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After a decade of stagnation, we sense a wind of change in #CentralEurope. Governments must now use the National Energy Climate Plans (#NECPs) submission to translate these recent improvements into higher targets for #windenergy.

A thread 🧵👇 An onshore wind farm in Cen...
The accelerated build-out of #renewables will increase #energysecurity in Central Europe and bring down the #electricityprice for local industry and households by up to 29%, according to @EmberClimate research. An onshore wind farm in Cen...
Our CEO says: "Wind is 17% of all the electricity consumed in Europe today and will be 43% by 2030. The whole of Europe is going to have to contribute. #NECP update offers a great opportunity to nail new targets and spell out the policies on #permitting and #grids." An onshore wind farm in Cen...
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1) The #Uranium #investing opportunity⛏️💰 emerges from an unexpected & accelerating #Nuclear Renaissance🏎️🌅⚛️🏗️ creating unprecedented demand for #U3O8🛒 already in a deep multi-year structural supply deficit⏬ that can only be repaired by far higher #U3O8 prices💲⏫🐂🧵.../2👇 Image
2)The #Uranium #mining #stocks #investing thesis in a nutshell🥜 is that after Fukushima the #U3O8 price sank, new mine projects were cancelled, many mines closed, investment dropped💰⤵️ as investors mistakenly thought '#Nuclear #energy is dying'🪦 but they were wrong!✖️😯../3👇 ImageImageImageImage
3) #Nuclear #energy has recovered over the past decade⚛️🏗️⤴️ so that #Uranium demand today is back where it was before Fukushima & is surging higher.⏫🛒 A #Nuclear revival has been underway for years📈 now kicked into high gear🏎️ by #EnergySecurity & #NetZero goals🌞⚡️⏫.../4👇 ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Going through the economic survey 2023..
Participation rates is ticking up in India..
Factory employment..
while i understand factories <> employees
TN has more factory employment compared to others.
#EconomicSurvey2023 @VinTN @cvkrishnan @anandaragavan

TN (26.6 lakh), followed by
GJ(20.7 lakh), MH(20.4 lakh), UP (11.3 lakh), and Karnataka (10.8
school enrollment could be better.. will get there slowly
Read 18 tweets
1)#Russia's war on #Ukraine🪖 led to prices for #Uranium Conversion & Enrichment SWU more than doubling in 2022⏫ in a price wave🌊 cascading down #Nuclear fuel cycle towards mined #U3O8⛏️ as per Cantor Fitzgerald👇 as enrichers switch to "overfeeding".🍼🍼 A thread for U!👨‍🏫🧵👇2
2)#Uranium is a very different fuel than #coal & #gas that are burned "as is" in #electricity power plants.🏭⚡️ #Nuclear reactor fuel needs to be specially processed & then packaged into fuel rods that are then loaded into reactors to generate #CarbonFree electricity.🌞⚛️⚡️👇../3
3)Mined #Uranium⛏️ is processed into drums of Yellow Cake #U3O8🛢️ that in the west are shipped🚢🚛 to plants in Canada, US & France for "Conversion" into a gas form called #UF6 which is then shipped in cylinders🚛 to plants in US & Europe for "Enrichment" into #Nuclear fuel.⚛️👇4
Read 24 tweets
Ok time to talk about getting those #renewables BUILT. 💪

Slow planning and permitting is stopping us from getting on track for net-zero. My colleagues @ETC_energy have set out what the problems are, and how we can try to address them. A 🧵
1. What's the size of the problem? Both solar and wind need to grow much faster to get on-track for net-zero by 2050. Current projections would lead to a power system that emits 2.2 GtCO2 more each year by 2030!

Need to close that gap!
As an aside, the only country that's crushing VRE deployment? China, obviously - and also Spain (nice one!).
Read 10 tweets
🚨 News Digest: Guizhou to mandate bundling new renewable projects with coal

✍️ Check out this update from our Beijing team

🧵1/14 Arati Kumar-Rao / China Dialogue
🔋In a recent policy draft for public comment, Guizhou province makes it official that, in order to get approval, new solar ☀️ and wind 🌬️ projects should be bundled with other regulating power sources.

🔎 Find out more:…

♻️➕🏭 The "renewable plus coal power" combination will be favoured in the approval process, while standalone renewable projects are unlikely to get the green light.

