only way we will defeat the #2019nCoV outbreak is for all countries to work together in a spirit of solidarity & cooperation"-@DrTedros #EB146

It’s too restrictive, too simplistic & not fit for purpose"-@DrTedros