Read 14 tweets
New study: direct electrification of process heat up to 500°C can reduce German industry’s fossil gas demand by 90 TWh which is 3/4 of its required gas savings under REPowerEU. Read how a rapid industrial heat transition contributes to #climateaction & #energysecurity. 🧵 1/7 Image
The #industrialsector is the second largest greenhouse gas emitter in Germany. #Heatpumps & #electricboilers can reduce industrial CO2 emissions by 12.5 Mt by 2030. This reduction equals 18 % of the German sectoral target. 2/7 Image
With around 12 bn € investments needed until 2030 the #heattransition comes at comparably low cost: It is a fraction of what the German government plans to spend on protecting industry from high gas prices. 3/7
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Looking forward to what should be an interesting discussion on the #EnergySecurityStrategy and whether it will deliver clean, affordable energy for British consumers #BeesleyLectures Image
Chair @UKERCHQ’s opens the lecture by noting that #EnergySecurity has gone up the political agenda not just in 🇬🇧 but across Europe, noting in particular political developments in 🇩🇪 over coal & LNG vs nuclear power #BeesleyLecture
Returning to the 🇬🇧, Maclean ponders the fate of the #EnergySecurityBill, and whether BEIS Minister Schapps will continue Rees-Moggs planned review of the Bill #BeesleyLecture
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My take on #NordStream explosions 💥 3 total leaks, 2 on #NS1, 1 on #NS2. Neither CURRENTLY in use to ship gas due to breakdown in relations btwn #Russia & #Europe over #RussiaUkraineWar 1/8
#NordStream leaks are near #Bornholm, #Denmark. 12 nautical miles from international waters, 70 meters deep = dive-able 🤿 2/8
Very hard to imagine that this was an accident, deep sea pipeline leaks are pretty rare. It is likely sabotage. Could be divers, likely not a spy submarine for a variety of reasons #NordStream 3/8
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From Russia with Gas — @tvp_info reveales @donaldtuskEPP's "love" letters to #Putin. Shocking words, reflect the essence of the Civic Platform diplomacy. Amongst others documents include references to the partitions of 🇵🇱 & to tsarist 🇷🇺. #energysecurity #RussiaIsATerroristState
The editors of Jedziemy revealed a previously unknown letter from Donald Tusk to Putin from June 2008. The content of another document with which the then Foreign Affairs MP @radeksikorski traveled to Moscow to meet Lavrov were also published. Image
In January 2008, Sikorski traveled to Moscow to meet with 🇷🇺 politicians. According to @tvp_info, Sikorski presented an analysis drafted by the 🇵🇱 MFA during the meeting. The analysis consisted of several points that were to constitute a new "philosophy of 🇵🇱-🇷🇺 relations". Image
Read 15 tweets
We cannot allow Donald Tusk to fool 🇪🇺. Internet has no mercy, truth always comes out
After Crimea, instead of calling for sanctions Tusk preferred business as usual with Putin, see for yourself👇🏻

#energysecurity @donaldtuskEPP @SamPereira_ @michalrachon @PiotrMuller @donaldtusk
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"We agreed with #Putin that @Gas in 🇵🇱-🇷🇺 relations should be a well-understood common interest rather than a subject of politics."
— Donald Tusk

Soon after 🇷🇺 invaded #Georgia and the construction 🇩🇪🇷🇺 #NordStream pipeline began

#Poland #RussiaIsATerroristState #energysecurity
*just to clarify:
this "magnanimous consensus" took place "soon after 🇷🇺 invaded #Georgia and the construction 🇩🇪🇷🇺 #NordStream pipeline began" and not the other way around ‼️
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1) While market meltdowns🫠 & #Ukraine war FUD😱 may be raining on #Uranium for now⛈️ a huge Shockwave💥 dubbed 'overfeeding'🍼 is already crashing thru the seemingly calm #Nuclear fuel market.🌀⚛️⛏️ I've created a Tutorial👨‍🏫🧵 to help prepare U to ride the coming wave.🌊🏄💰👇2
2) #Uranium is a very different fuel than #coal & #gas that are burned "as is" in #electricity power plants.🏭⚡️ #Nuclear reactor fuel needs to be specially processed & then packaged into fuel rods that are then loaded into reactors to generate #CarbonFree electricity.🌞⚛️⚡️👇3
3) Mined #Uranium⛏️ is processed into drums of Yellow Cake #U3O8🛢️ that in the west are shipped🚢🚛 to plants in Canada, US & France for "Conversion" into a gas form called #UF6 which is then shipped in cylinders🚛 to plants in US & Europe for "Enrichment" into reactor fuel.⚛️👇4
Read 26 tweets
1/14)#Uranium #mining #stocks have been thrashed by global market meltdown⏬ but U #investing thesis👨‍🏫 is most bullish in 4 decades!🤠🐂 This🧵will bring U up to speed🏇 on how a record U supply deficit⤵️⛏️ is colliding💥 with a global #Nuclear #Energy Renaissance⤴️🌞🏗️⚛️ 🌊🏄‍♀️👇2
2)Entering 2022, #Nuclear fuel consultants UxC & TradeTech estimated 200M lbs of #Uranium demand versus just 135M lbs of mined supply🔀 for a ~65M lbs primary deficit.↕️ #Nuclear utilities are drawing down inventory & relying on ~20M lbs of Secondary Supply to fill the gap.⛏️👇3
3)But then #Russia invaded #Ukraine🪖 turning global #Nuclear fuel market on its head.🙃 Russia's 39% of global enriched #Uranium, 27% conversion & 14% of mined U supply have been disrupted by US & EU sanctions, shipping bans & self-sanctioning by western utilities🇷🇺⚛️⛏️⛔️🇺🇸🇪🇺👇4
Read 14 tweets
1)The #Uranium #mining #stocks #investing thesis👨‍🏫 in May 2022 is now the most bullish it's been in 4 decades!🤠🐂 Here's a thread to bring you up to speed🏇 on how a record Uranium supply deficit⤵️⛏️ is colliding💥 with a global #Nuclear #Energy Renaissance.⤴️🌞🏗️⚛️ 🌊🏄‍♀️🧵4U👇2 Image
2)Entering 2022, #Nuclear fuel consultants UxC & TradeTech estimated 200M lbs of #Uranium demand versus only 135M lbs of mined supply for a ~65M lbs deficit for many years to come.↕️ #Nuclear utilities draw down inventory & rely on ~25M lbs of Secondary Supply to fill gap⛏️👇3 ImageImage
3)Then to make matters worse, #Russia invaded #Ukraine🪖 turning the #Nuclear fuel market on its head.🙃 Russia's 39% of global enriched #Uranium, 27% conversion & 14% of mined U supply are a target of emerging US & EU import bans & self-sanctioning by western utilities🇷🇺⛏️⛔️👇4 Image
Read 13 tweets
It took a couple of weeks but we've (finally) finished reading @beisgovuk's long-awaited and extremely comprehensive consultation on developing the UK ETS.

Here are some headlines & reactions for those who don't quite have the band-width for the full 157 pages:

Disappointingly, the Govt is proposing a much more piecemeal increase in the scope of the #UKETS than first mooted - with expansion limited to the domestic shipping and waste sectors only...2/5.
...bringing these sectors into the #carbonpricing system is, of course, welcome, but it represents a row-back on what was originally promised and is missed opportunity to address carbon pricing gaps in key high-emitting sectors like heat and buildings and road transport. 3/5.
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1/x Would you support more onshore conventional #gas drilling in #Europe to replace Russian gas dependence?

Please vote as I want to share with European Commission. #EnergySecurity
2/x European onshore exploration was primarily focused on oil. From 60-70s focus shifted to the North Sea, especially for gas.

Below map of onshore oil & gas fields and pipelines in Europe's Southern Permian Basin. There are several other producing basins in Europe. Image
3/x Finding another elephant Grønningen (2740 bcm) could replace 17.5 years of Russian gas import to Europe.

If you do not look, you do not find.
Read 4 tweets
Thread alert!🧵 Myself and @E3G colleagues had been toying around with writing a blog summarising the impacts of the #Russia/Ukraine crisis on the global #coal-to-clean transition, when it was pointed out that any such blog would be outdated and irrelevant within days.
Instead, we’ve decided to pull together a regularly updated meta-thread bringing together the sharpest analysis out there. A few caveats to kick things off…
The Russian invasion of #Ukraine is clearly a very fluid situation, and at the centre of it lies a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. People are dying and lives ruined. This is *not* something to refer to as an ‘opportunity’ (looking at some #climate commentators, here).
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Quick thread on #Europe #EnergySecurity given the context of today's events. 1. It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that there will be a major interruption of Russian gas supplies to Europe because Russia and Europe are energy *interdependent* 1/x
That means Russia is also reliant on Europe as a consumer of its natural gas. It is not technically possible for Russia to turn around & sell gas bound for Europe to Asian consumers because infrastructure binds certain Russian gas fields with European export routes. 2/x
So over the long term Russia may be able to sell more volumes of gas to China, but they can't do it right away, & the Chinese will pay less than European consumers. 3/x
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WH issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Russia's presidential foreign policy advisor, #YuriyUshakov, re: Russia and #Ukraine.

#Ushakov #Putin #Zelensky Image
WH / US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan conversation today with nat'l security advisors, foreign ministers & other officials from #BucharestNine of #NATO Allies re: #Russia & #Ukraine.

#B9 #Putin #Zelensky Image
WH / US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Russia's foreign policy advisor to the president, #YuriyUshakov.

#Putin #Zelensky #Ukraine #Ushakov Image
Read 732 tweets
That this is such a minor story in the #UnitedStates is a testament to how little the United States cares about global #energysecurity…
With #oilprices back above $70 we will see a big surge of activity in the #shale fields. At a minimum there will be 500 KBPD that comes from the #Fracklog in short order.
The attack came from #Yemen - which is much farther away from #RasTanura (the worlds largest oil loading facility) than #Iran. #SaudiArabia now has no option but to significantly expand its strike capabilities.
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Atlamayalım! Bugün Türkiyemiz de karlar altında, Teksas da. Ama Teksas’ta elektrik yok! Bir ülke olsaydı dünyanın 10. büyük ekonomisi olurdu denilen, 30 milyon nüfusa sahip Teksas’ta 2,5 milyon kişi saatlerdir elektriksiz. Elektrik üretimi durmuş durumda! #EnergyTwitter #ongt
Enerjiyi üretmek, yönetmek ve denetlemek, her biri farklı uzmanlık ve deneyim gerektiren alanlar. Her birinin önemi ve anlamı ancak sorun yaşandığında anlaşılabiliyor.
🇹🇷#TurKEYforEnergy 🧿
ABD’nin elektrik iletim altyapısı hakkında fikir vermesi açısından güzel bir örnek. Yer New Orleans. Tarih, bugün.

Read 57 tweets
🇹🇷Ülkemizin yenilenebilir enerji alanındaki rekorları devam ediyor. 24 Ocak, Pazar günü, elektrik üretimimizde günlük bazda rüzgarda1⃣en yüksek seviyeyi gördük (167 GWh)2⃣toplam üretim içerisinde en büyük payı elde ettik ve ilk defa %20’yi geçtik (%21.4). Belki de daha önemlisi,+ Image
toplam elektrik üretiminde yenilebilirin payının bu kadar artmasına rağmen ülkemizde kesintisiz elektrik arzında hiçbir sorun yaşanmadı. Bir sınavı daha başarıyla geçtik. Örneğin, Avrupa'da, 2006'dan beri en büyük ölçekli elektrik kesintisi olarak kayıtlara geçen 8 Ocak 2021 + Image
tarihinde meydana gelen ve Almanya ile İspanya'yı büyük ölçüde elektriksiz bırakan kesintinin aşırı yenilenebilir enerji üretiminden kaynaklanma ihtimali üzerinde duruluyor. Bu duruma daha önce Kaliforniya'da da şahit olmuştuk. +

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2019 is the 50th edition of the #SIPRIYearbook. Join SIPRI as we celebrate the occasion with a 50-day countdown and share the history of the Yearbook over the past 50 years. Watch the introductory video with SIPRI Director @dansmith2020:
The first #SIPRIYearbook was published in 1969 with the aim ‘to produce a factual and balanced account of a controversial subject—the arms race and attempts to stop it’. The rise in world military spending and disarmament efforts, including the #NPT, take central focus.
'In whatever way the nuclear situation is examined, the inescapable feature is what enormous quantities of weapons have been amassed' – Movement towards a first-strike capability by the #US and #USSR, the #SALT talks and European security were a focus of the 1970 #SIPRIYearbook.
Read 52 tweets

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